CVE140 Lesson 04
CVE140 Lesson 04
CVE140 Lesson 04
Flexible Pavement is also known as Asphalt Concrete All bituminous materials consist primarily of bitumen
pavement, is a mixture of sand, aggregate, a and have strong adhesive properties with colors ranging
filler material, and asphalt cement combined in from dark brown to black. They vary in consistency
a controlled process, placed, and compacted. from liquid to solid; thus, they are divided into liquids,
semisolids, and solids.
Are designed to bend and rebound with the
subgrade. The design concept is to place The Solid form is usually hard and brittle at normal
sufficient layers of base and intermediate temperatures but will flow when subjected to long,
courses of pavement so as to control the strains continuous loading. The Liquid form is obtained from
in the subgrade so that no permanent deflections the semisolid or solid forms by heating, dissolving in
result. solvents, or breaking the material into minute particles
and dispersing them in water with an emulsifier to form
Composite Pavement (Overlay) refers to as the an asphalt emulsion.
combination of rigid and flexible pavement,
where rigid pavement is constructed with an The action of asphalt binder depends on its type and the
asphalt pavement overly. aggregate it is combined with. The purpose of the
asphalt binder is to resist the abrasive force brought
Rigid pavements are considered by most to about by heavy traffic.
create more road noise inside a vehicle than
Flexible pavements. This phenomenon is If road pavement is the open type, consisting entirely of
largely due to the surface texture specified for coarse particles and asphalt, heavy binder is needed re
rigid pavements to ensure proper skid quiring more asphalts.
resistance. By specifying an asphalt overlay On the other hand, if aggregates in the pavement contain
with the rigid base, surface texture requirements fine particles, cohesion will be developed by surface
can be relaxed, and noise can be reduced. tension in the thin asphalt film surrounding the fine
Layers in Flexible Materials particles. Hence, less viscous asphalt is required.
• Bituminous Base Course – It consist of mineral Bitumen is a nanocrystalline solid or viscous material
aggregate such as stone, gravel or sand bonded derived from petroleum, by natural or refinery
together by a bituminous material and used as a process and substantially soluble in carbon
foundation upon which to place a binder or disulphide. It is asphalt in solid state and
surface course. mineral tar in semi fluid state. Bitumen is
brown or black in color.
• Bituminous Binder Course – A bituminous-
aggregate mixture used as intermediate coarse
between the base and surface courses or as the
Prime coats are obtained by spraying asphalt binder • Deflection on the road surface may be the effect
materials onto no asphalt base courses. Prime of elastic deformation from the consolidation of
coats are used mainly to: the base and subsoil or from the combination of
elastic and plastic deformation.
• Provide a waterproof surface on the base
• Repeated heavy wheel load on highly resilient
• Fill capillary voids in the base soil causes deflection leading to fatigue failure