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Research design

• Research design is a framework or plan for a study that is used to collect

and analyze data in a way that aims to provide answers to research

• The design helps in specifying the procedures for collecting information,

measures the variables of interest, defines the relationships among the
variables, and outlines the methods for analyzing the data.
Types of Research Design and When to Use Them

1.Descriptive Research Design

1.Purpose: To describe characteristics of an existing phenomenon.
2.When to Use: When you want to provide a detailed account of a
3.Example: Studying the daily routines of high school students.

2.Correlational Research Design

1.Purpose: To identify relationships between two or more variables.
2.When to Use: When the goal is to find a connection or pattern but not
cause and effect.
3.Example: Analyzing the relationship between sleep quality and academic
1.Experimental Research Design

1.Purpose: To determine causality between variables.

2.When to Use: When the researcher wants to control and manipulate the
variables to ascertain cause-and-effect relationships.
3.Example: Experimenting to see if a new teaching method improves student
reading comprehension.

1.Quasi-Experimental Research Design

1.Purpose: Similar to experimental design, but without random assignment.
2.When to Use: When random assignment is not feasible, but the
investigation of cause-and-effect is still required.
3.Example: Studying the effect of after-school programs on student
achievement in schools where random assignment is not possible
1.Exploratory Research Design
1.Purpose: To explore a problem that is not well understood.
2.When to Use: When studying a new or poorly understood phenomenon.
3.Example: Investigating consumer attitudes towards a newly launched

2.Explanatory Research Design

1.Purpose: To explain why and how a phenomenon occurs.
2.When to Use: When you want to provide a detailed explanation of a
phenomenon's occurrence.
3.Example: Understanding why certain marketing strategies work in a
particular industry.
1.Cross-Sectional Design
1.Purpose: To observe a phenomenon at a single point in time.
2.When to Use: When you want to capture a snapshot of a situation or
3.Example: Surveying the political preferences of citizens before an election.

2.Longitudinal Design
1.Purpose: To study changes over time.
2.When to Use: When the goal is to observe how variables change over an
extended period.
3.Example: Following a cohort of employees through their careers to study
the effects of mentorship.
• The choice of research design depends on the research question, the nature
of the data, the audience for whom the research is intended, and the
available resources.

• By carefully selecting the appropriate design, researchers can achieve the

clarity and control needed to provide meaningful answers to their research

• Different designs suit different types of inquiries, and the examples above
illustrate how the designs can be applied in various contexts.
Scales of measurement

It refer to the various ways that variables or attributes can be quantified or categorized.
They help in understanding the type of data being dealt with and, in turn, determine the
appropriate statistical techniques that can be applied. The four primary scales of
measurement are:

1. Nominal Scale
•Definition: The nominal scale categorizes data into distinct groups or categories without
any order or hierarchy.
•Example: Gender (Male, Female), Blood Type (A, B, AB, O), or Types of Cuisine (Italian,
Chinese, Mexican).
•Analysis: You can use measures like mode or percentage with nominal data, but mean and
median are meaningless here.
2. Ordinal Scale

•Definition: The ordinal scale categorizes data into distinct groups, and there is a
clear order or ranking among the categories, but the intervals between them are
not uniform or known.
•Example: Customer satisfaction ratings (Very Unsatisfied, Unsatisfied, Neutral,
Satisfied, Very Satisfied) or Educational Level (High School, Associate’s Degree,
Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree).
•Analysis: You can use median or mode, but mean is usually not applicable since
the distances between the categories are not known.
3. Interval Scale

•Definition: The interval scale not only categorizes and orders the
measurements, but it also specifies the exact distances between them.
However, it does not have a true zero point (i.e., the zero does not mean the
absence of the attribute).

•Example: Temperature measured in degrees Celsius (0°C does not mean an

absence of temperature) or IQ scores.

•Analysis: You can use mean, median, and mode, as well as more complex
statistical techniques like standard deviation.
4. Ratio Scale

•Definition: The ratio scale has all the characteristics of the interval scale, but
with a true zero point. A value of zero on the ratio scale means the absence of
the attribute being measured.

•Example: Age (0 years means no age), Weight (0 kilograms means no weight),

or Distance (0 miles means no distance).

•Analysis: You can use all statistical measures, including mean, median, mode,
standard deviation, and so on.
Why Scales of Measurement are Important

Understanding the scale of measurement for a particular variable is crucial

because it dictates what statistical methods are appropriate.

For example, it would not make sense to calculate the mean for a nominal
variable, or to rank the categories in a ratio variable.
Non-Metric Scales

1.Nominal Scale: For example, categorizing people by their

hair color (blonde, brunette, black, etc.). You cannot say that
one category is "more" or "less" than another, nor can you
perform arithmetic operations with these categories.

1.Ordinal Scale: For example, ranking movies as "poor,"

"average," "good," or "excellent." Though there is a clear
order, you can't quantify the exact difference between these
Metric Scales

1.Interval Scale: For example, measuring temperature in

degrees Celsius. You can say that 30°C is 10 degrees more than
20°C, and such mathematical comparisons make sense.

2.Ratio Scale: For example, measuring weight in kilograms.

This scale has a true zero point, and you can make meaningful
statements such as "10 kilograms is twice as heavy as 5
Research Objectives with Metric Scales:

1.Evaluating Sales Performance

1.Objective: To assess the monthly sales performance across different
2.Metric Scale: Sales figures in dollars, units sold, or percentage growth.

2.Analyzing Customer Lifetime Value

1.Objective: To understand the lifetime value of customers in different
2.Metric Scale: Monetary value spent by customers over time.
3.Assessing Production Efficiency
1.Objective: To evaluate the efficiency of production processes.
2.Metric Scale: Ratio of output to input, time taken to manufacture a unit,

4.Measuring Advertising Return on Investment (ROI)

1.Objective: To measure the ROI of various advertising campaigns.
2.Metric Scale: Cost-per-click, conversion rates, revenue generated per
advertising dollar spent.
Research Objectives with Non-Metric Scales:
1.Understanding Brand Perception
1.Objective: To understand how consumers perceive a brand.
2.Non-Metric Scale: Qualitative feedback categorized into positive, neutral,

2.Identifying Market Segments

1.Objective: To identify different segments within the market.
2.Non-Metric Scale: Categories such as Millennials, Baby Boomers, or
segmentation by lifestyle like health-conscious, budget-oriented.
3.Evaluating Employee Satisfaction
1.Objective: To evaluate the level of employee satisfaction within the
2.Non-Metric Scale: Responses categorized into very satisfied, satisfied,
neutral, dissatisfied, very dissatisfied.

4.Assessing Customer Preferences for New Product Features

1.Objective: To gauge customer preferences for potential new features in a
2.Non-Metric Scale: Rankings or preference order for various features without
a quantified difference between them.
To evaluate the influence of CSR activities on brand image

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