Prospectus TCC

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Thomond Community College

Note to Parent/Guardian

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to Thomond Community College. This prospectus is designed to provide

you with information about the extensive range of programmes, learning
opportunities, activities, supports and services available at our school.

Thomond Community College was established in September 2016 under the

trusteeship of the Limerick & Clare Education & Training Board.
It is a multi-denominational, co-educational school and is an amalgamation of the
Salesian Secondary School, established in 1955 and St. Nessan’s Community College,
established in 1978.

Thomond Community College is very mindful of the changing local, national and global landscape. We
recognise that students need a broad education in order to be able to take an active role in society and in the
world of work in the future. Thomond Community College is a learning community, committed to embracing
new ideas and methodologies to enhance the teaching and learning environment. Central to our philosophy
is the care of each individual student and all staff work as a team, dedicated to ensuring that each individual
student achieves their potential. The personal interest taken by staff in students is a hallmark of the educa-
tional experience provided by Thomond Community College.

We promote and support positive behaviour and social awareness throughout the school and local
community by building respectful relationships. We encourage critical thinking to promote natural justice,
mutual respect and co-operation. An inclusive atmosphere of friendliness, joy and celebration is
characteristic of the educational approach of the college, enabling students to be respectful of diverse cul-
tures and beliefs.

I am confident that Thomond Community College will provide your child with a holistic educational experi-
ence underpinned with the values of respect, honesty and collegiality and that your child will emerge from
their time with us as a self-disciplined, responsible, adaptable and well-adjusted individual, capable of
playing their part in an ever-changing, modern society.

Norma O’Brien
Thomond Community College
Mission Statement
Thomond Community College aims to create a welcoming, caring, positive and supportive
learning environment. We will endeavour to facilitate the development of the human, spiritual and aca-
demic potential in every student. This will provide students with a deep sense of respect for themselves
and others, thereby enabling them to become responsible members of society.

School Motto

The school motto ACE - Appreciate, Appreciate students in our care

Celebrate, Educate is a clear state-
ment that we value and appreciate
students in our care, we celebrate Celebrate and recognise the achievements
and recognise the achievements and and events in their lives
events in their lives and we educate,
in a holistic and person centred way, Educate, in a holistic and person centred
developing the mental, moral, and way, developing the mental, moral, and
social capabilities of our students. social capabilities of our students.
About our School

School Facilities
Sports Facilities

• 4 Outdoor Basketball Courts/Soccer

• Full size Playing Pitch
• Indoor Basketball Court (International
• Fully equipped Weights and Fitness

In-school Facilities

• Home Economics Room

• 4 Science Laboratories/Physics/
• 3 Computer Laboratories
• 1 CAD/CAM Laboratory
• State-of-the-art Engineering/Metalwork
• Cutting edge Construction Studies/
Woodwork facilities
• Lecture Theatre
• Fully equipped Library with a full time
• Guidance Suite
• Music Room

Other Supports

Canteen and General Purpose Area

A large assembly area and canteen, serving

hot and cold options for breakfast and at
break times and lunchtimes.

Supervised Study

Supervised after school study takes place

every Monday to Thursday. Places are offered on a first come, first served basis.

Homework Club

A Homework Club is available for first year students to assist with homework after school every Monday to
lnduction Programme
All First Year students participate in an Induction Programme.
Working with School Completion Programme, First Year students
remain in one classroom for the first few days.
School routines, expectations regarding homework, how
work is to be presented, classroom rules, etc.,
are all established. When students are ready, they are
given lockers, timetables, etc. This significantly reduces
anxiety that is associated with the transition to
Post-Primary. We also partner with Limerick Youth
Service to deliver modules on transitions to post-primary.

Members of the student body who are trained in

leadership and play a constructive role in our pastoral
care programme. Mentors are assigned to incoming 1st
years to help in their transition from primary to post-
primary school.

Scholarships and Bursaries

Thomond Community College students are fortunate to

have access to a number of Academic Scholarships and

Multi-Cultural Day

In recognition of the importance of fostering an

educational environment where diversity is embraced and celebrated in a positive affirmative way,
Thomond Community College celebrates its an Annual Multicultural Day, where students from all over the
world will have the opportunity to showcase their country and culture in an atmosphere of learning and
fun for the entire school community.

Book Rental Scheme

The Book Rental Scheme provides students with all textbooks and it is recommended that all students
participate in this scheme.
Business in the Community

Founded in 2000, Business in the Community aims to encourage corporate Ireland to increase the quality
and extent of its contribution to social and economic regeneration. This is achieved by making corporate
social responsibility an essential part of strategic business practice in areas of the workplace, market-
place, community, and the environment.
Thomond Community College, with support from Business in the Community has established important
links with the Limerick Institute of Technology and with Johnson & Johnson Vision Care who provide the
following services for our students:

Student Mentoring Programme – linking students to members of staff in both institutions who mentor
the student.

