07.09 Superstition

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Short term plan

Unit of a long term plan: Hobbies and School:

Date: 7.09.22 Teacher name: Boyko A.M
Grade: 7 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Superstitions p.80
(lucky, fear, superstitious, etc.)
Learning objectives use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and
feelings understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple
texts on general and curricular topics understand independently specific information and detail in short,
simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topic
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Read about lucky numbers.
• Read for general meaning and specific information.
• Talk about superstitions

Stages Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resource

/ Time criteria s

Organization moment : At the

Start 1.Greeting. “The wish flower” organization
Pre - reading method helps to start moment T tries
Warm-up the lesson with good to award active Pictures
• With books closed, ask wishes to each other. Ss. «The
students if they have a favourite The aim: To develop praise»
number or a lucky number. Ss speaking skills and method is
• Ask if they think any numbers create friendly used to PPT
are unlucky and why. atmosphere evaluate Ss
• Ask if they think that the same Efficiency: By wishing with phrases
numbers are lucky and unlucky each other they feel like:
in different countries. better and feel the “Good job!
Lead – In support of others Well done!”


1. Friday the 13th: Bad Students say different

Luck words from the picture
2. Walking Under a
Ladder: Bad Luck Good job!
3. Breaking a Mirror: Bad
Main While – reading
part Students look at the
Ex:1 P:80 photo of the buttons in Assessment CD 1
Look at the photo and read the the lift. criteria
question with the class. Discuss - Read about
their ideas. If students are ANSWERS lucky numbers. Cards
struggling, focus them on the There is no number
sequence of the numbers. 13, or floor number 13. Descriptor:
Differentiation: This is because 13 is
«Verbal support» method is considered an unlucky - Read about
used to help Students use new number in some lucky numbers.
words in the text. countries.

Ex: 2 P: 80 Assessment
• Students read through the text Students read the text
once, without pausing at the there is one sentence -Read for Worksheet
numbered gaps. that you don’t need. general s
meaning and
Differentiation:Support; ANSWERS specific
learners are arranged to interact 1 c 2 e 3 b 4 a information
in mixed groups. Topic
vocabulary is used while Descriptor:
responding to the given Students complete the - read the text
questions sentences. there is one
ANSWERS : sentence that
Ex: 3 P: 80 1 lucky you don’t
4 unlucky need.
Students complete the 2 fear 5
sentences with the new words. superstition -Make CCQ
In a weaker class, check 3 superstitious questions
understanding of the words, for
example, by asking students to
translate them into their own
Home task: Poster
End EX: 3 P: 62 WB Success
KWL chart

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