Revised Schedule - Orders Issued

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Rc. No. 565/TranslSer.lYl2022. Dt. 01.09.2023.

Sub: School Education - Telangana Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Rules, 2023

- Orders of the Hon'ble l{igh Court Dt. 30.08.2023 in I.A. No. 2/2023 inW.P
No. 2856i2023 and IA No.s 4. 6 and 812023 in W.P No. 396212023 - Revised
Schedule fbr effecting transfers - Orders issued - Copy Communicated - reg.
Read: L This office Lr. Rc. No. 565/Trans/Ser.lV-2/2022, Dt. 25.01.2023
addressed to Govemment.
2. G.O Ms. No.05 S.E (Ser.ll) Dept.. Dt.25.01.2023.
3. This office Proc. Rc. No. 565/TranslSer.lY 12022. Dt.25.01.2021.
4. This olfice Proc. Rc. No. 565/Trans/S er.lY 12022, Dr.26.01.2023.
5. Orders of the Hon'ble High Court Dt. 06.02.2023 in I.A. No. 112023 in
W.P No. 2362t2023 and batch cases.
6. This office Lr. No. 565/Trans/Ser.IY -212022, Dt. 07.02.2023 addressed to
7. G.O Ms. No.09 S.E (Ser.ll) Depr., Dt. 07.02.2023.
8. Orders of the Hon'ble High Court dt. 30.08.2023 in I.A No. 2 of 2023 in
W.P No. 2856 of 2021 and I.A No.s 4. 6 and 8 of 2023 in W.P No. 3962
9. This otlce Lr. No. 565/Trans/S er.lY -212022, Dt. 31.08.2023 addressed to
10. Govt. Memo. No. 565/Ser.II.A1/2023. Dt. 01.09.2023.

While communicating a copy of the Govt. Memo. in the reference lOe read above,,
the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational OfEcers in the
State are requested to communicate the revised schedule to all the Head Masters Gr.-ll
(Gazetted), School Assistants, SGTs and their equivalent categories working under their
jurisdiction with a request to follow the schedule communicated and also to take further
necessary action accordingly in the matter.

Encl: Arurexure-l ( Revised Schelule for transfers & promotions.)

Sd/- A. Sridevasena
Director. School Education

All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the State.
All the District Educational Offtcers in the State.
Copy submitted to the Secretary to Govemment, Education Dept., for favor of kind

//True Copy AttesteP(

Additional D
Revised schedule for Transfer / Promotion Counseling of
Head Masters Gr.-ll & Teachers - 2023'
No. of Dates Action
sl. Activity
a. Display of Existing vacai]cy list of category
wise schools (I, il
& III) through online
( www.sch ool u.te lanqa a.oov .in )
b. Display of seniority list for promotion of Gr.-II
Head Maste rs and School Assistants.
1 c. Submission of Online APPlications bY Head
Masters Gr. {I (Gazetted) & Teachers who
have not applied earlier.
d. Editing and confirmation of applications by the
Head Masters Gr.-II (Gazetted) & teachers
who have subm itted their a lications earlier.
Submission of hard cop ies w ith evidences bY
i. Teachers of High schools applying for transfer 03.09.2023
ihutt gir" hard copies of application to concerned
3 Applicants
HM ilong with documentary evidence wherever 05.09.2023
entitlement points are being claimed'

ii. Teachers of Govt. Primar/ and Upper Primary

i.n*ft applying for transfer shall give hard
iopiet of to concerned MEOs along
wiin documentary evidence wherever
entitlement points are being claimed'
iii. Teachers of primary and Upper Primary local
give hard
body schools applying for transfer shall
.opilt U apptiiation to concerned school
ioroi", HMs along with documentary evidence
*n"t"uut entitlement points are being claimed

iv. H.Ms of high schools shall give hard copies of

a ication to concerned DEOS Inspecting
., ofR ce rS
J Su b m 5S o n of h a rd CO p ES by Co n c e rn ed 06.09.2023 offlcers
to D EOs fo r VE n fi cati o n a n d co nd U ct 2 to and DEo
pd ati 0n n 0 n n e
VE rl R ca ti o n n D EO 5 ofR ce a n d 07.09.2023
n res ct oI fres h a rca n ts
D s p ay of St a o 0 D stri ct Ed ucati
o n a offi ce rS
fo r a 3 ppl ca nts 08.09.2023
R] Ds a n d n webs
th e n tit em nt 1 to DEOS
Prov SI o n a SC n o I ity sts
points for transfers
. Prov isional seniori lists for romotions
sl. Activity No. of Dates Action
5. Submission of objections crr seniority list ior
,Davs | _
transfers and promotions with proof in online
i. In case of SAs, and SGTs and equivalent cadre Individuals
objections to be submitted tc DEOs and
ii. In case of HMs, objections to be submitted to
RIDs thro h DEOs
6 Redressal of objections/grievances by O/o. RJDs
l, 10.09.2023 to UDs tl
and DEOs lt.09.2023 DEOs
7 Display of final seniority list at O/o District
Educational Officer and in website for transfer 12.09.2023
and promotions 2 to
a) Exercising web options by Gi--II Headmasters of 13.09.2023
ZP and Government for transfers
b) Edit option for Head Masters of Z.P I
Management at multi-zonal leve! and Head 1 14.09.2023
Masters of Government for rectification of
the errors if an for o ons exercise
c) Transfer for Head Masters of Z.P Management at
multi-zonal level and Head Masters of
Government Management at multi -zonal Level 1 15.09.2023 UDs
throu h online
d) Display of Head Master Gr-II vacancies of
(Existing & Arising) ZPrGovt after Transfer UDs
counselling of Gr-II HEAD MASTERs for 1 16.09.2023
e) Promotions for SAs as Head Masters of Zp
management at multi-zonal level and Head 17.09.2023
Masters of Government Management at muiti- 3 to
zonal Level 19.09.2023
r) Display of vacancies of School Assistants of
ZPlGovt after promotions of School Assistants as 20.09.2023 DEOS
Gr-II Head Masters 2 to
s) Exercising web options by Schcol Assistants for 21.09.2023 Applicant

transfers counsellin in ZP Govt.
Edit option for School Assistants for
______+__ -l
transferc counselling in ZP/Govt for 1 22.O9.2023
rectification of the errors if any for options
) Transfer for School Assistants & equivalent 23.09.2023
cadres in all subjects of Government Z.p 2 to DEOs
management at District level. 24.09.2023
i) Display of vacancies of School Assistants
(Existing & Arising) after transfers of School
Assistants for promotions fcr the post of School 1 25.09.2023
Assistants exce those covei'ed court cases.
t sl. nitivity No. o Dates T Action
No. Da
k) Promotions for SGTs as School Assistants and 26.09.2023
equivalent cadres in all subjects of Government 3 to
/Z.P.Management, except those covered by court 28.09.2023 DEOs
case, at District level. +
r) Display of vacancies of SGTs and equivalent
cadre (Existing & Arisin g) for transfers. 29.09.2023 DEOS
m) Exercising of web options by SGTs andequivalent 3 to
cadre for transfer counselling of SGTs & 01.10.2023
equivalent cadres. I
n) f dit option for SGTs and equivalent cadre
for transfer counselling of SGTs & 1 02.10.2023
equivalent cadres. for rectification of the
errors r for optio ns exercrse

o) Transfer for SGTs and equivalent cadres of 1 03.10.2023 DEOs

Mana 9e ment and Government Manag ement l- I
Tota I No. of days 31
p) Appeal:
1) An appeal against the orders of the
District Educational Officer shall lie with
the Regional Joint Director of School
Education concerned, and an appeal
against the orders of the Regional loint
Director of School Education shall lie with 0s.10.2023
the Commissioner and Director of School to R]DSE/
Education. Such appeal should be 19.10.2023 DSE
submitted within 10 Days of receipt of the
transfer orders.

2) All such appeals shall be disposed off by

the Appellate authorities concerned, within
15 days from the date of receipt of the

Sd/- .\. Srids asen a

l)lltl'.( l ()lt. S('ll(X)L lrDt ('.\'l lO\
r''l-ruc ( opl Attcsted/,

-h, tional I)ir.' t

q\ o\

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