COT 2 2023 Work Immersion
COT 2 2023 Work Immersion
COT 2 2023 Work Immersion
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Lamo, Dupax del Norte, Nueva Vizcaya
b. Reading of Objectives
The teacher tells the session topic and
objectives, expected learning outcomes,
Reviewing previous lesson through a shared slide deck.
or presenting the new COT - Indicator 4
lesson / Activating Schema Teacher play music. When the music Managed classroom structure to
stops, whoever hold the flower will engage learners, individually or in
answer the questions. Tingting tangtang groups, in meaningful exploration,
ting youtube song. discovery and hands-on activities
1-5 Questions within a range Physical learning
B. Establishing a purpose Activity #1 COT - Indicator 4
for the lesson Picture Analysis Managed classroom structure to
1. The class will be grouped according to engage learners, individually or in
their workplace assignment and assign a groups, in meaningful exploration,
reporter in each group. discovery and hands-on activities
Group 1 Chickboy & Brynesh, within a range Physical learning
Group 2 Mayette sizzling, environments.
Group 3 DDH
2. Each group will be given a picture. COT-Indicator 3
3. Identify the skills represented in the Applied a range of teaching
image. strategies to develop critical and
4. Answer the questions given. creative thinking, as well as well
as other higher-order skills.
C. Presenting COT-Indicator 1
examples/instances for the Applied knowledge content within
new lesson and across curriculum teaching
- Entrepreneurship, Marketing,
COT-Indicator 2
Used a range of teaching strategies
that enhance learner achievement
in literacy and numeracy
COT-Indicator 7
Planned managed and implemented
developmentally sequenced
teaching and learning processes to
meet curriculum requirements and
varied teaching techniques.
COT-Indicator 3
Applied a range of teaching
strategies to develop critical and
creative thinking, as well as well
as other higher-order skills.
J. Additional activities for Watch and Reflect. Open the internet and COT-Indicator 6
application for remediation search for the movie “The Devil Wears Used differentiated,
Prada (2006). After watching, developmentally appropriate
Option 1. relate the movie to your work learning experiences to address
immersion experiences and learnings learners, gender needs, strengths,
through a slogan, interest and experiences.
Option 2. relate the movie to your work
immersion experiences and learnings
through drawing, and
Option 3. relate the movie to your work
immersion experiences and learnings
through a lyrics of a song.
Prepared: Checked: