Year 4 Daily Lesson Plans: Skills Pedagogy (Strategy/Activity)
Year 4 Daily Lesson Plans: Skills Pedagogy (Strategy/Activity)
Year 4 Daily Lesson Plans: Skills Pedagogy (Strategy/Activity)
target language sounds the story and answer the questions in the task sheet.
3. CD 1 Track 16 is played. Pupils listen and answer the questions.
Learning Standard:
4. Audio is replayed for pupils to check.
Main: 1.2.3 Understand with support short 5. Pupils refer to textbook page 12 and 13. Pupils read the story and
simple narratives on a range of familiar topics check their answers.
Post-lesson: Pupils play the Bingo game with all the names of the
countries that they have learnt.
Complementary: 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce
with support a wide range of target language
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen textbook task sheet songs/audio
and write at least 5 correct answers.
clips sentence strips
1. Some of the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Enrichment activities were given to proficient and average pupils.
DAY Monday (Lesson 12) YEAR 4
SUBJECT English Language MODULE Speaking
THEME World of self, family and friends DATE 13/1/2020
variety of familiar contexts based on their number in given cards. Pupil cannot reveal it to their
Learning Standard:
3. Explain to pupils about the ‘Walking Card’ game. Pupils walk
Main: 2.1.5 Describe people and objects using around the class with their exercise books. Pupils ask the questions
suitable statements and guess the nationalities.
Question & answers:
1. What sports do you do? I __________
Complementary: 1.2.5 Understand longer
2. How many siblings have you got? I’ve got__________
supported questions 3. Where are you from? I’m from __________.
4. You’re number________? Yes, I am/ No, I’m not.
Post-lesson: Pupils are asked an exit question.
What do you never do?
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to textbook word strips
correctly guess the nationalities.
songs/audio clips stationeries
1. The number of pupils that completed the task is
2. Pupils were guided by their peers.
DAY Tuesday (Lesson 13) YEAR 4
SUBJECT English Language MODULE Reading
THEME World of self, family and friends DATE 14/1/2020
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was postponed due to school programme.
DAY Wednesday (Lesson 14) YEAR 4
SUBJECT English Language MODULE Writing
THEME World of self, family and friends DATE 15/1/2020
Complementary: 2.1 Communicate simple 3. Pupils write an email about themselves in their exercise books to
reply the email from the textbook (M). Pupils are guided to write
information intelligibly
sentences (L).
Learning Standard: Post-lesson: Pupils exchange books with their friends from other
Main: 4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops, groups to read their email write-up.
Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be Applying Choose an item.
able to describe people to fill in at least 4 blanks correctly. b) CLASSROOM-BASED d) 21ST CL METHOD:
Learning skills/process
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
DAY Thursday (Lesson 15) YEAR 4
SUBJECT English Language MODULE Language Art
THEME World of self, family and friends DATE 16/1/2020
information intelligibly for a range of purposes 3. Pupils share their ideas of what they understand about the poem.
4. Pupils choose an object that represents magic to them.
in print and digital media
5. Teacher shows an example of a poem.
Learning Standard: 6. Pupils create a four-line poem based on the chosen magical
Main: 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and object.
Post-lesson: Pupils showcase their four-line poem for a gallery
intelligibly through creating simple picture
stories, simple poems and cartoon stories.
Other imaginative responses as appropriate
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was postponed due to CRK/MC.
DAY Choose an item. (Lesson 16) YEAR 4
SUBJECT English Language MODULE Language Awareness
THEME World of self, family and friends DATE Click or tap to enter a date.
TOPIC Module 1: Where are you from? TIME
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Pupils do a recap on simple present tense and pronouns.
Main: 4.3 Communicate with appropriate
language form and style for a range of purposes Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils are given a paper to write an email about their favourite
in print and digital media food.
2. Pupils paste their emails up on the wall for a gallery walk. Pupils
Complementary:3.2 Understand a variety of are divided into two groups. Group A walks first and the other half
linear and non-linear print and digital texts by stand by their email template to explain. The process continues with
Group B.
using appropriate reading strategies 3. Pupils are given a quiz set to complete individually.
Learning Standard: 4. Pupils exchange their quiz sets with another group upon
Main: 4.3.3 Produce a plan or draft of one discussion with the teacher.
paragraph for a familiar topic and modify this
Post-lesson: A spelling quiz is conducted as an exit quiz.
appropriately in response to feedback