DLL Science 4 Q2 W1
DLL Science 4 Q2 W1
DLL Science 4 Q2 W1
GRADES 1 to 12
Teacher: Learning Area: Science
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates November 6-10, 2023 Quarter: 2nd QUARTER (WEEK 1)
and Time:
E. Discussing new concept and Answer these questions What went through the Directions: Check (√) the What happens to the
practicing new skills #2 about muscles. paper towel? column which corresponds to ribs when you inhale?
What helps your finger Describe the materials your habits whether you do it Exhale?
bones move as you always, sometimes or never. What goes into your
that went through the
write? body when you inhale?
Do your bones and paper towel. What gets out of your
muscles work together What happen to the body when you exhale?
as you perform the liquid material? Explain how air moves
given activities? What happen to those into and out of the body.
Were you able to that did not went What is the main
control the movement through the paper function of the lungs?
of your arms and legs
during the activities?
Can you control the Which organ is similar to
beating of your heart? the paper towel?
Give examples of
actions that you can
Give examples of
actions that you cannot
When are muscles
F. Developing mastery (Apply) (Apply) (Apply) (Apply) (Apply)
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) A. Directions: Which bone Directions: Identify the parts Directions: From the given Directions: Write the Directions: Draw and
has this function? Choose the of the digestive organ. Then, illustration, describe the functions of the following complete this figure in your
answer from the list below. write the function of each structure of the kidneys. body organs shown in the notebook by writing the
part. pictures below. Do it on your functions of the brain inside
notebook. the box.
________1. It protects the
internal organs and supports
our body when we sit.
________2. It protects the Directions: Decode the
spinal cord. message. Write your answers
________3. It protects the eyes on your answer sheet.
________4. It protects the heart
Directions: Fill-in the blanks
and lungs. Directions: Rearrange the with the correct letter. Write
________5. It protects the brain. letters to form the correct your answers in your answer
________6. It allows the word. Write your answers on sheet/ Science Activity
movement of bones. your Answer Sheet/Science notebook.
________7. It pulls bones Activity notebook. 1. ___lf___ct___ry
enabling it to move.
2. C___r___b___ll___m
________8. The other term for 1. ERTAH - a hollow organ 3. Pr___m___ry m___t___r
the spine. with thick walls made of c___rt___x
________9. The source of cardiac muscles. 4. P___r___ ___nt___l l___b___
movement. __________________________________ 5. T___mp___r___l l___b___
________10. The muscles that
6. Fr___nt___l l___b___
you can control. 2. DOLOB - this is what the 7. C___ntr___l s____lc___s
heart sends on a never- 8. ___cc___p___t___l l___ b___
B. Directions: Which bones ending journey throughout 9. Pr___m___ry
are voluntary? Which are the body. s___m___t___s___ns___ry
involuntary? Check the __________________________________ c___rt___x
column of your answer.
3. SLUNG - the organs you
use for breathing.
I. Evaluating learning Choose the letter of the Directions: Read and analyze Directions: Read the Directions: Modified TRUE or Directions: Choose the letter
correct answer. each sentence. Write the following questions carefully FALSE. Write TRUE if the of the correct answer. Write
letter of the correct answers and write the correct answer. statement is correct. If the your answers in your Science
1. What bones protect the in your notebook. statement is FALSE, notebook.
brain? 1. How many kidneys does a underline the word that 1. Which is the command
a. Backbones 1. It contains digestive juices person have? makes it wrong then change center of the body?
b. Eye socket like hydrochloric acid for a. four the word to make it correct. a. blood
c. Rib cage faster digestion. b. one Do this in your notebook. b. brain
d. Skull a. Bones c. three _____1. Heart is a hollow c. heart
b. Heart d. two muscular organ. d. stomach
2. It is the bone that protects c. Liver 2. Which of the following is _____2. Lungs is protected by
the heart and lungs. d. Stomach true about the structure of the ribcage. 2. Which of the following is
brain? the kidneys? _____3. The lungs filters the NOT a voluntary activity?
a. Backbones 2. After chewing or eating the a. heart- shape, 3 to 4 inches oxygen that enters the body. a. breathing
b. Eye socket food, it goes through the long and 2 to 5 inches wide _____4. The heart and lungs b. memorizing
c. Rib cage stomach and ____. b. oblong, 1 to 2 inches long support each other to allow c. problem solving
d. Skull a. stored and 2 to 3 inches wide distribution of nutrients and d. thinking
b. removed c. bean, 4 to 5 inches long and oxygen to all parts and
3. The bones that supports c. digested 2 to 3 inches wide removal of carbon dioxide as 3. Which of the following is
the body when we sit is d. goes with the blood d. round- shape, 4 to 5 inches a waste product in the body. an example of an involuntary
called __________. long and 2 to 3 inches wide _____5. The cardiac or heart activity of the body which the
brain? 3. It is where final digestion muscles are contracting brain controls?
a. Backbones and absorption of food take 3. Why is the right kidney involuntarily. a. eating
b. Pelvic bones place. slightly lower than the left? _____6. Activities that b. running
c. Rib cage a. liver a. The right kidney is bigger demands more body c. walking
d. Skull b. large than the left movements decreases pulse d. beating of the heart
c. stomach intestine b. The right kidney is heavier rate and the lungs requires
4. It is the fleshy part that d. small intestine than the left less air or oxygen supply. 4. Which could NOT be a
give shape and form to the c. The stomach pushes the _____7. When a person result if a person’s brain is
body. 4. It is the type of digestion right kidney down breathes or inhales (takes in damaged?
a. Bones which breaks food into d. Due to the presence of oxygen), the diaphragm a. sense of balance is affected
b. Joints smaller pieces by chewing liver on the right region of contracts or moves b. inability to memorize
c. Muscles food in the mouth. the body downward and the chest details
d. Tendons a. large intestine cavity enlarges. c. inability to walk or write
b. small intestine 4. Which of the following is a _____8. Drinking too much d. unfiltered oxygen in the
5. Which part of the body has c. chemical digestion function of the kidney? alcohol and smoking is good body
involuntary muscle? d. mechanical digestion a. They produce blood. for the heart and lungs.
a. Arms b. They store salt in the _____9. The chest cavity or 5. Which of the following is
b. Face muscles 5. The long tube where the blood. lungs gets smaller as the not a function of the brain?
c. Legs food goes down is called_____. c. They add urea to the blood. person exhales or breathe a. It coordinates muscular
d. Stomach a. esophagus d. They filter metabolic out carbon dioxide. actions.
b. large intestine wastes produced by the _____10. Good habits can help b. It connects the brain to the
c. mouth body. prevent the occurrence of spinal cord.
d. stomach heart and lung problems. c. It filters the oxygen that
5. Kidneys are a major part of enters the body.
what body system? d. It processes information
a. digestive system and sends instruction.
b. circulatory system
c. urinary system
d. nervous system
J. Additional activities for Directions: Cut the pictures Directions: Fill in the blanks Fill in the blanks with the Directions: Fill-in the blanks
application or remediation of the human skeletal system. with the right words from the right words from the box. with the correct word. Write
Connect the bones correctly box. Write your answers in your your answers on your
and paste it in your answer sheet/ Science answer sheet/ Science
notebook. Activity notebook. Activity notebook.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
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