ეთიკური პრობლემა ვაჟა-ფშაველას პოემა „სტუმარ-მასპინძელში

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Ivane Javakhishvili

Tbilisi State University

Faculty of Humanities



ivane javaxiSvilis saxelobis
Tbilisis saxelmwifo universiteti

humanitarul mecnierebaTa fakulteti

humanitaruli kvlevebi



mTavari redaqtori: zaza sxirtlaZe

tomis redaqtori: Tamar goguaZe
saredaqcio sabWo: zaza aleqsiZe, vinfrid boederi (germania),
TinaTin bolqvaZe, devid braundi (didi britaneTi), darejan
gardavaZe, iost giperti (germania), rismag gordeziani, darejan
TvalTvaZe, entoni istmondi (didi britaneTi), mariam lorTqi-
faniZe, hirotake maeda (iaponia), damana meliqiSvili, irma ra-
tiani, manana ruseiSvili, apolon silagaZe, nana tonia, bernar
utie (safrangeTi), akaki yulijanaSvili, mzeqala SaniZe, karl
Smidti (didi britaneTi), nino Ciqovani, elguja xinTibiZe, qeTe-
van xuciSvili, goCa jafariZe.
saredaqcio kolegia: nani gelovani, irina gvelesiani, elene
gogiaSvili, Tamar goguaZe

Editor-in-Chief: Zaza Skhirtladze

Editor of the Volume: Tamar Goguadze
EDITORIAL COUNCIL: Zaza Aleksidze, Winfried Boeder (Germany),
Tinatin Bolkvadze, David Braund (Great Britain), Nino Chikovani,
Antony Eastmond (Great Britain), Darejan Gardavadze, Jost Gippert
(Germany), Rismag Gordeziani, Gocha Japaridze, Elguja Khintibidze,
Ketevan Khutsishvili, Akaki Kulijanashvili, Mariam Lortkipanidze,
Hirotake Maeda (Japan), Damana Melikishvili, Irma Ratiani, Manana
Ruseishvili, Mzekala Shanidze, Carl Schmidt (Great Britain), Apolon
Silagadze, Nana Tonia, Darejan Tvaltvadze, Bernard Outtier (France).
EDITORIAL BOARD: Nani Gelovani, Elene Gogiashvili, Tamar Go-
guadze, Irina Gvelesiani

gamocemulia ivane javaxiSvilis saxelobis Tbilisis saxelmwifo

universitetis sauniversiteto sagamomcemlo sabWos gadawyvetilebiT

© ivane javaxiSvilis saxelobis

Tbilisis saxelmwifo universitetis gamomcemloba, 2017

ISSN 1987-894X
levan beburiSvili
eTikuri problema vaJa-fSavelas poema

Cvens literaturaTmcodneobaSi samarTlianadaa aRiarebuli, rom

vaJa-fSavelas Semoqmedebis erT uZiriTades sakiTxad pirovnebisa
da sazogadoebis urTierToba gvevlineba. aRniSnuli problema
mTeli simwvaviTaa dasmuli poema „stumar-maspinZelSi“. mkvlevar-
Ta erTi nawili miiCnevs, rom nawarmoebSi arsebiTad gadmocemulia
or simarTles Soris moqceuli adamianis tragedia, pirovnebisa
da sazogadoebis dapirispireba ki ganpirobebulia eTikuri dil-
emiT _ urTierTSeuTavsebeli savaldebulo zneobrivi normebis
konfliqtiT. Sesabamisad, midian daskvnamde, rom orive mxares _
pirovnebasac da sazogadoebasac _ aqvs sakuTari simarTle.
magaliTad, giorgi natroSvilis SexedulebiT, poemis kiTx-
visas „vgrZnobT, rom ibadeba winaaRmdegoba, romelSic TviTeu-
li mxare marTalia da moralurad maRali da romelTa Serigeba
sikvdilsac ar SeuZlian“.1
arsebiTad imave Tvalsazriss iziarebs nodar naTaZec. misi
azriT, marTalia, poetis simpaTia joyolasa da aRazas mxaresaa,
romelnic TavianTi amaRlebuli grZnobebis karnaxiT moqmedeben,
magram imavdroulad „...vaJa naTlad gvagrZnobinebs konfliqtis
meore mxaris simarTlesac... Tems ar SeeZlo, rom Tavisi TavisaT-
vis mtris Sebralebis neba mieca. es mis elementarul saarsebo da
saTavdacvo moTxovnilebebze xelis aRebas niSnavda“.2
sakiTxi „stumar-maspinZelSi“ wamoWrili ori simarTlis Sesa-
xeb sagangebod daamuSava akaki baqraZem. kritikosi amgvarad aana-
lizebs nawarmoebSi ganviTarebul konfliqts: „erTmaneTs daupi-
rispirda ori zneobrivi wesi: stumar-maspinZloba da SurisZieba.

natroSvili 1947, 224.
naTaZe 1973, 207.

humanitaruli kvlevebi, weliwdeuli 2015 113

levan beburiSvili

orive rogorc sazogadoebis, ise pirovnebis mier Tanabrad aris

aRiarebuli... ra unda hqnas, erTi mxriv, joyolam da, meore mxriv,
sazogadoebam? orive adaTis dacva SeuZlebeli da gamoricxulia...
joyolam (pirovnebam) stumar-maspinZlobis wesis dacva arCia,
sazogadoebam _ SurisZiebisa. dairRva harmonia. ori simarTle dae-
jaxa erTmaneTs. marTalia joyola, igi icavs stumar-maspinZlobis
adaTs, mtyuania joyola _ igi arRvevs SurisZiebis adaTs. marTa-
lia sazogadoebac. igi icavs SurisZiebis adaTs. mtyuania sazoga-
doebac. igi arRvevs stumar-maspinZlobis adaTs. ori simarTlis
da ori simtyuanis brZolisas gaimarjva sazogadoebam“.3 aqve akaki
baqraZe imasac sagangebod akonkretebs, rom marTalia, sazogadoe-
ba imarjvebs fizikurad, magram zneobrivi gamarjveba pirovnebas
„uimedo dilemad“ afasebs nawarmoebSi ganviTarebul konf-
liqts ingliseli qarTvelologi donald reifildic.4
igive Sexeduleba sarwmunod miaCnia giorgi arabulsac, ro-
melic sagangebod cdilobs Temis simarTlis dasabuTebas: „mar-
Tebulia Tu ara Temis moqmedeba? unda vaRiaroT, rom imdro-
indeli cxovrebis wesis, adaTobrivi samarTlis, mixedviT, mar-
Tebulia. Temi ver dauSvebs, rom saSiSi mteri cocxali gauSvas.
sxva saqmea, ra gziT da rogori formiT akeTebs amas. zviadaurs
mZinares, uiaraRos daecnen, gakoWili waiyvanes sasaflaoze da
erT-erTi micvalebulis saflavze dakles samsxverplo cxovelis,
mkvdris sulisaTvis Sesawiravi zvarakis msgavsad. ra Tqma unda, es
araeTikuri da aravaJkacuri saqcielia adamianisadmi mopyrobis
TvalsazrisiT. magram im sazogadoebis Segneba, romelSic es xdeba,
adamianTa urTierTobis simkacre, ulmobloba da maTi warmodge-
na saiqioze... am moqmedebasac gamarTlebas uZebnis da dasaSvebad
bolo dros igive Sexeduleba ganaviTara zaza SaTiriSvilma:
„stumar-maspinZlisa“ da „aluda qeTelauris“ saerTo Tema pirov-

baqraZe 1990, 194.
reifildi 1982, 11.
arabuli 2011, 45.

eTikuri problema vaJa-fSavelas poema „stumar-maspinZelSi“

nebisa da sazogadoebis konfliqtia. magram saqme isaa, rom, magal-

iTad, „stumar-maspinZelSi“ erTmaneTs upirispirdeba ara „koleq-
tiuri“ da „individualuri~, ara pirovneba da sazogadoeba (Temi),
aramed ori kanoni stumar-maspinZlobis „wesi“ (ojaxis kanoni) da
„wesi“ sisxlis aRebisa (Temis kanoni). joyola da aRaza icaven erT
wess, xolo Temi _ meores da, cxadia, rom (rogorc WeSmarit tra-
gediaSi) orive mxare marTalia“.6
rogorc vxedavT, zemoT motanil SefasebebSi xazgasmulia is
garemoeba, rom orive mxare (joyolac da Temic) icavs mxolod
erT savaldebulo adaTobriv normas (joyola _ stumarmaspinZlo-
bis wess, Temi _ SurisZiebis adaTs), rac, mkvlevarTa azriT, gan-
pirobebulia imiT, rom sisxlis aReba da stumarmaspinZloba Tana-
barZalovani adaTebia da msgavs viTarebaSi orive maTganis dacva
SeuZlebelia. aq igulisxmeba isic, rom, adaTobrivi samarTlis
mixedviT, araa gansazRvruli, Tu romel zneobriv Cveulebas eni-
Weba upiratesoba im SemTxvevaSi, roca mteria stumrad da rogor
unda moiqces am dros maspinZeli. aqedan gamomdinare, midian im
daskvnamde, rom orive mxares aqvs sakuTari simarTle.
kritikosTa erTi nawili (n. naTaZe, g. arabuli) im Tvalsazris-
iTac saubrobs Temis simarTleze, rom maTi SexedulebiT, qistebi
ubralod Tavs uflebas ver miscemdnen, uvnebeli gaeSvaT mowi-
naaRmdege, radgan es Temis saarsebo moTxovnilebebze uaris Tqma
iqneboda. amgvarad ganmsjelni, nebsiT Tu uneblied, principis _
mizani amarTlebs saSualebas _ gamamarTleblebad gvevlinebian.
qcevis samarTlianobis kriteriumad sargeblis miCneva saerTod
azrs ukargavs simarTlis eTikur kategorias, radgan subieqtis
qcevis siswore ganisazRvreba ara imiT, Tu ramdenadaa misTvis
xelsayreli ama Tu im qcevis Sedegi, aramed imis mixedviT, ramde-
nad Tanmimdevrulad, sazogadoebaSi aRiarebuli eTikuri normebis
mixedviT moqmedebs igi miznisaken mimaval gzaze. amdenad, am Tval-
sazrisiT gaumarTlebelia Temis simarTleze saubari.
ase rom, imis gasarkvevad, dgas Tu ara nawarmoebSi eTikuri
dilema, aucilebelia dadgindes, ramdenad Tanmimdevrulia, erTi

SaTiriSvili 2006, 28.

levan beburiSvili

mxriv, joyolas, xolo meore mxriv _ Temis saqcieli adaTobrivi

samarTlis mixedviT da gansazRvravda Tu ara mTielTa zneobrivi
kodeqsi imas, rogor unda moqceuliyo maspinZeli im SemTxvevaSi,
Tu misi stumari mteri aRmoCndeboda.
sakiTxis naTelsayofad aucilebelia, erTi mxriv, folklo-
rul-eTnografiuli masalis gaTvaliswineba, radgan rogorc sa-
mecniero literaturaSia aRniSnuli, vaJas mier stumarmaspinZlo-
bis „...adaTis aseTi daxasiaTeba poeturi suraTi ki ar aris, aramed
arsebuli viTarebis namdvili gamoxatulebaa. es dadasturebulia
eTnografiuli monacemebiT“7, xolo meore mxriv _ Tavad poema
„stumar-maspinZlis“ detaluri analizi.
kavkasiis xalxTa eTnografiisa da samarTlis mkvlevarni
erTsulovnad miuTiTeben, rom kavkasiel mTielTa cnobierebaSi
stumarmaspinZlobis tradicia religiuri siwmidis xarisxSia ay-
vanili; stumrisadmi udidesi pativiscema da erTguleba saukune-
Ta ganmavlobaSi ganmtkicebuli, xelSeuxebeli moraluri normaa
da igi mTielTa rainduli znis saukeTeso gamoxatulebad gvev-
lineba. cnobili rusi istorikosi da samarTalmcodne, kavkasiis
xalxTa samarTlis mkvlevari, akademikosi maqsim kovalevski wers:
„maspinZlis mier stumris dacvas yovelgvari saSiSroebisagan, maT
Soris mosisxlesagan, atarebs religiuri movaleobis xasiaTs. os-
ebi am TvalsazrisiT mTeli kavkasieli xalxebis saerTo praqtikas
iziareben. mkvleli, TviTon moklulis saxlSi stumrad miRebuli,
arc erT SemTxvevaSi ar iqneba gacemuli; maspinZlisa da misi ojaxis
Rirseba dakavSirebulia stumris xelSeuxeblobasTan. esec cotaa,
maspinZeli valdebulia stumris mokvlis SemTxvevaSi misi sisxlic
ki iZios“.8 folklorul-eTnografiuli masalebis analizis safuZ-
velze imave daskvnamde midian qarTveli mkvlevrebi. m. mowere-
lias TqmiT, aRmosavleT saqarTvelos mTianeTSi „saxlSi Semosu-
li mosisxlec ki xelSeuxebeli xdeboda, radgan pirvel rigSi igi
stumari iyo da stumrisaTvis saWiro pativiscemas moiTxovda“9.

kiknaZe 2005, 130.
Ковалевский 1886b, 51.
mowerelia 1987, 30.

