Arnold1990 - Codependency. Strategies For Healing
Arnold1990 - Codependency. Strategies For Healing
Arnold1990 - Codependency. Strategies For Healing
Linda J. Arnold, RN
This is the final part of a three-part series on when it is time for them to seek help, because
codependency. Part I appeared in the May issue; it is a highly personal decision. The first step on
part II appeared in the June issue. the road to recovery, however, is to accept that
you are codependent.
odependency, like life, occurs along a An interesting way to evaluate whether or not
continuum. Most people are taught that you may need help is to compare the percent
’there are two choices in life-the right of the time you are satisfied with your life with
way and the wrong way. Codependents often the time you are dissatisfied. If you are dissatisfied
believe they are bad people, and other people who a majority of the time, you may want to pursue
do not seem to be codependent, are healthy and some of the following strategies.
good. This black-or-white thinking is deceptive. Observation. This is a process of taking a new
Life just is not that simple. look at yourself. Most people have established
Some characteristics of codependency have a habits and patterns. Because they are habits, you
positive influence. Codependents can be caring may not be aware of them. As you observe
and sensitive people. They want to make yourself, begin to identify when your codependent
contributions to their professions, communities, antennae are especially sensitive. You also might
and families. They usually are reliable and can begin to take your own “emotional temperature.”
be counted on to help others. At the other end This will help you determine if you have
of this continuum are the negative characteristics codependent attacks. When your temperature
of codependency. starts to rise, how do you feel about yourself?
Do you want to work harder, or do you think
General Strategies
for Recovery
Linda J. Arnold, RN,MS, is a psychiatric clinical
that if only you had done something differently, being overwhelmed with activities.
everything would be all right? Has something in Sometimes the opportunity for time and space
the external world not lived up to your expec- is difficult to obtain. For example, this may occur
tations? These are signs of a codependent attack. if you are in the middle of scrubbing a case. Even
During an attack, you feel like a bad person. then, people get upset in the middle of a case
This, however, is not true. You are the same person and need to pause. If you value yourself, there
you were before the event. During the attack, it is always a way to find time and space. If you
is helpful to remind yourself that you are all right. are asked to complete a double shift and are
Boundaries. As you observe yourself, check tempted to say yes, even though you are exhausted,
your boundaries. It may be necessary to ask do not answer immediately. Give yourself time
yourself “does this have anything to do with me?” to decide if this is what you really want to do.
Because there is so much stimuli in the hospital,
this simple question becomes very important. Asking Two
Much of what happens in a hospital has nothing Pertinent Questions
to do with you.
You establish your own boundaries by learning odependents focus on the external world,
what is and is not your problem. This lesson is not their internal world. The natural
absorbed slowly, and you probably will involve tendency, therefore, will be to do things
yourself in a few situations that are not your for others first. Codependents must ask themselves
business along the continuum toward health. If “who am I doing this for?’ and “what toll will
the day is chaotic and your usually friendly it take on me?”
coworker snaps at you or does not seem warm, It will feel strange to check with yourself first.
you must remember that his or her attitude has As with any behavioral change, you will feel
nothing to do with you. If the physician that you uncomfortable initially. Do not stop just because
have always been able to handle and keep calm it feels different. The more attention you pay to
does not respond in his or her usual way, this your inner world, the easier it will be to answer
behavior has nothing to do with you. If your best the question “who am I doing this for?”
friend, who is constantly having problems with The next question, “what toll will it take on
her husband, has a crisis, it is all right if you me?” is simple, but not easily answered.
do not try to fix it. Codependents tolerate huge amounts of stress.
All these situations are difficult, but you do Measuring your emotional temperature and
not have to make them better. Actually, you can checking the toll life is taking are similar. The
not make them better. It is up to the people process takes practice, and it helps to keep checking
involved to change their situation. with yourself. Learn to ask several questions: “Do
Time and space. Because of boundaries and I want to be doing this?’ “Is this hurting me?”
the sensitivity of your antennae, you should allow “Is this having a negative effect on my life?”
yourself time and space before making decisions. Because situations in life are not black or white,
It is not always in your best interest to make there will be times when doing an extra shift will
others happy or fix a situation. be all right and feel comfortable. There will be
In the extra time you allow yourself, you can times when scrubbing with a difficult physician
determine what you really want to do. You can takes too much of a toll. An important lesson
use this as a method to prevent yourself from to learn about our emotional tolerances is
understanding that our ability to handle stress can end up alone and hated. We can find an acceptable
change from one minute to the next. place between these two extremes.
can act in self-defeating ways. We do not have Counseling. The expertise of a professional
the ability to control the negative behavior of those counselor can be very important and helpful. At
we love, and it is not our role to judge them. some time in our lives, most of us need an objective
If we choose to be with them, we must accept viewpoint to help us sort out our problems.
them as they are. If we can not do that, our struggle Individual and group therapy or a combination
may include letting go of them. of both are valuable.
Detachment is essential in the hospital situation. Self-help programs, support groups, or 12-step
We must accept that certain areas are not going programs are an important part of a recovery plan.
to change. There will always be staffing problems, We must find a group that is the most helpful
difficult people to deal with, and a certain level for us. These groups give us an environment in
of chaos and dysfunction. To survive in the which we are safe to be who we are, and a place
hospital, we must detach from areas in which we in which we can make mistakes and admit our
have no control, change areas where we can, and flaws and humanness without fear of judgment
learn the difference. or shame. The experience of acceptance and
Detachment frees tremendous amounts of freedom is a powerful addition to recovery. 0
energy. Because there is no need to control the
uncontrollable or change people who do not want
to be changed, we have the energy to perform
and enjoy our work. Nothing uses more energy 0