This document discusses the key materials used to make concrete - cement, aggregates, and water. It describes the different types of cement and how it is produced. Aggregates can include sand, gravel, or other materials and must be clean and durable. Water is also essential and helps the cement bind the aggregates together. The document provides details on storing cement, mixing concrete, and qualities of good concrete, noting the importance of proportioning the materials correctly.
This document discusses the key materials used to make concrete - cement, aggregates, and water. It describes the different types of cement and how it is produced. Aggregates can include sand, gravel, or other materials and must be clean and durable. Water is also essential and helps the cement bind the aggregates together. The document provides details on storing cement, mixing concrete, and qualities of good concrete, noting the importance of proportioning the materials correctly.
This document discusses the key materials used to make concrete - cement, aggregates, and water. It describes the different types of cement and how it is produced. Aggregates can include sand, gravel, or other materials and must be clean and durable. Water is also essential and helps the cement bind the aggregates together. The document provides details on storing cement, mixing concrete, and qualities of good concrete, noting the importance of proportioning the materials correctly.
This document discusses the key materials used to make concrete - cement, aggregates, and water. It describes the different types of cement and how it is produced. Aggregates can include sand, gravel, or other materials and must be clean and durable. Water is also essential and helps the cement bind the aggregates together. The document provides details on storing cement, mixing concrete, and qualities of good concrete, noting the importance of proportioning the materials correctly.
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DIVISION 03 CONCRETE and calcareous (lime) materials with iron oxide and
small amounts of other ingredients.
Types of Portland cement: Cementing Materials o slow-setting cement Storage of Cement o quick-setting high early strength Concrete cement Processed Concrete o sulfate-resisting cement for applications where alkaline water and CEMENTING MATERIALS soils occur LIME o white cement (or stainless cement One of the oldest manufactured building which is free of iron impurities). materials used as a mortar and plaster by all the early STORAGE OF CEMENT civilizations: Cement should be protected at the building o Egyptians used lime plaster before site from injury through contact with dampness. 2600 B.C. They should be stored in shed with a wood o Greeks used it extensively for mortars floor raised about 300mm (12”) from the ground. and plasters Cement is soft and silky to the touch. If it has o Romans developed a mixture of lime lumps that do not readily break, the cement has putty and volcanic ash for the first real already absorbed a damaging amount of moisture. cement. Cement should be used as soon as possible Manufactured by the calcination of limestone after delivery. (carbonates of calcium and magnesium). Piles should be limited to twelve sacks in The carbonates decompose into carbon height. dioxide, which is expelled, and calcium oxide (CaO) Warehouse set - when the cement is stored in called quicklime. high piles for long periods, there is a tendency for the Before quicklime can be used, it must first be lower layers to harden caused by the pressure above. mixed with water in the process called slaking or CONCRETE hydration. Concrete is: The lime has now become calcium hydroxide o a proportioned mixture of cement, (Ca(OH)2), known as slaked lime or hydrated lime. aggregate and water. Hydrated lime mixed with water to make lime o a plastic mass which can be cast, molded putty, is used as an ingredient of hard-finish coat for or formed into predetermined size or two-and three-coat Portland cement plasters. It is shape also used for mixing with cement mortar or concrete o upon hydration, becomes stone-like in to: strength, hardness and durability. The o increase its workability hardening of concrete is called setting. o decrease its permeability to water o when mixed with water and a fine o reduce cracking due to shrinkage aggregate of less than 6mm (¼“) is known A type of lime which will set under water is as mortar, stucco or cement plaster. hydraulic lime, used only where slow underwater o when mixed with water, fine aggregate setting is required. and a large aggregate of more than 6mm GYPSUM (¼”) in size produces concrete. Gypsum plaster is rendered more plastic by o When strengthened by embedded steel, is the addition of hydrated lime. called reinforced concrete. Fiber or hair is also sometimes added for o when without reinforcement, is called greater cohesiveness. The