Eng Plus GR 9 LP Term 1 Salikha
Eng Plus GR 9 LP Term 1 Salikha
Eng Plus GR 9 LP Term 1 Salikha
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов
1 Students’ own
Lead - In answers. Good job!
1 What are you passionate 2 An attribute is a
about? quality or characteristic
2 What are attributes? of someone.
3 Who was famous in the 3 Students’ own
1960s? answers.
Main Pre-text discussion (pairwork!): Students express their
part consider letting the students share ideas
previous experiences in similar
Exercise 1
• In a weaker class, ask for
translations. In a stronger class,
encourage students to put the
words into sentences to show Assessment
understanding. Students complete the criteria Cards
ANSWERS 1 generous 2 passion 3 table. Which adjectives - Recognize and
moody 4 anxious 5 pessimistic 6 are negative? use nouns and Student’s
optimism 7 responsibility 8 respect Negative adjectives: adjectives of book
9 enthusiasm 10 confidence 11 moody, anxious, attributes and
frustrated pessimistic, frustrated personality.
Differentiation: Descriptor:
«Verbal support» method is used - recognize the
to help Students use new words in nouns
the text. - Can use an
Exercise 2 adjectives
• In a weaker class, you could Total: 1 point Worksheets
help students to prepare for the Students complete the
task by deciding together sentences with your
whether the missing words are own ideas using words Assessment
adjectives or nouns. in exercise 1. criteria:
• In a stronger class, ask - Make adverbs
students to give reasons and ANSWERS from adjectives.
justify their opinion. Students’ own answers
• Ask some students to
compare their answers and -Make CCQ
report back to the class on how questions
similar or different they and Student’s
their partner are Descriptor: book
Differentiation:Support; learners - can use
are arranged to interact in mixed adverbs from
groups. Topic vocabulary is used adjectives
while responding to the given
Start Ask about the weather.
The aim: To develop Ss At the
Warm-up speaking skills and organization Pictures
Pantomime: 'What do you like? create friendly
Play the game in 2 groups. One moment T tries
pupil from each group comes to the Efficiency: By telling the to award active
board and mimes a hobby. The wishes they show their Ss.
«The praise» PPT
other group tries to guess the appreciations .
hobby. If they guess correctly, they method is used
win one point. At the end of the to evaluate Ss
game, the group with the most with phrases
points is the winner. like:
Lead - In “Good job!
Write on the board: In life, it’s best Well done!”
not to act too … Elicit possible
Good job!
endings for the sentence (quickly,
carefully, etc.).
Start Ask about the weather. At the
Pre-teaching vocabulary organization
The aim: To develop Ss moment T tries Pictures
Warm-up speaking skills and
to award active
1/ Describe the given picture. create friendly
atmosphere Ss.
2/ What is the message conveyed «The praise»
Efficiency: By telling the PPT
by it? wishes they show their method is used
• With books closed, ask students if appreciations . to evaluate Ss
they have seen photographs of with phrases
their parents and grandparents like:
when they were young. “Good job!
Lead – In Well done!”
What do you think life was like in
the 1950s? Good job!
Which of these things do you think
were common in the 1950s?
Which are common now?
In differentiation part«Think and
share» method was used to check
up student’s vocabulary
knowledge. .
Main Pre- Reading Activity. Predictions.
part Elicitation
Predicting and guessing. Students express their
Students skimming the text "My ideas
generation" quickly
Students express their ideas
«Verbal support» method is used Assessment
to help Students ue new words in criteria
the text. - understand Cards
While-reading Students read, listen and specific
Exercise 1 compare their answers information and Student’s
• Read through the items in the list with the text. detail in texts book
with the class and check that Descriptor:
students understand them. ANSWERS -finds necessary
In a weaker class, allow students to More common in the information in
use dictionaries 1950s ballrooms, big the text and
In a stronger class, elicit Worksheets
bands, black-and-white completes the
suggestions and guesses for TV More common now task.
unfamiliar vocabulary, and then mobile phones,
discuss again after the first reading, computers, jobs for
encouraging students to use women, discos, bad Student’s
context to work out the meaning. language Assessment book
Exercise 2 -Identify
-In a weaker class, encourage Students read the text particular
students to underline the parts of again. Write true or information and
the text where they found the false. Correct the false details in
answers. In a stronger class, sentences reading
encourage students to identify the ANSWERS passage.
false sentences and correct them 1 False. The cinema was
from memory. Then they should popular in the fifties. 2 -Make CCQ
read again and confirm False. A family in her questions
Exercise 3 street bought a TV.
