CON4341 - E - Note - 03 PSD, Consistency, Descriptions
CON4341 - E - Note - 03 PSD, Consistency, Descriptions
CON4341 - E - Note - 03 PSD, Consistency, Descriptions
Paul Ho
3.1 Introduction
Major classes and features of engineering soil are summarised in Table 3.1.
The range of particle sizes encountered in soils is very wide, from boulder size
larger than 200 mm down to the colloidal size of some clays of less than 0.001
mm. Although natural soils are mixture of various sized particles, it is common
to find a predominant grading with a relatively narrow band of sizes. Table 3.2
shows the British Standard (BS) of particle size limits for use in soil
• Both the size of particles and the distribution of particles sizes are
• Sieving tests (for coarse grain soils) and hydrometer tests (for fine grained
soils) are used to define the distribution of grain sizes.
• Classification of soils according to particle sizes varies slightly between
different classification system. In Hong Kong a system based on the British
Soil Classification System (BSCS) is commonly used.
• In discribing the size of a soil particle, either a dimension or name as shown
in Table 3.2 is used.
• The particle size refers to an equivalent particle diameter as found from
sieve analysis.
• The British Standard Sieve Sizes as shown in Table 3.3 are commonly used
in Hong Kong.
• The range of particle sizes varies from 200 mm > D (grain size diameter)>
0.002 mm, hence the particle size distribution is examined on a logaritmic
scale as shown in Figure 3.1
75 mm, 63 mm, 50 mm, 37.5 mm, 28 mm, 20 mm, 14 mm, 10 mm, 6.3 mm, 5
mm, 3.36 mm, 2 mm, 1.18 mm, 600 µm, 425 µm, 300 µm, 212 µm, 150 µm, 63
(1 µm = 0.001 mm)
Figure 3.1 Particle Size Distribution Chart (BS range of particle sizes)
Coarse-grained soil: one in which more than 65% of the grains, by weight, are
greater than 0.06 mm in diameter.
Fine-grained soil: one in which more than 35% of the grains, by weight, are
smaller than 0.06 mm in diameter.
Two methods are used to determine the particle-size distribution of soils. One
is for coarse-grained material which uses sieves. The other is for fine-grained
material which uses the technique of sedimentation; one example is the
hydrometer method.
Most natural soil is a mixture of coarse-grained material (sand and gravel) and
fine-grained material (silt and clay). Separation of the coarse and fine
materials is necessary for proper testing. This is done by an initial wet sieving
in which the soil is completely washed through a 63µm (.063 mm) sieve by a
stream of water. The soil retained on the sieve is greater than 0.063 mm in
grain size. The particle-size distribution of the retained fraction can then be
done using other larger sized sieves. Alternatively, the sieving of the coarse
fraction can also be done on the dried sample. This is known as dry sieving.
Sieve Analysis is used to determine the distribution of the larger grain sizes.
The soil is passed through a series of sieves with the mesh size reducing
progressively (Figure 2), and the proportions by weight of the soil retained on
each sieve are measured. There are a range of sieve sizes that can be used, and
the finest is usually a 63 µm sieve. Sieving can be performed either wet or dry.
Because of the tendency for fine particles to clump together, wet sieving is
often required with fine-grained soils.
Sedimentation (Hydrometer)
To determine the grain size distribution of material passing the 63 µm sieve the
Hydrometer method is commonly used (Figure 3.3). The soil is mixed with
water and a dispersing agent, stirred vigorously, and allowed to settle to the
bottom of a measuring cylinder. As the soil particles settle out of suspension
the specific gravity of the mixture reduces. An hydrometer is used to record the
variation of specific gravity with time. By making use of Stoke’s Law, which
relates the velocity of a free falling sphere to its diameter, the test data is
reduced to provide particle diameters and the % by weight of the sample finer
than a particular particle size.
Most soils are composed of particles of various sizes. Some soils have a more
homogeneous (same) combination of particle sizes while other soils have a
mixture of grain sizes. The sieving analysis (or together with hydrometer) of
soil particle sizes is usually recorded on a Particle Size Distribution (PSD)
Chart and the curve so ploted is referred as the Particle Size Distribution
(PSD) Curve (or Grading Curve) as shown in Figure. 3.4.
The horizontal scale is a logarithmic scale (log10) of the particle size diameter
over a range of 0.0001 mm to > 100 mm.
The vertical scale is the percentage by weight of the soil grains that are finer
than a given size. For example, point ‘A’ in Figure. 3.4 represents 60% by
weight of that soil is finer than 2.0 mm. The percentage is always designed as
percent passing or finer (a certain sieve size) or as a summation percentage.
80 A
% Finer
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Particle size (mm)
Figure 3.4 Typical Particle Size Distribution (PSD) curves
Some typical grading (PSD) curves are shown on the figure. The following
descriptions are applied to these curves
Another quantity analysis of grading curves may be carried out using certain
geometric values known as grading characteristics. For example, in Fig. 3.5,
hydrometer sieve
% Passing
fines sands gravels
D10 = 0.013 mm
20 D
D30 = 0.47 mm
D60 = 7.4 mm
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Curves can also be used to obtained percentages of gravel, sand and fines (silt
and clay).
Atterberg Limits
If we take a very soft (high moisture content) clay specimen and allow it to dry
we would obtain a relation similar to that shown in Figure 3.6.
