Ce 6002 CT QB
Ce 6002 CT QB
Ce 6002 CT QB
7. What is natural cement?
TWO MARK QUESTIONS Natural cement is manufactured by burningand then crushing the
natural cement stones.Natural cement stones are such stones which
contain 20 to 40% of argillaceous matter i.e. clay,and remaining content
mainly calcareous matter which is either calcium carbonate alone or
1. What is meant by Surkhi? amixture of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate.
Surkhi is fine powdered under burnt bricks. It is also known as
artificial pozzolona 8. What is artificial cement?
Artificial cement is manufactured by burning approximately
2. Define hydration of cement? proportioned mixture ofcalcareous and argillaceous materials at a very
Cement in dry state has no bonding property. When mixed with high temperature and then grinding the resultingburnt mixture to a fine
water react powder.
Chemically and becomes a bonding agent. These reactions are called
hydration. 9. What is the function of gypsum in the manufacture of cement?
In order to delay the setting action of cement, when mixed with
3. Define setting of cement water, a little percentageof gypsum is added in the clinker before
When water is added to cement, hydration takes place grinding them to fine powder.
immediately as it continuous, cement paste which is plastic becomes stiff
and rigid known as setting of cement. 10. What is known as clinker?
Artificial cement is manufactured by burning approximately
4. What are pozzolonas? proportioned mixture ofcalcareous and argillaceous materials at a very
These are siliceous materials which, while having no high temperature and then grinding the resultingburnt mixture to a fine
cementations values within powder. The burnt mixture of calcareous and argillaceous matter isknown
themselves, will chemically react with calcium hydroxide at ordinary as clinker.
temperature and in thepresence of moisture to form compounds
possessing cementitious properties. 11. What are the constituents of ordinary cement?
Alumina or clay, silica, lime, iron oxide, magnesia, sulphur
5. Name any 2 natural pozzolonas. trioxide, Alkalies, calciumsulphate (gypsum).
Clay and shales, opalinccherts, diatomaceous earth, volcanic
tuffs and pumicites. 12. What are the harmful constituents of cement?
Alkalies which are oxides of potassium and sodium, and
6. Name any 2 artificial pozzolonas. magnesium oxide are theharmful constituents of cement.
13. What are ball mills? certainpercentage of water, volume of sand starts decreasing with
Ball mills are used for grinding the clinkers. The ball mills consist of increasing amount of water.At certainpercentage of water, increase in
2 to 2.5m diametersteel cylinder. The clinkers to be ground are fed into volume completely vanishes and volume occupied by sandbecomes equal
the cylinder and the cylinder is rotatedabout its horizontal axis to carry to the volume of dry sand.
out the grinding action.
20. What are the types of mortars?
14. What are the types of cement? Mud mortar
Ordinary Portland cement, rapid hardening cement, low heat Lime mortar
cement, blast furnace slagcement, sulphate resistant cement, air Gauged mortar
entraining cement, white and coloured cement, highalumina cement,
pozzolanic cement, super sulphate cement, expansive cement, quick 21. What is meant by grading of aggregates?
settingcement, water repellant cement, water proofing cement. Grading of aggregate means particle size distribution of the
aggregate. If all the particleof an aggregate were of one size, more voids
15. What are the 2 methods of manufacture of cement will be left on the aggregate mass. Properly gradedaggregate produces
Dry process dense concrete and needs smaller quantities of fine aggregate and
Wet process cement.Grading determines the workability of the mix, which controls
segregation, bleeding,water-cement ratio, handling, placing, and other
16. Define mortar. characteristics of the mix.
The mortar is a paste like substance prepared by adding required
amount of water to a drymixture of sand or fine aggregate with some 22. What are the methods of proportioning of concrete mixes?
binding material like clay, lime or cement. Arbitrary standard method
Minimum voids method
17. Define lime mortar. Fineness Modulus method
If lime is used as a binding material, the resulting mortar is Maximum density method
known as lime mortar.
23. Define Abrams water cement law.
18. Define mud mortar. According to Abrams water cement law, the strength of concrete
When clay is used as a binding material, the resulting mortar is depends on the watercement ratio used.
known as mud mortar
24. Define bleeding.
19. What is known as bulking of sand? The tendency of water to rise to the surface of freshly laid
Bulking of sand means increase in its volume. Fine aggregates or concrete is known as bleeding.
sands, increase involume when they possess some moisture. Bulking is
due to formation of a thin film of wateraround the fine aggregate or sand 25. Define laitance.
particles. Thickness of water film goes on increasing withmore and more
moisture and consequently increase in volume continues. But after
Water rising to the surface during bleeding carries with it, Cement content
particles of sand andcement, which on hardening form a scum layer Temperature
known as laitance. Age of concrete
Size, shape and grading of aggregate
26. What are the steps adopted to control bleeding. Curing
By adding more cement
By using more finely ground cement 32. Define mixing of concrete.
By using little air entraining agent The process of mixing cement, water, fine aggregate and coarse
By increasing finer part of fine aggregate aggregate in suitableproportion is known as mixing of concrete.
By properly designing the mix and using minimum quantity of
water. 33. What are the methods of consolidation or compaction of concrete?