eTikuri problema vaJa-fSavelas poema „stumar-maspinZelSi“

mTielTa es zneobrivi mrwamsi yvelaze kargad Cans xevsurul

xalxur baladaSi „Siola da mTrexeli“, romelSic swored imgvari
SemTxvevaa aRwerili, maqsim kovalevski rom saubrobs.
baladis mixedviT, xevsur mTrexels Semoakvda snoeli Siola
RuduSauri, romelmac mas iaraRisa da cxenis warTmeva daupira.
RuduSaurebi sisxlis asaRebad daedevnen mkvlels. mTrexelma jer
eklesiisaTvis Tavis Sefareba scada, magram radgan kari daketili
dauxvda, mokluli Siolas das miadga daxmarebis saTxovnelad:
„miva da Saixvewebis Zmisa mamklavi disasa:
„_ dao, ver Saminaxevdi? cxonebas Senis Zmisasa!“
qali jer sagonebelSi Cavarda da tirili daiwyo, magram stu-
marmaspinZlobis wminda tradiciis darRveva ver gabeda da Seifara
Zmis mkvleli:
„_ wamodi, Savo da bnelo, suls Tu vaameb mkvdrisasa“.
sisxlis asaRebad dadevnebul Siolas Zmebs maTi da Seevedra,
rom araferi evnoT misi stumrisaTvis, ar SeebRalaT misi ojaxis
Rirseba, magram RuduSaurebma „sakvmiT“ esroles isari mTrexels
da mokles.
sxvadasxva dros Cawerili xalxuri gadmocemebis mixedviT,
Turme qalma imdenad mZafrad ganicada stumris sikvdiliT mi-
yenebuli Seuracxyofa, rom ar wavida sakuTari Zmis, Siolas
tirilze. mokluli mTrexeli ki pativiT gaasvena saxlidan da win
„qora xari“ waumZRvara, Semdeg ki Tavis qmars _ qeras _ daavala,
moekla Siolas erT-erTi Zma da amiT gamoesyida ojaxis sircx-
vili _ xalxSi ar gaevleba Tqvens gvars, ityvian, stumari ver
Seinaxeso. qeras ucdia, Tavi aeridebina am ganzraxvisaTvis, ma-
gram colis daJinebuli moTxovnis Semdeg marTlac mouklavs qa-
lis erT-erTi Zma, rasac kidev sam-sami mkvleloba mohyolia ro-
gorc qereeT, ise RuduSaurTa mxridan.10 akaki SaniZis mier Cawer-
ili balada sruldeba ganmazogadebeli daskvniT, romelSic Cans
mTqmelis guliswyroma stumarmaspinZlobis uwmindesi tradiciis
darRvevis gamo:

SaniZe 2009, 398, maxauri 2003, 136-151.

levan beburiSvili

„amboben Camaqcevasa axalcixuris kldisasa,

Tan Cayolasa amboben qerbeRelais Zisasa,
ver Seinaxa stumari, vai va dedas mtrisasa!“11
aseTi iyo kavkasiel mTielTa zneobrivi mrwamsi stumarmasp-
inZlobasTan dakavSirebiT da es mxolod mxatvruli suraTi ki ar
aris, aramed istoriulad arsebuli sinamdvile.
gansakuTrebiT sainteresoa, xom ar avlens am TvalsazrisiT
raime Taviseburebas vainaxuri modgmis xalxTa (inguSebis, CeC-
nebis, qistebis) adaTebi. amis gamorkveva mniSvnelovania imis gamo,
rom joyola swored am sazogadoebis wevria.
vainaxuri folkloris, eTnografiisa da istoriis mkvlevar-
Ta daskvniT, stumarmaspinZloba vainaxebSi uwmides movaleobad,
yvelaze aRmatebul tradiciadaa aRiarebuli. qistebi da CeCne-
bi stumars udidesi pativiT epyrobian, radganac stumari RvTis
gamogzavnilad miiCneva (Sdr.: „ai, stumari moggvare, RvTis wyalo-
baa Cvenzeda“). qistebis, iseve rogorc sxva kavkasiel mTielTa, war-
modgeniT, maspinZeli, upirveles yovlisa, pasuxismgebelia stum-
ris usafrTxoebaze. „Tu maspinZels stumari moukles, iseve dai-
wyebs davas, rogorc moklulis naTesavebi. adaTiT, sisxlis (fha)
naxevari safasuri ekuTvnis maspinZels, rogorc dazaralebuls“.12
Tu maspinZeli saTanadod ar moufrTxilda stumars, is sayovel-
Tao SeCvenebas imsaxurebs. a. berJes cnobiT, Tuki stumars gaZarc-
vavdnen, Seuracxyofdnen an moklavdnen maspinZlis daudevrobis
da gaufrTxileblobis gamo, maspinZeli moikveTeboda sazogadoe-
bidan manam, sanam Surs ar iZiebda sakuTari stumris Seuracx-
myofelze. manamde xalxi qvebiT amouqolavda mas kars. es meorde-
boda yovel Rame manam, sanam maspinZeli am samarcxvino laqas ar
stumarmaspinZlobis adaTis gansakuTrebuli Zala dakavSi-
rebulia keris kultTan. kera, mTielTa warmodgeniT, uwmindesi,
sakraluri adgilia. keris kulti imdenad Zlieri iyo vainaxebSi,

SaniZe 2009, 51.
xangoSvili 2005, 67.
Берже 1859, 87.

eTikuri problema vaJa-fSavelas poema „stumar-maspinZelSi“

rom qisturi adaTiT, Tu „mosisxle moaxerxebda dazaralebulis

saxlSi Sesvlas da Suacecxlis jaWvze (Ze) xelis wavlebas, is Cad-
enili danaSaulisagan Tavisufldeboda“.14 analogiuri iyo qarT-
vel mTielTa warmodgenac. gadmocemis Tanaxmad, qisti baRaTuri
Seipara mosisxlis saxlSi da keris win nabadSi gaxveuli dawva.
roca saxlis patronebi waawydnen, araTu Suri iZies, aramed iZule-
bulni gaxdnen, Serigebazec daTanxmebuliyvnen, radgan mosisxle
ukve maT stumrad miiCneoda.15
erTi vainaxuri Tqmulebis mixedviT, Zmebma daatyveves Tavi-
anTi dauZinebeli mteri, romelmac maT mama moukla da didi ziani
miayena, amitomac gadawyvites, misTvis gansakuTrebuli saxiT mo-
eRoT bolo, magram gadaudebeli saqmis gamo, iZulebulni gaxdnen
sami dRiT saxli daetovebinaT. Zmebma dedas daubares, rom tyvi-
saTvis ar mieca saWmel-sasmeli, magram qals Seecoda igi da daa-
pura. roca saxlSi dabrunebulma Zmebma Seityves dedis saqcielis
Sesaxeb, Tqves: _ rogorRa viZiebT axla Surs im adamianze, romel-
mac Cveni puri Wama? mogviwevs gavaTavisufloT igi, radgan gatexa
ra puri Cvens ojaxSi, igi ukve stumaria da ara tyve. amis Semdeg
Zmebma marTlac gaaTavisufles mteri.16
sxva Tqmuleba aseTia: erT oblad gazrdil ymawvils erT Rames
sami ambavi miuvida: mamaSenis Zmadnafici gzaSia da amaRam gestum-
rebao; mamaSenis mkvleli am Rames am adgilas gaivlis da Causaf-
rdio; amaRam Sens daniSnuls Zalad aTxoveben da daixsenio. ax-
algazrda sagonebelSi Cavarda, ar icoda, ra eqna. bolos deda
daexmara rCeviT: sacoles kidev monaxav, mkvlelsac sxva dros
gauswordebi, pirvel yovlisa, stumars unda davxvdeT, Tavi rom
ar mogveWraso.17
warmodgenili masalebis mixedviT, TvalnaTliv Cans mTielTa
adaTebis ierarqia. stumris xelSeuxebloba, misi dacva nebismi-
er SemTxvevaSi kavkasieli mTielisaTvis religiuri movaleobaa,

margoSvili 1985, 43.
bardaveliZe 1971, 67.
Ингушетия 1999, 199-200.
xangoSvili 2005, 67.

