Physics 1-Course Outline (Fall 24-25)
Physics 1-Course Outline (Fall 24-25)
Physics 1-Course Outline (Fall 24-25)
The major goal of this course is to instill in the student an appreciation of the concepts and methods of Mechanics,
Electricity and Magnetism. Students will learn the theoretical principles behind these topics and will be able to solve
both analytic and numerical problems independently. The course is designed to provide students with:
• The motion in two and three dimensions: position and displacement, average velocity and instantaneous
velocity, average acceleration and instantaneous acceleration, projectile motion, uniform circular motion,
Related Problems.
• Force and Motion-1: Newton’s First and Second Laws, Applications of Newton’s laws of motion, Newton’s
Third Law, Some Particular Forces, Related problems.
• Force and Motion-2: Friction, Static and Kinetic frictions, Properties of friction, Related Problems.
• Kinetic energy and Work: Work-Kinetic energy theorem, Work done by the Gravitational Force, Work done by
a Spring Force, Power, Related Problems.
• Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy: Work and Potential Energy, Conservative forces, Conservation
of Mechanical Energy, Gravitation, Gravitational field and the Principle of Superposition, Kepler’s Laws,
Related problems.
• Center of Mass and Linear Momentum: Center of mass motion, Linear Momentum, The Linear Momentum of
a System of Particles, Collision and Impulse, Conservation of linear momentum, Momentum and Kinetic
Energy in Collisions, Inelastic Collisions in One Dimension, Elastic Collisions in One Dimension, Related
• Rotation: Rotational Variables (Angular Position, Angular Displacement, Angular Velocity, Angular
Acceleration), Relating the Linear and Angular Variables, Kinetic Energy of Rotation, Calculating the
Rotational Inertia, Parallel-axis theorem, Torque, Conservation of Angular Momentum, Related problems.
• Electric Fields: Electric charge, Coulomb’s law, Electric Field Lines, The Electric Field due to a Point Charge,
the net Electric Field due to point charges, The Electric Field Due to an Electric Dipole, The Electric Field due
to a Line of Charge, The Electric Field due to a Charged Disk, Gauss’ law and its applications, Related problems.
• Electric Potential: Electric Potential and Electric Potential Energy, Equipotential Surfaces, Calculating the
Potential from the Field, Potential Due to a Charged Particle, Potential Due to a Group of Charged Particles,
Potential Due to an Electric Dipole, Potential Due to a Continuous Charge Distribution, Calculating the Field
from the Potential, Related problem.
CO3, Analyze the properties of friction. Distinguish between Group short questions
CO4, friction in a static situation and a kinetic situation. For Discussion, and problems)
CO5 objects on horizontal, vertical, or inclined planes in Tutorial,
situations involving friction, draw free-body diagrams Q&A
and apply Newton’s second law. Solve related problems.
CO1, Lecture
Energy and Work
CO2, notes,
Describe work and kinetic energy. Analyze the work- Oral Questions
Week 4 CO3, kinetic energy theorem. Determine the work done by the and/or
CO4, gravitational force and the spring force. Solve related Class Test
CO5 problems. Q&A
Center of Mass and Linear Momentum
Describe center of mass, Linear momentum and
Impulse. Determine the velocity of the system’s center Lecture
CO1, notes, Quiz (MCQ/
CO2, of mass. Explain the law of conservation of linear Theory based
Week 5 momentum. Explain the elastic collisions, inelastic Group
CO3, Discussion, short questions
CO4, collisions, and completely inelastic collisions. Analyze and problems)
the velocity of a target and projectile after collisions for Tutorial,
different cases using the conservation laws for both the Q&A
total kinetic energy and the total linear momentum.
Solve related problems.
