OM Revised PG Admission Schedule 25.8.23 GtT7rpO

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(A Central l.Jniversity estab ished by the Central Universities Act, 2009, No.25 of 2009)
KON|, BILASPUR 495 009 (C.G.) tNDtA,6ifi BAI*gr 4s5 oos footu) qr{d
Ie--+917752 260342 Fax - +917152 260154, 260148, webs te n

Ref. No. e.5h .../Academic/2023 Blasprrr, Date

Office Memorandum
With reference to Adrnission Notice no. 1287/Admission /Academic /23, Dated
3O.O3.2023, CUET PG Admissions - 2023 and subsequent OM dated 04.08.2023, followine is
notified hereby -
1. Revised schedule of admlssion shall be as follows

Activity Daies Reporting/Registration timings at

concerned department

Declaration of Merit list 25.08.2023

l-irst Round Olfline Counqelling tor na.irsionJ 01.49.)o)3 09.30 AM to 11.30 AM

Submission of Fee by candidates

Declaration of Second round Merit !ist 08.09.2023

Second Round Offline Counselling for 14.O9.2423 09 30 AM to 11.30 AM

Admissions/ Submission of Fee by candidates

Declaration ofThird round Merit lisi, if 15.09.2023


lf required, third Round Offline Counselling for 20.09.2023 09 30 AM to 11.30 AM

Admissions/ Submission of Fee by candidates

Other terms and conditlons as mentioned in OM dated 04.08.2023 will remain same

Endt. No25rAcademic/2023 €.^"*Yl6.a#l4i

Biaspw Datcl
Copy to AUG 2023
1. PS to VC for informatlon to HVC p ease.
2.. Coordinator, lT Cell for inforrnation and for uploading on webslte for information to all
Controller of Examination, GGV for information please.
4. All Deans/Heads/Officers, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidya aya, Bilaspur for information.
Media lncharge/PRO, GGV for information and further necessary action.
6. Finance Officer/ AR, Finance, Guru chasidas Vishwavidyalaya for information and to coordinate
the fee collections process as mentioned above please.

7. Proctor/DSW, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidya aya, Bi aspur for information
and further necessary
action please.
8. Office Copy.

Assistant ar {Academic)

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