fiber may be hemp, sisal or plain or mass concrete. jute; the hair is generally cleaned goat or cattle hair Qualities of Good Concrete CEMENT Concrete should be: Portland cement is obtained by finely o Strong pulverizing clinker produced by calcining a o Durable proportioned mixture of argillaceous (silica, alumina) o of uniform quality, and o thoroughly sound. Special Aggregates such as cinders, blast furnace slag, These are obtained through: expanded shale or clay, perlite, vermiculite, o careful selection of materials and sawdust, may produce: o correct proportioning o lightweight, nailable concrete o thorough mixing o thermal insulating concrete. o careful transporting and placing 3. Water o proper curing or protection of the should be free from oil, acid, alkali, concrete after it is placed vegetable matter, or other deleterious Materials of Concrete substances 1. Cement should be reasonably clear and clean. in reinforced-concrete construction The use of sea or brackish water is not should be high-grade Type 1 Portland cement allowed. type C-150 conforming to the “Standard Water combines with the cement to form Specifications and Test for Portland Cement” a paste which coats and surrounds the of the American Society for Testing Materials inert particles of aggregates. (ASTM). Upon hardening, it binds the entire mass The kind of tests usually made are: together. o soundness, or constancy of volume The strength of the mixture therefore o time of setting depends directly upon the strength of the o fineness paste. If there be an excess of water the o tensile strength paste becomes thin and weak and its Each bag of cement is equivalent to holding power is reduced. approximately 1 cu. ft. and weighs 94 lbs. The water-cement ratio is the amount of 2. Aggregates water used per bag of cement. inert mineral fillers used with cement and water in This usually varies from 5 to 7 gallons, making concrete, should be particles that are durable with 6.5 gallons as average for ordinary strong, clean, hard and uncoated, and which are free job conditions. The less water used in from injurious amount of dusts, lumps, soft and flaky mixing, the better the quality of concrete. particles, shale, alkali, organic matter loam or other The ideal mix is one that is plastic and deleterious substances. workable. It should not be too dry that it Fine aggregates becomes too difficult to place in the (aggregates smaller than 6mm (¼”) in forms, nor too wet that separation of the size) consist of sand, stone screenings or ingredients result. other inert materials of similar characteristics. Specs:80 to 95% shall pass a No. 4 wire cloth sieve and not more than 30% nor less than 10% shall pass a No. 50 sieve. Coarse aggregates (aggregate larger than ¼” in size) Slump Test consists of crushed stones, gravel or other used for measuring the consistency of a inert materials of similar characteristics. concrete mix. Coarse aggregates should be well Consistency may be defined as the “state of graded in size to a size which will readily pass fluidity of the mix”, and it includes the entire range of between all reinforcing bars and between fluidity from the wettest to the driest possible reinforcement and forms but not exceed mixtures. 25mm (1”) in size for reinforced beams, floor In this test the tendency of a mix to “slump”, slabs, & thin walls. or reduce its height due to gravity action, is measured. They may range up to 50mm (2”) for The apparatus consist of metal cone, the bottom less highly reinforced parts of the structures opening being 200mm (8”) in diameter, the top such as footings, thick walls, and massive work. opening being 100mm (4”), and the height exactly b) Proportioning by the water-ratio and slump 300mm (12”). test In making the test, the slump tester is placed c) Proportioning by water-ratio, slump and on a flat, smooth surface and is filled with newly fineness modulus mixed concrete from mixer. In filling the mold with concrete, the latter is tamped in with a 12mm (½”) I. Proportioning by arbitrary proportions rod pointed at one end and the top of the concrete is a. Proportioning concrete by the smoothed off exactly level. The mold is then slowly arbitrary selection of the proportions raised vertically and the height deducted from the is the oldest, the most commonly original height of 300mm (12”) represents the slump. used, the most convenient and the least scientific method. b. In this method, the aggregates are measured by loose volume, that is, its volume as it is thrown into a measuring box. c. One sack of cement is taken as 1 cu. A harsh mix is efficient for slabs, pavements, ft. or mass concrete where the lowest possible water- d. Enough water is used to give cement ratio is desirable. the desired consistency. The following table gives the permissible e. Common mixes expressed in slump for various types of concrete in relation to their proportions by volumes of cement to uses: fine aggregate to coarse aggregate are as follows:
