Short Term Plan 7ж- 07.09

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Short term plan

Unit 1 of a long term plan: Communication and School: 38 school-lyceum


Date: 07.09.2023 Teacher name: Kapsalyk Gulnur

Grade: 7 Number present: absent:
Lesson title People's possession
Learning objectives understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts
on general and curricular topics provide basic information about themselves and others at discourse
level on a range of general topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Read about young people and their possessions.
• Read for general meaning and specific information.
• Talk about rules at school.

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment : At the

Start 1.Greeting. “The wish flower” organization
Warm-up method helps to start the moment T tries
• Ask individual students: What do lesson with good wishes to award active Pictures
you always have in your bag? What to each other. Ss. «The
possessions are important to you? praise» method
• Elicit ideas from the class, and ask The aim: To develop Ss is used to
speaking skills and PPT
students if they think they have a lot evaluate Ss with
of possessions. create friendly phrases like:
Lead – In atmosphere “Good job!
Well done!”
Efficiency: By wishing
each other they feel
better and feel the Formative
support of others Assessment

Students say different

A PIECE OF FAMILY HISTORY: words from the picture
"This book was given to [my father] Good job!
in 1937 as a class prize. Not only
was it read to him as a child, it was
also read to me. One day I hope to
read it to my children." — Deborah,
Roanoke, Virginia
Main Ex:1 P:10
part -Students use their dictionaries to Students check the Assessment
check the meaning of the words in meaning of words criteria CD 1
the list - Learn
Ask students to work in pairs to vocabulary for
guess which possessions belong to Students read the study everyday objects Cards
each person strategy
ANSWERS Descriptor:
Differentiation: 1 Phra Pachak - match the
«Verbal support» method is used 2 Laura words in the box
to help Students use new words in 3 Phra Pachak with the objects.
the text. 4 Laura
5 Phra Pachak
Ex: 2 P: 10 Assessment
Allow students time to read the Students read the text criteria:
Study strategy, then ask them to and write true or false. Do a Worksheets
identify the key words in the Correct the false questionnaire
question in exercise 1 (possessions, sentences about personal
Phra Pachak, Laura). ANSWERS: possessions
1 False. Thai monks Descriptor:
Differentiation: Support; learners wear orange robes. - look at the
are arranged to interact in mixed 2 True. question and
groups. Topic vocabulary is used 3 False. People give food check the
while responding to the given to the monks. meaning of the
questions 4 True. six adjectives
Ex: 3 P: 10 5 False. Laura doesn’t go
• In a stronger class, ask students if into classes without her
they would like to live with fewer ID card.
or more possessions. Ask if the 6 True. -Make CCQ
rules for Laura and Phra Pachak questions
seem strict.
• In a weaker class, ask how
Laura’s school rules compare to
their own. What is different?
Home task: Poster
End EX: 5 P: 10 WB Success
KWL chart

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