Course Objectives
Course Objectives
Course Objectives
Semester : 3 Credits: 4
Course Objectives:
Course Prerequisites:
Topic Course name Semester
Integration, Trigonometry Engineering Mathematics 1
Course Outcomes:
COn Description Cognitive Level
Interpret shear force and bending moment diagrams Applying
CO1 15
for various types of beams and loading conditions.
Apply concept of compression member to analyse
CO2 14 Applying
CO1 3 - - - - - -
CO2 3 - - - - - -
CO3 2 - - - - - -
CO4 3 - - - - - -
Course Outline:
Module Duration
Description Cognitive Level
Outcomes (Hours)
Interpret shear force and bending moment diagrams for various types of
CO1 beams and loading conditions and determine bending stress in beam with
an outline of shear stress.
Outline the concept of bending moment and
M1.01 3 Understanding
shear force
Draw BMD and SFD of S-S and cantilever
M1.02 5 Applying
beams under point and UD load
Outline the concept of bending and shear
M1.03 2 Understanding
stresses in beams
Compute bending stress and shear stress in
M1.04 5 Applying
Shear Force and Bending Moment
Types of supports, beams and loads. Concept and definition of shear force and bending
moment, Relation between load, shear force and bending moment (without derivation).
Shear force and bending moment diagram for cantilever and simply supported beams with
overhang subjected to point loads, uniformly distributed loads. (Combination of any two
types of loading), point of contra flexure.
Bending and Shear Stresses in beams
Concept and theory of pure bending, assumptions, flexural equation (without derivation),
bending stresses and their nature, bending stress distribution diagram. Concept of moment
of resistance and simple numerical problems using flexural equation.
Shear stress equation (without derivation), relation between maximum and average shear
stress for rectangular section, circular section, I section and T section shear stress
distribution diagram. Simple numerical problems
Apply concept of compression member to analyse columns with an outline
CO2 of direct and bending stresses in vertical members, dams and retaining
M2.01 Outline the concept of compression member 2 Understanding
Apply Euler’s equation and Rakine’s equation
M2.02 3 Applying
to calculate buckling and crippling load
Outline direct and bending stresses in vertical
M2.03 2 Understanding
Compute maximum and minimum bending
M2.04 4 Applying
stresses in vertical members
Series Test – I 1
Concept of compression member, short and long column, Effective length, Radius of
gyration, Slenderness ratio, Types of end condition for columns, Buckling of axially
loaded columns.
Euler’s theory, assumptions made in Euler’s theory and its limitations, Application of
Euler’s equation to calculate buckling load.
Rankine’s formula and its application to calculate crippling load. Concept of working
load/safe load, design load and factor of safety.
Direct and Bending Stresses in vertical members
Introduction to axial and eccentric loads, eccentricity about one principal axis only, nature
of stresses, Maximum and minimum stresses, resultant stresses and stress diagram.
Condition for no tension or zero stress at extreme fiber, Limit of eccentricity, core of
section for rectangular and circular cross sections, Middle third rule.
Analysis of dams subjected to horizontal water pressure, conditions of stability, Maximum
and minimum stresses, resultant stresses and distribution diagram at base. (Trapezoidal
Retaining wall
Angle of repose- Rankine’s formula for earth pressure (without derivation). Calculate the
force acting due to earth backfill without surcharge- stress at base- stress distribution
Continuous beams and moment distribution method
Definition, effect of continuity, nature of moments induced due to continuity, concept of
deflected shape, practical examples.
Clapeyron’s theorem of three moment (no derivation), Application of Clapeyron’s theorem
with two spans and two unknown support moment only, Support at same level spans having
same and uniform moment of inertia subjected to concentrated loads and uniformly
distributed loads over entire span. Draw SF diagrams and BM diagrams showing point of
contra flexure for continuous beams.
Moment distribution method
Introduction to moment distribution method, sign convention, Carry over factor, stiffness
factor, distribution factor.
Application of moment distribution method to various types of continuous beams subjected
to concentrated loads and uniformly distributed load over entire span having same moment
of inertia, supports at same level, up to two spans and two unknown support moments only.
Introduction to portal frames – Symmetrical and unsymmetrical portal frames with the
concept of Bays and stories.
Text / Reference:
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