Ask students to complete the 3 True. Descriptor:
sentences with the correct 4 False. She really likes - analyses the
prepositions the fashions. information in
Peer testing. 5 True. the text and
Students work in pairs or groups 6 True gives the right
They have to prepare questions answers.
about the text they have just read.
The members of each pair or each
group will have to answer.
Start Ask about the weather.
Warm-up At the
The aim: To develop Ss organization Pictures
With books close, ask the SS what they speaking skills and moment T tries
remember about the reading text from create friendly
atmosphere to award active
last lesson. Write on the board the
example I visited my gran last weekend Efficiency: By telling the Ss.
«The praise» PPT
and she'd found some of her old wishes they show their
photos. appreciations . method is used
Underline she'd found. Ask: When to evaluate Ss
did I visit my gran? (last weekend). with phrases
When did she find the photos, like:
before or after I visited? (before I “Good job!
visited). Well done!”
Tell SS that this tense is called the
past perfect. Good job!
Start Ask about the weather.
Warm-up At the
The aim: To develop Ss organization Pictures
With books close, ask the SS what they speaking skills and moment T tries
remember about the reading text from create friendly
atmosphere to award active
last lesson. Write on the board the
example I visited my gran last weekend Efficiency: By telling the Ss.
«The praise» PPT
and she'd found some of her old wishes they show their
photos. appreciations . method is used
to evaluate Ss
Lead – In with phrases
“Good job!
Well done!”
Good job!
-fills in the
according to the
grammar rule.
Self-assessment. How Students use Poster
End Giving the hometask. WB ex.4-5 p.7 well do I understand? their stickers to Success
4 - I can do this and show their
explain it to someone knowledge
else. according to the
3 - I understand and can lesson.
do this by myself.
2 - I need more practice.
1 - I don't understand
this yet.
Start Ask about the weather.
Warm-up At the
The aim: To develop Ss organization Pictures
Write make, do, collect and write speaking skills and moment T
on the board as headings. With create friendly tries to award
books closed, students work in atmosphere active Ss.
pairs and brainstorm words you use Efficiency: By telling the «The praise» PPT
with each wishes they show their method is
Lead – In appreciations . used to
evaluate Ss
with phrases
“Good job!
Well done!”
Good job!
Start Ask about the weather.
Warm-up At the
The aim: To develop Ss organization Pictures
Refer students back to the photos speaking skills and moment T
on page 12. Ask What was Clare create friendly
doing when she first heard the atmosphere tries to award
music? Efficiency: By telling the active Ss.
«The praise» PPT
• Elicit the answer (she was wishes they show their
appreciations . method is
dancing) and write the sentence on
the board: She was dancing when used to
she heard the music. evaluate Ss
Students write down the with phrases
• Underline the verbs and elicit rules
that they are in the past continuous like:
and past simple. “Good job!
Well done!”
• Ask: Which action happened
first? (she was dancing); Did she
Good job!
continue dancing when she heard
it? (yes)
Lead – In
Ask questions
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов
Start Ask about the weather.
Warm-up At the
The aim: To develop Ss organization Pictures
With books closed, ask students speaking skills and moment T tries
what important days they can create friendly
atmosphere to award active
remember from the past. Ss.
• Elicit some answers, e.g. the first Efficiency: By telling the PPT
wishes they show their «The praise»
day at a new school, a holiday, method is used
appreciations .