Proportioning of Concrete f. The proportion is to be read:
Briefly stated, the principles of proper Class A : 1 part cement is to 2 proportioning are as follows: parts sand is to 4 parts a) Use good quality materials: Portland gravel. cement, water, and aggregate. Each ‘part’ is equivalent to b) Determine the strength of the concrete one cubic foot which is the using the water-cement ratio. (The strength measure of the box increases as the water-cement ratio constructed to be 1 foot (12 decreases). inches) on each of the three c) Determine the consistency of the mix sides. using the slump test using as dry a mix as Each bag of cement is practicable. equivalent to approximately d) Add correct proportions of aggregates to the one cubic foot. cement and water as will give a mix of the II. Proportioning by the water-ratio and desired consistency. slump test e) Make a mix that’s workable, not harsh. There are two steps to be observed: The strength of a workable concrete mix depends I. Select the amount of water to be upon the water-cement ratio. added to the cement to give the The economy of the mix depends upon the proper desired strength (see Table) proportioning of the fine and coarse aggregates. II. Add just enough mixed aggregate There are several methods of proportioning concrete: to the water and cement to give a a) Proportioning by arbitrary proportions concrete mix the desired consistency. III. It is customary to specify mixer. The mixer should be cleaned at o the cement in sacks frequent intervals while in use. o the water in gallons per Concrete mixers may be divided into sack of cement and two general classes: o the mixed aggregate in cu. ft. o Batch Mixers - into which sufficient per sack of cement. materials are placed at one time to IV. Proportions of cement to fine make a convenient size batch of aggregate to coarse aggregate may concrete, the whole amount being be given if desired discharged in one mass after it is III. Proportioning by the water-ratio, slump mixed. and fineness modulus o Continuous mixers - into which the a. This method is the same as the materials are fed constantly and from second except that the proportions of which the concrete is discharged in a the fine and coarse aggregate are steady stream. determined by the fineness modulus Concrete mixers may also be classified as: method. o drum mixers b. For economy, proportion the fine o trough mixers coarse aggregates so that the o gravity mixers, and largest quantity of mixed aggregate o pneumatic mixers. may be used with a given amount of The drum mixers are the most common type. cement and water to produce a mix Hand Mixing of the desired consistency of slump. hand-mixing must be done on a c. Comparatively, the coarse water-tight platform. aggregate has a lesser total surface cement and fine aggregate shall first to be covered with cement paste be mixed dry until the whole is a uniform and, therefore, is more economical. color. d. However, there must be enough fine water and coarse aggregate shall then aggregate present to fill the voids in be added and the entire mass turned at least the coarse aggregate, or extra three times, or until a homogeneous mixture cement paste will be needed for this of the required consistency is obtained. purpose. A well-graded aggregate since initial set of concrete takes contains all sizes of fine and coarse place 1 to 3 hours after mixing, a batch may particles in such proportions that the be used anytime before initial set takes place, voids in the combined aggregate will provided that the mix is plastic. be a minimum. Regaging or retempering of concrete e. Reinforced-concrete work should that has been allowed to stand more than ½ be mixed by machine hour is not to be permitted. f. Machine-mixed concrete is usually of Transporting and Placing more uniform quality than that mixed Fresh concrete should be transported from by hand and is generally less the mixer as rapidly as practicable by methods expensive when in large volume. that will permit the placing of the concrete in g. The strength of concrete is the forms before initial set occurs and without very largely dependent upon loss or separation of materials. the thoroughness of mixing. The delivery of the concrete from the mixer to Mixing of Concrete the forms should be fairly continuous and Machine Mixing uninterrupted. In machine-mixing, the mixing of each The time of transportation should not exceed batch should continue not less than one 30 minutes. minute after all the materials are in the mixer The concrete may be transported by and whenever practicable, the length of the means of barrows, buggies, buckets, cableways, mixing time should be increased to 1.5 or 2 hoists, chutes, belts and pipes. minutes. The entire contents of the drum should be discharged before recharging