COT 2 2023 Work Immersion

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Lamo, Dupax del Norte, Nueva Vizcaya

DAILY SCHOOL Lamo National High School GRADE 12 TVL

TEACHER Romelia C. Tagami LEARNING Work Immersion

TEACHING May 22, 2023 QUARTER IV Week 4

DATE & 1:00 pm
Session Date: May 22, 2023
A. Content standard N/A
B. Performance Standard N/A
C. Learning Competency At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
Learning Code 1. discuss the skills and knowledge gained during their Work
2. present video/powerpoint presentation and share their work immersion
experiences, and
3. reflect on their work immersion experiences
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Curriculum Guide
Post Immersion
2. Learner’s Materials Laptop, TV, Powerpoint slides
3. Textbook pages Work Immersion Book
Mercedita O. Alberto & Dale Joseph P. Prendo P 52, 56-63
4. Additional Materials
from Learning resource
(LR) portal
B. Other learning
(PPST Indicators /KRA Objectives/
Rubric indicators to be observed
during the demonstration)
Preliminary Activities
a. Opening prayer
b. Checking of attendance -have the
secretary of the class facilitate.
c. Classroom rules:
Instruct learners to:
- arrange chairs properly COT - Indicator 4
-Pick up trashes on the floor. Managed classroom structure to
-prepare things and be comfortable. engage learners, individually or in
Always remind the learners to observe groups, in meaningful exploration,
discovery and hands-on activities
Classroom rules within a range Physical learning
Respect others presentation: environments.
Speak politely, listen attentively and
avoid putting others down.
Work together : Collaborate with others, COT-Indicator 5
share ideas and be support of your Manage learner behavior
classmate. constructively by applying positive
Be honest: Tell the truth and admit when and non-violent discipline to
you don’t understand something. ensure learning focused
Stay safe: follow classroom rules, sit environment.
quietly during class, and use materials
Raise your hand when you ask questions

b. Reading of Objectives
The teacher tells the session topic and
objectives, expected learning outcomes,
Reviewing previous lesson through a shared slide deck.
or presenting the new COT - Indicator 4
lesson / Activating Schema Teacher play music. When the music Managed classroom structure to
stops, whoever hold the flower will engage learners, individually or in
answer the questions. Tingting tangtang groups, in meaningful exploration,
ting youtube song. discovery and hands-on activities
1-5 Questions within a range Physical learning
B. Establishing a purpose Activity #1 COT - Indicator 4
for the lesson Picture Analysis Managed classroom structure to
1. The class will be grouped according to engage learners, individually or in
their workplace assignment and assign a groups, in meaningful exploration,
reporter in each group. discovery and hands-on activities
Group 1 Chickboy & Brynesh, within a range Physical learning
Group 2 Mayette sizzling, environments.
Group 3 DDH
2. Each group will be given a picture. COT-Indicator 3
3. Identify the skills represented in the Applied a range of teaching
image. strategies to develop critical and
4. Answer the questions given. creative thinking, as well as well
as other higher-order skills.

C. Presenting COT-Indicator 1
examples/instances for the Applied knowledge content within
new lesson and across curriculum teaching
- Entrepreneurship, Marketing,

COT-Indicator 2
Used a range of teaching strategies
that enhance learner achievement
in literacy and numeracy

COT-Indicator 7
Planned managed and implemented
developmentally sequenced
teaching and learning processes to
meet curriculum requirements and
varied teaching techniques.

D. Discussing new concepts Learners discuss their answers by COT-Indicator 1

and practicing new skills #1 sharing in class. Applied knowledge content within
and across curriculum teaching
areas in Bread and pastry
Production, Cookery, Work
E. Discussion of new After their work immersion, the teacher COT -Indicator 8
concepts and practicing advises the students to create a video or Selected, developed organized and
new skills #2 powerpoint presentation following to the used appropriate teaching and
rubrics given by the teacher. learning resources, including ICT,
Teacher reads the rubrics for video to address learning goals.
/powerpoint presentation .
F. Developing mastery Learners present video/powerpoint COT - Indicator 4
(Leads to Formative presentation and share their Work Managed classroom structure to
Assessment 3) immersion experiences, pre-immersion, engage learners, individually or in
during and after work immersion. groups, in meaningful exploration,
Activity # 2 Guest the Word discovery and hands-on activities
within a range Physical learning

COT-Indicator 3
Applied a range of teaching
strategies to develop critical and
creative thinking, as well as well
as other higher-order skills.

Write the answer on a strip of paper and

tape it to the designated area.
G. Finding practical What have you learned from your COT-Indicator 7
applications of concepts workplace experience that has had a Planned managed and implemented
and skills in daily living lasting impact on the way you approach developmentally sequenced
life? teaching and learning processes to
H. Making generalizations meet curriculum requirements and
and abstractions about the What lesson have you learned from your varied teaching techniques.
lesson work immersion experiences? Give your

I. Evaluating Learning Teacher provide 5 questions COT-Indicator 10

Learners will write the correct answer on Designed selected, organized and
the given questions. used diagnostic, formative and
summative assessment strategies
consistent with the curriculum

J. Additional activities for Watch and Reflect. Open the internet and COT-Indicator 6
application for remediation search for the movie “The Devil Wears Used differentiated,
Prada (2006). After watching, developmentally appropriate
Option 1. relate the movie to your work learning experiences to address
immersion experiences and learnings learners, gender needs, strengths,
through a slogan, interest and experiences.
Option 2. relate the movie to your work
immersion experiences and learnings
through drawing, and
Option 3. relate the movie to your work
immersion experiences and learnings
through a lyrics of a song.
Prepared: Checked:


SHS Teacher III OIC- Assistant Principal/MT II



School Principal I
Name: __________________________________ Grade/Strand: ___________ Score: ______
Directions: Match column A with the corresponding item on Column B. Write the letter of your
answer for each number.
a. Learn how to effectively convey information, actively listen,
and collaborate with others professional environment.
______1. Self-discipline
b. Work Immersion often involves working as part of a team.
Learn how to contribute to group task, resolve conflicts and
______2. Communication Skills work towards a common goals.
c. Work immersion provides an opportunity to adapt to new
environments, procedures and work cultures. Embracing new
______3. Problem Solving Skills technologies and adjusting approach to different situations
d. Balancing multiple tasks and meeting deadlines is an
essential skill in any work environment.
______4. Time Management
e. Work immersion exposes you to real world challenges. Learn
how to analyze problems, think critically and come up with
______5. Teamwork creative solutions to address issues that arise in the workplace.
f. The ability to focus on a task or goal with the purpose of
achieving certain result.

Name: __________________________________ Grade/Strand: ___________ Score: ______

Directions: Match column A with the corresponding item on Column B. Write the letter of your
answer for each number.
g. Learn how to effectively convey information, actively listen,
and collaborate with others professional environment.
______1. Self-discipline
h. Work Immersion often involves working as part of a team.
Learn how to contribute to group task, resolve conflicts and
______2. Communication Skills work towards a common goals.
i. Work immersion provides an opportunity to adapt to new
environments, procedures and work cultures. Embracing new
______3. Problem Solving Skills technologies and adjusting approach to different situations
j. Balancing multiple tasks and meeting deadlines is an
essential skill in any work environment.
______4. Time Management
k. Work immersion exposes you to real world challenges. Learn
how to analyze problems, think critically and come up with
______5. Teamwork creative solutions to address issues that arise in the workplace.
l. The ability to focus on a task or goal with the purpose of
achieving certain result.

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