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Semester V: Plant Taxonomy and Economic Botany Rutaceae

Session 16
RUTACEAE A L de Jussieu
(Rue or Citrus family)
Introduction: A large dicotyledonous family having 162 genera and 1650 species. About 25 genera
and 80 species of this family have so far been reported from India. These are mostly distributed in
warm temperate and tropical regions with the greatest diversity in South Africa and Australia. The
members of Rutaceae have great variation both in the vegetative and reproductive charcters. Basic
chromosome number x=7-11.

Classification: (Engler and Prantl)

Division: Embryophyta siphonogama
Sub division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledoneae
Subclass: Archichlamydeae
Order: Geraniales

Some of the prominent genera : Ruta is the type specimen (60 species), Citrus (65), Feronia , Aegle,
Murraya (12), Chloroxylon , Glycosmis, Toddalia, Zanthoxylum (200),, Agathosma (180)

Vegetative Characters

Habit and habitat: Mostly shrubs (Citrus) and trees (Aegle marmelos, Feronia elephantum and
some are climbers (Todalia), Rarely herbs (Ruta graveolens, Dictamus) armed with spines and

Root: Tap root system

Stem: Arborescent, rarely herbaceous (Ruta), solid and

cylindrical, sometimes with thornes or spines ( Toddalia)

Leaves: Petiolate, exstipulate, usually pinnately compound

( Murraya) or unifoliate and palmately (Citrus) compound,
aromatic, due to pellucid dotted oil glands, glaucous. In
Citrus species winged petiole prresent.
<- - A flowering twig

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Semester V: Plant Taxonomy and Economic Botany Rutaceae

Reproductive Characters:
Inflorescence: usually terminal cymes (Toddalia) or sometimes racemoseacemose -panicle (Murraya
paniculata); rarely, axillary solitary cymes (Triphasia aurantifolia)

Flower: pedicellate, ebracteate,

bracteate, ebracteolate, conspicuous, complete, bi-sexual,
sexual, actinomorphic
but rarely zygomorphic (Dictamnus
Dictamnus), pentamerous, rarely tetramerous (Acronychia)
( or
trimerous (Triphasia). In Ruta graveolens, both pentamerous (terminal erminal flowers), and
tetramerous (lateral
ateral flowers) are present. In some species the flowers are unisexual
u (Toddalia,
Evodia), chlamydeous, bichlamydeous and heterochlamydeous
heterochlamydeous,, hypogynous or perigynous with
a prominent nectar disc,

Calyx: Sepals 5, rarely 4/3; basally connate

connate, valvate / imbricate /quincuncial.

Corolla: Petals 5, rarely 4/3, polypetalous but in Correa speciosa gamopetalous and
companulate, dotted glands, imbricate aestivation, white, yellow, or red coloured.

Androecium: stamens definite (3 – 10) or indefinite (α), usually polyandrous

olyandrous (free). In Murraya
and Chloroxylon species stamens 10 with obdiplostemenous arrangement ( i.e., stamens are in
two whorls 5+5 , where the outer whorl are opposite to the petals)). In case of Aegle mormelos
stamens indefinite and free or many and polyadelphous (Citrus species). But in Zanthoxylum (
3 -5)and Skimmia (5) definite stamens. There will be interstaminal nectary disc. Staminodes
may be present. Anthers: dithecous and introrse. Pollen 3 -6 corporate andd 2 - celled.

Gynoecium: penta / tetra/ tri

tri- carpellary, syncarpous, multilocular, superior ovary, with
wi ovules
on axile placentation. In Feronia limonia the ovary is unilocular with ovule/s on parietal

Fruit: Schizocarpic – Capsule ((Ruta), Hesperidium (Citrus species), Berry (Murraya),

( Samara (
Ptelea), Follicle ( Zanthoxylum

Floral Formula : EBr, EBrl, , K5/4/3, C5/4/3, A 5 -10 – α, G (4/5)

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Semester V: Plant Taxonomy and Economic Botany Rutaceae

Figure 2. The morphological and the floral charcters of Murraya paniculata

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Semester V: Plant Taxonomy and Economic Botany Rutaceae

Figure 3. The morphological and the floral charcters of Citrus species

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Semester V: Plant Taxonomy and Economic Botany Rutaceae