the continues as long as the temperatures are favorable When chutes are used, the slope should and moisture is present. not be more than 1 vertical to 2 horizontal or less Three main factors that affect hardening are: than 1 vertical to 3 horizontal. The delivery end of age or time the chutes shall be as close as possible to the temperature, and point of deposit. moisture. Before placing concrete, the forms shall The increase in strength is rapid during the be cleaned and inspected, surfaces wetted or early ages and continues more slowly as time goes on. oiled, and reinforcement properly secured. The compressive strength reaches about 60% of its Concrete should be deposited in own maximum value at an age of 28 days and about approximately horizontal layers in wall, column 80% at an age of 3 months. and footing forms. They should not be piled up in Curing consists primarily in keeping the the forms which may result in the separation of concrete from drying out too rapidly. This may be the cement mortar from the coarse aggregate. done by: Concrete should never be allowed to a) Covering the concrete. Floors shall be drop freely over 5 ft. for unexposed work and covered with paper sacking wetted down at over 3 ft. for exposed work. the edges or with burlap, sand or earth that Shrinkage of Concrete & Temperature Changes is kept moist, after the concrete is hard - Shrinkage of concrete due to hardening and enough to walk on. contraction from temperature changes, b) Removal of forms at prescribed time. Forms causes cracks the size of which depends on shall not be removed until after the time the extent of the mass. They cannot be specified. counteracted successfully but they can be c) Sprinkling with water. Beams, columns and minimized by placing reinforcement so that walls are sprinkled or sprayed with water as large cracks can be broken up to some soon as the forms are removed. extent to smaller ones. d) Using curing compounds (see ADMIXTURES). - In long continuous length of concrete, it is better to place shrinkage or contraction joints. Shrinkage cracks are likely to occur at joints where fresh concrete is joined to concrete which has already set, and hence in placing the concrete, construction joints should be made on horizontal and vertical lines. - Cracks in concrete Cracks of concrete structures can never be totally eliminated, but the practitionar should be aware of causes, evaluation techniques, and the methods of repair. The cracks in a structure are broadly classified in two categories: Superficial cracks and structural cracks. Before any repair work is taken in hand, the cause of damage must be clearly identified, for which careful investigation is required. Curing of Concrete Concrete must be allowed to “cure” or harden after it is placed. Hardening is a rather slow process in which the cement and water unite to form compounds that give strength and durability to the concrete. It Concrete cures through hydration Must be kept moist until its required Disadvantages: may cause some loss strength is achieved. of early strength and will therefore Takes a long time 28 days typically If allowed to dry during the time it will lose strength Admixtures Substances added to cements, mortars, and concrete for the purpose of improving or imparting particular properties, such as: To improve workability of concrete, e.g. hydrated lime To improve durability by entrainment of air To accelerate setting or hardening (accelerators) e.g. calcium chloride To retard setting (retarders). To improve wear resistance To impart water-repellant or water-proofing qualities e.g. hydrated lime, KAOLINE, CELITE To impart water-repellant or waterproofing qualities, e.g., hydrated lime, waterproofing compounds, KAOLINE, CELITE. To impart color, MINERAL OXIDES, COLORCON, METALICHROME. Admixtures may be grounded into three categories: o those for mixing into concrete o those for mixing into mortar o those for surface application or finish. Admixtures come in powder, paste, and liquid form, and are usually patented and sold under trademark names. Concrete admixtured include: o Accelerators - to speed up setting time, to develop earlier strength, and to reduce length of time for protection. Principal ingredients are calcium chloride. Maximum amount added is 2 lbs. per bag of cement. Disadvantages: they increase the expansion and contraction of concrete, reduce resistance to sulfate attack, and increases efflorescence and corrosion of high tension steels. o Retarders - to slow down the hydration of the cement during very hot weather. Principal ingredients include zinc oxide, calcium lignosulfonate, derivatives of adipic acid. require careful control and more frequent slump tests, also reduces the expansion and contraction of concrete. Air-entraining agents - introduce minute air bubbles to greatly increase the resistance of concrete to freezing and thawing, increase