levan beburiSvili

„saRmrTo wesia“ da Rirseuli kaci arasodes umuxTlebs stumars,

Tundac igi mosisxle mteri gamodges.
Tavad vaJa-fSavelasa da misi gmirebisTvisac, bunebrivia, Ses-
aniSnavadaa cnobili stumarmaspinZlobis adaTis aseTi Zala. vaJa-
fSavela Tavad iyo kavkasiis xalxTa eTnografiis ubadlo mcodne
da misi Semoqmedebac TvalnaTliv adasturebs, rom poetma umci-
res niuansebamde icoda mTielTa adaTebi Tu maTi yoveldRiuri
yofis Taviseburebani. Tavis eTnografiul werilSi _ „xevsurebi“
_ xevsurTa wes-Cveulebis daxasiaTebisas, vaJa-fSavela cxadad
miuTiTebs, rom mTielis ojaxSi stumris xelSeuxebloba nebismier
SemTxvevaSi saguldagulodaa daculi: „stumari xevsuris saxlSi
xelSeuxebelia. stumris mosisxle mters, maspinZlis mezobelic,
Tunda Zmac rom iyos, ar SeuZlian stumars xma gasces; Tuki vinme
gakadnierda, maSin TviTon maspinZeli gascems pasuxs stumris
modaves, sisxlis daqcevasac ar daerideba, oRond stumari Seura-
cxyofisagan daicvas“.18
vaJa-fSavelas gmirebisaTvisac SesaniSnavad aris cnobili, Tu
romel adaTs unda misdion maT im dros, roca mteria stumrad.
am SemTxvevaSi upiratesoba eniWeba stumarmaspinZlobas. aRniS-
nuli garemoeba kargad Cans vaJa-fSavelas poema „sisxlis Ziebi-
dan“. nawarmoebis mTavari personaJi, qiCiri, apirebs, rom mosisxle
mters, aslans, estumros da dauzavdes. miuxedavad imisa, rom is
SesaniSnavad icnobs maspinZlis mzakvrul bunebas, mainc Znelad
warmoudgenia, rom iseTi znewamxdari kacic ki, rogoricaa aslani,
gabedavs da daarRvevs „saRmrTo wess“, stumarmaspinZlobis uw-
mindes movaleobas da ojaxSi misul mowinaaRmdegeze xels aRmar-
„me ki Cvens, CerqezT rjulzeda
saxlSi miuval Zmurada!..
arc me meqneba sanaRvlod,
arc Tavi dakargulada.
saRmrTo wess rogor daarRvevs,
isec gafuWda srulada?!“

vaJa-fSavela 1964, 48.

eTikuri problema vaJa-fSavelas poema „stumar-maspinZelSi“

mas Semdeg, rac aslani daarRvevs adaTs da stumrad misul

mters Seipyrobs, qiCiri sTxovs mas, rom ar gaaxmauros Tavisi
uRirsi saqcieli, radgan adaTisadmi esoden upativcemulo mopy-
robis magaliTi xalxze mavne zegavlenas moaxdens:
„nu gaagoneb CerqezTa,
rom momatyue zaviTa,
nu wahryvni moZmeT bunebas
Sxam-sawamlaviT, aviTa.
es Cveuleba mtkiced gvaqvs:
wmindad Senaxva kerisa,
pirobis daurRvevloba,
Zmad Sin Senaxva mterisa“.
erTi sityviT, warmodgenili masalebis mimoxilvis safuZvelze
naTelia, rom kavkasiel mTielTa adaTobrivi samarTlis mixedviT,
mas Semdeg, rac mteri ojaxis zRurbls gadakveTda, upiratesoba eni-
Weboda stumarmaspinZlobis wess da mis mimarT moqmedebas wyvetda
SurisZiebis adaTi. igi ZalaSi Sedioda mxolod maspinZlis ojaxis
datovebis Semdeg.19 maSasadame, darwmunebiT SeiZleba iTqvas, rom
joyola alxastaisZe sruliad Tanmimdevrulad iqceva da misi
mxridan raime valdebulebis Seusruleblobis (anda calmxrivo-
bis) Taobaze saubari sruliad gaumarTlebelia.
miuxedavad amisa, joyolas daxasiaTebisas imasac miuTiTeben,
rom TiTqos igi upirispirdeba Tems, ramdenadac jer maspinZlobas
uwevs mters, Semdeg ki uaryofs sisxlis aRebis adaTs. g. qiqoZis
mixedviT, Temis poziciidan joyola moRalatea umTavresad imis
gamo, rom mters maspinZlobs: „vaJas gmirebis ubedureba iwyeba im
wuTidan, roca isini scdiloben gadalaxon bunebrivi da aTasw-
lovani tradiciebiT ganmtkicebuli sazogadoebrivi sazRvrebi...
tragikulia joyolasa da aRazas bedi „stumar-maspinZelSi“: maT
uRalates TavianT Tems da qistebis mosisxle mters maspinZloba
da Wirisufloba gauwies“.20

Sdr.: `mas Semdeg, rac stumari datovebs maspinZlis keras da aRar
imyofeba misi dacvis qveS, sisxlis aRebis movaleoba kvlav ZalaSi
Sedis da SeiZleba aRsrulebul iqnas kidec yofili maspinZlis
mier~ _ Ковалевский 1886b, 53.
qiqoZe 1963, 250.

