Sikasil Ig 25

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Sikasil® IG-25
2-component silicone insulating glass secondary sealant, CE-marked


Properties Sikasil® IG-25 (A) Sikasil® IG-25 (B)
Chemical base 2-component silicone
Color (CQP001-1) White, light grey Black, dark grey
mixed Black, grey S6
Cure mechanism Polycondensation
Cure type Neutral
Density (uncured) 1.40 kg/l 1.07 kg/l
mixed 1.37 kg/l
Mixing ratio A:B by volume 10:1
A:B by weight 13:1
Viscosity (CQP029-6) 1 100 Pa·s 300 Pa·s
Consistency Paste
Application temperature ambient 5 ─ 40 °C
Snap time (CQP554-1) 45 minutes A
Tack free time (CQP019-3) 180 minutes A
Shore A hardness (CQP023-1 / ISO 48-4) 45
Tensile strength (CQP036-1 / ISO 527) 1.9 MPa
100 % modulus (CQP036-1 / ISO 527) 1.1 MPa
Elongation at break (CQP036-1 / ISO 527) 200 %
Tear propagation resistance (CQP045-1 / ISO 34) 6 N/mm
Service temperature (CQP513-1) -40 ─ 150 °C
Shelf life 15 months B 12 months B
CQP = Corporate Quality Procedure A) 23 °C / 50 % r. h. B) stored below 25 °C


Sikasil® IG-25 is a 2-component, neutral-cur- ▪ Meets requirements of EN 1279-4, Sikasil® IG-25 is ideal as a secondary edge seal
ing insulating glass secondary sealant with EOTA ETAG 002 (carries ETA), EN 15434, for insulating glass in structural glazing applic-
structural capabilities. It is preferably used for ASTM C 1184, ASTM C 1369 and GB 16776 ations.
air-filled insulating glass. It is complying with ▪ Structural sealant for use in insulating glass This product is suitable for experienced pro-
EOTA ETAG 002 and provided with the CE- units according ETAG 002 Part 1 Edition fessional users only. Tests with actual sub-
mark. November 1999 (Revised March 2012) used strates and conditions have to be performed
as EAD, ETA-05/0068 issued by Technical As- ensuring adhesion and material compatibility.
sessment Body Deutsches Institut für
Bautetchnik, Declaration of Performance
41500570, certified by notified product cer-
tification body 0757, certificate of constancy
of performance 0757-CPR-596-7110760-3-6,
and provided with the CE marking
▪ Design tensile strength for dynamic loads:
σdes = 0.14 MPa (ETA)
▪ CEKAL and SNJF VI-VEC recognized (product
code: 2965)
▪ Excellent UV and weathering resistance


Sikasil® IG-25
Version 07.01 (03 - 2023), en_AE

Sikasil® IG-25 starts to cure immediately after Uncured Sikasil® IG-25 may be removed from Sikasil® IG-25 (A)
mixing the two components. tools and equipment with Sika® Remover-208
The speed of the reaction depends mainly on or another suitable solvent. Once cured, the Drum 260 kg
the temperature, i.e. the higher the temper- material can only be removed mechanically. Sikasil® IG-25 (B)
ature the faster the curing process. Heating Re-usable, usually metallic, static mixer can
above 50 °C could lead to bubble formation be cleaned with Sika® Mixer Cleaner. Pail 20 kg
and is therefore not allowed. Hands and exposed skin have to be washed
The mixer open time, i. e. the time the mater- immediately using hand wipes such as Sika® BASIS OF PRODUCT DATA
ial can remain in the mixer without flushing or Cleaner-350H or a suitable industrial hand All technical data stated in this document are
extrusion of product, is significantly shorter cleaner and water. based on laboratory tests. Actual measured
than the snap time indicated above. Do not use solvents on skin. data may vary due to circumstances beyond
Surface preparation Sikasil® IG-25 cannot be overpainted. HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION
Surfaces must be clean, dry and free from For information and advice regarding trans-
grease, oil and dust. Surface treatment de- Application limits portation, handling, storage and disposal of
pends on the specific nature of the substrates Recommended solution from Sika for struc- chemical products, users shall refer to the ac-
and is crucial for a long lasting bond. tural glazing and window bonding are usually tual Safety Data Sheets containing physical,
compatible to each other. These solutions ecological, toxicological and other safety-re-
Application consist of products such as Sikasil® SG, IG, WS lated data.
The optimum temperature for substrate and and WT series. For specific information re-
sealant is between 15 °C and 25 °C. garding compatibility between various Sikasil® DISCLAIMER
Before processing Sikasil® IG-25 both com- products and other Sika products contact the The information, and, in particular, the re-
ponents have to be mixed homogeneously Technical Department of Sika Industry. commendations relating to the application
and air-bubble-free in the correct ratio as in- To exclude materials influencing Sikasil® IG- and enduse of Sika products, are given in
dicated with an accuracy of ± 10 %. Most 25, all materials such as gaskets, setting good faith based on Sika's current knowledge
commercially available metering and mixing blocks, sealants etc., in direct and indirect and experience of the products when prop-
equipment are suitable. For advice on select- contact have to be approved by Sika in ad- erly stored, handled and applied under nor-
ing and setting up a suitable pump system, vance. mal conditions in accordance with Sika's re-
contact the System Engineering Department Where two or more different reactive seal- commendations. In practice, the differences
of Sika Industry. ants are used, allow the first to cure com- in materials, substrates and actual site condi-
Consider that the B-component is moisture- pletely before applying the next one. tions are such that no warranty in respect of
sensitive and must therefore only be exposed The above mentioned Sika process materials merchantability or of fitness for a particular
briefly to air. may only be used in structural glazing or win- purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
Joints must be properly dimensioned. dow bonding applications after a detailed ex- legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred
Basis for calculation of the necessary joint di- amination and written approval of the corres- either from this information, or from any writ-
mensions are the technical values of the ad- ponding project details by Sika Industry. ten recommendations, or from any other ad-
hesive and the adjacent building materials, vice offered. The user of the product must
the exposure of the building elements, their FURTHER INFORMATION test the product’s suitability for the intended
construction and size as well as external The information herein is offered for general application and purpose. Sika reserves the
loads. guidance only. Advice on specific applications right to change the properties of its products.
is available on request from the Technical De- The proprietary rights of third parties must be
Tooling and finishing partment of Sika Industry. observed. All orders are accepted subject to
Tooling and finishing must be carried out Copies of the following publications are avail- our current terms of sale and delivery. Users
within the snap time of the adhesive. able on request: must always refer to the most recent issue of
When tooling freshly applied Sikasil® IG-25, ▪ Safety Data Sheets the local Product Data Sheet for the product
press the adhesive to the joint flanks to get a ▪ General Guideline concerned, copies of which will be supplied
good wetting of the bonding surface. No tool- Insulating Glass Edge Sealing with Sikasil® IG on request.
ing agents must be used. Sealants & Adhesives


Sikasil® IG-25 P.O.Box 126212
Version 07.01 (03 - 2023), en_AE Dubai
012703120259001000 United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 439 8200 Fax: +971 4 439
[email protected]

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