plasticity and reduce bleeding. The addition of air- entraining admixtures is usually in the proportion of 3 to 6% of the volume of concrete. They are manufactured from such ingredients as rosin, beef tallow, stearates, foaming agents (soap). Disadvantages: These require careful control and more frequent slump tests. They may also cause some loss of strength. Inert, finely divided powders such as powdered glass, silica sand, stone dust, hydrated lime - are added to improve workability, used as per manufacturer’s directions. Hydrated lime is usually in the proportion of 10 to 15% of the cement by volume. Waterproofing (permeability-reducing) compounds - reduce the capillary attraction of the voids in the concrete or mortar, but while it may decrease water absorption of the concrete or mortar, it does not render concrete waterproof. They are manufactured from stearic acid or its compounds, mainly calcium steareate, and include asphalt emulsions. They are introduced usually in the amounts of 0.1 to 4.0% of the weight of cement. Colored pigments are mainly to used to give color to concrete floors. There are two types: o Dry-cast, broadcast or dust-on, for surface coloring. They are dusted on, usually in two coats, after all surface water has disappeared. The surface is then finished with a steel trowel . o Integral colors, for body coloring. Integral color pigments are incorporated in the mortar topping. They are mixed dry with the cement and aggregate before water is added. Amount of color pigment required is not more than 10% of the cement by weight, generally 3 to 6 lbs. per bag of cement 1. 2-inch thick for Admixtures for mixing into mortar include: columns, beams and o Accelerators girder bottoms o plasticizing agents (correctly called 2. 1-inch thick for floor water-reducing agents) to lower panels and beam and water-cement ratio and make the girder sides mix more workable 3. 2x4s for struts, posts, o waterproofing agents, and shores, and uprights o color pigments 4. 1 or 2-inch thick for Surface application finishes for concrete cleats consist of: Use nails sparingly in the o hardeners construction of forms because o color pigments unnecessary nailing not only adds to o special aggregates the labor of wrecking but also renders o sealers the lumber unfit for continued use. o abrasive materials Where nails must be used, leave the o waterproofing agents, and head protruding so that they may be o fillers and patchers. withdrawn without injury to the Forms lumber. 1. Lumber Forms All forms for concrete require Lumber used in form construction a coating of some lubricant to should only be partially seasoned. prevent concrete from adhering to a. Kiln-dried lumber has a tendency the wood and thus make a rough, to swell when soaked by the unpleasant appearance. Crude oil and concrete, and this swelling causes petroline preserve the forms against bulging and distortion of the forms. damage by alternate wetting and b. Green lumber, on the other hand, drying. The forms should preferably dries out and shrinks if allowed to be oiled before they are set in place. stand too long before the concrete is Oil should not be used, however, on placed. This tendency of green forms against surfaces which are to lumber to check and warp may, be plastered, as oil prevents adhesion however, be prevented to some of the plaster. In such cases, wetting extent by keeping the boards wit thoroughly saturated with water. 2. PLYWOOD FORMS c. Sheathing lumber dressed at least Works best where a smooth surface is one side and both edges even are required. The plywood should be waterproof, used where the removal and cleaning Grade “A” and at least 12mm (½”) thick. of the forms are necessary for re-use 3. STEEL FORMS . Steel forms may be in the form of d. Sheathing lumber dressed on all pans for concrete joist construction or four sides shall be used in face work, steeldecking or corrugated steel for concrete where a smooth and true surface is slabs and slab-and-joist construction. important. 4. PLASTIC FORMS FORMS e. Tongue-and-groove lumber will Formwork is the term given to either achieve tight joints between boards temporary or permanent moulds into which in floor and wall panel construction. concrete or similar materials are poured f. Simply dressing the lumber true to 5. POLYSTYRENE FORMS edge form square of butt joints in the are now available for concrete work. forms for columns, beams, and girders. i. Sizes of lumber frequently used : PROCESSED CONCRETE The major disadvantages of lightweight aggregates Types of Processed Concrete are a result paradoxically of the physical qualities 1. AEROCRETE which make them weight saving and good insulators: This is a lightweight, expanded structural Porosity requires changes in the usual concrete produced by adding a small amount of formulas for water and slump and closer metallic aluminum powder to the mixture of Portland