levan beburiSvili

iuridiuli ganmartebis mixedviT, Ralati adamianis Segnebu-

li, gacnobierebuli, winaswarganzraxuli saqcielia. Sesabamisad,
joyolas Ralatze im SemTxvevaSi SeiZleboda saubari, zviadauris
vinaoba rom scodnoda da mainc stumrad daepatiJa igi. nawarmoe-
bSi ki moqmedeba imgvarad viTardeba, rom joyola Tavisda unebu-
rad, winaswari ganzraxvis gareSe maspinZlobs mters. Tavis mxriv,
qistebmac SesaniSnavad ician, rom joyola ar aris moRalate da
ubralod ver cnobs zviadaurs. maspinZlisagan gasuli „drouli
kaci“ ase xsnis joyolas saqciels:
„qistebo, Cveni mosisxle
Semogvepara RamiTa.
sCans, ro joyola ver icnobs,
ar unaxia TvaliTa
eg Cveni amomgdebeli,
Cveni mrbeveli ZaliTa“.
erTi sityviT, araviTari safuZveli ar gvaqvs, visaubroT
joyolas mier Temis Ralatze imis gamo, rom igi zviadaurs
maspinZlobs. meore sakiTxia is, Tu ramdenad upirispirdeba
joyola sisxlis aRebis adaTs saerTod. nawarmoebis mixedviT, mas
sruliadac ar aqvs miswrafeba romelime adaTis darRvevisaken,
ubralod Tanmimdevrulobis dacvis momxrea, rodesac eubneba mu-
sas: „me gTxov, gauSva, musao, nu stanjav udierada, roca gascdeba
Cems ojaxs, iq moepyariT avada“. samarTlianad SeniSnavs grigol
kiknaZe: „joyola am SemTxvevaSic cnobs im adaTs, romlis Tanaxmad
ojaxidan gasuli stumris mimarT isev ZalaSi Sedis sisxlis aRebis
moTxovna. ase rom, joyola savsebiT Tanmimdevrulia adaTebis
dacvis TvalsazrisiT“.21
sinamdvileSi sakuTar adaTs aq Tavad Temi arRvevs, radgan
Seuracxyofs sakuTari wevris Rirsebas. rogorc aRiniSna, mTiel-
Ta warmodgeniT, keris kulti imdenad mtkice iyo, rom misi upa-
tivcemuloba aravis epatieboda. keriis jaWvze xelismokidebiT
warmoTqvamda mTieli fics, keriis jaWvis moparva miutevebel da-
naSaulad iTvleboda,22 saxlisaTvis Tofis srola ki _ kacisaTvis
Tofis srolad.23 adaTobrivi samarTlis mixedviT, aravis gareSe-

kiknaZe 2005, 130-131.
Ковалевский 1886a, 78.
xangoSvili 2005, 61.

eTikuri problema vaJa-fSavelas poema „stumar-maspinZelSi“

Tagans SeeZlo ojaxis saqmeSi Careva ojaxis ufrosis nebarTvis

gareSe. am ukanasknelis funqciebi imdenad didi iyo, rom rogorc
miuTiTeben, zogjer igi wyvetda ojaxis ama Tu im wevris sikvdil-
sicocxlis sakiTxs24. is faqti, rom garedan mosuls ojaxSi ara-
viTari TviTneburi saqcielis Cadenis ufleba ar hqonda arc erT
SemTxvevaSi, kargad Cans poemis teqstidan. joyolas stumar xnier
qists zviadauris danaxvisas mglis feri daedo da xanjlisken
gaapara xeli, magram droulad moToka Tavi, „radgan stumari
sxvis saxlSi ver gaSlis xaTabalasa“. cxadia, joyolas stumrebad
iTvlebodnen mis kars mimdgari qistebic, romelTac Seuracxyves
maspinZlis Rirseba, gaitaces ra misi stumari ojaxidan.
vaJa-fSavela didi ostatobiT gvixatavs brbos fsiqolo-
gias. SurisZiebis wyurvili gonebas ubnelebs qistebs. masa af-
eqtebze dayrdnobiT moqmedebs, srulfasovnad veRar acnobierebs
viTarebis Taviseburebas da nebismier fasad SurisZiebas isaxavs
miznad. Sedegad ki „Temi adaTebis mixedviT moqmedebisas arRvevs
sakuTarsave cxovrebis wesebs, ar icavs adgilisa da drois faq-
tors, romelic imdenad Zlieri iyo, rom sakralur mniSvneloba-
sac ki itevda. uZvelesi warmodgeniT, zogierTi qceva mkacrad
emorCileboda adgilisa da drois princips. maSasadame, TemSiac
adaTis normebi miRebuli TanmimdevrobiT unda Sesrulebuliyo.
amas moiTxovs joyolac Temisgan:
dRes stumaria eg Cemi,
Tund zRva emarTos sisxlisa...
joyola aseve mtkiced icavs moqmedebis adgilis Seuvaloba-
Cems ojaxs ra pasuxs aZlevT?
saxlSi xarT, gana Sarada!
roca gascdeba Cems ojaxs,
iq moepyariT avada“.25

Ковалевский 1890, 66.
wowkolauri 2008, 270-271.

levan beburiSvili

miuxedavad imisa, rom SurisZiebis wyurvili gons ubindavs

brbos, qistebs mainc aqvT danaSaulis SegrZneba. am faqtze is
mxatvruli detali migvaniSnebs TvalnaTliv, rom isini mal-
ulad apireben joyolas stumris datyvevebas. samarTlianad
SeniSnavs daviT wowkolauri: „Temi TviTneburad iqceva, roca
joyolas Tavisi gadawyvetilebis Sesaxeb arafers amcnobs. piriq-
iT, joyolas ojaxSi migzavnil moTvalTvales Temi avalebs, rom
„soflis ganzraxva ara gziT mas ar Caugdos yurada“. bunebrivad
dgeba kiTxva: ratom umalaven joyolas TavianT mizans? cxadia,
imitom, rom adaTis darRvevas apireben“.26 qistebma SesaniSnavad
ician, rom Rirseuli kaci aravis miscems stumris Seuracxyofis
uflebas, amitomac malulad atyveveben zviadaurs. Temi fiqrobs,
rom daayeneben ra ukve faqtis winaSe joyolas, ufro advilad
daTrgunaven mis pirovnul nebas. ver axerxeben ra joyolas gatex-
vas daSinebiT, bolos mzakvruli fsiqologiuri dartymiT cdilo-
ben mis gadabirebas, roca amcnoben, rom „TviT aman mokla Seni Zma
aryianebSi TofiTa“. joyola am urTules gamocdasac uZlebs, igi
axerxebs daZlios didi sulieri tkivili, ar uRalatos moralur
principebs, maT dauqvemdebaros Tavisi qceva da bolomde monoli-
Tur pirovnebad darCes:
„_ eg marTalia, iqneba...
ra unda miTxraT magiTa,
miTc ver miabamT Cems gulsa
Tqvens gulisTqmasTan ZafiTa.
dRes stumaria eg Cemi,
Tund zRva emarTos sisxlisa,
miTac me ver vuRalateb,
vficav RmerTs, qmnili imisa“.
gansakuTrebuli sicxadiT is garemoeba, Tu vis mxaresaa am
viTarebaSi simarTle, Cans joyolasa da musas sityvieri dapir-
ispirebis dros. joyola sruliad samarTlianad adanaSaulebs
TanamoZmeebs sakuTari rjulis ugulebelyofasa da sauflo wesis
gatexvaSi. stumarmaspinZlobis „sauflo wesad“ moxsenieba kidev

wowkolauri 2008, 228.

