The Influence of Family Business On The Career Desicion of Students Taking Up Accountancy, Business and Management Strand

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Group 5

Bea Bianca Encarnacion

Charize Mae Navarro
Sachie Aira Paz
Mary Ellaine Recio
Rica Mae Vicencio

Marvin Keith M. Matanguihan


Chapter 1



Family Business is seen as significant source for economic growth and

development in today’s world. In a family business, the business is passed from one

generation to the next, with younger generation given training to enter the business and

taking different duties from their parents over time. While Accountancy, Business and

Management strand equips the students with essential fundamental concepts on business

specialized courses.

According to Lorna Collins, Nicholas O'Regan, (2011) Family business has

evolved significantly over the past decade and today it is a well-accepted and respected

field of enquiry. In gaining academic acceptance, it has retained its practitioner roots. To

continue its impressive upward trajectory, family business management and research

needs to embrace new theoretical perspectives and approaches, particularly those that

come from disciplines such as psychology that at the moment have tenuous links to

family business studies. It also needs to embrace learning that can be gained from

practitioners and develop useful discourse between stakeholder groups in the family

business community.

Having career goals helps provide direction and focuses your attention on

attainable outcomes of the educational process. Knowing where you are going with your
academic program, in terms of clear goals, helps stimulate and maintain motivation.

Motivation has been shown to be a critical component of academic success. Therefore,

clarifying your career goals can result in immediate as well as long-term gain.

The purpose of this study will be to use quantitative and qualitative research

methods to obtain a deeper understanding of parental involvement in ABM students’

career decision making and its influences on their career readiness and development.

ABM students will provide information on their parents’ involvement and influence

during their secondary education. To determine how effective familial support can be

influential in career development, the information will be cross-referenced with students’

career decidedness. Ultimately, this research will identify how family influences the

career decision-making processes and will educate professionals about how to

incorporate the family as a way to avoid delays in identifying career paths among

emerging adults. When professionals are educated about services they can provide to

families, it empowers them to transfer the information to parents.

The researchers conduct this study to know if family business is the reason why

students took ABM strand here at DMMC Institute of Health Sciences.


This study aims to determine the influence on the Career Decision of Students

taking up Accountancy, Business and Management Strand.

1. What is the profile of family business they have?

1.1 Sole Proprietorship

1.2 Partnership

1.3 Corporation

2. What is the level of family influence in career decision making of the student?

2.1 Family Business

2.2 Effect of family members professional career in choosing specific track

3. What is the influence of family business in the perceptions of the students?

3.1 Advantages/ edge in taking business/ABM Strand

3.2 Background information about business


There is no significant relationship between the influence of Family Business on

the Career Decision of Students in taking up Accountancy, Business and Management
Scope and Delimitation

This study will take place at DMMC Institute of Health Sciences school year

2020-2021 and the students from the senior high school department.
Specifically, Grade 11 ABM Students, will be the possible respondents in this

study. These students will be the respondents in conducting this study. The researchers

chose DMMC Institute of Health Sciences because this is the most accessible location for

the researchers to conduct this study.


This study was conducted to provide more knowledge for the following set of


To the Students - This study will help the students to determine their main passion

in order for them to do not hesitate on their doings in the near future.

To the Family - It will be benefited in a way that they will be inform in career

decision of their children in order for them to be acknowledge and pay more attention to

the wants of their children.

To the Researcher - To seek more information about the Influence of Family

Business on the Career Decision of students and to think diligently the possible

consequences of sudden decision to did not have a doubt.

To the future researchers – This study can be useful to the future researchers by

showing that this research with this topic was conducted and they can use it as a

reference. Future researchers can add more information to this said topic for the

shortcomings to be fulfilled.

CAREER - an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with

opportunities for progress.

FAMILY BUSINESS - A business actively owned and/or managed by more than one

member of the same family

ENQUIRY - an act of asking for information.

PRACTITIONER - a person who regularly does an activity that requires skill or

practice. STAKEHOLDER- a person who holds the money that people have bet on

something and then gives it to the winner.



The Influence of
Family Business on the Conduct a seminar to
Career Decision of Data Analysis give more information
Students taking up
Decoding the Data about their career
Accountancy, Business
and Management decision.
Encoding the Data

Figure 1 shows the process through accomplishing the research about the Influence of

Family Business on the Career Decision of Students taking up Accountancy, Business

and Management

Strand through giving questionnaire to each respondents. The output will be gathered

data about the Influence of Family Business on the Career Decision of Students taking up

Accountancy, Business and Management strand.


