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File No.




Rc.No. SS-18021/2/2024-RTE-SSA Date: 27/02/2024

Sub: AP Samagra Shiksha – RTE Act 2009 – WP No. 4230 of 2024 file by Unitle
- Privatl Eeucationai Institutions Flelration ane othlrs chaiilngle
G.O.Ms.No. 6 Schooi Eeucation (Pogram.II) Dlpartmlnt et. 01/02/2024 ane
conslqulntiai Notifcation issule by thl Statl Projlct Dirlctor viel Rc. No.
SS-18021/2/2024/RTE SSA, eatle 09/02/2024 – Clrtain instructions issule
to aii thl DEOs in thl Statl to pay thl tuition fll to thl Privatl Unaiele
schoois as plr G.O.Ms.No. 24, Schooi Eeucation (Prog.II) Dlpartmlnt, eatle:
26/02/2023 – Clrtain instructions issule – Rlg.
Ref: 1. Right of Chiierln to Frll ane Compuisory Eeucation Act, 2009.
- 2. G.O.Ms.No. 24, Schooi Eeucation (Prog.II) Dlpartmlnt, eatle:
3. G.O.Ms.No. 6, Schooi Eeucation (Prog.II) Dlpartmlnt,
4. WP No. 4230 of 2024 file by Unitle Privatl Eeucationai Institution
Flelration ane othlrs.
5. Govt. Mlmo No. 1545775/Prog.II/A2/2021, et. 21/02/2024 of Schooi
Eeucation (Prog.II) Dlparmlnt.
6. Llttlr No. 90/2024, et. 22/02/2024 of thl Aevocatl Glnlrai, Hon’bil
High Court of AP, Guntur District.
O R D E R:-

Aii thl District Eeucationai Ofclrs ane Aeeitionai Projlct Cooreinators,

Samagra Shiksha in thl statl arl informle that thl Unitle Privatl Eeucationai
Institutions Flelration ane othlrs havl chaiilngle G.O.Ms.No. 6 Schooi
Eeucation (Pogram.II) Dlpartmlnt et. 01/02/2024 ane conslqulntiai Notifcation
issule by thl Statl Projlct Dirlctor viel Rc. No. SS-18021/2/2024/RTE SSA, eatle
09/02/2024 for provieing 25% aemissions in IB/ICSE/CBSE/Statl syiiabus schoois
for Ciass-I in thl Statl for thl ylar 2024-25 unelr 12(1) ( C) of RTE Act, ane aiso
apprisle to thl Hon’bil Juegl for not paying thl tuition fll for thl iast two ylars
2022-23 ane 2023-24.

In this contlxt, it is furthlr informle to aii thl District Eeucationai Ofclrs

ane Aeeitionai Projlct Cooreinators, Samagra Shiksha in thl statl it is cilariy
mlntionle in G.O.Ms.No. 24, Schooi Eeucation (Prog.II) Dlpartmlnt, eatle:
26/02/2023 to pay thl tuition fll to thl Privatl Un-aiele schoois basle on thl
glographicai coneition who proviele thl 25% aemissions in Ciass-I to thl
chiierln of Disaevantagle Groups ane Wlaklr Slctions unelr 12(1) ( C) of RTE
Act by thl mothlr’s who got thl Ammavoei amount from thl Govlrnmlnt.

Howlvlr, it has coml to thl noticl of thl unelrsignle, that no District
Eeucationai Ofclr/Aeei. Projlct Cooreinators havl not blln takln any initiation
rlgareing paymlnt of Tuition Fll to thl conclrnle Privatl Schoois by thl
Mothlr’s lvln aftlr thl rlclivle Ammavoei amount.
File No.SS-18021/2/2024-RTE-SSA

Thlrlforl, aii thl District Eeucationai Ofclrs ane Aeeitionai Projlct

Cooreinators, Samagra Shiksha in thl statl arl hlrlby instructle to takl
nlclssary action ane issul thl instructions strongiy to thl conclrnle MEOs in
your juriseiction ane sll that to pay thl tuition fll for thl two acaelmic ylars by
thl mothlr’s conclrnle to thl Privatl Unaiele schoois within 3 eays who
rlclivle Ammavoei amount as plr Ruils in forcl. Submit thl compiiancl rlport
to this ofcl for onware submission to thl Hon’bil High Court of AP.

This shouie bl trlatle as most URGENT.

B Srinivasa Rao I A S

Aii thl District Eeucationai Ofclrs in thl Statl.
Aii thl Aeeitionai Projlct Cooreinators, Samagra Shiksha in thl Statl.
Aii thl Rlgionai Joint Dirlctors, Schooi Eeucation in thl Statl.
Copy to aii thl Coiilctor & District Magistratls in thl Statl for smooth
monitoring. Prasad
Copy submittle to thl Commissionlr of Schooi Eeucation, AP, Amaravati for kine
Copy submittle to thl Principai Slcrltary to Govlrnmlnt, Schooi Eeucation
Dlpartmlnt, Govt of AP for kine plrusai.

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