Syllabus - Sscie and philo-GSC BSIT

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Document Code No.

Republic of the Philippines FM-DPM-GSC-PRS-01

GUIMARAS STATE COLLEGE Rev. No. Effective Date Page No.
Mc Lain, Buenavista, Guimaras
  02 7 May 2018 1 of 7

Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) Course Design/ Syllabus in GE 11 (Philosophy and SocialScience)

Date Revised/ Enhanced: January 2020
I. Institution
Vision: The Guimaras State College as Center of Excellence in Education and Green Technology Generation.
Mission:Guimaras State College is committed to provide access to relevant and quality education and advocate sustainable development.
Core Values: G – Goal oriented and God fearing servant leaders promoting Green Technology for sustainable development
S – Service-effective, service-efficient professionals with global standards and practices.
C- Committed for excellence and desire for harmony among stakeholders

Institutional Outcomes for Instruction:

1. Spiritually and morally upright individuals
2. Globally competent professionals
3. Productive and environment friendly
4. Entrepreneurial and technologically innovative
5. Globally – oriented and service committed
6. Sustainable development advocate
II. College of Science and Technology
A. Provide quality and excellent education and training for higher manpower skills technologist, technicians, and professionals;
B. Strengthen community involvement for technological and industrial development of nation;
C. Undertake relevant technological researches and innovations that promote the use of renewable resources;
D. Promote production of high quality goods and efficient services through Green Technology for Socio-Economic development.

III. Program/Degree: Bachelor of Sciencein Information Technology

1. Produce globally competitive, innovative, God-fearing, morally upright and productive information technology professionals.
2. Transfer ICT knowledge and skills for better quality of life of the community.
3. Develop research capabilities for industrial and technological innovations.
4. Engage in revenue-generating ICT jobs and other environment-friendly computing services.
Republic of the Philippines
Mc Lain, Buenavista, Guimaras

IV. Program/Degree Outcomes: Based on CMO 5, Series 2018

V. Course No.:GE 11(Philosophy and Social Science)
Prerequisites: None
VI. School Year/ Semester Offered: A.Y. 2019-2020,Secondt Semester
VII. Course Description: This course explores various ways in which religion haveexplained by different scholar and practitioners.It also designed to be an introduction to the
field of gender and development. As such, it will survey a range of issues faced by women in Third World nations. Further, it will discuss issues on indigenous peoples
throughout the world, the UN declaration on the rights of indigenous people, Indigenous communities, tribes and nations continue to confront a range of issues that
challenge their ability to maintain their culture.Moreover it will also discuss the concepts of entrepreneurship and, underlying principles, processes and implementation
of a business plan.

VIII. Course Credit/Unit: 3 units Lecture ( 54 hours/semester)

IX. Course/ Subject Outcome:
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
1. acquire mastery, knowledge and understanding of the philosophy and social science as an intellectual tradition and activity;
2. contribute to the discussion on Religion, Gender and Development, Indigenous communities and entrepreneurship; and
3. develop appreciation for the indigenous culture by coming up with a showcasing bits and pieces of Philippine indigenous culture through research and/or oral

A. Competencies
1. Distinguish different interpretations of and approaches to the study Anthropology.
2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the philosophy and social science as an intellectual tradition and activity.
3. Formulate a stance on various schools within the philosophy and the social sciences.
4. Analyze the religious practices, and philosophical traditions.
5. Familiarize himself//herself with some of the world’s major religion.

B. Skills
1.Propose solutions in terms of products and services that will meet the need using techniques on seeking screening and seizing opportunities.
2. Create abusiness plan or company 5 year projected financial statements.
3. Distinguish the multiple approaches to understanding gender and development.
Republic of the Philippines
Mc Lain, Buenavista, Guimaras

C. Values
1. Identify and explain the unique challenges faced by women in the third world.
2. Distinguish the multiple approaches to understanding gender and development.
3. Assess the ‘progress’ that society has made toward achieving development goals that specifically benefit women.
 X. Course Design Matrix:


Unit Objectives: Revised College Code 2014 and GSC

1. The students will be able to internalized and Group Activity Oral Recitation Student 1 hour
Vision, Mission, Core values Handbook Bulletin of Information
demonstrated the goals, mission, vision, and core Student Services Manual Role Play Handbook
values of the college and Outcomes

Unit Objectives:
The students will be able to
1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding Introduction to classical and
of the philosophy and social science as an origin of the contemporary Quiz 5 Hours
intellectual tradition and activity debates in the philosophy of social

Enlightenment origin of the social

2. Discuss key concept within the field and sciences
ErlingBeginner’sGuide to the study of
their relevance for the conduct of social
Religion (McMillan Higher Education) 3 hours
scientific inquiry. Theories of:
3. Formulate a stance on various schools a. Comte
within the philosophy and the social b. Marx  Lecture-discussion
c. Weber
sciences  Reporting
d. Durkheim
e. 20th century of science with  Film showing 5 Hours
positivism Pupper and Kunn
Republic of the Philippines
Mc Lain, Buenavista, Guimaras

Unit Objectives:
The students will be able to:
Keesing, Roger.Cultural Anthropology:
1. Discuss and explain religion;
DefinitionReligion A Contemporary Perspective NY Holt. Case study: What is religion
2. Enumerate the different types of Religion; Types of religion Rinehart and Winston, Inc. Really about?
3. Explain the function of religion; a. Types of Simple 4 Hours
4. Analyze the religious practices, and supernaturalism
philosophical traditions; b. Animism
c. Theism Construction of table showing
5. Distinguish theology from theodicy; d. Transcendent Idealism similarities and differences in
6. Discuss theories explaining the
terms of beliefs, practices,
universalityof religion; Functions of Religion Common
Features of Religion rituals and symbols of the
7. Compare religious practices among world’s major religions
Major Religious festival of
differentcultures; Judaism, Christianity and Islam
8. Familiarize himself//herself with some of Different Religious organization
theworld’s major religion; and A. Ecclesia
9. Consider the functions of religion in societal B. Denomination
C. Sect
adaptation and social change. D. Cult

