De Perio - Cherry - Journal Module 2

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Lesson 1

My body. My choice.

” Beauty, along with kindness, truth and justice, was one of the highest values”.
Indeed, this is a phrase that imprints in my mind as I read this lesson. Beauty will never
be enough for a person. To be greater we need to always pair kindness with beauty.
My journey in this lesson has made me realize that beauty has a lot of definition
beyond our physical looks.

My journey in this lesson has filled with many information that I have gain. In
this lesson, I have learned that beauty could be subjective or objective. According to
St. Augustine, beauty is objective because he believes that that thing gave delight
because it was beautiful. I agree with this notion because base on my experience my
mood boosted when I see things that is beautiful. Also, according to Aristotle, beauty
is objective since he argued that the main forms of beauty are order, symmetry, and
definiteness, which can be demonstrated by mathematical science.

On the other hand, there are also few philosophers that believe beauty is
subjective. “Beauty is no quality in things themselves: it exists merely in the mind
which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty. One person
may even perceived deformity, where another is sensible of beauty; and every
individual ought to acquiesce in his own sentiment, without pretending to regulate
those of others”. This is according to David Hume. I totally agree because as they say
“beauty is in the eye of beholder”. We need to remember that everyone of us is
beautiful and if one cannot see it, then I think that one could be the problem.

In addition, I have also learned from this lesson that according to studies, those
who think of themselves as beautiful earn more money than those who think they look
nice. Voters who are actively interested in social and political issues have a 90%
likelihood of choosing candidates based on "presence" in politics. My view about this
is that this is somewhat true because there are really people that chooses a person
base on looks.
Sometimes people are too judgemental that when there is a person who doesn’t look
nice base on them, they will judge that the person will just do something bad. I think
this ideology should not be encourage because we should not judge individuals base
on their physical looks because maybe that person is competent and bright. We should
give a fair opportunity for everyone regardless of their looks.

My journey in this lesson leads me to the greatest wisdom that I have learned
in this lesson, and that is as an individual it is important that we should balance our
own standard of beauty to our own body image. This could result to have a positive
body image. As what I have learned from this lesson body image is how you look at
your body, make you attractive, and make yourself look like some other people. It is
important to have a positive body image because you may select and accept yourself
in any manner if you have a good image of your body, even if you do not fit the
conventional concept of "beautiful" or "beautiful." This positive mindset helps you to
focus on other parts of your development, like as making excellent friends, being more
independent of your parents, and pushing yourself physically and cognitively.
Developing these aspects of your physique will boost your self-esteem.

Physical beauty is important; however, we need to bear in mind that beauty

doesn’t only base upon our looks, it is beyond that. We are all beautiful, but
unfortunately not everyone could appreciate our own beauty but having confidence
and contentment of what we have no one can destroy our perception about ourselves.
Beauty should start with ourselves by appreciating and not comparing ourselves to
other because we are all beautiful and unique on our own ways.
Lesson 2
Let’s talk about SEX

My journey in this lesson has begun with the definition of sexual self. I have
learned that sexual self refers to the individual’s feelings, actions, and behaviour
concerning various aspects as development of secondary sex characteristics,
human reproductive system, the erogenous zones of the body, the biology of
sexual behaviour, chemistry of lust, love and attachment, among many others
(Ariola, 2016). This lesson has taught me to be more open about our sexuality. In
this paper, I will discuss here few of my new learnings and knowledge that I have
learned and realizations throughout my journey in this lesson.

As I grow up, I have always taught that when we fall in love, we fall in love
directly. But in this lesson, I have learned that falling in love has go through different
stages. The first one is lust. It is marked by physical attraction. It is driven by
testosterone in men and estrogen in women. Lust, however, does not guarantee that
couples will fall in love forever. For me relationship will not work out if it is just filled
with lust. Second stage is attraction. At this stage, you begin to crave for your
partner’s presence. They get excited and energized when they fantasize about
things they could do together as a couple. I think this stage is the most exciting part
of love. The last stage is attachment. It involves the desire to have lasting
commitment with your significant other. At this point, you may want to get married
and/ have children. I think this is stage is the most serious part of love. To be in this
stage of love it needs a lot of effort and commitment.

Love isn’t the only lesson I have learned in lesson 2. This lesson has enlightened
me about the differences of sexual orientation and gender identity. As what I have
learned the overall propensity of an individual toward partners of the same sex,
opposite sex, or both sexes are known as sexual orientation. Gender identity, on the
other hand, relates to one's perception of being male or female. This lesson has also
presented the different type of sexual orientation which is the LGBTQ+ community
that means Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer and plus.
I have now the knowledge how identify people base on their sexual orientation. I am
happy to know about thus because I have lots of friends who are member of LGBTQ+
community. It is just sad that even up to these days I have still lot of friends that continue
receiving criticism by the society just because of their identity. These individuals have
not given equal opportunity because they are discriminated because of their identity.

Members LGBTQ+ community is really a great individual. As a matter of fact, I

salute to them because despite the criticisms they may face in showing up their real
identity they still pursue what is the desire of their heart and they are even proud of it. I
think it is about time to accept them. We should give them the right of freedom to express
themselves. Expressing what our hearts desire will never be wrong, the wrong is
criticizing and judging people.
Lesson 3
Forget about the price tag

“Money makes the world go round”. This is what most people have believe in this
age of digital technology. Everything in our society nowadays is based upon the idea
that consumption should be easy as possible. As what I have observe, most of people
today is always busy making money because we are occupied with the material things
that we want to have in life. As I go through with this lesson, I have gained many
realizations about consumption. In this journal, I will discuss here what I have learned in
this lesson and my perspective about it.