Christmas day, etc. Ask students to to evaluate Ss
describe what they remember and with phrases
how they felt like:
Lead – In “Good job!
Look at the photo. What do you Well done!”
think the relationship between
Colin and Dean is? What are they Good job!
looking at?
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов
Start Ask about the weather.
Warm-up At the
The aim: To develop Ss organization Pictures
Ask students what they think all speaking skills and moment T tries
these events have in common. If create friendly
atmosphere to award active
necessary, tell them that they all Ss.
happened in the same decade and Efficiency: By telling the PPT
wishes they show their «The praise»
invite students to guess which one. method is used
appreciations .
Confirm that it is the 1960s to evaluate Ss
with phrases
Lead – In
Answer the questions Students express their “Good job!
Why do people remember the CD1
ideas Well done!”
What were the memorable events? Good job!
What music, films and fashions
were popular
Do you like or dislike anything from
the seventies?
Main Exercise 1
part Read through the questions and Students rad the model Assessment
make sure everyone understands. text and answer the criteria Cards
In a weaker class, students can questions. -. Study a model
compare answers in pairs before account of a Student’s
checking as a class. ANSWERS decade. book
In a stronger class, set a short time 1a
limit and tell students to skim read 2 Paragraph 2 Descriptor:
the text for the information in the 3 Paragraph 4
questions -read the model
Differentiation: text Worksheets
«Verbal support» method is used
to help Students ue new words in Students study the key Assessment
the text. phrases. Which phrases criteria:
Exercise 2 introduce the - Learn key
• Read through the key phrases paragraphs in the text? phrases for Student’s
with the class. • Ask students to writing about a book
find the key phrases in the model ANSWERS decade.
text and translate them into their Paragraph 1: The … was
own language a decade which … -Make CCQ
Exercise 3 Paragraph 2: In the questions
Look at the words in blue in the world of fashion …
model text. Elicit what their role is Paragraph 3: One of the Descriptor:
(to introduce examples).. most memorable … -find the key
• Point out the use of commas Paragraph 5: By the end phrases in the
with for instance and for example of the decade model text
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов
Term 1 School: By name S. Erubaev
Unit 1 "Hobbies and qualities"
Start Ask about the weather.
Warm-up At the
The aim: To develop Ss organization Pictures
• Ask students to work in pairs and speaking skills and moment T tries
talk about what they know about create friendly
their grandparents as young atmosphere to award active
people. What jobs did they do and Ss.
Efficiency: By telling the
«The praise» PPT
what did they do in their free time? wishes they show their
appreciations . method is used
Lead – In
to evaluate Ss
Look at the photo and describe.
with phrases
Students express their “Good job!
ideas Well done!”
Good job!
Main Exercise 1
part • Draw students’ attention to the Students look at the
photos and ask them what they photos. What are the Assessment
know about the people’s hobbies people doing? What do criteria
from the photos. Encourage you think their hobbies - Form ideas
students to describe the photos are? effectively and
using the present continuous demonstrate
Differentiation: the ability to
«Verbal support» method is used express them
to help Students ue new words in clearly.
the text. Student’s
Students read and listen book
Exercise 2 - know
to the text. Are the
• Before reading and listening about
sentences true or false?
students look at the true / false the
questions and guess the answers. people’s
Ask them to discuss the reason for hobbies Worksheets
their decisions in pairs from the
Students match the photos
words to make
Exercise 3 Assessment
compound adjectives
Students look through the text and criteria: Student’s
complete the exercise. - Apply topic book
vocabulary in
Exercise 4 speech
• Allow students time to think appropriately
about the adjectives in relation to arranging words
the people listed and phrases into
-Make CCQ
- Match the
words to make
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов
Start Ask about the weather.
Pre – teach vocabulary At the
The aim: To develop Ss organization Pictures
Warm-up speaking skills and moment T tries
create friendly
With books closed, ask students to award active
what makes them laugh. Elicit ideas Efficiency: By telling the Ss.
about films, books, TV «The praise» PPT
wishes they show their
programmes, etc. and encourage appreciations . method is used
students to express their opinions. to evaluate Ss
• Ask students if they know the with phrases
character Mr Bean. Ask: Do you like:
find him funny? Elicit a range of “Good job!
answers Well done!”