Skills @ Work Programme – which provides the student with “real-life” skills required for the work-
force i.e. Interview Preparation; CV writing, etc.

Work Placement Programme - Students shadow an employee in an area of potential career interest.

Bridge to Employment - A new programme where Johnson & Johnson will mentor 25 Transition Year
students over the three years of their senior cycle.

GO4IT Programme
Junior Cycle
Thomond Community College offers students a broad curricular
experience. Programmes include an:

Induction Programme
Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement
Junior Certificate Schools Programme
Transition Year (Optional)
Leaving Certificate
Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme
Leaving Certificate Applied Programme

Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA)

Thomond Community College implements the JCPA,

offering a broad range of subjects and learning experiences
to cater for the varying aptitudes and talents of our
students. The Curriculum is designed to develop the Key
Skills, Managing Myself, Staying Well, Communicating, Being
Creative, Managing Information and Thinking and Working with
Others and incorporates the 24 Statements of Learning
outlined in the DES Framework document. Students take nine
subjects for assessment purposes. In addition, students will also partake
in other non-examination subjects, short courses and learning experiences.


Irish (Unless officially exempt) Visual Art
English French
Mathematics Spanish
Science Home Economics
Business Music
History or Geography Materials Technology (Wood)
Metalwork (Materials & Technology)
Technical Graphics


Physical Education

SHORT COURSES may include

• Coding
• Digital Media Literacy
• Physical Education
Senior Cycle

Leaving Certificate

The Leaving Certificate is a two

year programme. It is envisaged
that all students will take a
minimum of seven subjects
for their final examination.

A comprehensive range of
subjects is offered to students
and subjects are allocated
depending on student interest
and availability of resources.
Core Subjects
Irish, English and Mathematics
Option Subjects (select any four)

Accounting Art Biology

Business Chemistry Construction Studies
Design & Communication Graphics Engineering Spanish
French Geography History
Home Economics Music Physics

Additional Subjects
Career Guidance Computers Physical Education Religious Education

Additional Programmes Available

Transition Year (Optional)

This is a one year programme designed to develop self-directed independent learning. It is taken by
students who have completed their Junior Cycle Examinations.

Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA)

This is a distinct, self-contained, two year modular programme aimed at preparing learners for adult and
working life. It is characterised by educational experiences of an active, practical and student-centred
nature. Students are awarded credits for assignments and attendance, in addition to end of year written
As an alternative to the traditional Leaving Certificate, LCA is best suited to students who may achieve
their potential in a practical programme with a strong vocational emphasis.

Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP)

Subject to eligibility this is a enhanced leaving certificate programme modelled to prepare students for
life after school. The programme focuses on Personal Enterprise and the World of Work. It rewards
students with an additional certification as part of their Leaving Certificate Examination.
Student Supports Structures (Pastoral Care)
In Thomond Community College, we take a pro-active, positive and holistic approach to the welfare of each
individual student. Our Pastoral Care team includes:

• Principal • Subject Teachers

• Deputy Principal • Student Support Team
• Student Mentors • Chaplain
• Year Heads & Class Tutors

Home School Community Liaison Coordinator (HSCL)

The Home School Community Liaison Coordinator (HSCL) supports those at risk of disengaging from the
formal education system. The Home School Community Liaison Coordinator (HSCL) liaises between home
and school and with other support agencies.

National Behavioural Support Service (NBSS)

The National Behavioural Support Service (NBSS) is utilised to promote and support positive student be-
haviour, to assist with challenging behaviours which impede the process of teaching and learning.

The College Chaplain provides an important pastoral service for the whole school community including
Spiritual Direction; Pastoral counselling; Support in crises; Trauma Management and Bereavement

Guidance & Counselling

In Thomond Community College, we adopt a whole school approach to Guidance. In order to ensure that the
school maximises its resources for guidance, school management and staff have specific roles and
responsibilities for the provision of appropriate guidance to students. The Guidance Counsellor, Chaplain
and SPHE teachers implement the relevant aspects of Guidance within their programmes.
The Guidance Counsellor, Chaplain, Care Team and the Student Support Team support student welfare needs.

Rainbows is a Bereavement Support Service that may be offered to students who have experienced
loss through bereavement or separation.

School Completion Programme (SCP)

S.M.I.L.E. under SCP work closely with Thomond Community College to ensure that students, who have
been identified as being at risk of early school leaving, are supported and encouraged to remain in school.

Student Support Team

The team identifies and supports students welfare, recommending interventions where necessary.

Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Thomond Community College strives to continue its strong tradition in the provision of education to
students with special educational needs. We aim to nuture, affirm and inspire students to be young adults
of the highest integrity who use their spiritual, intellectual and physical gifts for themselves and for the
communities in which they live.