Economic Importance :
1. As a source of fruits: Rutaceae provides some of the world's most important, tasty and juicy
citrus fruits which are richest source of vitamin C. Some of them are:
Citrus aurantifolia (Lime), C. aurantium (Sour lime),
C. limettioides (Sweet lime), C. limon (Lemon, galgal)
C. maxima (Shaddock, chakotra), C. medica (Citron, bark nimbu),
C. paradisi (Grapefruit) , C. reticulata (Orange) and C. sinensis (Sweet orange,
Some other famous fruits of the family include:
Aegle marmelos (bael, bilva), Evodia fraxinifolia (kanukpa), Feronia lmonia
(wood-apple), Fortunella japonica (kumquat) and Glycosmis pentaphylla
(ban nimbu).
2. As a source of condiments:
1. Bark of Zanthoxylum alatum (tejpat) is a famous condiment and is used to clean teeth as a
carminative and stomachic.
2. Leaves of Z. limonella are used as a condiment and its fruits are digestive and appetising.
3. Fruits of Z. nitidum are used as a condiment and its roots are used in toothache.
4. The leaves of Murraya koenigii are mixed with little turmeric to make curry powder in
5. Leaves of Evodia lunuranthenoa are also used as a condiment.
3. As a source of medicinal value:
1. A poultice of bark of Acranychia laurifolia is applied on sores and ulcers;
2. Fruit pulp of Aegle marmelos is a mild laxative, whereas its roasted fruits are used against
diarrhoea and dysentry and its root and stem bark are used in treating intermittent fever;
3. Oils from the fruits of Atalantia monophylla is useful in paralysis and rheumatism;
4. Leaves of Barosma betulina are used in curing kidney diseases;
5. Bark of Cusparia febrifuga is used in malaria;
6. Bark of Dictamnus albus is useful in treating nervous diseases and intermittent fevers;
7. Ripe fruits of Feronia limonia are taken as a cardiac tonic;
8. Roots of Glycosmis pentaphylla are used in fever;
9. Bark and roots of Murraya koenigii are used in intestinal disorders;
10. Seeds of Peganum harmala are given in asthma, neuralgia and rheumatism;
11. Leaves of Pilocarpus pinnatifolius are used in kidney troubles;
12. Dried leaves of Ruta graveolens are used as nerve stimulant;
13. Root bark of Toddalia asiatica is a potent antimalarial drug;
14. Seeds of Zanthoxylum alatum are used in cholera;
15. Roots of Z. nitidum are used in toothache.

4. As Timber yielding plants: The wood obtained from: Choisya, Chloroxylon swietennia, Feronia
limonia, Glycosmis pentaphylla, Murraya paniculata and Zanthoxylon alatum is used for
veneering, making walking sticks, agricultural implements, etc. Trees of Chloroxylon swietenia
and Zanthoxylum flavum yield useful timber commonly called satinwoods. Timber from

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Semester V: Plant Taxonomy and Economic Botany Rutaceae

Flindersia brayleana, is an important hard wood from Australia, used for cabinet work, veneers,
and aeroplane construction, rifle sticks.
5. Grown as ornamental plants:
1. Amongst the ornamental shrub and tree genera of Rutaceae are Phellodendron, Ptelea,
Choisya, Skimmia and Zanthoxylum.
2. Perennial herbs of ornamental value include Dictamnus albus and Ruta graveolens.
3. The fragrant-flowered Murraya paniculata is commonly grown for decorative purposes.
4. Some other ornamentals include Fortunella japonica, Glycosmis pentaphylla, Luvunga
scandens and Poncirus trifolia.

6. As source of oils:
Essential oils obtained from the leaves and fruit rinds of various species of Citrus, Feronia,
Murraya, etc are used in medicine and perfumery. Seeds of Citrus bergamia are the source of
famous 'bergamot oil'.

Dignostic Features :
1. Tropical or temperate shrubs or trees mostly with or without thorns
2. Leaves are usually pinnate or palmate (tri- or unifoilate) compound, leaves with dotted oil
3. Flowers conspicuous with aromatic odour and tetra- or pentamerous , hypogynous and
nectary disc condition,
4. Presence of Obdiplostemenous (Murraya) or polyadelphous (Citrus) stamen condition
5. Overy penta- or tetracarpelly, syncarpous superior ovary
6. Schzocarpic fruit – Hesperidium (Citrus), Berry ( Murraya), Samara ( Ptelea)

References & Suggested Reading:

1. Gurucharan Singh: Plant Systematics- Theory & Practice,3rd Edn., CBS Publishers (2012)
2. Bharati Bhattacharyya: systematic Botany, Narosa Publishing, Delhi (2005)
3. Subramanyam NS: Modern taxonomy, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd.(1995)
4. Simpson MG: Plant Systematics, 2nd Edn., Academic Press (2010)
5. Watson, L., and Dallwitz, M.J. 1992 onwards. The families of Flowering Plants: descriptions,
illustrations, identification, and information retrieval. Version: 18th November 2020. delta-

Cited Images:
1. http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/faculty/carr/images/gei_mul_fl.jpg
2. https://ayushvedah.com/admin/resizer/uploads/0207146001565923115.jpg .

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