Influence of family socio-economic status on students ‘career choice

According to Kisilu, J., Kimani, E., &Kombo, D.(2012). Parents of Nairobi County

students were found to be economically stable with 92.4% of the respondents indicating

their parents were of middle class income and above. Therefore socio- economic factors

were found not to influence students’ career choice. It was established that the parents

were able to support their children in pursuing careers of their choice by providing the

relevant educational opportunities and resources to provide for career development.

Parents Occupation

According to Williams (2016), a parent’s occupation influences children’s career choices

both intentionally and inadvertently. By the time children move into adolescence, they

begin seriously considering their futures, often looking to their parents either as role

models or for career advice. A parent’s approach to this can either inspire teenagers to

explore a diverse set of potential occupations or to stick to a path they think their parents

will approve of (ibid.) the parents’ occupations almost always influence the careers their

children will take up in the future. This is best captured by Williams (2016), who noted

thus; it’s no surprise that many people are the third or fourth generations of their families

to work in the same profession. They have an insider’s glimpse into their parents’

occupations, making it easier for them to break in to the industry. If their parents’ jobs

give them great satisfaction or provide a comfortable lifestyle, children see the perks

early on, and may favor these careers over others. In contrast, if parents complain about
their jobs or struggle to support the family on the income their jobs provide, children are

more likely to seek more fulfilling or higher-paid roles.

Factors Influencing Students’ Career Choices

According to ( Kazi Afaq Ahmed, Nimra Sharif and Nawaz Ahmad 2017) The career

choice of the students must need to be based on; strong knowledge, complete

information, and appropriately guided, matching individual personality type and other

intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The students need to be oriented on new emerging trends,

future opportunities and challenges in the context of career choice options. They need to

know the prevalent market trends and practices and job scenario of various sectors.

Career choice intentions of students with family business background

Personal and motivational patterns of intentional founders have been researched in great

depth; however, antecedents to career choices of intentional successors have been

conspicuously missing in entrepreneurship research. ( 2010 Elsevier)

The Parent-Child Relationship

According to Jungen (2013) observes that, while it is likely that parental values and

expectations are conveyed within each household, the strength of their influence may be

reliant upon the parent-child relationship. This includes parental attachment over time

and daily interactions in the home. Both of these factors play a role in children's identity

development and their career aspirations. Using a secure parenting style, proactive

parent’s help children learn to be autonomous and successful in shaping their own lives.
They also transmit values about work and teach important lessons in decision making,

work habits, conflict resolution, and communication skills, which are the foundation of

career success.

Influence of parents’ occupation on students’ career choice

According to Mugenda, O., Kimani, E.,Maina, L., &Wainaina, M. (2010).The study

sought to find the extent to which parents’ occupation influenced the students’ career

choice. Results from the study showed that the respondents were not influenced by their

parents or close relatives in choosing their careers with 65.6% disagreeing

strongly/disagreeing that their career choice had been influenced by occupation of their

parents or close relatives. A further 89.6% of the respondents strongly agreed/agreed that

they would not like to take after parents’ occupation and instead they would go for a

better one. The results also established that there was a negative significant relationship

between the students’ career choice and the occupation of their father. Therefore the

students tended to choose careers different from those of their fathers. The influence of

the mother’s occupation on the students’ career choice was also negatively correlated but

not significant.

The influence of family relations on decision making in family businesses

According to Stoilkovska, Aleksandra, Violeta Milenkovska, and Gordana Serafimovic

2013.The peculiarity and uniqueness of family businesses set them apart from other

businesses in many things. Natural need of man to survive in these harsh circumstances

forces him to constantly seek new sources of funding or simply tries to improve the

existing. Secure existence is difficult to ensure. The successful family business provides

many benefits: reliable operation, to be your own boss, flexible working hours, family
members are taken care of, to become successful with your own strengths. Also this kind

of business brings a range of difficulties that have to be overcome.

The impact of family business involvement

According to (2014 Elsevier Ltd) While the current family business literature has deeply

informed our understanding of the career intentions of adolescents with a family

background in business, a salient gap emerges regarding the ways in which family

business involvement impacts the careers of the next generation. This article reports the

empirical results of an interpretive qualitative study of the phenomenon of the careers of

next-generation family members. The findings suggest that the family business

involvement of the next generation not only influences but also alters the careers of the

next generation. Helping is proposed as a key means of family business involvement for

the next generation and a unique resource for family businesses.