Hand compaction
27. Define Segregation. Machine compaction
The tendency of separation of coarse aggregate grains from the i) Internal vibrators
concrete mass is calledsegregation. ii) Form vibrators
iii) Surface vibrators
28. What are the methods adopted to avoid segregations of concrete.
Addition of little air entraining agents in the mix. 34. Define curing of concrete.
Restricting the amount of water to the smallest possible amount. Curing is the operation by which moist conditions are maintained
Concrete should not be allowed to fall from larger heights. on finished concretesurface, to promote continued hydration of cement.
30. What are the factors affecting workability. 36. Name the types of joints in concrete.
Quantity of water in the mix 1. Construction joints 2. Expansion joints
o Proper grading of the aggregate mix 3. Contraction joints 4. Working joints
o Ratio of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate
o Maximum size of coarse aggregates 37. What are the types of concrete used?
o Method of compaction of concrete Plum concrete, light weight concrete, air-entrained concrete, no-
fines concrete, vaccumconcrete, water-proof concrete, reinforced cement
31. What are the factors affecting proportioning of concrete mixes? concrete, pre-stressed concrete, cellular oraerated concrete, foamed
Water cement ratio concrete, pre-cast concrete.
7. How does increasing the quality of water influence the properties
38. Mention the test adopted to test the properties of cement in laboratories? of fresh and hardened concrete?
a. Fineness 8. List the various tests conducted on coarse aggregate indicating the
b. Consistency test property being tested.
c. Setting time
9. What is the effect of the maximum size of aggregate on concrete
d. Soundness
e. Compressive strength
10. List the various types of cement indicating their use for different
39. Mention the test adopted to test the properties of cement in field? applications.
a. Open the bag and take a good look at the cement, there should 11. What are the important chemical tests conducted on cement to
not be any visible lumps determine its quality?
b. Thrust your hand into the cement bag should feel cool feeling 12. What is soundness of cement and how is it tested?
c. Take a pinch of cement and feel between the fingers. It should 13. Write explanatory notes on (a) uniform grading (b) gap grading (c)
give a smooth feeling not a gritty feeling continuous grading.
d. Take a hand full of cement and throw it on a bucket full of water, 14. What are the effects of the shape and texture of aggregates on the
the particle should float for sometime before they sink. strength and workability of concrete?
15. What are the different moisture states in which aggregates exit?
40. Mention the test adopted to test the quality of water?
16. Describe a test to determine the initial moisture content of fine
a. Determination of acids and alkalis
b. Determination of total solids.
aggregate in the construction site.
Describe the role played by gypsum in the hydration reaction of
16 MARKS cement
Admixtures are ingredients other than cement, fine aggregate and Rice husk Ash, etc
Over decades, attempts have been made to obtain concrete with modify the moulding and setting properties of the
certain desired characteristics such as high compressive strength, high concrete mix. Such chemical are generally known as
workability, and high performance and durability parameters to meet chemical admixtures.
the requirement of complexity of modern structures. Some chemicals are applied on the surface of concrete
The properties commonly modified are the heat of hydration, to protect it during or after its setting.
accelerate or retard setting time, workability, water reduction, Some chemicals are applied on the surface of mould
dispersion and air-entrainment, impermeability and durability factors. used to form concrete to effect easy mould-releasing
3. What are the types of Admixtures? Some chemical are applied to bond or repair broken or
Retarders 5. What are plasticizers?
Water-reducing agents Plasticizers for concrete increase the workability of the wet
mix, or reduce the water required to achieve the desired workability,
Super plasticizers
and are usually not intended to affect the properties of the final Metakaoline is refined kaolin clay that is fired (calcined)
product after it hardens. under carefully controlled conditions to create an amorphous
aluminosilicate that is reactive in concrete. Like other
6. What are Accelerators? pozzolans (fly ash and silica fume are two common pozzolans),
Accelerators reduce the setting time and generally produce metakaolin reacts with the calcium hydroxide (lime)
early removal of forms and easily setting of concrete repair byproducts produced during cement hydration.
and path work. They are helpful in cold weather concreting.
7. What are retarders? 10. What is the purpose of using accelerators?
Retarders increase the setting time of the concrete mix and
To permit earlier removal of formwork
reduce the water-cement ration. Usually up to 10% water
Reduce the required period of curing
reduction can be achieved. A wide range of water-reducing
Advance the time that a structure can be placed in service
and set-retarding admixtures are used in ready mixes In the emergency repair work Partially compensate for the
concrete. retarding effect of low temperature during cold weather
8. What is the purpose of adding admixture in concrete?
11.Define chemical admixtures
To improve the strength of concrete Chemicals mixed with concrete ingredients and spread throughout the
body of concrete to favorably modify the molding and setting properties
To accelerate the initial setting of concrete
of concrete mix known as chemical admixtures.
To retard the initial set
To improve workability 12.Define Mineral admixtures
It is a siliceous materials used to strengthen the durability properties that
To inhibit the corrosion of concrete is classified as pozzolanic or cementitious materials. It acts as by-product
To increase the durability of concrete agent. E.g.: fly ash
9. What is metakaoline?
Accelerators reduce the setting time and produce early removal of forms e. Sealants
and speed up hardening. The common accelerators are cacl2, Al2cl, Nacl, f. Flooring
Na2SO4. g. Guniting aids.