eTikuri problema vaJa-fSavelas poema „stumar-maspinZelSi“

erTxel cxadad miuTiTebs, rom adaTobrivi samarTlis mixedviT,

stumris xelSeuxebloba religiuri movaleobis xasiaTs atarebs.
joyolas TqmiT, Temis saqcieli gaugonaria, aravis smenia qisteT-
Si stumars ase moqceodnen.
„_ ras sCadiT? _ SemouZaxa: _
vis stumars hboWavT TokiTa?
rad stexT sauflo Cvens wessa,
Tavs lafs rad masxamT kokiTa?..
vis gauyidav stumari?
qisteTs sad Tqmula ambada?..
Tvis rjuli dagviwyebiaT,
mitom iqceviT mcdarada“.
im SemTxvevaSi, Tu stumarmaspinZloba da sisxlis aReba Tana-
barZalovani adaTebia, maSin qistebma warmodgenil SemTxvevaSi
joyolas mier naxseneb „sauflo wess“ sxva „sauflo wesi“ unda
daupirispiron. im sityvebs, romelsac mkvlevrebi Temis argu-
mentad moixmoben xolme _ „magram mters mtrulad moeqe, Tavad
ufalma brZanao“ _ sinamdvileSi, bolos, zviadauris „Sewirvis“
Semdeg amboben qistebi, roca „xalxis guli da goneba sasinanulod
mihqroda“. joyolasTan kamaTisas aravin imowmebs am mcnebas, radgan
Temma kargad icis, warmodgenil SemTxvevaSi mas ver daekisreba ar-
gumentis Zala, radgan adaTebis ierarqiiT, upiratesoba ekuTvnis
stumarmaspinZlobas. amitomac sakralur avtoritets mxolod
joyola imowmebs, Temi ki ver axerxebs myari zneobrivi argumen-
tis moyvanas. misi erTaderTi sabuTi Zalaa, Temis erTpirovnuli
„Sen da Sens stumars, orives
erTad gadgisvriT beqiTa.
Tems rac swadian, mas izams
Tavis Temobis wesiTa...
Senac amasTan SagkonavT,
Temis pirs rom stex, Tavxedo!
Cvenis narCevis darRveva
Sen rogor unda gahbedo?“

levan beburiSvili

erTi sityviT, joyolas adanaSauleben „Temis piris gatexvasa“

da umravlesobis TanxmobiT miRebuli erTiani gadawyvetilebi-
sadmi daumorCileblobaSi. TemisaTvis am SemTxvevaSi uzenaesi
avtoriteti „sauflo wesi“ ki ar aris, aramed _ sakuTari Tavi
(„Tems rac swadian, mas izams Tavis Temobis wesiTa“), praqtikuli
saWiroeba. uzenaes avtoritetad ki gamocxadebulia umravle-
sobis, Tanamedrove terminiT Tu vityviT, „demokratiuli“ neba.
„saRmrTo wess“ upirispirdeba viwro utilitaruli miswrafeba.
Temi iviwyebs sakralur adaTs, radgan mocemul SemTxvevaSi xels
ar aZlevs igi da iyenebs SerCeviT samarTals.
Temisagan gansxvavebiT, joyola myari Rirebulebebis mqone
pirovnebaa. zneobriv kanons misTvis sayovelTao, imperatiuli
mniSvneloba aqvs nebismier SemTxvevaSi da pirnaTladac aRasru-
lebs mas, Tundac mTel TemTan dapirispireba mouxdes. joyolas-
aTvis, rogorc namdvili pirovnebisaTvis, zneobrivi Rirebuleba
umravlesobis nebaze maRla dgas da bolomde erTgulebs mas.
miuxedavad amisa, mainc weren, rom joyola „... damnaSavea im
dros moqmedi adaTobrivi samarTlis mixedviT imaSi, rom Temis
gadawyvetilebas ar emorCileba“.27 imasac aRniSnaven, TiTqos Tems
nebismier SemTxvevaSi SeeZlo Seecvala sakuTari adaTi da, aqedan
gamomdinare, joyolasac marTebda dahyoloda mis nebas.
rogorc mkvlevrebi miuTiTeben, kavkasiur TemebSi raime we-
sis Secvla xdeboda sayovelTao krebis Sedegad, Tanac es exe-
boda umTavresad cxovrebis praqtikul saWiroebasTan dakavSire-
bul, yofiT sakiTxebs da aramc da aramc sakralur normebs. cxa-
dia, saukuneTa ganmavlobaSi ganmtkicebuli, religiuri siwmidis
sferoSi ayvanili iseTi adaTi, rogoric stumarmaspinZlobaa, xel-
Seuxebeli iyo da aseT konservatiul sazogadoebaSi misi Secvla
Tu koreqtireba (Tanac momentalurad) azrad aravis mouvidoda.
ase rom, aq pirovnuli morali ki ar upirispirdeba socialur
morals, rogorc amas zogjer miuTiTeben xolme, pirovneba raime
axal zneobriv kanons ki ar adgens, aramed sworedac rom igi icavs
socialuri moralis im normas, romelsac Tavad afeqtebs ayolili

arabuli 2011, 49.

eTikuri problema vaJa-fSavelas poema „stumar-maspinZelSi“

sazogadoeba Ralatobs. erTi sityviT, joyola camde marTalia ara

mxolod pirovnuli, aramed socialuri moralis TvalsazrisiTac.
ori simarTlis Teorias safuZvels aclis is garemoeba, rom
vaJa TanagrZnobas ar gangvacdevinebs Temisadmi, aramed mkveTrad
uaryofiTi ferebiT gvixatavs mas, rogorc SurismaZiebels, moZa-
lades. joyolas mowinaaRmdegeTadmi poetis uaryofiTi mimarTe-
ba maT metaforul daxasiaTebaSi iCens Tavs. joyolasgan gasuli
„drouli“ qistis Sesaxeb naTqvamia, rom: „wavida, kari-kar dadis
enasa lesavs SxamiTa“, joyolasTan stumrad misul moyurades
ki „vin icis, guli savse aqvs gvelis SxamiT da gesliTa“. seiris
mayurebeli brbo ki sixaruliT adevnebs Tval-yurs zviadauris
Sewirvis sazarel rituals: „yvelas uxaris mis mokvla, an vin dai-
wyebs glovasa“ da a. S.
qistebi damnaSaveni arian imis gamo, rom ar icaven moqmedebis
Tanmimdevrulobas. erTi sityviT, Temi ara mxolod dRevandeli
gadasaxedidan iqceva arahumanurad da usamarTlod, aramed TviT
Temuri wyobilebis pirobebSi arsebuli samarTlebrivi normebis
daskvnis saxiT SeiZleba iTqvas, rom sinamdvileSi poema
„stumar-maspinZelSi“ ar gvaqvs saqme eTikur dilemasTan. erTma-
neTs upirispirdeba ara ori simarTle, aramed simarTle da us-
amarTloba (joyolas ukanaskneli replika: „grisxavdeT ca-qveynis
madli, usamarTlobas SvrebiTa!“ da Temis mxridan dumili, naT-
lad migvaniSnebs, vin moqmedebs usamarTlod).
maSin, rodesac mTeli Temi arRvevs sakralur adaTs, erTi ada-
miani, zneobrivi gmiri icavs sakuTari ojaxis, Temisa da, saerTod,
adamianobis Rirsebas. „stumar-maspinZelSi“ daxatulia im adamia-
nis tragedia, romlisTvisac umravlesobis nebaze maRla zneobri-
vi Rirebuleba, sindisis grZnoba dgas. praqtikul-utilitaruli
miznebiT dabrmavebuli sazogadoeba Zaladobs idealuri Rireb-
ulebebiT mcxovreb adamianze, visTvisac zneoba ganyenebuli Teo-
ria ki ar aris, aramed _ cxovrebis wesi. miuxedavad imisa, rom
joyola fizikurad marcxdeba, igi sulierad imarjvebs, radgan
ar Ralatobs moralur mrwamss da swored zneobrivi movaleobis
pirnaTlad aRsrulebaSi xedavs vaJa-fSavela adamianis cxovrebis
umTavres sazriss.