Rotation and Angular Momentum
For a rigid body rotating about a fixed axis, relate the
angular variables of the body and the linear variables of
a particle on the body at any given radius. Distinguish
between tangential acceleration and radial acceleration
CO1, and draw a vector for each in a sketch of a particle on a Lecture
CO2, body rotating about an axis. Describe rotational inertia. notes,
Week 6 Group
CO3, Develop a relation between rotational kinetic energy of Assignment
CO4, a body, rotational inertia and its angular Speed. Develop
CO5 a relationship between the kinetic energy of a body in Q&A
smooth rolling as the sum of the translational kinetic
energy of the center of mass and the rotational kinetic
energy around the center of mass. Describe angular
momentum. Explain the law of conservation angular
momentum. Solve related problems. Revision
Week 7
Review and Problem solving
Midterm (Week 8)
Electric Fields
Describe the Electric Field in terms of the electrostatic
force. Sketch Electric Field lines around different types
CO1, of charges (positive, negative and both) in space. Lecture
CO2, Formulate an equation for the Electric Field due to a notes,
Oral Questions
Point Charge. Describe electric dipole and electric Group
Week 9 CO3, and/or
dipole moment. Analyze the equation for the Electric Discussion,
CO4, Class Test
Field due to an Electric Dipole. Describe linear charge Tutorial,
CO5 density. Determine the net electric field at a given point Q&A
on the axis of the ring (charge is distributed uniformly
over a ring). [Analytical problem]. Solve related
Gauss’ Law
Describe Electric Flux. Analyze electric fluxes for (i) an Lecture
open plane surface (ii) a closed surface. Explain Gauss’ notes,
CO2, law. Explain how Gauss’ law is used to derive the Oral Questions
Week 10 Group
CO3, electric field magnitude outside a line of charge or a and/or
CO4, cylindrical surface (such as a plastic rod) with a uniform Class Test
CO5 linear charge density λ. [Analytical problem]. Solve Q&A
related problems.
Electric Potential
Describe the terms: Electric Potential and Equipotential
CO1, surfaces. Develop the general equation of electric Lecture
Potential from the electric field. Analyze the equation notes, Quiz (MCQ/
for the electric potential for a charged particle. Develop Group Theory based
Week 11 CO3,
the expression for the potential at any given point due to Discussion, short questions
CO4, Tutorial,
an electric dipole. Develop the expression for net and problems)
CO5 potential at a given point on a thin rod where charge is Q&A
uniformly distributed. Determine the electric field from
the electric potential. Solve related problems
Describe the capacitance. Sketch a schematic diagram of
a circuit with a parallel-plate capacitor, a battery, and an
CO1 open or closed switch. Apply Gauss’ law to find the Lecture
CO2, expressions for the capacitance of a parallel plate and for notes,
Oral Questions
Week 12 CO3, a spherical capacitor. Calculate the capacitance of an and/or
CO4, isolated sphere. Design a circuit with a battery, a switch, Class Test
CO5 and three capacitors in parallel and series combination Q&A
and find the expression for equivalent capacitance
(parallel and series) for the circuit. Solve related
Develop the expression for the electric potential energy
stored in an electric field where a charge is transferred
from one plate of capacitor to the other. Solve related
CO1, problems. Lecture
Current and Resistance notes, Quiz (MCQ/
Explain the terms: Electric current, Electric current Group Theory based
Week 13 CO3,
Discussion, short questions
CO4, density, Resistance, Resistivity, Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s
Tutorial, and problems)
CO5 voltage law. Q&A
Discuss (i) RC Circuit (ii) Time Constant. Develop the
loop equation (a differential equation) for charging and
discharging RC circuits.
Magnetic Fields
CO1, Explain the terms: (i) Magnetic Field and (ii) Magnetic Lecture
CO2, Force. notes, Oral Questions
Magnetic Field Due to Current Group and/or
Week 14 CO3,
Explain the Biot–Savart law. Explain Ampere’s law. Discussion, Class Test
Apply Ampere’s law to find magnetic field outside a Tutorial, Presentation
CO5 long straight wire with current. Solve related problems. Q&A
Week 15 Review and poster presentation
PO Indicators Definition
Indicator Domain W K P A
(As per the requirement of WKs)
Apply information and concepts of mechanics, electricity, and 0.1
magnetism in real life applications (such as different motions of
PO-a-1 Level 3 K1
vehicles, frictional bodies, electric circuits, electrical devices
Identify first principles of natural sciences and engineering Cognitive
PO-b-1 sciences in practical applications Level 2 0.1 K1
Produce written reports by applying principle-based approaches Psychomotor 0.3 A1
and design documentation on mechanics, electricity, and Level 3 A4
magnetism in real life activities (such as practical application of (Precision)
XI – K, P, A Definitions
The mapping between Course Outcome(s) (COs) and The Selected Assessment method(s) and the mapping between
Assessment method(s) and Evaluation Rubric(s) is shown below:
CO1: Describe and explain the different topics of mechanics, electricity and magnetism
CO2: Apply information and concepts of mechanics, electricity and magnetism to solve problems.
