Munkavállalói Idegennyelv 2022 2023 Heti 2

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D Munkavállalói idegennyelv


Munkavállalói idegennyelv – angol nyelv

2022/2023 – 31 hét

Heti óraszám: 2 Éves összes óraszám: 62

Tankönyv: Bárány, J., Bocskai, T. (2020). Exploring the world of work. Szega Books.

Hónap Óra Tananyag Tananyag felépítése

Szeptembe Introduction / Orientation

Developing speaking skills
Future plans
2. My dream job Debate: education and professional
development, areas of improvement,
the interconnection of studying,
knowledge, experience and skills
Developing reading and speaking skills
Job advertisements (briefly)
The transition from Exploring alternatives
3. education and training to Self-awareness
the world of work Work experience
Life-long learning
Offered wages
Developing speaking skills
Vocabulary building
Personal characteristics
4. Personality traits
and accomplishments
Professions and personal
5. Appealing job Developing speaking and listening skills
Working hours and types of contracts
Preferences Colleagues
Salary and wages

Perks and benefits
Developing speaking skills
Physical requirements
Requirements of
6. Qualifications
Professional and personal skills
Work experience
Vocabulary practice
7. Review: Unit 1
Vocabulary building
Forms of employment
8. Describing jobs Getting a job
Starting a job
Ending/Quitting a job
Október 9. Vocabulary and speaking practice
Developing listening and speaking skills
Job descriptions
10. Occupations
Occupations and their prestige
Occupations and requirements
Developing speaking skills
Personal opinion, qualifications, salary,
11. Describing jobs working hours, workplace, working
Project work
12. Review: Units 1-2 Practice and revision
13. Test I: Units 1-2
Developing speaking skills
Useful tips
14. Job search Desired positions, workload, salary and
wages, working environment, working
hours, willingness
Developing reading and speaking skills
15. Steps of job seeking Establishing career objectives,
browsing job advertisements, applying
for a job, attending job interviews
Vocabulary building and
16. Job seeking – related vocabulary
Developing listening and speaking skills
Looking for a job
November 17. Job seeking
Quitting a job

Developing reading and speaking skills
Recognition of professional
Looking for a job in the qualifications abroad
Europass CV
Working abroad
Developing speaking skills
Vocabulary building
19. Ways of job search Looking for a job online
Job centers, job fairs, networking,
recruitment agencies
Vocabulary building and practice
Types of employment
Employment contracts
20. Time and money
Forms of payment
Job titles and positions
Position hierarchy
21. Project week
22. Project week
Vocabulary practice
23. Review: Unit 3
Vocabulary building and practice
The structure of job
24. Developing speaking skills
Analyzing job advertisements
Developing reading skills
Studying job
December 25. Vocabulary building
Written language and acronyms

Writing a job Developing writing skills

advertisement In-class composition
Interviews: People
talking about their Developing listening and speaking skills
experience in the course Vocabulary building and practice
of job seeking
Vocabulary building
28. Online application forms Analyzing application forms
Filling in an online application form
29. Review: Units 3-4 Practice and revision
30. Test II: Units 3-4
Developing reading and speaking skills
Applying for a job
Vocabulary building
31. The most important
Documents attached to application
features of a CV
Useful tips for writing a CV in general

Developing reading and speaking skills
32. Parts and layout of a CV Chronological vs functional CVs
Aspects of writing a CV
Developing speaking skills
Do’s and don’ts in writing Analyzing samples based on style,
Január 33.
CVs headings, organization and layout
Pieces of information included in a CV
Developing speaking and reading skills
Personal details
34. Structuring a CV 1.
Work experience
Developing speaking and reading skills
Skills and competences
35. Structuring a CV 2. Language proficiency
Hobbies and interests
Developing speaking and reading skills
36. Structuring a CV 3.
Europass CV
Developing speaking skills
37. Free CV builder websites
Developing digital skills
Developing writing skills
38. Writing a CV Pt. 1
In-class composition
Developing writing skills
39. Writing a CV Pt. 2
In-class composition
Vocabulary practice
40. Review: Unit 5
Developing speaking and writing skills
Reviewing the basic rules of writing
letters: greetings, set phrases for
opening and closing paragraphs, style,
Február 41. Formal vs informal letters vocabulary, grammar rules, signature
Formal-informal word pairs
Developing speaking and writing skills
The layout and content Vocabulary building
of formal letters Analyzing layout
Structuring content
43. Types of formal letters 1. Developing reading and speaking skills

Application letters
Analyzing samples
Practice exercises
Developing reading and speaking skills
Cover letters
44. Types of formal letters 2.
Analyzing samples
Practice exercises
Writing a cover letter Developing writing skills
Pt. 1 In-class composition
Writing a cover letter Developing writing skills
Pt. 2 In-class composition
47. Review: Units 5-6 Practice and revision
48. Test III: Units 5-6
Vocabulary building
Developing speaking skills
Március 49. Small talk 1. Big talk vs small talk
Functions, descriptions, examples
Greetings, saying farewell, introduction
Vocabulary building
Developing speaking skills
50. Small talk 2. Getting to know each other
Responding in specific situations
Role-playing exercises
Developing speaking and listening skills
Small talk topics at a job interview
Small talk at a job
51. Listening to small talk sections of job
Role-playing exercises
Video session: How to
52. Developing listening and speaking skills
make great small talk
Developing reading and speaking skills
Preparing for a job interview
53. Job interviews 1.
Rescheduling and cancelling

Developing reading and speaking skills

54. Job interviews 2. The setting of a job interview
First impression, behaviour, self-

Developing speaking and reading skills
Vocabulary building
55. Job interviews 3. Job interview questions and answers:
personal details, qualifications, career
development, strength and
weaknesses, plans for the future
Developing listening and speaking skills
Online job interviews
56. Job interviews 4.
In-person interviews vs video interviews
Listening to an online interview
Április 57. Role-playing exercises
Job interviews 5.
58. Oral reports
Vocabulary practice
59. Review: Units 7-8
Review and practice: Units 1-8
62. Evaluation

Debrecen, 2022. szeptember 1.

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