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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Division of Bukidnon
Kibawe West District

LESSON Teacher: LORA AGNES M. BATAO S.Y. 2023-2024
PLAN Date: January 9, 2024 Quarter: 2nd

A.Content Standard The child demonstrates an understanding
of acquiring new words/ widening his/her
vocabulary links to his/her experiences
B.Performance Standard The child shall be able to actively engage in
meaningful conversation with peers and
adults using varies spoken vocabulary
C.Learning Give the names of family members, school
Competencies/ personnel, and community helpers and the
Objectives roles they play/jobs they do/things they
use (LLKV-00-6)

Knowledge Identify the different community helpers

Skills Recite the names of the different
community helpers
Attitude Appreciate the different importance of the
community helpers in our society by
respecting them
Values Give importance of the community helpers
II.CONTENT The different functions of the community
1.Teacher’s Guide Most Essential Learning Competencies for
Kindergarten Page 12
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
B. Other learning Laptop, TV, Pictures, PPT
Strategy Group Work
Integration Edukasyon sa Pagpapahalaga, Literacy
Value Focus Value of each community helpers
Preliminary Activities Greetings, Prayer, Checking of Attendance, COT Indicator 5
Daily Exercise Established safe and secure
learning through the
Before class starts, set standard or house consistent implementation
rule. That they should avoid making extra of policies, guidelines and
noises except in doing group activity. procedure.
That they should not answer in chorus, the
behave and active group will be given a KRA 2 Objective 5
ribbon or star meaning additional points. Learning environment and
Make sure that the chairs were arranged Diversity of Learners.
and tell them not to run inside the The teacher ensure that
classroom. learners can articulate and
adhere to the safety
guidelines and practices in
all learning tasks.
A.Reviewing previous Before we will proceed with our new KRA 2 Objective 8
lesson or presenting the lesson, let us review first the lesson that we Adopted and used
new lesson have taken up yesterday. Can you still culturally appropriate
remember our previous lesson? teaching strategies to
address the needs of
It’s about places and things found in the learners from indigenous
classroom, school and community. group.

What are the different places in the (The teacher used simple
community? illustrations to show the
different places in the
community. This helps
every learner to easily
make sense of the question
being asked.)

KRA 1 Objective 4
Content knowledge and
Pedagogy using Mother
Tounge, Filipino, and
English language
demonstrate a well
developed ability in using
communication strategies
such as switching and

(The teacher used MT,

Filipino and English
language in her
presentation and
discussion with mastery
and fluency)
B.Establishing a purpose Today we will have another lesson to learn,
for the lesson we will start by watching the video/song. KRA 1 Objective 4
(Motivation) Content knowledge and
What is the song all about what? Pedagogy using Mother
-It’s about community helpers Tounge, Filipino, and
English language
At the end of the lesson you should: demonstrate a well
-Identify the different community helpers developed ability in using
-Recite the names of the different communication strategies
community helpers such as switching and
-Appreciate the different importance of the translation.
community helpers in our society by
respecting them (The teacher used MT,
-Give importance of the community helpers Filipino and English
language in her
presentation and
discussion with mastery
and fluency)

C.Presenting Activity: Puzzle Activity (5 minutes) COT 3 Indicator 3

examples/instances of The teacher let the pupils solve the puzzle Applied a range of teaching
the new lesson on the board. strategies to develop
(Activities) critical and creative
thinking as well as higher
order thinking skills.

D.Discussing new concept Now let us evaluate your work.

and practicing new skills KRA 1 Objective 3
#1 What is in the picture? Content knowledge and
(Analysis) Pedagogy

The art of questioning from

lower thinking skills to
Higher order thinking skills
that will be given to pupils
will develop their critical
thinking to improve their
decision making and
E.Discussing new Now, based on the activity we had. Can you
concepts and practicing tell me what is our lesson for today? COT Indicator 1
new skills #2 Apply knowledge and
It is about the community helpers. content within and across
curriculum teaching areas
The teacher will show different pictures of
community helpers and how they do their

1. Teacher
2. Policeman/woman
3. Fireman/woman
4. Doctor
5. Nurse
6. Garbage man
7. Dentist
8. Barber
9. Carpenter
10. Farmer

F. Developing mastery Group work COT Indicator 6

Each group will have different pictures of Maintained learning
(Leads to formative community helpers. environment that
assessment) “Your task is to pick a picture from your promotes fairness, respect
teacher and you are going to introduce it in and care to encourage
front of the class. Who is it and what is learning.
his/her work/job?”
KRA 2 Objective 6
Learning Environment and
Diversity of Learners

Teacher enhances polite

and respectful interaction
with learners and among
learners and exhibit
sensitivity to learner’s
G.Finding practical/ Guessing Game
application of concepts
and skills in daily living The teacher will paste a picture in the
(Application) board and read the caption on it. The
teacher will describe a person and the
pupils will guess what community helper it
For example:

1. “I help keep you healthy and make

you feel better when you are sick.
Who am I?”

Answer: DOCTOR

H.Making generalizations Who can tell me who are the Community

and abstractions about Helpers?
the lesson
Very good! We have learned about the
community helpers.

Let us count how many are the community

(ESP Integration)
Always remember that our community
helpers are important people whose job is
to help others. If there is an emergency at
home, at school or everywhere you already
know who are you going to call or ask for
help. We should always respect and obey
Evaluation The teacher will have paper and pencil
activity to the pupils.

Matching Type

Assignment Bring one photo of community helper you

A.No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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