As the soil dries its strength and stiffness will increase. Three limits are
indicated, the definitions of which are given below. The liquid and plastic
limits appear to be fairly arbitrary, but recent research has suggested they are
related to the strength of the soil.
Moisture Content (%)
• (SL) The Shrinkage Limit - This is the moisture content the soil would have
had if it were fully saturated at the point at which no further shrinkage occurs
on drying.
• (PL) The Plastic Limit - This is the minimum water content at which the soil
will deform plastically (i.e., the soil can be molded)
• (LL) The Liquid Limit - This is the minimum water content at which the soil
will flow under a small disturbing force
• (PI or Ip) The Plasticity Index. This is derived simply from the LL and PL
IP = LL - PL (3)
It measures the range of water within which the soil is plastic.
w − PL w − PL
LI = = (4)
LL − PL Ip
It tells which state (semi-solid, plastic, or lquid) the soil is at its natural
The Atterberg Limits and relationships derived from them are simple measures
of the water absorbing ability of soils containing clay minerals. For example, if
a clay has a very high LI and LL it is capable of absorbing large amounts of
water, and for instance would be unsuitable for the base of a pavement. The LL
and PL are also related to the soil strength.
Remember that only the fraction finer than 425 µm is tested in the Atterberg
Tests. If this fraction is only small (that is, the soil contains significant amounts
of sand or gravel) it might be expected that the soil would have better
properties. While this is true to some extent it is important to realise that the
soil behaviour is controlled by the finest 10 - 25 % of the particles.
These tests are only used for the fine-grained fraction (silt and clay) of a soil
(the % passing a 425 µm sieve).
The standard system used worldwide for most major construction projects is known as
the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). This is based on an original system
devised by Cassagrande. Soils are identified by symbols determined from sieve
analysis and Atterberg Limit tests.
The standard system discussed here is the British Soil Classification System (BSCS)
which is used in Hong kong. Soils are identified by symbols (Figure 3.11) determined
from sieve analysis and Atterberg Limit tests.
If more than 65% of the material is coarser than the 60 µm, the soil is classified as
coarse. The following steps are then followed to determine the appropriate symbols
(Primary–prefix and Secondary–suffix).
If more than half of the coarse fraction is sand then use prefix S
If more than half of the coarse fraction is gravel then use prefix G
First determine the percentage of fines, that is the % of material smaller than the 60
Then if % fines is
< 5% use W or P (Pu or Pg) as suffix
between 5% and 15% add M or C as suffix in addition to W or P(Pu or Pg)
between 15% and 35% use M or C together with degree of plasticity (L, I, H, V, E)
as suffix and no W or P(Pu or Pg) is required
Cu =
Cc =
( D60 × D10 )
If prefix is G then suffix is W if Cu > 4 and Cc is between 1 and 3, otherwise use (Pu
or Pg)
If prefix is S then suffix is W if Cu > 6 and Cc is between 1 and 3, otherwise use (Pu
or Pg)
If M or C are required they have to be determined from the procedure used for fine-
grained materials discussed below. Note that M stands for Silt and C for Clay. This is
determined from whether the soil lies above or below the A-line in the plasticity chart
shown in Figure 3.12.
Fine-grained Soils
These are classified solely according to the results from the Atterberg Limit Tests.
Values of the Plasticity Index and Liquid Limit are used to determine a point in the
plasticity chart shown in Figure 3.12. The classification symbol is determined from the
region of the chart in which the point lies.
Figure 3.12 Plasticity chart for laboratory classification of fine grained soils
If more than 35% of the material is finer than the 60 µm, the soil is classified as fine.
The following steps are then followed to determine the appropriate symbols.
If the point (PI, LL) is plotted aboce the “A’-line, the soil is Clay and use symbol C
If the point (PI, LL) is plotted below the “A’-line , the soil is Silt and use symbol M
This depends on the amount of fine materials and the types of coase materials present
in the soil:
• stratification
• degree of compactness
• cementation
• moisture conditions
• drainage characteristics
All information required can be found in the list of reference (GEO Guide 3: Guide to
Soil and Rock Description).
Classification tests have been performed on a soil sample and the following
grading curve and Atterberg limits obtained. Determine the BSCS classification.
% Finer
0 .0 0 0 1 0 .0 0 1 0 .0 1 0 .1 1 10 100
P a r ti c l e s i z e ( m m )
Step 2: Determine % of different particle size fractions (to determine G or S), and D10,
D30, D60 from grading curve (to determine W or P)
Step 3: From the Atterberg Test results determine its Plasticity chart location
From Plasticity Chart point lies below A-line, and hence Suffix = M
LL and PL of the fine portion (<0.063 mm) of the soil has been determined to be 32%
and 24% respectively.
Plot the PSD curve for the soil sample and determine D10, D30, D60, Cu, Cc, the
percentages of gravel, sand and (silt+clay). Classified the soil according to the BSCS
(symbol and description).
2 In a cone penetration test on a soil sample, the following results were recorded:
Determine the liquid limit of the soil sample. Calculate the plasticity index and
liquidity index if the plastic limit was 20 % and the natural moisture content 33 %.
What is the claasification of this soil according to the plasticity chart.
3 The following results were obtained from a liquid limit test using the
Casagrande apparatus:
No. of blows 6 8 12 26 28 31
Water content (%) 53.4 52.5 48.3 40.0 38.8 37.1