Method of Research in Computing-Baldevarona
Method of Research in Computing-Baldevarona
Method of Research in Computing-Baldevarona
Mission/ Vision/ Goals and Objectives of ILOILO STATE COLLEGE OF
A. Quality Instruction
B. Relevance and Responsiveness
C. Access and Equity
D. Human Resource Development
E. Linkages and Infrastructure Development
The objectives are to:
a. Produce quality graduates who will contribute to the advancement of
their chosen field;
b. Conduct viable researches, develop and disseminate technologies, and
provide technical assistance to the community for an increased
c. Offer courses that are responsive to the needs of the community and
industries for national development;
d. Promote self-employment and entrepreneurship;
e. Strengthen opportunities for student scholarships and access to
quality education;
f. Promote faculty and staff development;
g. Strengthen and develop linkages with other agencies or institutions to
achieve both in the national and international levels; and
h. Improve facilities and structures that will efficiently and effectively
carry out quality instruction, research and development, extension
and production.
Evaluation Committee Member Evaluation Committee
Evaluation Committee Chairperson
Unit 5- Formulation
LMS Online Webinar Nov. 3-
of Research
Module (Zoom)/goo 6,
Framework Independent gle meet 20
Research Study
Virtual class room 20
Frameworks for Gsuite/Fac -
Information ebook
Our course organizes into six (6) modules. In our Google classroom you will
find links to our module other references to used in our class.
will be posted to our facebook group and google classroom.
While this is a mixed of online and modular course, you can easily contact
me is throught my email. My contact information was stipulated in the
syllabus, posted on our Facebook room page, and Google Classroom.
Please check your mailbox oftenly. You must use your ISCOF
google account email and your Facebook account to communicate with
other students in the course and me. The google classroom and
Facebook room course management system is a REQUIRED
component in conducting the course. All students expect to regularly use
and monitor the Learning Management System to participate in in-class
activities. Make it sure you have a basic understanding of how to use
google classroom. If you have not previously used it , On the next page,
you will find a to the course and instructions on joining the Class. I am
looking forward to collaborating online and hoping you will find this
course and format to allow for personal reflection and group knowledge
creation. If you have any questions, please email me at
[email protected] or
Learning objectives
Studying this module shall enable the learners to:
What is Research?
Research is a systematic, formal, rigorous, and precise process employed to
gain solutions to problems or to discover and interpret new facts and
relationships. ... According to Kothari (2006).
Research the systematic investigation into and study materials, sources, etc.,
to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
- an endeavor to discover new or collate old facts, etc. by the scientific study
of a subject or the critical investigation. (Oxford Dictionary)
Characteristics of Research
1. Empirical- Research is based on direct experience or observation by
the researcher
2. Logical- Research based on valid procedures and principles
3. Cyclical- Research starts with a problem and ends with a question.
4. Analytical- Research utilizes proven analytical procedures in
gathering data, whether historical, descriptive, experimental, and case
5. Critical- Research exhibits careful and precise judgment.
6. Methodical-research is conducted methodically without bias using
systematic methods and procedures.
7. Replicability- research designs and procedures repeats to enable the
researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive results.
Research is Destructive
• Science seeks to replace old ideas with measurably better ideas.
• This is not always popular with closed systems.
- Widget makers (predefined product)
– Many religions (predefined world)
Industrial Innovation includes technical design, manufacturing, management,
and commercial activities involved in marketing a new (or improved)
product or first commercial use of a new (improved) process or
equipment. (Freedman)
Successful exploitation of new ideas(DTI innovation unit definition)
Terms to Remember
Technology Innovation
Disruptive Research
A. Exercises
Learning objectives
Studying this module shall enable the learners to:
Bear in mind that some research will do both of these things, but the
research problem usually focuses on one or the other. The type of
research problem you choose depends on your broad topic of interest
and the type of Research you want to do.
The step towards knowing what you'll do and why are the following:
The aim is the overall purpose of your Research. It generally is written in the
infinitive form:
The objectives are the concrete steps you will take to achieve the aim:
When you have a clearly-defined problem, you need to formulate one or more
questions. Think about precisely what you want to know and how it will
contribute to resolving the issue.
The table below shows some of the most common types of research questions.