Lead – In
Background Good job!
Mr Bean, mentioned in the text,
first appeared in a British TV
comedy series in the early 1990s.
The character was created by
Rowan Atkinson, who has
described Mr Bean as ‘a child in a
grown man’s body’. Mr Bean has
Yes, I do
appeared in two feature films and
No, I don’t
also an animated cartoon
His teddy
1. Did you watch film about Mr
2. What does Mr. Bean carry
around with him?.
part Exercise:1
In a weaker class, remind students Students check the Assessment
to note the part of speech as well meaning of the words criteria
as the meaning for the words and phrases - Recognize and Cards
In a stronger class, check use vocabulary
to do with Student’s
understanding of the new words by
humour book
eliciting example sentences
Differentiation: Descriptor:
«Verbal support» method is used -uses
Students read and listen
to help Students ue new words in appropriate
to the text. Worksheets
the text. subject-specific
ANSWERS vocabulary
1 good sense of humour
Exercise 2 while speaking.
4 sarcasm
Students listen, read and check
2 comedians Assessment
their answers to exercise 1 Student’s
5 make fun of criteria: book
3 laughter 6 bizarre - Identify the
Exercise 3 meaning of the
• Allow students time to compare text about the
their answers in pairs and discuss British sense of
Students read the text
any differences before you check humour.
again and answer the
with the class. As usual, in a
stronger class, encourage full, -Make CCQ
complete answers in the students’ questions
Students’ own answers.
own words.
-finds necessary
information in
the text and
completes the
Peer-assessment. Two Students use Poster
End Giving the hometask. stars and a wish. their stickers to Success
Ex: 3 p:12 wb You did a really show their
good job on ... knowledge
I really like how according to the
you ... lesson.
Maybe you could ...
Short term plan
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитовб
Start Ask about the weather.
Warm-up At the
The aim: To develop Ss organization Pictures
• Ask students to work in pairs and speaking skills and moment T tries
talk about what they know about create friendly
their grandparents as young atmosphere to award active
people. What jobs did they do and Ss.
Efficiency: By telling the
«The praise» PPT
what did they do in their free time? wishes they show their
appreciations . method is used
Lead – In
to evaluate Ss
with phrases
Students express their “Good job!
ideas Well done!”
Good job!
I want to do a course in Math.
He may be able to do a good
job, but I doubt it.
Main Exercise 1
part Write the adverbs for these Students write the
adjectives adverbs for these Assessment
adjectives criteria
ANSWERS -Make adverbs
Differentiation: 1 angrily from adjectives
«Verbal support» method is used 4 politely
to help Students ue new words in 2 well Descriptor:
the text. 5 optimistically -write the
3 carefully adverbs for
6 firmly these adjectives
Exercise 2
Choose the correct words Students choose the Assessment
correct words criteria:
1 beautifully
Exercise 3 4 optimistic
Complete the sentences with 2 the hardest, successful Worksheets
correct tense of the words in the 5 well, best
box. 3 noisily, happily
Exercise 4 Student’s
Students match the
Choose the correct words book
words to make
compound adjectives
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов
Start Ask about the weather.
Warm-up At the
The aim: To develop Ss organization Pictures
With books closed, write My speaking skills and moment T tries
teenage years on the board and create friendly
elicit or explain the meaning atmosphere to award active
If students are struggling, give them Efficiency: By telling the «The praise» PPT
some categories and decades and wishes they show their
brainstorm associations, for appreciations . method is used
example, fashion and hair styles in to evaluate Ss
the 1980s, music in the 1960s, with phrases
exciting new technology in the
1990s Students express their “Good job!
Lead – In ideas Well done!”