Lesson 3 is all about material self. Before we proceed to further discussion about
the issue on material self, let us first discuss what material self is. According to what I
have learned from this lesson, material self consists of things that belong to a person or
entities that a person belongs to. Now, many of us in this generation has forgotten the
real essence of material self since some of us interpreted it as a never-ending
consumption. That is why there are many people nowadays working really hard and
even sacrificed their passion because of wanting to be rich. These are the people that
believes that to be happier and successful we need to buy, buy and buy.

It is mentioned in this lesson that shopping has turned into a lifestyle. People are
slowly realizing that the power of consumption is stopping us from finding true and
sincere happiness, and shopping works as a substitute for something that we are
missing in life. I think it is true that today shopping has become a lifestyle because we
tend to make it as a hobby or leisure activity that when we are stress, we tend to buy,
buy, and buy to lessen it. It is just ironic how people working really hard that they even
sacrificed the bond of their family to make money and use it with just a material thing
that isn’t necessary in surviving at all.

It is understandable that consumption could give satisfaction and fulfilment among

many individuals. But behind that I have learned in this lesson that there is a negative
connotation with consumption because it is intrusive and manipulative. I think it is
manipulative in such a way that because of wanting to buy every material thing that we
overwhelmed with what money can give us and this blinded us from seeing the true
things that could really make us happy.

In addition, having the problem with consumerism I think it is about time to be wise. In
this lesson I have found out there is a way for us to avoid the trap of consumerism.
First, exercise intellectual independence. We need to question all the information that
has given to us and we should also ignore advertisement because it could temp to buy.
The second is consume less, live more. I think it is about time to stop thinking what
other might think in how you want to live your life to be. It is about time that we live our
live with what we think could make our being happy. Remember that it is okay to
consume but we also need to bear in mind that we don’t need to buy everything that we
want because there are things in life that we should prioritized such as bonding with
family, building good relation among people, and of course making time for God and in
that way, we could have a lasting a happiness
Lesson 4
Do good. Do God.

This lesson's main topic is the self in the sphere of spirituality. Because the
happiness you experience when you debate and distinguish within your ability, moral
sensitivity, conscience, and our will to win is purer than any other sense of satisfaction,
the spiritual self is the most personal, inner subjective component of the self.
Furthermore, spiritual and religious experiences are becoming increasingly essential in
many people's life. Spirituality has reawakened in popularity in recent years. More and
more individuals are seeking spiritual truth in their life, seeking greater meaning and
purpose, inner calm, and innovative spiritual nourishment methods. My journey in this
module has filled with many knowledge I have gained about spiritual self. In this paper,
I will discuss her few of my learnings that imprints in my mind and I will share my
perspective about it.

The information that imprints in my mind in this lesson is that in situations such
as lack of purpose, it can lead to anxiety, frustration and fear. However, there is
growing evidence that spiritual practice is associated with better health and well-
being. I strongly agree with this notion because when at times that I have felt
hopeless, I seek guidance to my God by praying and after that I feel like fighting
again. As an individual who experience mental health problems, this lesson has help
me by giving me an idea how to cope up with these problems through spiritual
practice such as praying, doing yoga, meditation and journaling.

In overall aspect of this lesson spiritual self, I have realized that there a many
existing religions in the world that has different beliefs. Along with their beliefs is their
practices. We might not get their practices; it is still important to respect them because
what they believe is sacred for them and criticizing their beliefs will never be
acceptable. The important realization that I have all throughout of my journey in this
lesson is that religions will not save us but what saves us is our faith in God. This
lesson has made my faith in God stronger. I have believed to him more and I am
looking forward for a life full of blessings and guidance by him.
Lesson 5
My Socio-Political Self

“What makes us a true Filipino?”. In this lesson, I have realized that this question
could be answer in many ways. Becoming a Filipino is something that I am proud of
and with this lesson, I have appreciated more about the Filipino. In this journal, I will
discuss here what I have learned and realize throughout my journey in this lesson.

This lesson mentioned that Filipino citizens are "those whose fathers or mothers
are citizens of the Philippines, those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino mothers,
who elect Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority, and those who are
naturalized in accordance with law," according to the 1987 Philippine Constitution (as
cited in Alata et al.,2018). However, citizenship is more than just a sign of being Filipino.
Culture and history have a significant impact on how Filipinos learn, live, and act today.
People who grow up in the same culture acquire and share similar personality traits and
beliefs. Characteristics and shared values that have been passed down through
generations are still embodied in Filipinos today.

In addition, this lesson has enlightened me the importance of ethnic identity Many
young people, especially those from minority groups, value their ethnic and racial
identities. These ego aspects can establish emotions of belonging to one or more
specific groups and affiliation with that group, as well as commitment and shared ideals.
As a Filipino, seeing that we are still preserving the tradition and culture of our different
ethnic tribe makes me secured.

Furthermore, I have found out the strength of Filipino character in this lesson. Few of
strength of Filipinos is pakikipagkapwa-tao, family orientation, joy & humour, flexibility,
adaptability, and creativity; hard work and industry, faith & religiosity and ability to
survive. