2attitude - Week 5
2attitude - Week 5
2attitude - Week 5
: Week 5
Class :
Topics : Attitude
What Is Attitude?
Attitude is your outlook on life-how you respond to people and events. More
importantly, attitude is guided by your mind. If you spend your mental energies
worrying about what might happen next, your outlook on life (your attitude) is
probably negative. If you spend your mental energies taking each day as it comes
and appreciating the experiences you are having and the people in your life,
attitude is probably positive and healthy.
Attitude Is Important
You are learning constantly as you grow personally and professionally. Learning is
categorized into three types: knowledge, skills, and attitudes. You acquire
knowledge by reading, attending classes, using the Internet, talking with others,
and experiencing life. Skills such as learning to keyboard or play an instrument are
gained through practice and repetition. It is easy to identify the first two types of
learning, but have you given much thought to the third type of learning -how you
acquire attitudes?
Attitudes are complex and develop over time. People with a high degree of
optimism typically view events in their daily lives as positive, which in turn leads
to a positive attitude. Others can pro- vide you with knowledge and teach you
skills, but you (and only you) can determine your attitude.
Attitudes are unique because they are developed because of emotion. Emotion is a
state of feeling or a conscious mental reaction (positive or negative) toward a
specific object, person, or event. Emotions such as fear, joy, anxiety, and
compassion shape our feelings about the events and people in our lives.
"A positive attitude helps to cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. It brings
optimism into your life and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking.
With a positive attitude you see the bright side of life, become optimistic and
expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth
developing and strengthening."
Remember that a negative event is not all-encompassing. Perhaps you did not get
the job that you wanted. You may have felt miserable and thought that all of your
hopes and dreams were shattered. But be realistic. The lost job was simply that--a
lost job. It didn't destroy your entire life After not getting that job, you may have
been offered a better position and all worked out for the best.
Changing negative attitudes into positive attitudes can be very satisfying, because
positive attitudes are a foundation for personal satisfaction and effective human
One person's attitude has a powerful influence on the attitudes of others. This is
especially e dent when people are involved in a team effort-in the workplace, on
the playing field, or working as a group in the classroom. You have probably
witnessed a situation where one individual cause a positive change in the attitude
of a group. Likewise, one person with a negative attitude can bring everyone down.
Attitudes are difficult to hide because attitudes have a profound effect on how you
behave, and your behavior gives you away--those near you get a clear picture of
your attitudes. Naturally, you would not want to hide a positive attitude. It shines
through to create a favorable impression-an impression that is positive and
"catching" to those around you. Unfortunately, a negative attitude shows through
as well, creating a negative impression that can spread to others.
As your positive attitude develops, the people around you begin to respond
accordingly. They think of you as being enthusiastic, willing to learn, cheerful, and
friendly. Their favor- able attitude toward you causes them to expect positive,
productive behavior from you. As you sense these positive expectations, your
motivation to live up to your image will increase. The result is a cycle of
reinforcement and improvement, greater appreciation of your positive attitude, and
even higher levels of self-esteem.
Not only do you need to deal with your own attitudes, but you will also frequently
need to cope with attitudes of others as well. Consumer researchers discovered that
while we may not like to admit it, what other people think about something could
affect what we think about it. The findings reported in the Journal of Consumer
Research confirm that social networks greatly influence an individual's behavior.
Negative opinions cause the greatest attitude shifts, not just from good to bad, but
also from bad to worse.
You may recall a time when the attitudes of those around you were negative and,
as a result, felt yourself becoming negative too. By being aware of the influence
others have on you, you can resist and avoid negative influences on your attitudes.
Masters, Ann B. and Wallace, Harold R., (2012) Personal Development for Work
and Life, Philippine Edition, ESP Printers.