Career choices of the Students

According to Weibell, C. J. (2011).The study found out that 81.5% of the respondents

were pursuing science based subjects while only 18.5% of the total number of

respondents was pursuing art based subjects at form four level. The results obtained

indicated that 76.2% of the respondents had arrived at a career choice while 23.8% of the

respondents were yet to decide on a career. More than 60% of the respondents indicated

had chosen science based careers like engineering, medicine, research among others

which was a reflection of their subject choices at form four.



This chapter discusses the method of research used, the respondents of the study,

the instrument to be use, and investigation, data gathering procedure adopted and

statistical treatment to be applied in the study.

Research Design

Written or recorded interview is a type of descriptive research method that

focuses on gathering data regarding the first-hand answer of corresponding research

respondents or participants. It is very useful method for it gives focus on the facts and

testimonies given by the interviewer or research participants that’s an important thing to

be recorded. A structured interview will be utilized. This is the method to be used by the

researchers in conducting the research for it provides a through description of certain

cases and data gathered from designated and involved people by the use of


Source of Data

The study utilized two sources of data namely; primary and secondary sources.

The primary sources of data are the Grade 11 students of DMMCIHS. The secondary

sources of data are the articles, books, internet, journals and scholarly works connected

with this study.

Population of the study

The participants of the study are all the Grade 11 ABM students from school year

2019-2020 in DMMC Institute of Health Sciences. The total population are 47 with 42

girls and 5 boys.

Instrument of the study

The researchers designed a survey questionnaire that serves as the primary source

of information on a given respondent. The questions were developed and adapt by the

researcher in order to know the influence of family business on the career decision of

student taking up ABM Strand in DMMC Institute of Health Sciences.

Reliability of Study

Reliability of study concerns the degree to which a particular measuring procedure gives

similar results over a number of repeated trials (Orodho, 2012). In other words, it is the

degree to which a measurement technique can be relied upon to secure consistent results

upon repeated application. To establish the reliability of the instrument, the split-half

method was used. In the split-half method, the total number of items were divided into

two halves (old and even), and a correlation taken between the two halves using the

Spearman - Brown correlation coefficient. According to Orodho (2003), a correlation co-

efficient of about 0.8 is judged high enough for the instrument to be assumed reliable.

The correlation coefficient obtained in this case was 0.797 which was sufficient for the

reliability of the instruments.

Validity of research study

This is the degree to which any measurement technique or instrument succeeds in

describing or quantifying what it is designed to measure. According to

Mugenda&Mugenda (1999), validity is considered to be the degree to which results

obtained from analysis of the data actually represent the phenomena under study. For the

purpose of this study, both the face and content validity of the instruments were used.

Theoretically to ensure face and content validity, a measure should contain all possible

items used in measuring the content. Both face and content validity are non-statistical

methods used to validate the content employed in the research instrument (Orodho,

2012). Content validity is concerned with establishing whether the content of the

instrument is measuring what is supposed to be measure. Towards this end, the researcher

sought the opinion of colleagues, and other experts on the relevance of the initial draft

questionnaires constructed. Such inputs enhanced validity of the study to measure what

we were intended to measure in relation to the research questions. Necessary corrections

and adjustments were made to the instruments or study before we were used in the actual

collection of data in the field.


Assigned points Range Categoral response Verbal Representation

4 3.50 – 4.00 Strongly Agree Excellent

3 2.50 – 3.00 Agree Good

2 1.50 – 2.49 Disagree Fair

1 1.00 – 1.49 Strongly Disagree Poor

Data Gathering Procedure

The survey questionnaire instrument for this descriptive research study. The prepared

questionnaire was presented to the adviser for revision and identifying points to improve

in the questionnaire. After the approval, the researcher secured permission from the

assistant principal of DMMCIHS. Afterwards, the researcher informed the concerned

regarding the distribution of the instrument to the respondents. The said respondents

visited and asked to accomplish the survey questionnaire. The respondents were assured

of their privacy and confidentiality of information about their identities. These were

completed voluntarily and returned the researcher. The questionnaires were collected,

organized, analyzed and interpreted.

Statistical Treatment

For SOP 1: Frequency Distribution Table

For SOP 2: Weighted Mean

For SOP 3: Weighted Mean

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