JEC-ESC-Wks21 2nd Quarter Exam

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GRADES 11 & School Angelita V.

Del Mundo Foundation (AVM Grade & STEM11A

12 Foundation) Inc. Section
LEARNING Name of Learning Earth Science
Printed Name and Signature of Teacher Subject Code
Teaching Dates WEEK 21: January 26-27, 2023 Quarter 2nd
Diorama Making
Direction: Design and build a simple diorama that shows the processes involved in a geothermal or hydroelectric power plants. Your diorama
should showcase the different parts of geothermal power plants by putting labels for each. Use recycled materials or those materials that can
easily be found in your home or community. Pay attention to details and make your representations drawn to scale. You may try to look in the
web as your reference to give you more idea on what you will do. Always stick to the rubrics given below.

Category 4 3 2 1 SCORE
Appearance The project’s The project’s The project’s The project’s
of appearance is appearance is quite appearance is appearance is quite
the Project professional and professional and somewhat poor with poor. Many distractive
(15%) polished without polished without some distractive elements.
distractive elements. distractive elements. elements.
Content Facts The project content The project content is The project content is The project content is
(20%) is exemplary and good and suggests the fair/poor and poor and suggests the
suggests the student has discovered suggests the student student has done
student has most of the important has not discovered sufficient research.
discovered the facts of his/her topic. most of the important
important ideas of facts.
his/her topic.
Images & All images or All images or models Some images or Too few images or
Models models are are effective, but there models are effective. models are used to be
(15%) effective. appear to be too few or an effective
too many. presentation.
Style & Display is interesting Display is interesting Some parts of the Display is uninteresting,
Organization and attractive. and attractive. Materials display are not tidy. Materials are
(10%) Materials are are complete and well interesting, not tidy. incomplete and not
complete and organized. Presentation Some materials are organized. Presentation
organized to present has sequence and plan complete and has no sequence or
the ideas well. evident. organized. plan evident.
Presentation has
some sequence and
plan evident.
Creativity & Project is excellently Good creative effort. Some attempt made Little attempt to add
Appearance presented reflecting Project is neat and to add color and color or originality.
(10%) creativity and a lot of shows evidence of time originality. Project is Project has sloppy
thought. spent on it. neat. appearance.
Knowledge The diorama The diorama The diorama The diorama
(30%) demonstrates a demonstrates good demonstrates some demonstrates some
thorough knowledge knowledge of the knowledge of the knowledge of the
of the subject subject investigated. subject investigated. subject investigated.
Total Score


Earth Science (ESc)
Teacher: Jonahbel E. Cabillon, LPT
Second Quarter Examination
1st Semester, S.Y. 2022-2023
Name: _______________________________________ Date: _________________
Specialization/Grade/Section: ______STEM11A______ Score: ______/20 points

NOTE: Please read ALL instructions carefully. Erasures are NOT allowed.

I. Direction: Read each item carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer. (5 POINTS)
1. Which of the following human activities results to breaking down of 4. Some animals like the rabbits and moles dig up soil for shelter or to
rocks? find food. How do their activity contribute to the breaking down of
A. driving B. mining C. hiking D. fishing rocks?
A. The digging of those animals breaks the rocks into small pieces.
2. How do roots of plant break down rocks? B. Small rocks are being exposed to sunlight.
A. Roots split the rocks apart. C. Animals stay in the dug holes and causes the rising of temperature
B. Roots heat the rocks causing them to break. inside.
C. Roots leave materials on the rocks which causes it to rust. D. The food that these animals bring underground causes the breaking
D. Roots lose its main composition because of roots’ absorption of rocks.
5. This process happens when water, people, animals wear away bits
3. How does temperature break down rocks? of rocks.
A. Rocks break when it is cooled. A. fermenting B. Mountain building C. weathering D. erosion
B. Rocks break when it is heated.
C. Rocks break when it is not exposed to water.
D. Rocks break when it is heated and then cooled.

II. Direction: Read each statement carefully. Identify what is being asked. Write your answer on the space provided before each
number. (15 POINTS)
____________________1. Microbes breakdown minerals from rocks by changing its composition making it morevulnerable to weathering.
____________________2. Another factor of physical disintegration of rocks. The force exerted by salt crystal, formed when water evaporates from
the rock’s pores or cracks, causes the rock to fall apart.
____________________3. Takes place when rocks wear away because of constant collision of loose particles
____________________4. Happens when water gets inside the cracks of rocks. The water inside the rock freezes which cause the crack’s
____________________5. The process in which rocks weather because of its reaction to acids.
____________________6. A chemical type of weathering which changes the composition of minerals from rocks when they react with acidic water.
This results to the production of clays and soluble salts.
____________________7. When iron in rocks get to be exposed to oxygen, it creates iron oxide. The iron oxide produces a rusty-colored
weathered surface to the rocks. This process is called _________.
____________________8. Sometimes considered a different type of weathering, However, many still acknowledges it as part of physical
weathering as the process only changes the physical appearance of rocks.
____________________9. Rocks and minerals break down into pieces or dissolve. This is possible through the following agents: water, ice, acids,
salts, plants, animals, and changes in temperature.
____________________10. This process only changes the physical appearance of the rock and does not alter any of its composition.
____________________11. Creates a large waterfall and stores enough water to supply the plant at all times.
____________________12. Channels water from the reservoir to the turbine
____________________13. Use the heat from deep within the Earth’s surface to produce steam to generate electricity.
____________________14. These wastes CANNOT be disposed of in regular garbage. Any product which is labelled WARNING, CAUTION,
____________________15. Natural source of energy that can be replenished over time, thus it does not depleted


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