1. Define mix design. The aim of quality control is to limit the variability as much
Mix design can be defined as the process of selecting
as practicable. Statistical quality control method provides a
suitable ingredients of concrete and determining their relative
scientific approach to the concrete designer to understand the
proportions with the object of producing concrete of certain
realistic variability of the materials so as to lay down design
minimum strength and durability as economically as possible.
specifications with proper tolerance to cater for unavoidable
2. What are the variable factors to be considered in connection variations. The acceptance criteria are based on statistical
with specifying a concrete mix? evaluation of the test result of samples taken at random during
It must be adequately dense. The density of a good concrete slump 0 25 mm are used in road making
should be about 24 kN/m3. 10 40 mm are used for foundations with light reinforcement
It must be adequately durable to resist the effects of
50 - 90 for normal reinforced concrete placed with vibration
weathering agencies.
It should have minimum creep
It should have minimum thermal expansion so as to provide 45.What is batching.
good resistance to fire. Batching is the correct measurement of various materials used in
the concrete mix. It can be either volume or by weight.
a. Water cement ratio 51.List out the factors affecting the results of strength test.
b. Degree of compaction a. Size and shape of aggregate
c. Age of concrete b. Condition of casting
d. Richness of mix c. Moisture condition
e. Curing of concrete d. Bearing condition
f. Temperature of concrete. e. Rate of loading
3. What are the different ways of achieving for light weight concrete ?
By replacing the usual mineral aggregate by cellular porous or 7. Define Diatomite.
light weight aggregate. This is a hydrated amorphous silica derived from the remains of
By introducing gas or air bubbles in mortar. This is known as microscopic aquatic plants called as Diatomites.
aerated concrete.
By omitting sand fraction from the aggregate. This is called no
fines concrete 8. Explain scoria.
Scoria is also light weight aggregate of volcanic origin which is
usually dark in color and contains larger and irregularly shaped
4. What are the types of natural light weight aggregates? cells unconnected with each other.
Pumice Its slightly weaker than pumice.
Volcanic cylinders 9. Define volcanic cinders.
Saw dust These are also loose volcanic product resembling artificial
Rice husk.
Foamed slag is of the most important types of light weight
10. Explain sawdust.
Its made by rapidly quenching blast furnace slag, a by-product,
Saw dust is manufactured by soft wood. produced in the manufacture ofiron.
The addition of lime to mix in an amount to equal to about 1/3 to
1/2the volume of cement will counteract this.
The shrinkage of moisture movement of saw dust is also high. 15. What are the properties of foamed slag?
The practical mix of the ratio of 1:2 to 1:3 i.e., cement saw dust Free from contamination of heavy impurities
by volume. Free from volatile impurities such as coke or coal
Free from excess of sulphate.
30. What are the factors affecting thr properties of fibre reinforced
35. What are the types of polymer concrete?
Polymer impregnated concrete (PIC)
Type of fibre
Polymer cement concrete (PCC)
Fibre content
Polymer concrete (PC)
Orientation and distribution of fibres
Partially impregnated an surface coated polymer concrete.
Mixing and compacting techniques of concrete
Size and shape of aggregate.
36. Describe polymer impregnated concrete (PIC).
Polymer impregnated concrete is the one of the widely used in
31. What are the applications of fibre reinforced concrete?
polymer composite
The fibre reinforced concrete is tied overlays in air field
It is nothing but a precast conventional concrete, cured and dried
Using road pavements
oven, or by dielectric heating from which are the air in the open
Industrial floorings
cell is removed by vacuum.
the manufacturing of precast products (pipes, boats, beams, wall
& roof panels).
37. Mention the types of manometers are used in Polymer impregnated
concrete (PIC).
32. Mention the advantages of fibre reinforced concrete.
Methyl methacrylate (MMA)
Increasing static and dynamic tensile strength
Energy absorbing characteristics
t- butyl styrene
Other thermo plastic manometers. 42.Where does high density concrete is applicable.
High density concrete is used as radiation shielding agent and it has
satisfactory mechanical property
38. Mention the types manometers are used in polymer cement concrete.
Polyster styrene
Epoxy styrene 43..What are the types of concrete used?
Furnas Plum concrete, light weight concrete, air-entrained concrete, no-
Vinylidene chloride. fines concrete, vaccumconcrete, water-proof concrete, reinforced
cement concrete, pre-stressed concrete, cellular oraerated concrete,
foamed concrete, pre-cast concrete.
39. What are the factors to be depend upon the depth of monomer 44.What are the special methods of making high strength concrete?
Pore structure of hardened and dried concrete Seeding
The duration of soaking Revibration
The viscosity of the monomer. High speed slurry mixing
use of admixtures
40. List out the properties of polymer impregnated concrete. Inhibition of cracks
Stress- strain relationship Sulphur impregnation
Compressive strength
Use of cementitious aggregates
Tensile strength.