Background The word teenager to
describe a person between the Good job!
ages of 13–19 originated in the
1950s. Prior to that, this age group
was not a clearly defined
demographic grouping. In the
1950s adolescents began to stand
out as a group of people for whom
modern music, fashions and trends
were very important. They had
more freedom than previous
generations, and more money to
spend. They rebelled against the
norms of their parents, creating
what became recognized as the
‘generation gap’. Over the next
couple of decades, the teenage
years became a recognized life stag
Main Exercise 1
part Look at the photographs and elicit Students read the Assessment
what they show. Ask students to interview summary. criteria
guess the decade, then read the Match paragraphs A–E - Read a
text quickly and check their guesseswith interview questions summary of an
Differentiation: 1–5 interview with a
«Verbal support» method is used ANSWERS family member
to help Students ue new words in 1E
the text. 2A Descriptor:
3D read the Cards
Exercise 2 4B interview
• In a weaker class, brainstorm 5 C Assessment Student’s
other questions or topics that criteria: book
students could ask about. Tell them Students write about an -Interview an
to choose five questions and point older person’s teenage older person
out or elicit that this means their years about their
summary will have five paragraphs. teenage years
ANSWERS : and their Worksheets
Students’ own answers generation.
Exercise 3
• Find out which generation was -Make CCQ
the most researched and whether Students share your questions
people had the same experiences. interview summary with Student’s
Ask students whether they would the rest of the class. Did Descriptor: book
rather be teenagers now, or in any other students find - write about an
another decade. Have a vote for out similar information? older person’s
the most popular decade. teenage years
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов
Term 1 School: named after S. Erubaev
Unit 2 " Exercise and sport "
Start Ask about the weather.
Warm-up At the
The aim: To develop Ss organization Pictures
• With books closed, write health speaking skills and moment T tries
and exercise on the board and elicit create friendly
atmosphere to award active
the connection between the two. Ss.
• Ask: Can you be healthy without Efficiency: By telling the PPT
wishes they show their «The praise»
doing exercise? method is used
appreciations .
Lead – In to evaluate Ss
with phrases
Students express their “Good job!
ideas Well done!”
Good job!
1 Why are team sports good for
you? 2 What are the health
benefits of sport and exercise?
3 What are the secrets of a long
Main Ex: 1 P:20
part Students use their dictionaries to Students check the CD 1
check the meaning of the nouns in meaning of the nouns in Assessment
the quiz. If you want to speed this blue in the Health and criteria Cards
up, put them in pairs and ask each exercise quiz. Which - Learn nouns
student to find half the words words are about mental and verbs Student’s
attitude, and which are related to the book
Differentiation: about physical health? health benefits
«Verbal support» method is used of exercise.
to help Students ue new words in ANSWERS:
the text. Mental attitude: 1, 2, 3, Descriptor:
4, 5, 7, 8, 9 Physical check the Worksheets
Ex:2 P:20 health: 6, 10, 11, 12 meaning of the
Tell students to look at the text nouns in blue in
and find the verbs that are used Students read the text the Health and
with the nouns in the text and again and complete the exercise quiz. Student’s
write the nouns and the related table with nouns 1–12 book
verb phrase from exercise 1 and the Assessment
verbs used with them. criteria:
Differentiation: - Talk about the
«Verbal support» method is used ANSWERS: benefits of
to help Students use new words in 1 have commitment doing sport and
the text 2 build self-esteem exercise
3 have determination
4 develop self-reliance 5 -Make CCQ
Ex:3 P:20 have discipline questions
• Put students into pairs to read 6 improve stamina
the sentences in the Health and 7 involve team work Descriptor:
exercise quiz and decide whether 8 improve concentration - write the
they are true or false 9 boost (your) mood nouns and the
• Find out who got the most 10 increase endorphins related verb
answers right. Were there any 11 increase (your) phrase
answers that really surprised energy
students? 12 raise (your) blood
Students do the Health
and exercise quiz.