Bear in mind that many academic research questions will be more
complicated than these examples, often combining two or more kinds.
Business plans are for the known future, it does not work in the start-
up context
Mass Market
Niche Market
Segmented Market
Diversified Market
Multi-side Platforms
2.Value propositions
• Product
• Market
• Middlemen
• Company
Types of Channels
Sales Force
Web sales
Own stores
Partner stores
• How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?
Personal assistance
Automated services
5. Revenue streams
Asset sale
Brokerage fee
Subscription fees
8.Key activities
Types Activities
Problem solving
9.Key partners
• Who are our key Partners? Who are our key Suppliers?
Joint ventures
• What are the most important cost inherent in our business? Which Key
Economies Costs decrease as production increases. The higher the volume, the
of lower the overall cost per unit.
Scale Ex. Bulk buying, Mass production, Mass Market
Fixed costs
Variable costs
Economies of scale
A. Instruction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
B. How do the US and the UK compare health outcomes and patient satisfaction
among low-income people with chronic illnesses?
2. Choose the research question that is most feasible in a limited time frame
B. What effect do different laws have on the number of people who drive after drinking
in European countries?
A. What are the similarities and differences in the experiences of recent Turkish,
Polish, and Syrian immigrants in Berlin?
C. How have modern adaptations of Othello dealt with racism through casting,
staging, and allusion to contemporary events?
1 2 4
• After
everyone has
• List down • Share • Encode in
shared their
your 5 your list on
stories, the
greatest to the presentatio
group must
challenges group. n slide why
figure out
for the did your
• Every which of the
past 7 group
member challenges
days. choose
can ask mentioned by
• In bullet every that
follow up
form questions members • Assign a
right occurred presenter
• Be able to
after most often
create a
each talk and
brief story
happened to
• Individual the same
• Decide what
1. Conceptualized the solution for the challenges occurred most
do you want
often happened or experienced by the same member.
to solve
2. Conceptualizing an idea.
Create a sketch
of how will it
Name it!
look like
res Explain the
Good luck!
OVER Valida
Y tion
Creati Buildi
on ng
Failure Success
Design Experiment
Validation board
-Simple tool for testing out your latest startup and product ideas.
- goal of using validation board is to help entrepreneurs all over the world get
out of the get out of the building and talk to customers.
- so many products fail because they aren’t solving a problem that customer
cares about.
Method 3
delivery of product
through a physical
• Rapid Iteration- You can always change what you need to change
• Team Building- Drawing, cutting and pasting together can build team unity and
raise spirits
Research Objectives
Before a study is designed, its objectives must be cleary stated. Research
objectives specify what the researcher wants to to and find out. They
give focus to the study and specify the variables that are goint to be
measured. Once the research objectives have been formulated, the
researcher makes educated guesses to tentatively answer the
questions implied in the objectives.
Learning objectives
After studying this chapter, the learners shall be able to:
1. differentiate General objectives from specific objectives, and
2. formulate general and specific objectives.
What is Research Objectives?
the objective can be define with a literature review
- should be an action that addresses some gap or existing
- must be coupled with a well defined hypothesis.
“...this project proposes the use of optimization methods for vehicle route
“...the main objective is to develop neural network algorithms for sentiment
analysis in text...”
-It is hard to grasp the actual problem to be addressed
-It is not clear what exactly is the research question and its
importance in those objectives
Literature Review
The research must keep reading throughout the research projects
It is ok to start with books and surveys
After you master the main techniques, then search for relevant work on
good repositories
Read papers in a critical way:
LARAMEE, R. S. How to Read a Visualization Research
Paper: Extracting the Essentials. IEEE Computer Graphics
and Applications, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2011, pages 78-82.
Disponível em
FOWLER, M. How to Read Signal Processing Journal &
Conference Papers.
Scholar (
Scopus (
Web of Science (
System or Implementation
Can be justified when there is a clear application, not yet explored
But, if so, then it is important to compare with previous work at least
2: “Something different”
proposes a “different approach” to some problem, or a “different”
implementation or application
require literature review and qualitative comparison
Can be a different approach, not necessarily better
It is usual in problems that are well studied, but not sufficiently
Can result in case studies
It is valid to propose “something different” when there is scarce data or
time escassos.