Does not
Understanding the context
understand the
is appropriate, and nature of
can describe the problem.
Understanding an appropriate Can describe
describe an
is not framework an appropriate
Does not sufficient but with diagram framework
understand the can describe a containing the containing the
Problem Analysis containing the
problem/not framework basic basic
attended containing the assumptions assumptions,
basic ways of ways of
and cannot
assumptions. thinking, but thinking, and
the equations methodology
knowledge to
are not to analyze the
correct. problem
Equations are
Equation, data
Equations are correct, data Can interpret
input and
Not attended/ correct but input is the result with
Application/calculation calculations
incorrect cannot correct, but appropriate
are correct,
recognize data calculation is units.
but no units
CO3: Apply the concepts and laws of mechanics, electricity and magnetism and formulate the relation between
different physical quantities
Assessment Not Attended/ Inadequate Average Good Excellent
Criteria Incorrect (0) (1-2) (3) (4) (5)
A clear
Understanding understanding
Not attended/ is clear and can
is clear but and ability to
does not Understanding describe and
Content knowledge cannot write to describe and
understand at is not clear explain but
describe and/or explain with
all. does not write
explain clearly appropriate
Can connect
the concept
Cannot Can describe
Understanding and formulate
describe but and formulate
Execution of is not clear and the relation
Not attended can formulate the relation but
knowledge does not apply between
by few steps are
at all. different
memorization wrong
CO4: Use and demonstrate different concepts and laws of mechanics, electricity and magnetism in real life
Assessment Not Attended/ Inadequate Average Good Excellent
Criteria Incorrect (0) (1-2) (3) (4) (5)
Can Can
Not attended or differentiate
differentiate differentiate
does not have Can not and compare
Comprehension but cannot with
any idea about differentiate different terms
relate with real appropriate
the topics and expressions
life examples
Can describe
Not attend or Doesn’t have by Can analyze
does not have adequate memorization and
any idea about knowledge of but cannot describe/explain Can analyze,
the principles of the topic to analyze the the principles of describe/explain
different devices explain or principles of different with perfection.
of related topics. describe the different devices of
principles of devices of related topics.
different related topics.
devices of
related topics.
CO5: Combine different concepts/knowledges of mechanics, electricity and magnetism and design poster.
Assessment Inadequate Good Excellent
Attended/ Average
Criteria (1-2) (4) (5)
Incorrect (0) (3)
Relatively Relatively
Highly Relatively The originality
high plagiarism
plagiarized plagiarism free of the text and
Originality and plagiarism free but
(similarity writing skills of
writing skills (similarity and writing skill
index is > writing skill the contents is
index is > is good.
30%) is not good. excellent
A 3.75 85 - < 90
B+ 3.50 80 - < 85
B 3.25 75 - < 80
C+ 3.00 70 - < 75
C 2.75 65 - < 70
D+ 2.50 60 - < 65
D 2.25 50 - < 60
F 0.00 < 50
I Incomplete
W Withdrawal
UW Unofficially Withdrawal
* The evaluation system will be strictly followed as par with the AIUB grading policy.
* CO attainment will be achieved with 60% of the evaluation marks.
Halliday, Resnick and Walker, “Fundamentals of Physics”, 10th Edition, WILLEY.
Reference Book:
Hugh D. Young and Roger A. Freedman “University Physics”, 13/14th Edition, Pearson.
XVI – Verification
Dr. Md. Abdullah-Al-Jubair Prof. Dr. Dip Nandi Mr. Mashiour Rahman
Director Associate Dean, Dean,
Faculty of Science & Information Faculty of Science & Information Faculty of Science & Information
Technology Technology Technology