1 DLP Kinder Week 6 English

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X- Northern Mindanao
Schools Division of Bukidnon
Kalilangan West District

School Grade Level Kindergarten

Date: Quarter 1 Week 5

I. OBJECTIVES Annotation
A.Content Standards The child demonstrates an understanding of body parts and their
The child shall be able to take care of oneself and the
B. Performance Standards environment and able to solve problems encountered
within the context of everyday
C. Learning Competencies/ Identify one’s basic body parts (PNEKBS-Id-1)
Knowledge -Identify one’s basin body parts.
Skills -Draw some basic body parts.
Attitude -Actively participates the group activity on identifying the basic
body parts.
Values -Give importance of the parts of the body.
II. CONTENT Parts of the Body


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Most Essential Learning Competencies for Kindergarten –
page 9
Curriculum Guide for Kindergarten – page 27
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
B. Other Learning Laptop, TV, pictures, posters, video clips, Powerpoint
Resources presentation
Singing, Drawing, Cut and Paste , Group Work, coloring,
Integration Art, ESP, Health, Music, English, Filipino, Math
Value Focus Value of one’s body part
Preliminary Activities Greetings, Prayer, Singing of National Anthem, Daily Exercise,
Checking of Attendance

Before the classes start, set standard or house rule. That they
should avoid making extra noises except in doing group activity.
That they should not answer in chorus, the behave and active
group will be given a ribbon or star meaning additional points.

Make sure that chairs table and chairs were arrange and tell
then not to run inside during class to avoid accident.KRA 2 -Objective 5- Learning
Environment and Diversity of Learners.

The teacher ensures that learners can

articulate and adhere to the safety
guidelines and practices in all the
Dili mag-away, dili pud magdagan-dagan diri sa sulod sa
classroom para makalikay sa disgrasya.

Give positive reward system like giving candies, etc.

A.Reviewing previous Before we will proceed with our new lesson, let us review
lesson or presenting the INDICATOR 4
first the lesson that we have taken up yesterday? Displayed proficient use of Mother
new lesson Can you still remember our lesson yesterday? Tongue, Filipino, and English to
facilitate teaching and learning.
(PPST Indicator 1.6.2)
It is all about symmetry KRA 1. Objective 4. Content
String attach activity Knowledge and Pedagogy
Using Mother tongue, Filipino and
English language demonstrate a well
developed ability in using
communication strategies such as
switching and translation.

B. Establishing a purpose Today we will have another lesson to learn,

for the lesson But before we will start let’s watch this video/song
Motivation Ulo, abaga..

Can you identify your body parts?

At the end of this lesson you should:

-Identify one’s basin body parts.
-Draw some basic body parts.
-Actively participates the group activity on identifying the
basic body parts.
-Give importance of the parts of the body.
Use Powerpoint presentation
C. Presenting Activity : Puzzle Activity by group
examples/instances of
the new lesson I have here a puzzle for you to solve.
(Activities) Do it by group.
(Teachers Supervised Activities)
If you’re done with the puzzle paste it on the poster.
D. Discussing new
Now let us evaluate your work.
concept and practicing
new skills #1 Questions:
(Analysis) What picture did the group 1 form?
Is this correct?
What parts of the body in the picture?
Are our body parts important?

E. Discussing new Now, based on the activity we had. Can you tell what is our
concepts and practicing lesson for today?
new skills #2
(Abstraction) It is all about the one’s basic body part.
Listen carefully.
We are going to know about the basic body part.

Show Powerpoint presentation during discussion

What body part is this (hands) COT INDICATOR 2 Use a range of
teaching strategies that enhance learners
How do we call it in Filipino? (Filipino Integration) achievement in literacy and numeracy skills.
In English ? (English Integration) (PPST Indicator 1.4.2)
How many hands do we have?
KRA 1-Objective 2- Content Knowledge and
How many fingers do we have? Let us count. Pedagogy
(Math Integration) Literacy and numeracy are the basic skills
What do the hands do? that pupils should be developed that is why
in this lesson reading and numeracy is
Is it important? Why? integrated to help pupils read and count
Our hands is important because almost all of the things we number symbols.
do we use our hands
(ESP integration)
We need to take care of our hand. We shold not play with COT-INDICATOR 1
knife because it might hurt our hand and fingers. Apply knowledge of content within and
across curriculum teaching areas
We also need to wash and clean our hands every now and (PPST Indicator 1.1.2)
then because we use our hands in eating.
(Health integration)
KRA 1-Objective 1- Content Knowledge and
Integration with other subject areas
F. Developing mastery Group work. (differentiated activity)
(Leads to formative INDICATOR 6 Maintained
learning environments that promotes
assessment) Group 1- Shadow match. fairness, respect and care to encourage
Identify the parts of the body and connect it in its shadow learning. (PPST Indicator 2.2.2)

Group 2- Picture Match.

Identify the parts of the body. Cut the picture and match it
in the poster

Group 3- Body Puzzle.

Form the puzzle of body parts
KRA 2-Objective 6 - Learning
Group 4 - Hand and Foot tracing. Environment and Diversity of Learners
Trace your hands and foot
Teacher enhances polite and respectful
interaction with learners and among
learners and exhibit sensitivity to
learners differences.
Again, remember that in doing the group activity you
should help one another so that everyone will have share
in your output. And respect your groupmate. Do not be too
noisy and avoid roaming around. And after that post your
work on the board
Now let us sing again “Paa, tuhod.. and sampung mga
G. Finding daliri”
practical/ Now point the parts parts that I will say
application of concepts Head, shoulder, eyes, ears , and so on..
and skills in daily living
(Application) Boardwork Activity:
(Independent Activities)
Now let us identify the body parts by pasting its name in it I
will read the name and you are going to paste it on the

neck eyes

toes shoulder

hands mouth

head ears

H. Making generalizations We have different parts of the body which we shold know
and abstractions about not only the m]name but its uses and how to take care of
the lesson it.

Identify the parts of the body and connect the parts that
are the same.
I. Evaluating Learning

J. Additional activities for Draw the missing parts of the body.

application or

A.No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B.No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
Note: COT indicator 4 , 5, 6 is also observable during the whole process of the session

Prepared by: Checked by:

MARINESSA B. GALILEA ________________

Kindergarten Teacher School Principal I

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