Provision is made for students with special educational needs and those who are exceptionally gifted. We
have a dynamic, proactive SEN Team, with a designated SEN Coordinator, who will work to support your
child in every possible way. Students are provided with resource/learning support depending on their
needs and eligibility.
The area of Wellbeing is now formally part of the JCPA in Thomond Community College and includes
learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom to enhance the physical, mental, emotional and
social wellbeing of our students. Our programme will enable students to build life skills and develop a strong
sense of connectedness to our school and to the community.
Elements of the Wellbeing programme include:
• Physical Education
• SPHE (incorporating RSE)
• Religious Education
• Information Communication Technology (ICT)
• Guidance
• Study Skills

Friends for Life Programme

The Friends for Life Programme is the world’s leading school-based early intervention and prevention
programme for reducing the risk of anxiety disorders in children and young people.
The programme, taught over 10 sessions, teaches children and young people how to cope with feelings of
fear and worry by giving them the skills to help them to manage difficult situations, now and in later life.

Code of Behaviour
In Thomond Community College, we strive to encourage and develop in our students a strong sense of
personal responsibility and responsibility towards others. We expect a very high standard of behaviour from
our students and with the support of parents/guardians we strive to maintain this in a friendly and pleasant
atmosphere. Our Code of Behaviour outlines expectations of students embedded in a positive framework of
reasonable and responsible behaviour. Our Code forms the school’s plan for helping students in the school to
behave well and learn well. It helps the school community to promote the school ethos, relationships,
policies, procedures and practices that encourage good behaviour and prevent unacceptable behaviour. It
helps teachers, other members of staff, students and parent/guardian to work together for a happy,
effective and safe school.

Restorative Practice (RP)

Restorative Practice (RP) is used in the school to promote and support positive interactions. It enables
students to self-regulate behaviour and learn from their mistakes. Restorative approaches help to build
relationships and minimise conflict, and provide a mechanism to deal with conflict in a healthy manner
when it does occur. RP is based on the values of respect for others, empathy, fairness, personal
accountability and honesty.
Healthy Eating Policy
The school canteen service, provided by The School Food Company, provides healthy choices in hot and cold
food and beverages. Choices fall within the recommended portion size for teenagers, are low in salt and fat,
especially saturated fat & trans-fat, with more fruit & vegetable choices, and snacks & drinks containing less

School Uniform
The Thomond Community College school uniform identifies each student as a student of Thomond CC and
has been agreed to by parent/guardians, students and the school authorities. It is a fundamental part of the
school identity and helps to promote a positive image for the school. We expect each student to wear the
full school uniform with dignity and pride and to be aware that, when in uniform, each student is repre-
senting Thomond Community College.
Uniform Details:

• Purple mélange v-neck jumper with crest • Slate grey, mid-calf length skirt
• White school shirt with inverted pleats
• School tie • Grey socks
• Slate grey trousers • Flat black/brown shoes
Extra Curricular Activities

Extra-Curricular Activities play an important part in the day-to-day

activities of the college. The college has state-of-the-art facilities,
with a fully equipped Fitness Studio and PE Hall, with outdoor bas-
ketball courts and playing field. Students who are healthy in body
and mind, respond better academically and we
encourage all students to become involved in the wide range of ac-
tivities on offer e.g.:

Soccer BT Young Scientist

Basketball Choir & Music
Rugby Table Quizzes
Indoor Hockey Green Schools
Hurling/Camogie Anti-Bullying Committee
Gaelic Football Supervised Fitness
Athletics Formula 1 for schools
Badminton Student Enterprise
Adventure Sports School play/Musical
School Tours Drama
Debating Chess Club

Green Schools Programme

The Thomond
Community College Green
Schools Committee promotes
whole school awareness of
environmental issues and
also coordinates a school
wide action plan to promote
sustainability of
environmental issues.

We are proud to say that we

are currently on our fifth
biodiversity flag.
School Drama

Student Council

The Student Council plays a vital role in Thomond Community College and provides a strong student
voice in matters that concern them in the day-to-day school environment. Council members are elected
by their peers to represent students, to affect change to school life and policy making throughout the

Parents’ Association
Thomond Community College has a well-established Parents’ Association. The Parents’ Association fosters
co-operation between Parents, Teachers, School Management and the Board of Management, creating
inclusivity and a sense of belonging amongst parents/guardians. The PA engages in fund-raising to provide
added value educational supports for the school and does everything reasonable to promote the school as
an excellent centre of learning in the Community.

Enrolment Procedure

Thomond Community College participates in the Common Application System (CAS) operating in the
greater Limerick City area. Applications for enrolment in first year are processed through this system. CAS
application forms are available through the Primary Schools and are also available from our school office.
All other applications are processed, by completing an application form, which is available at the
main office. Our Admissions Policy can be viewed on
Thomond Community College
Moylish Park, Limerick.
[email protected]
Ms. Norma O’Brien

Thomond Community College,
Moylish Park, Limerick.
T: 061-452422
[email protected]

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