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Diploma Inmechanical Engineering 4021 Thermal Engineering 4 4 Program Core 4 (L:3, T:1, P:0) 60

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Program : Diploma inMechanical Engineering

Course Code :4021 Course Title: Thermal Engineering

Semester : 4 Credits: 4

Course Category: Program Core

Periods per week: 4 (L:3, T:1, P:0) Periods per semester:60


 To Explain the basics of thermodynamics and different thermodynamic processes.

 To Classify different air standard cycles and familiarize testing of IC


 To identify the Properties of steam, working of boilers, turbines and


 To explain different modes of Heat transfer, working of heat exchangers

and compressors.

Course Prerequisites:

Topic Course Course Name Semester

Knowledge of basic Mathematics Mathematics I&II 1&2

Knowledge of basic physics Applied Physics I &II 1&2

Course Outcomes:

On completion of the course,the student will be able to:

COn Description Cognitive Level
Explain the concepts in thermodynamics and laws
CO1 16 Applying
of thermodynamics.

Describe air standard efficiency of

CO2 thermodynamic cycles and performance 15 Understand
testing of IC engines.
Explain the properties of steam and
CO3 15 Applying
working principle of boilers and turbines.
Explain different modes of Heat transfer
CO4 and working of heat exchangers and 11 Understand

Series Test 3

CO-PO Mapping:

Course Outcomes PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7

CO1 3 3

CO2 3 3

CO3 3 3

CO4 3 3

3-Strongly mapped, 2-Moderately mapped, 1-Weakly mapped

Course Outline

Module Duration Cognitive

Outcomes (Hours) Level

CO1 Explain the concepts in thermodynamics and laws of thermodynamics.

Recognize the scope and application of thermal

M1.01 2 Understanding
M1.02 Identify and define the terms in thermodynamics 3 Understanding

M1.03 State different thermodynamics laws 2 Understanding

M1.04 Explain different thermodynamic processes 5 Understanding

Explain different gas laws and apply them to derive
M1.05 fundamental relations and equations in Applying
Scope and application of thermal engineering -Define and classify thermodynamic
system- boundary – surrounding-thermodynamic properties- intrinsic and extrinsic
properties- Define-pressure, temperature, enthalpy, and their SI units -Boyle’s law,
Charle’s law, Joule’s law, Avogadro’s law-Derive characteristic gas equation, Mayors
relation- heat and work Thermodynamic equilibrium - Quasistatic processes-Illustrate
thermodynamic processes such as Isochoric, Isobaric, Isothermal, adiabatic, Polytrophic.
Derive the expressions for the expansion work, change in internal energy, heat
transferred and enthalpy change in each process -Simple problems using above relations.
Statement of Zeroth law, first law, and second law of thermodynamics (Kelvin Plank
and Clausius statements) -concept of entropy – reversible and irreversible process- P-V,
T-S diagrams of pure substance.
Describe air standard efficiency of thermodynamic cycles and
performance testing of IC engines.
Explain different Air standard cycles and Illustrate
M2.01 5 Applying
with P-V, T-S diagram.
M2.02 Appreciate the working of petrol and diesel engine. 2 Understand

M2.03 Solve simple problems related to air cycles. 2 Applying

Explain Valve timing and Port timing diagram for
M2.04 2 Understanding
petrol and diesel engines.
Define Indicated power Brake power Friction
M2.05 2 Understanding
power and simple problems.
Define mechanical, Brake thermal and Indicated
M2.06 2 Understanding
thermal efficiencies and simple problems.
Series Test – I 2
Air standard cycles - assumptions- air standard efficiency -Illustrate with P-V, T-S
Carnot cycle, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle. Derive air standard efficiency -simple problems on
Otto and Carnot cycle. Working of petrol and diesel engine (two stroke and four stroke). -
Comparison of petrol and diesel engines. Compare SI, CI engines. Explain Valve timing
diagram for diesel and petrol engines (two and four stroke). Performance of IC Engines:
Define Indicated power, Brake power, Friction power and Mechanical efficiency. Define
Indicated Thermal efficiency, Brake thermal efficiency, Relative efficiency. Define total
fuel consumption and specific fuel consumption. Explain the Morse test. Heat balance
sheet -simple problems.
Explain the properties of steam and working principle of boilers
and turbines.
Explain the formation of steam at constant pressure
M3.01 2 Applying
and illustrate it with a graph.
Identify and Apply steam table to compute the
M3.02 2 Applying
enthalpy of wet, dry and superheated steam.
Illustrate the condition of steam, enthalpy, entropy
M3.03 2 Applying
using Mollier chart.
Solve simple problems using steam tables and
M3.04 3 Applying
Mollier chart.
Discuss the classification, Functions and working of
M3.05 3 Understanding
steam boilers.
Explain the working of impulse and reaction
M3.06 3 Understanding
Steam and its properties: Understand the formation of steam at constant pressure with a
graph indicating the effect of pressure and temperature. Distinguish between wet, dry,
superheated steam. Compute the enthalpy of wet, dry and super-heated steam at the given
pressure and state using steam table. Determine conditions of steam- enthalpy, entropy,
specific volume of steam using mollier chart. Throttling process- Simple problems. Steam
generators: Functions and use of steam boilers. -classification- Difference between fire
tube and water tube boilers-working of Cochran boiler-Babcock and Wilcox boiler-boiler
mountings and accessories. Steam turbines: working principle-Classification -Explain the
working of impulse and reaction turbine.
Explain different modes of Heat transfer and working of heat
exchangers and compressors.
Identify different modes of heat transfer and state
M4.01 1 Understanding
Fourier’s law
Discuss Conduction through a plane wall and solve
M4.02 2 Applying
simple problems.
Describe the terms related to thermal radiation and
M4.03 2 Understanding
solve simple problems
Discuss types of thermal convection and state
M4.04 1 Understanding
Newton Rickman law
Identify different types of heat exchangers and their
M4.05 2 Applying
M4.06 Explain the working of single stage air compressor. 1 Understanding
Discuss the classification and working of different
M4.07 2 Understanding
types of air compressors.
Series Test – II 1

Heat transfer-modes of heat transfer-conduction-convection and radiation. Fourier’s law
of thermal conduction. -Thermal conductivity-conduction through a plane wall -simple
problems. Thermal radiation-definition-reflection, absorption, transmission, absorptivity,
reflectivity and transmissivity. concept of a black body- -Planks law of thermal radiation-
Stefan –Boltzman law of total radiation-Concept of grey body- -free and forced convection
(elementary ideas only). Heat exchangers-Classification- parallel flow- counter flow type
– shell and tube –effectiveness of a heat exchanger (definition only). Air compressors-
classification- Uses of compressed air. -Single stage reciprocating compressor its
construction and working (with line diagram) using P-V Diagram-Rotary compressors:
centrifugal compressors, Axial flow type compressors, vane type compressors, lobe type
compressors (working principle with line diagram.)
Text / Reference

T/R Book Title/Author

T1 Thermal Engineering -D.S.Kumar
R1 A text book of Thermal Engineering -R.S.Khurmi&J.K.Gupta
R2 Thermal Engineering -P.L.Ballany
R3 Elements of Heat engines volume I & II -R.C. Patel & C.J. Karamchandani
R4 Fundamentals of Thermal-Fluid Sciences, Yunus A. Cengel
R5 Elements of Mechanical Engg: - Prof: Sadhu Singh

Online Resources

Sl.No Website Link

1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BRpJ4Owo84
2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c52hmb-IPJw
3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_E6H-uVEgh0

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