Religion in a Changing Society

Prelim Exam 1.5 hours

Unit Objectives: 3 Hours

The students will be able to: Book
1. Identify and explain the unique challenges faced Introduction to gender and
development The Women, Gender and Development Research
by women in the third world
Gender equity and women Reader, 2nd Edition, edited by Nalini
2. Identify and explain the commonalities around empowerment Reporting
Visvanathan, Lynn Duggan, Laptop ppt.
the world share naWiegersman and Lurie Nisonnoff, 3 Hours
3. Distinguish the multiple approaches to Women and development London and New York Zed Books 2011 Film showing
understanding gender and development Women and the number
4. Assess the ‘progress’ that society has made
toward achieving development goals that The feminization of labor
Globalrestructuring and survival
Republic of the Philippines
Mc Lain, Buenavista, Guimaras

specifically benefit women strategies 4 Hours

5. Differentiate the term sex and gender by giving Gender, nature and ecofeminism
examples of each; Women and reproduction rights
6. Enumerate examples of differences between the
Gender roles in society Nalia Kabeer 2015, Tracking the Inviting a resource person 2 Hours
sexes in the terms of sex roles and gender roles;
7. Analyze the influence of culture over one’s Gender Policies of the me.
Gender issues To talk about sexuality
5 Hours

Midterm Exam 1.5 hours

Unit Objectives:
The students will be able to:
1. Explore the contemporary issues of indigenous Dela Cadena and Sarn, 2017, Indigenous  Lecture-discussion Oral Recitation Book 3 Hours
Colonialism experience Today, Berg Publishers
peoples throughout the world.  Small-group
Indigeniety: Framing the Debate
2. Discuss how the world voted in favor of the UN discussion
Conquest and the colonial Bowen , John R. 2015, Should we have
declaration on the Rights of the indigenous different “concept People” Ethnicity and  Library work
people essentialism in the 21th century “  Mini-field work
3. Analyze and understand the relationship of Anthropology Today 16(4) 12-  E-discussion
Indigenous people and Nation Quiz Laptop ppt.
colonial expansion and contacts
4. Illustrate Gender rights, ecologies and social States
5 hours
movements Indigenous people and the modern
5. Explore the lived realities of the different State Alexiamdes M. and Daniela Peluso,
cultures Human Rights 2015. Introduction: Indigenous
6. Discuss the contemporary issues facing Political sovereignty/Autonomy Urbanization in Lowland and South
Gender America: The Journal of Latin America
indigenous peoples today and Carrebian Anthropology. Vol.20
Land and Territory
Resource Extraction
Migration and Incarceration

Pre-final Examination 1.5 Hours

Republic of the Philippines
Mc Lain, Buenavista, Guimaras

Unit Objectives:
The students will be able to: Book 6 hours

* At the end of the lesson, the student must be able to: Relevance of the topic
1. Explain thecore competencies in “entrepreneurship”
entrepreneurship  Lecture-discussion
Core competency in  Small-group
2. Explore job opportunities for entrepreneurships
entrepreneurship discussion
as a career
 Reporting Laptop ppt. 5 Hours
3. Propose solution/s in terms of product/s and Career opportunities
service/s that will meet the need using
techniques on seeking, screening, and seizing Development of Business Plan
4. Analyze the market need Market (locally/town)
5. Determine the possible product/s based on
Key concepts of market
viability, profitability and customers’
requirements Players in the market
6. Select the best product or service that will meet (Competitors) 4 Hours
the market need
Products and Services available in
the market

Final Examination 1.5 hours

Grand Total 54
Republic of the Philippines
Mc Lain, Buenavista, Guimaras

Note: This syllabus is flexible and may include additional topics and activities deemed necessary by the teacher.
XI. Criteria for Grading :
1. Attendance/Class Participation and Behavior 10%
2. Quizzes 30%
3. Project 20%
4. Periodic Examination 40%
TOTAL 100%

XII. References:
1. Revised College Code 2014 and GSC Handbook Bulletin of Information Student Services Manual
2. Erling Beginner’s Guide to the study of Religion (McMillan Higher Education
3. Keesing, Roger. Cultural Anthropology: A Contemporary Perspective NY Holt. Rinehart and Winston, Inc.
4. The Women, Gender and Development Reader, 2nd Edition, edited by Nalini Visvanathan, Lynn Duggan, naWiegersman and Lurie Nisonnoff, London and New York Zed Books 2011
5. Nalia Kabeer 2015, Tracking the Gender Policies of the me.
6. Dela Cadena and Sarn, 2017, Indigenous experience Today, Berg Publishers
7. Bowen , John R. 2015, Should we have different “concept People” Ethnicity and essentialism in the 21th century “ Anthropology Today 16(4) 12-
8. Alexiamdes M. and Daniela Peluso, 2015. Introduction: Indigenous Urbanization in Lowland and South America: The Journal of Latin America and Carrebian Anthropology. Vol.2

Prepared and designed by:

Social Science Faculty

Checked by: Approved by:

Republic of the Philippines
Mc Lain, Buenavista, Guimaras


Chair, Social Science Dean, College of Science and Technology

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