Course Objectives
Course Objectives
Course Objectives
Semester : 1 Credits: 3
Course Objectives:
Course Prerequisites:
Course Outcomes
Duration Cognitive
COn Description
(Hours) Level
Apply laws of mechanics in rocket propulsion
CO1 9 Applying
and recoil of gun.
Apply concepts of circular motion and
CO2 9 Applying
rotational motion
Series Test 2
CO-PO Mapping
CO1 3
CO2 3
CO3 3
CO4 3
Course Outline
Module 1:
Physical quantities - Fundamental and derived, Units and systems of units (CGS, MKS
and SI units),
Measurements - Errors in measurements- systematic and random errors (qualitative idea
only), absolute error, relative error, percentage error, numerical problems
Scalar and Vector quantities - Representation of vector, Collinear vectors, Coplanar
vectors, equal vectors, unit vectors. Addition and Subtraction of Vectors, Triangle and
Parallelogram law of addition, Resolution of a Vector.
Equations of motion (elementary idea), Newton’s laws of motion (no derivation), Force,
Momentum, Statement and derivation of conservation of linear momentum, its
applications - recoil of gun and rocket propulsion, Impulse and its examples (numerical
problems related to force and momentum).
CO2 Apply concepts of circular motion and rotational motion
Module 2:
Circular motion, angular displacement, angular velocity, angular acceleration, Relation
between linear and angular velocity, linear acceleration and angular acceleration.
Centripetal acceleration and Centripetal force (qualitative idea only). Application-
banking of roads and railway tracks (numerical problems related to circular motion)
Moment of inertia and its physical significance, radius of gyration for rigid body,
Theorems of parallel and perpendicular axes, Moment of inertia of rod, disc, ring and
sphere (hollow and solid)- (Formulae only)
Definition of angular momentum and torque, Conservation of angular momentum
Make use the concepts of energy, power, work, temperature and friction
to solve problems
Module 3:
Definition of work and unit, Work done in moving an object on horizontal plane,
Friction: definition, static friction, kinetic friction, laws of friction, methods of reducing
friction and examples.
Energy and its units, kinetic energy, potential energy with examples. conservation of
energy for freely falling bodies, Various forms of energy, transformation of energy
(mention examples), Power- definition, power and work relationship, calculation of
power (numerical problems related to energy and power).
Concept of heat and temperature, scales of temperature and their relationship (numerical
problems relating various temperature scales), modes of heat transfer (conduction,
convection and radiation with examples), specific heat of solids, measurement of
temperature - Mercury thermometer and Pyrometer.
Series Test – II 1
Module 4:
Elasticity - definition of stress and strain, Hooke’s law, modulii of elasticity (numerical
Pressure - definition and units, atmospheric pressure, gauge pressure and absolute
Surface tension - concept, units, cohesive and adhesive forces, angle of contact, Ascent
Formula (No derivation), mention two applications of surface tension, effect of
temperature and impurity on surface tension.
Viscosity and coefficient of viscosity - Terminal velocity, Stoke’s law. Hydrodynamics:
Fluid motion, stream line and turbulent flow, Reynold’s number (qualitative idea only),
Equation of continuity (numerical problems of equation of continuity), Bernoulli’s
Theorem and its applications (air foil, atomizer).
Text /Reference:
T1 Text Book of Physics for Class XI& XII (Part-I, Part-II); N.C.E.R.T., Delhi
R2 Applied Physics, Vol. I and Vol. II, TTTI Publications, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi
R3 Concepts of Physics by HC Verma, Vol. I & II, Bharti Bhawan Ltd. New Delhi
R4 Fundamentals of Physics, Halliday/Resnick/Walker, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd
Modern approach to Applied Physics-I and II, AS Vasudeva, Modern