levan beburiSvili

miT umetes dRes, rodesac „umravlesobis demokratiul ne-

bas“ xSirad moixmoben xolme, rogorc zneobriv arguments, vaJas
„stumar-maspinZeli“ Segvaxsenebs, rom umravlesobis neba ar Sei-
Zleba iyos simarTlis upirobo sabuTi da arsebobs eTikis sfero,
romelic umravlesobis nebaze maRla dgas da kalkulaciiT ar
ganisazRvreba. pirovnebis simyare swored maSin vlindeba Tval-
naTliv, rodesac igi umravlesobis nebis winaaRmdeg daicavs zneo-
briv Rirebulebas. namdvili pirovneba isaa, vinc ar gaeTelineba
masis damTrgunvel Zalas da yovelgvari zewolis miuxedavad,
moaxerxebs zneobriv erTeulad darCenas.


arabuli 2011: arabuli g. 2011, vaJa-fSavelas poetur-mxatvru-

li samyaro, Tbilisi
bardaveliZe 1971: bardaveliZe v. 1971, mTisa da baris mosaxleo-
bis urTierTobis istoriidan saqarTveloSi, macne, isto-
riis, arqeologiis, eTnografiisa da xelovnebis istoriis
seria, 3, 64-76
baqraZe 1990: baqraZe a. 1990, rwmena, Tbilisi
vaJa-fSavela 1964: vaJa-fSavela, 1964, Txzulebani aT tomad,
t. IX, Tbilisi
kiknaZe 2005: kiknaZe g. 2005, Txzulebani, t. 1, Tbilisi
margoSvili 1985: margoSvili l. 1985, pankiseli qistebis wes-
Cveulebebi da Tanamedroveoba, Tbilisi
maxauri 2003: maxauri t. 2003, xalxuri da literaturuli ba-
lada, Tbilisi
mowerelia 1987: mowerelia m. 1987, stumarmaspinZlobis tradi-
ciebi aRmosavleT saqarTvelos mTianeTSi, Tbilisi
naTaZe 1973: naTaZe n. 1973, literaturuli werilebi, Tbilisi
natroSvili 1947: natroSvili g. 1947, literaturuli etiudebi,
reifildi 1982: reifildi d. 1982, zedrouli samyaro, „litera-
turuli saqarTvelo“, 12, 11

eTikuri problema vaJa-fSavelas poema „stumar-maspinZelSi“

qiqoZe 1963: qiqoZe g. 1963, rCeuli Txzulebani, t. 1, Tbilisi

SaTiriSvili 2006: SaTiriSvili z. 2006, vaJa-fSavela da poeziis
sawyisi, Cveni mwerloba, # 13, 28-30
SaniZe 2009: SaniZe a. 2009, qarTuli xalxuri poezia, xevsuruli,
wowkolauri 2008: wowkolauri d. 2008, vaJa-fSavelas Teoriul-
literaturuli naazrevi, Tbilisi
xangoSvli 2005: xangoSvili x. 2005, qistebi, Tbilisi
Берже 1859: Берже А. П. 1859, Чечня и чеченцы, Тифлис
Ингушетия 1999: Ингушетия и ингуши, Под ред. Адама Малсагова,
1999, Назрань-Москва
Ковалевский 1886a: Ковалевский М. 1886, Современный обычай и
древний закон, т. I, Москва
Ковалевский 1886б: Ковалевский М. 1886, Современный обычай и
древний закон, т. II, Москва
Ковалевский 1890: Ковалевский М. 1890, Закон и обычай на Кавказе,
т. I, Москва

Levan Beburishvili
Ethical Problem in Vazha Pshavela’s Epic Poem “Host and Guest”

In Georgian literary criticism the relationship between the individual and the
society is duly acknowledged to be one of the main issues of Vazha Pshavela’s
creative works. The mentioned problem is raised with the whole acuteness
in the epic poem “Host and Guest.” Some of the researchers consider that
the poem essentially depicts the tragedy of the man placed between the two
truths, and that the confrontation between the individual and the society is
conditioned by the ethical dilemma – the conflict among mutually incompat-
ible, obligatory moral norms. Accordingly, the conclusion has been reached
that both parties – the individual and the society – are right in their own ways.
This opinion was developed by G. Natroshvili, N. Natadze, A. Bakradze,
D. Reyfield, Z. Shatirishvili and other literary critics who gave different inter-
pretations to it. From the point of view of these authors, both parties (Jokola
and the community) follow only one compulsory custom (Jokola – hospital-
ity; the community – the tradition of revenge); which, according to the re-

levan beburiSvili

searchers, is conditioned by the fact that both revenge and hospitality are
equally powerful customs and it is impossible to follow both of them under
such circumstances. This also means that, according to the customary law, it
is not defined which of the moral habits is more preferable in this particular
instance when the guest is also an enemy; and it is not defined either how the
host should behave in such a case. Therefore, they come to the conclusion that
both parties are right in their own way.
In order to clarify the issue, on the one hand, it is necessary to take into
account folkloric-ethnographic materials because, as it is noted in scientific
literature, “… such a characteristic custom of hospitality as the one presented
by Vazha Pshavela is not a poetic picture, but it is a real expression of the con-
crete reality. This is confirmed by ethnographic findings” (Grigol Kiknadze),
and, on the other hand, there should be conducted an in-depth analysis of the
poem “Host and Guest” itself.
Based on the analysis of the folkloric-ethnographic materials of the Cau-
casian peoples, the conclusion can be drawn that according to the custom-
ary law of the highlanders of the Caucasus, after the enemy stepped over the
threshold of a family, the preference used to be given to hospitality and the
duty of revenge on him was abolished, but it came into practice again only
after leaving the host’s family. So, it can be said with certainty that Jokola
Alkhastaidze behaves consistently; therefore, speaking about the negligence
(or unilateralism) of any duty on his part is completely unjustifiable.
Actually, in this case when the dignity of its own member is hurt, the
community itself violates the tradition. From the point of view of highlanders,
the cult of the hearth was so strong that nobody was excused for disrespecting
it. A highlander used to make an oath holding the chain of the hearth, stealing
the chain of the hearth was regarded as an unforgivable crime, and shooting
the gun at the house was equal to shooting a man. According to the customary
law, no stranger could interfere with family matters without a permission of
the head of the family. The latter’s functions were so great that, as it has been
noted, sometimes it was he who made decisions even over such issues as life
and death of the family member. The fact that the guest of the family under
no circumstances had a right to do anything willfully is clearly seen in the text
of the poem. On seeing the old Kist as Jokola’s guest, Zviadauri got pale and
covertly tried to grab a dagger but promptly managed to refrain “because a
guest mustn’t create a disturbance in the family of a stranger.” It’s obvious,

eTikuri problema vaJa-fSavelas poema „stumar-maspinZelSi“

the Kists who came to Jokola’s house were considered to be guests themselves
and by kidnapping the other visitor from the family they would disgrace the
dignity of the host.
Vazha Pshavela masterfully shows the psychology of the crowd. The
thirst for revenge makes the Kists lose their mind. The crowd acted in a fit of
passion and could not be fully aware of the peculiarities of the situation and
aimed at taking their revenge at any cost.
As a result, by acting in accordance with their customs the community
breaches the rules of its own life, it does not take into account place and time
factors, which were so crucial that they even acquired sacred importance.
Pursuant to the oldest representation, some of their behaviour strictly obeys
the principles of place and time. Hence, even in the community the norms of
customs should have been performed in accordance with the accepted consis-
tency. This was what Jokola demanded from the community.
Although the thirst for revenge makes the crowd lose its reason, the Kists
still feel a sense of guilt. This fact is clearly confirmed by the artistic detail,
when they are secretly going to capture Jokola’s guest. “The community be-
haves willfully when it does not notify Jokola about its decision. On the con-
trary, the spy having been sent to Jokola’s family is tasked by the community
that “on no account should Jokola be informed about the intention of the vil-
lage”. Naturally a question arises: Why has Jokola been concealed from their
aim? Obviously, they are going to violate the tradition”- duly comments Davit
Tsotskolauri. The Kists know very well that a worthy man will never let his
guest be insulted, that is why Zviadauri has been stealthily captured. The
community thinks that by putting Jokola face to face with the fact they will be
able to restrain his personal will. Not being able to break Jokola by bullying
him, they try to entice him with the insidious psychological shock when they
notify him: “It was he who killed your brother”. Jokola manages to pass even
this test, he tries to overcome the great spiritual pain, not to betray his moral
principles: “All that you are trying to say …/ may be true ,/ you can’t tie my
heart / to your wishes with thread. / He is my guest today, / though he owes
me a sea of blood, / I cannot betray him. / I swear it, by God, his creator.”
The circumstance that shows which side is right in this situation can be
obviously seen at the time of the verbal confrontation between Jokola and
Musa. Jokola duly blames his countrymen for defying their own religion and
breaking the rule of God. The reference to hospitality as to the “Rule of God”

levan beburiSvili

clarifies once again that according to the customary law, the inviolability of
the guest bears the nature of a religious duty. As Jokola says, the behaviour of
the community is unbelievable, nobody in Kisteti has ever heard of the guest
having been treated in such a way: “Why are you here? he cried, /‘Whose
guest are you binding with a rope? / Why are you breaking our sovereign
law? / Why are you drenching my head with mud? / Who has ever betrayed
a guest? / No one has ever come across such a thing in Kisteti./ What have I
done, then, / that you are all at my door? / You’ve forgotten the rules of your
own cult, / that is why you are acting so feloniously.”
If hospitality and the custom of “Blood Law” have equal force, then “the
Rule of the Lord” mentioned by Jokola should be confronted by the Kists
with the other kind of “Rule of the Lord”. The citation – “but God himself
commanded to treat the enemy with hostility.” – which the researchers use
as the argument supporting the community, is actually uttered by the Kists
after punishing Zviadauri. Nobody cites this commandment while arguing
with Jokola, as the community knows quite well that in this case it cannot
be a strong argument because, in accordance with the hierarchy of customs,
hospitality is more plausible.
That is why the sacred authority is cited only by Jokola, and the com-
munity cannot manage to offer any convincing moral arguments. Their only
proof is force and the sole decision of the community: “Whatever the tribe
must do, it will do / according to the tribal rules”. Briefly, Jokola has been
blamed for “the betrayal of the community” and the rebellion against the
unanimous decision taken with the consent of the majority.
In this case the supreme authority for the community is not the “Rule of
the Lord”, but practical necessity. And using a a modern term, the “demo-
cratic” will of the majority is declared to be the supreme authority. “The Di-
vine Rule” is confronted by the narrow utilitarian aspiration. The community
forgets the sacred custom, because it is not convenient for it in this situation,
so it uses the selective law.
In contrast to the community, Jokola is the personality with strong values.
The moral laws have the comprehensive, imperative importance for him in
any case and he honestly follows them even if he has to confront the commu-
nity. The moral values for Jokola stand above the will of the majority and he
remains faithful to them to the end.
So, here the personal morality does not contradict the social morale as it
is sometimes noted. The individual does not constitute any new moral laws,

eTikuri problema vaJa-fSavelas poema „stumar-maspinZelSi“

but it is he who follows the standard of social morality, which is violated by

the society itself, acting in a fit of passion. In short, Jokola is completely right
not only from the personal point of view, but in terms of social moral values
as well.
The theory of the two truths has been undermined by the circumstances
that Vazha does not make us feel sympathy for the community. On the con-
trary, he depicts it in sharply negative colours as an avenger and violator. The
poet’s negative attitude toward Jokola’s opponents is seen in their metaphoric
characteristics. The Kists are guilty because of the inconsistency of their ac-
tions. In short, the behavior of the community is inhumane and unjust not
only from the vantage point of view, but according to the legal standards ex-
isting under the communal regime as well.
The poem “Host and Guest” does not actually pose an ethical dilemma.
The controversy is not between two diffenret versions of the truth, but be-
tween justice and injustice (the last replica of Jokola: “Let the mercy of heaven
and earth rebuke you, as you are commiting injustice!” The silence on the
part of the community clearly reveals them as the ones who are unjust).
And whereas the community breaks the sacred custom, only one person,
the moral hero protects the dignity of his own family, community and gener-
ally of the humanity. The poem “Host and Guest” describes the tragedy of
human, for whom the sense of moral values and conscience are placed at a
higher level than the will of the majority. The society blinded by utilitarian
purposes uses violence against a dignified human. Although Jokola is physi-
cally defeated, he wins spiritually, as he does not betray the existing moral
beliefs and this is the honest performance of moral duties in which Vazha
Pshavela sees the main idea of human life.
Furthermore, today when the “democratic” will of the majority is often
cited as the argument of morality, Vazha Pshavela’s “Host and Guest” re-
minds us that the will of the majority cannot be the absolute substantiation of
truth and there exists the field of ethics which stands higher than the will of
the majority and which cannot be determined by calculation.
The power of the individual is clearly revealed when he protects the exist-
ing moral values against the will of the majority. A real individual is a person
who will not comply with the pressurizing force coming from the masses and
in spite of all kinds of oppressions he manages to remain a moral individual.


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