supervision of mixing. Very light aggregates cement and sand of cinders. tend to float out of the mortar and some On the addition of water, gas is generated coarse aggregate concrete mixtures require which expands the wet mix and forms small air cells the addition of a fine aggregate like sand to throughout the material. prevent harsh working and serious bleeding. It is used for structural floor and roof slabs, As aggregates become lighter they become partition blocks for soundproofing, wall insulation, in structurally weaker so the strength of the rooms of refrigerator plants, lightweight fill on top of matrix must be modified by adding more the structural floor and roof slabs. cement. More cement is needed, also to In addition to its lightweight, it has “wet” the greater aggregate surface area, due excellent fire-resistive qualities. to the irregularity of the particles. 2. GUNITE Lightweight aggregates can be divided into four This is the mixture of sand and cement general classifications : deposited under high pneumatic pressure with a Agreggates of Volcanic Origin machine manufactured under the trade name o Pumice, weighing from 25 to 60 lbs. per CEMENT GUN, to which the required supply of water cu. ft. is well qualified as a lightweight is added just before the dry constituents emerge aggregate when dry and well graded. It is from nozzle. hard to be handled and mixed without GUNITE is used for encasing structural steel, excessive breakdown. when reinforced, for floor and roof slabs and An undesirable feature, however, is its water curtain walls. Ideal for swimming pool construction. absorption. This can be mitigated by wetting 3. PORETE the aggregate before it is mixed with cement. A Portland cement concrete to which a o Perlite is composed of stable silicates, and chemical foam is added to generate gases in the is inert and thus durable for use as a process of deposition, resulting in light weight precast lightweight aggregate or for insulation. Its or shop-made unit in both hollow and solid forms. It is disadvantages are its friability, small manufactured in solid slabs for short spans roofs and particle size, and extreme lightness. The siding of industrial buildings. small particle size requires more cement, 4. HAYDITE while its lightness, from 8 to 16 lbs. per This is processed concrete added with cu. ft. increases the tendency to float out lightweight aggregate . of the mortar. Perlite is useful where Aggregates for Lightweight Concrete maximum strength is not required, as in Lightweight aggregates have the following precast slabs and blocks and in floor fill, advantages: fireproofing and plaster. Reduction of dead loads saves structural Micaceous Minerals steel, reduces bearing on foundation, and cuts o Vermiculite is a micaceous mineral that the cost of concrete forms expands on the application of heat to as High insulating value is provided by numerous much as 30 times its original volume. dead air spaces. Dried ground ore is subjected to about 1,800 Rough texture of surfaces has good degrees heat for 4 to 8 seconds, after which it acoustical properties. weighs only 6 to 12 lbs. per cubic ft. Lightweight allows easier handling of precast It is used as an aggregate in concrete slabs and blocks fireproofing steel, for floor and roof fill, and Lightweight plaster has less tendency to crack for acoustic and fireproof plaster. and its heat resistance makes it a good material for fireproofing structural steel Expanded Shales and Clays Lightweight aggregates from shales and clays require heating the material in a kiln to a temperature near its fusion point. The material softens and coalesces to a sticky mass; escaping gases are trapped, forming cellular structures and expanding the volume of the material about 50%. The crushing and firing operations are varied with different processes. In some, the material is fired to a clinker, then crushed and sized; the process is often reversed with crushing operation first. Examples of clay, shale aggregates are “AIROX”, “ROCKLITE”, Diatomite, “HAYDITE”. By-Product Aggregates o Expanded Slag or “foamed” slags are made by treating molten blast furnace slag with controlled quantities of water or steam. Some slags are expanded in pits in the ground; others are made in machines. Close control of steam is very important because too much granulates the slag, yielding soft, friable particles; too little gives a heavy aggregate. o Foamed slag has been used for precast blocks, cast-in-place walls of houses, and for panel filling of steel- framed buildings. o Cinders are composed of the ash components of the coal along with various quantities of unburned or partially burned combustible matter. Cinders containing a minimum amount of combustible material are satisfactory for use in concrete but are not particularly weight-saving. Lightweight cinders often have unsound physical and chemical properties.