Mi Unit - Iii

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D.C & A.C bridges - Wheatstone bridge, Kelvin

bridge , Maxwell bridge, Anderson bridge, Schering
Bridges, Wien Bridge
• Definition
• Bridge Circuit is a null method, operates on
the principle of comparison. That is a known
(standard) value is adjusted until it is equal to
the unknown value.
• Usage.
• Classification
• Bridge : They are usually consists of four arms, balance detector
and source. They works on the concept of null point technique.
• They are very useful in practical applications because there is no
need of making the meter precise linear with an accurate scale.
There is no requirement of measuring the voltage and current, the
only need is to check the presence or absence of current or
voltage. However the main concern is that during the null point
meter must be able to pick up fairly small electric current.
• A bridge can be defined as the voltage dividers in parallel and the
difference between the two dividers is our output. It is highly
useful in measuring components like R,L,C and other parameter
of circuit. Accuracy of any bridge is directly related to bridge
• Null point: It can be defined as the point at which the null
measurement occurs when the reading of ammeter or voltmeter is
DC bridges and AC bridges
• DC bridges are used to determine the unknown
conducting value or sometimes to determine
the conductance associated with conducing
• AC bridges are used to determine inductance,
capacitance impedance, admittance or the
frequency of the AC input.
• Balancing AC bridges is more difficult than
DC bridges –reactive components.
• Small difference in the imbalance current an
be detected by a sensitive galvanometer, hence
measurement,accuracy,and precision improves.
• Bridge circuits find many applications both
linear and non linear including in
instrumentation, filtering and power
Wheatstone bridge
• Suitable for moderate resistance values:
1 Ω to 10 MΩ
• Balance condition: No potential difference
across the galvanometer (there is no current
through the galvanometer)
• R3= standard arm, R1 and R2= ratio arms.
Measurement Errors
1. Limiting error of the known resistors
2. Insufficient sensitivity of Detector
3. Changes in resistance of the bridge arms due to
the heating effect (I2R) or temperatures
4. Thermal emf or contact potential in the bridge
5. Error due to the lead connection.
• 3, 4 and 5 play the important role in the
measurement of low value resistance.
Sensitivity of Galvanometer
• A galvanometer is used to detect an unbalance
condition in Wheatstone bridge. Its sensitivity is
governed by: Current sensitivity (currents per unit
defection) and internal resistance.
• consider a bridge circuit under a small unbalance
condition, and apply circuit analysis to solve the
current through galvanometer.
Thévenin Voltage VTH
• Used to measure the d.c. resistance of various
types of wire.
• For e.g. the resistance of motor windings,
transformers and relay coils can be measured.
• Used by telephone companies and others to
locate cable faults.
• The fault may be two lines shorted together or
a single line shorted to ground.
• For low resistance measurement, the resistance
of the leads and contacts becomes significant
and introduces an error.
• The rise in temperature causes a change in the
value of the resistance, and excessive current
may cause a permanent change in value.
• In high resistance measurement it cannot be
1. In the Wheatstone bridge circuit, R3 is a decade
resistance with a specified inaccuracy ±0.2% and
R1 and R2 = 500 Ω ± 0.1%. If the value of R3 at
the null position is520.4 Ω, determine the possible
minimum and maximum value of RX.
2. A Wheatstone bridge has a ratio arm of 1/100
(R2/R1). At first balance, R3 is adjusted to 1000.3 Ω.
The value of Rx is then changed by the temperature
change, the new value of R3 to achieve the balance
condition again is 1002.1 Ω. Find the change of Rx
due to the temperature change.
3. Figure below show the schematic diagram of a
Wheatstone bridge with values of the bridge
elements. The battery voltage is 5 V and its
internal resistance negligible. The galvanometer
has a current sensitivity of 10 mm/μA and an
internal resistance of 100 Ω. Calculate the
deflection of the galvanometer caused by the 5-Ω
unbalance in arm BC
Kelvin’s bridge
• R are classified as follows:
(a) High R: under this category R is greater than
0.1 M ohm.
(b) Medium R: under this category R is ranging
from 1 ohm to 0.1M ohm.
(c) Low R: under this category R value is lower
than 1 ohm.
• kelvin's bridge is the modified version of
Wheatstone bridge and used to measure
resistance values less than 1 ohm.
• A Kelvin bridge (also called a Kelvin double
bridge and in some countries a Thomson
bridge) is a measuring instrument used to
measure unknown electrical resistors below 1
ohm. It is specifically designed to measure
resistors that are constructed as four terminal
• The resistance Ry represents the resistance of
the connecting leads from R3 to Rx.
• The galvanometer can be connected to either
terminal a ,b or c.
• When it is connected to a, Ry gets added to Rx
and when it is connected to c, Ry is added to
• The point b is in such a way that the ratio of
resistance from c to b and that from a to b is
equal to the ratio of R1 and R2.
Kelvin’s double bridge
Maxwell’s Inductance bridge
Maxwell’s Inductance capacitance
Schering bridge
Anderson bridge
Hay’s Bridge
• Limitation of Maxwell’s bridge is that it cannot
be used for high Q values.
• Hay’s bridge
• Difference is that It consists of R1 in series
with the standard capacitor C1 in one of the
ratio arms.
Wien bridge

R2= (R1-j /ωC1) R4 (1/R3+jωC3)


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