A well defined case study can be a good way to start
But, make sure
premises are convincing
there is some hyphotesis
Research Title: SMS based Wireless Temperature monitoring
General Objective: This study is to design and develop a SMS based
wireless temperature monitoring.
Research Title: SMS based Wireless Temperature monitoring
General Objective: This study is to design and develop a SMS based
wireless temperature monitoring.
Specifically, this study aimed to:
1. create a hardware that can detect temperature and display correctly
on LCD at transmitter board.
2. develop a program module that can process sending and receiving
temperature value success using RF transmitter and RF receiver.
A. Question for Discussion (Submit your answer in a form of softcopy)
1. What are research objectives? What do they express?
2. Differentiate between general objectives and specific
B. Instructions: Restate your research problem and formulate your
immediate general research objectives and specific objectives.
A.Questions for Discussion (Via google meet)
1. what is a theoretical framework? A conceptual Framework? How is the first
different from the latter?
2. Where can a researcher find theories on which to base his/her research?
3. what is theory and what are the roles in research?
4. Theoritcal framework needed in Information Technology research?
5. Cite example of theory that can be used for information Technology
B. Exercises
1. State a theory that explains about automation.
C. Workshop
Learning Objectives
Studying this unit shall enable the learners to:
1) Apply core software engineering practices at conceptual level for a given
2) compare and contrast traditional, agile, and lean development
methodologies at high level. These include Waterfall, Rational Unified
Process, V model, Incremental, Spiral models and overview of agile
3) Propose a methodology best suited for a given situation.
SDLC Development
Environments are controlled areas where systems developers can build,
distribute, install, configure, test, and execute systems that move
through the SDLC. Each environment is aligned with different areas of
the SDLC and is intended to have specific purposes. Examples of such
environments follow on the next slide.
• Development environment, where developers can work independently of
each other before trying to merge their work with the work of others,
• Common build environment, where merged work can be built, together, as a
combined system,
• Systems integration testing environment, where basic testing of a system's
integration points to other upstream or downstream systems can be
• User acceptance testing environment, where business stakeholders can test
against their original business requirements,
• Production environment, where systems finally get deployed to, for final use
by their intended end users.
Path Testing
• Does data move through the system in the manner you expect?
Unit Testing
• Is a software testing method by which
individual units of source code, sets of
one or more computer program
modules together with associated
control data, usage procedures, and
operating procedures, are tested to
determine whether they are fit for us.
Integration Testing
• Is the phase in software testing in which individual software modules are
combined and tested as a group. It occurs after unit testing and before
System Testing
System testing of software or hardware is testing conducted on a complete,
integrated system to evaluate the system's compliance with its specified
Black Box Testing
• You put something you know, into the system. You expect to get a certain
result. Does that result match what you were expecting? You ONLY look
at the output, not what happens within each step of the application
• There are benefits and drawbacks to Black Box Testing
White Box Testing
• White-box testing (also known as clear box testing, glass box testing,
transparent box testing, and structural testing) is a method of testing
Test Automation
• Is the use of special software (separate from the software being tested) to
control the execution of tests and the comparison of actual outcomes
with predicted outcomes.[1] Test automation can automate some
repetitive but necessary tasks in a formalized testing process already in
place, or perform additional testing that would be difficult to do manually.
User Acceptance Testing
• UAT consists of a process of verifying that a solution works for the user. It is
not system testing (ensuring software does not crash and meets
documented requirements), but rather ensures that the solution will work
for the user (i.e., tests that the user accepts the solution); software
vendors often refer to this as "Beta testing".
Software Performance Testing
• Is in general, a testing practice performed to determine how a system performs
in terms of responsiveness and stability under a particular workload. It
can also serve to investigate, measure, validate or verify other quality
attributes of the system, such as scalability, reliability and resource
SDLC Training and Transition
• Once a system has been stabilized through adequate testing, the SDLC
ensures that proper training on the system is performed or documented
before transitioning the system to its support staff and end users.
• Training usually covers operational training for those people who will be
responsible for supporting the system as well as training for those end
users who will be using the system after its delivery to a production
operating environment.
SDLC Evaluation
• The final phase of the SDLC is to measure the effectiveness of the system
and evaluate potential enhancements.