Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
• In this method, data is collected from the same sample respondents
at the some interval either by mail or by personal interview. This is
used for studies on :
• 1) Expenditure Pattern
• 2) Consumer Behaviour
• 3) Effectiveness of Advertising
• 4) Voting Behaviour and so on
Secondary Data
Sources of data:
• Publications of Central, state , local government
• Technical and trade journals
• Books, Magazines, Newspaper
• Reports & publications of industry ,bank, stock exchange
• Reports by research scholars, Universities, economist
• Public Records
Factors to be considered before using secondary data
Reliability of data – Who, when , which methods, at what time etc.
Suitability of data – Object ,scope, and nature of original inquiry should be
studied, as if the study was with different objective then that data is not
suitable for current study
Adequacy of data– Level of accuracy
Area differences then data is not adequate for study
Reliability Test of Instrument
• Reliability is defined as the extent to which an
instrument consistently measures what it is supposed to. A child's
thermometer would be very reliable as a measurement tool while a
personality test would have less reliability.
• Reliability testing provides information about the interrelationships of
items in the scale
• A test is reliable to the extent that whatever it measures, it measures
it consistently. If I were to stand on a scale and the scale read 15
pounds, I might wonder. Suppose I were to step off the scale and
stand on it again, and again it read 15 pounds. The scale is producing
consistent results.
• From a research point of view, the scale seems to be reliable because
whatever it is measuring, it is measuring it consistently. Whether
those consistent results are valid is another question. However, an
instrument cannot be valid if it is not reliable.
Types of Reliability
• Test-Retest Reliability is the correlation between two successive
measurements with the same test. For example, you can test in the
morning to your pilot sample and then again in the afternoon. The
two sets of data should be highly correlated if the test is reliable. The
pilot sample should theoretically answer the same way if nothing has
• Test-retest measures the correlation between scores from one
administration of an instrument to another, usually within an interval
of 2 to 3 weeks. Unlike pre-post tests, no treatment occurs between
the first and second administrations of the instrument, in order to
test-retest reliability.
• A similar type of reliability called alternate forms, involves using
slightly different forms or versions of an instrument to see if different
versions yield consistent results.
Test-Retest Reliability
• Different time frames are used to measure the consistency of items of the
same sample through the same questionnaire.
• The same instrument is given twice to the same group of people. The
reliability is the correlation between the scores on the two instruments. If
the results are consistent over time, the scores should be similar.
• The trick with test-retest reliability is determining how long to wait
between the two administrations. One should wait long enough so the
subjects don’t remember how they responded the first time they
completed the instrument, but not so long that their knowledge of the
material being measured has changed. This may be a couple weeks to a
couple months.
• If one were investigating the reliability of a test measuring mathematics
skills, it would not be wise to wait two months. The subjects probably
would have gained additional mathematics skills during the two months
and thus would have scored differently the second time they completed
the test.
• We would not want their knowledge to have changed between the first
and second testing.
Inter-observer Reliability
• Different observers are assigned to assess the consistency of the
items of the sample through the same questionnaire
• Researchers try to determine whether two observers are consistent in
their observed estimate for the same sample
• The correlation between ratings of the two observers would provide
the actual estimate of the reliability
• This method is used in pilot study
• For long time survey it should be executed time to time.