Decide if the sentences
are true or false. Then
listen and check
1 True. 2 True 3 False
4 False. 5 True. 6 True
7 False 8 False. 9 False
Peer-assessment. Two Students use Poster
End Giving the hometask. stars and a wish. their stickers to Success
Ex:3 P:14 wb You did a really show their
Self-reflection good job on ... knowledge
I really like how according to the
you ... lesson.
Maybe you could ...
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов
Start Ask about the weather.
Warm-up At the
The aim: To develop Ss organization Pictures
• • With books closed, write health speaking skills and moment T tries
and exercise on the board and elicit create friendly
atmosphere to award active
the connection between the two. Ss.
• Ask: Can you be healthy without Efficiency: By telling the PPT
wishes they show their «The praise»
doing exercise? method is used
appreciations .
Lead – In to evaluate Ss
with phrases
“Good job!
Well done!”
Good job!
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов
Term 1
School: By name S. Erubaev
Unit 2 " Exercise and sport "
Start Ask about the weather.
Warm-up At the
The aim: To develop Ss organization Pictures
• With books closed, write the speaking skills and moment T tries
quote from Hippocrates Walking is create friendly
atmosphere to award active
man’s best medicine on the board Ss.
and ask students what they think it Efficiency: By telling the PPT
wishes they show their «The praise»
means. Elicit or explain that it method is used
appreciations .
probably means that keeping active
improves your health to evaluate Ss
with phrases
Lead – In like:
Background “Good job!
Hippocrates lived between 460– Well done!”
370 BCE and was possibly the first
person to think disease and illness Good job!
Students express their
was the result of natural causes
and not a punishment from the
gods. He believed lifestyle, diet and
environment all had a part in
people’ s health and that health
could be improved by improving
these factors
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов
Start Ask about the weather.
Warm-up At the
The aim: To develop organization Pictures
• With books closed, write health and Ss speaking skills and moment T tries
lifestyle on the board and elicit or create friendly
to award active
teach the meaning. atmosphere
Efficiency: By telling Ss.
• Ask: How can your lifestyle affect «The praise» PPT
the wishes they show
your health? Elicit some ideas. method is used
their appreciations .
• Ask: How can you change your to evaluate Ss
lifestyle to make you healthier? Elicit with phrases
a range of ideas like:
Lead – In “Good job!
Well done!”
Good job!
Students express their
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов
Start Ask about the weather.
Task. Listen to the dialogues. Six
The aim: To develop Ss organization Pictures
people talk about sport they like. speaking skills and moment T tries
Match each speaker with his or her create friendly
atmosphere to award active
reason, A-F. Ss.
CD3 Tapescript1. Efficiency: By telling the PPT
wishes they show their «The praise»
1. Speaker 1______
A) There are friendly people who go appreciations . method is used
there, so it’s a good place to meet to evaluate Ss
people. [1] with phrases
2. Speaker 2______ like:
B) It’s a great way to keep fit. It’s “Good job!
better than going to a health club. Students listen to the Well done!”
[1] dialogues and match
3. Speaker 3______ each speaker with his or
C) There’s hardly anyone there and her reason
you can listen to the ocean as you ANSWERS:
do it. [1] 1A
4. Speaker 4______
D) It’s a good exercise because you 2C
have to walk a lot. [1] 5. Speaker 3F
5______ 4E Good job!
E) It’s really fun! But, it’s not as 5B
easy as it looks. [1] 6D
part 6. Speaker 6______
F) I have no trouble to finding Assessment
somewhere to play. [1] criteria
- Study a model
READING Students . Read the text discussion
Task. Read the text and identify in and identify in which essay.
which paragraph (A-D) the writer paragraph (A-D) the
does these things. writer does these things.
1. Establishes the emotional
importance of baseball for fans.
Paragraph ________[1] 1B Descriptor: Cards
2. The origins of baseball. 2 C read the model
Paragraph ________[1] 3D text and answer Student’s
4C the questions. book
Task. Match the headings 3-6 with 5 A
the paragraphs A-D 6B Assessment Worksheets
3. The rules of playing the game criteria:
______ [1] - Learn key
4. The facilities ______ [1] phrases for a
5. The changes happening to discussion
baseball ______ [1] essay.
