Specialist Mathematics: Marking Summary
Specialist Mathematics: Marking Summary
Specialist Mathematics: Marking Summary
Specialist Mathematics
Student name
Student number
Issued 12/10/2023
Marking summary
● You will be given access to fictitious data that represents population information of
kangaroos found in different regions across central Australia.
● You are required to select the population data from one of these regions (different
to other students at your school), and develop a mathematical model, based on
matrices, to determine and predict the population growth of the kangaroos in that
region over a minimum of 20 years.
● This task also challenges to you to determine whether the predicted population
requires controlling (and if so, to what extent) in order for the kangaroo population
to remain relatively stable, achieve long-term survival and live harmoniously with
both the kangaroo industry and the environment.
● Note that in every region, there are two pieces of data missing. This is done so that
Specialist Mathematics — IA1 Page 3
2023 - 2024
● Note that in every region, there are two pieces of data missing. This is done so that
students can explore the effect on the overall population numbers these missing
pieces of data might have. It also allows for a unique response to be provided by
each student.
● The mathematical processes should be simulated using appropriate technology
and must go beyond simple computation or word processing.
● Your response must be presented in appropriate report format.
All checkpoint dates will be given on the work rate calendar.
Checkpoint 1 (1 week after release date): Students provide evidence of their
progress to their teacher.
Checkpoint 2 (2 weeks after release date): Students provide a written draft to
their teacher.
Checkpoint 3 (3 weeks after release date): Students provide evidence of their
progress to their teacher.
Checkpoint 4: (4 weeks after release date): Final submission of task. Task to
be uploaded to the online dropbox by 5pm on the due date.
Authentication strategies
● You will be provided some class time for task completion.
● You will each produce a unique response by selecting individual kangaroo
population values, along with unique fecundity rates for your chosen region,
different to other students at your school.
● You must acknowledge all sources.
● By submitting your response electronically using your unique EQ username and
password, you thereby declare that it is your own work (except where otherwise
● You will provide documentation of your progress at checkpoints 1, 2 and 3.
● Your teacher will collect copies of your response and monitor at key junctures.
● Your teacher will collect and annotate a draft.
● Your teacher will ensure class cross-marking occurs.
● The approach to Problem Solving and Modelling, as outlined in the Specialist
Mathematics syllabus document, must be used in the completion of this task.
● The BrisbaneSDE writing guide, found on the school's website, should be used in
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2023 - 2024
● The BrisbaneSDE writing guide, found on the school's website, should be used in
the completion of the report.
Assessment objectives
1. select , recall and use facts, rules, definitions and procedures drawn from Unit 3 Topics 2 and/or 3
2. comprehend mathematical concepts and techniques drawn from Unit 3 Topics 2 and/or 3
5. justify procedures and decisions by explaining mathematical reasoning
Criterion: Solve
Assessment objectives
1. select , recall and use facts, rules, definitions and procedures drawn from Unit 3 Topics 2 and/or 3
6. solve problems by applying mathematical concepts and techniques drawn from Unit 3 Topics 2 and/or 3.
Assessment objectives
4. evaluate the reasonableness of solutions
5. justify procedures and decisions by explaining mathematical reasoning
• evaluation of the reasonableness of solutions by considering the results, assumptions and observations
• documentation of relevant strengths and limitations of the solution and/or model 4–5
• justification of decisions made using mathematical reasoning.
• statements about the reasonableness of solutions by considering the context of the task
• statements about relevant strengths and limitations of the solution and/or model 2–3
• statements about decisions made relevant to the context of the task.
Criterion: Communicate
Assessment objectives
3. communicate using mathematical, statistical and everyday language and conventions
• correct use of appropriate technical vocabulary, procedural vocabulary and conventions to develop the
• coherent and concise organisation of the response, appropriate to the genre, including a suitable
introduction, body and conclusion, which can be read independently of the task sheet.