6. Part of people’s life ______ [1] Student’s
WRITING Students Choose ONE book
of the topics and write -Make CCQ
Choose ONE of the topics and write
Topic 1. Write an article to a ANSWERS: questions
newspaper describing the most Students own answers
popular hobby in Kazakhstan Descriptor:
nowadays using appropriate - complete the
grammar. Try to mention these key phrases.
questions: Then read the
Topic 2. Write an article to a model text and
newspaper describing the recent check
Sport Olympiad where Kazakhstan
sportsmen participated (in country
or abroad) using appropriate Students answer the
grammar. Try to mention these
Task. You are given quetsions to Students own answers
speak about for 2-3 minutes. Before
you speak you have one minute to
think about what you are going to
say and you can make notes if you
Peer-assessment. Two Students use Poster
End Giving the hometask. stars and a wish. their stickers to Success
Ex: 3 P:19 wb You did a really show their
Self-reflection good job on ... knowledge
I really like how according to the
you ... lesson.
Maybe you could ...
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов
Learning objectives explain and justify their own point of view on a range of general and curricular
topics recognise inconsistencies in argument in extended texts on a range of general
and curricular topics develop with support coherent arguments supported when necessary by
examples and reasons for a range of written genres in familiar general and curricular
topics.S3 explain and justify their own point of view on a range of general and curricular
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Read a text about Kazakh sports stars.
• Learn vocabulary connected to success in sports.
• Learn the difference between could, was / were able to and managed to.
• Write sentences about famous sportspeople in Kazakhstan.
Start Ask about the weather.
Warm-up At the
The aim: To develop Ss organization Pictures
• Have a race to find which group speaking skills and moment T tries
can list the most Kazakh create friendly
sportspeople in two minutes. atmosphere to award active
• After two minutes, find out which Ss.
Efficiency: By telling the
group had the longest list and «The praise» PPT
wishes they show their
declare them the winner appreciations . method is used
Lead – In to evaluate Ss
with phrases
“Good job!
Students express their Well done!”
Good job!
part Ex:1 P:28 Students look at the
• Draw students’ attention to the photos. Who are these Assessment
photos. Ask them if they can people? What do you criteria
identify who they are. know about them? - Read a text
• In pairs, students discuss what ANSWERS: about Kazakh
they know about the sportspeople Kazhymukan sports stars.
Munaitpasov Denis Ten
Differentiation: Zarina Diyas Students’ Descriptor:
«Verbal support» method is used own answers
discuss what
to help Students ue new words in they know about Cards
the text. Students read and listen the sportspeople
to the text. Complete the Student’s
sentences with the Assessment
names of the people
Ex: 2 P:28 criteria:
• Tell students to listen to and read -Learn Worksheets
1 Zarina Diyas (Czech
the text and see if it contains the vocabulary
Republic) 2
information they talked about. connected to
• In a stronger class, play the success in
Munaitpasov 3 Denis
recording with books closed to see sports
Ten (shopping mall) 4
how much they understand and for
them to check whether the
Kazhymukan Student’s
Munaitpasov 5 Denis -Make CCQ book
information they talked about is
Ten 6 Zarina Diyas questions
Students complete the - read and listen
«Verbal support» method is used
table with nouns from to the text
to help Students ue new words in the text. What suffixes
the text. are used to form the
Ex: 3 P:28 ANSWERS:
• Focus students’ attention on the 1 wrestling
verbs. 2 performance
• Ask students to note down what 3 failure
they think the nouns are. 4 achievement
• Then tell them to check their 5 competition
answers in the text and correct any 6 injury
they have got wrong.
• Students underline the suffixes.
• Check answers as a class.
Peer-assessment. Two Students use Poster
End Giving the hometask. stars and a wish. their stickers to Success
Ex: 5 P:21 wb You did a really show their
Self-reflection good job on ... knowledge
I really like how according to the
you ... lesson.
Maybe you could ...
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов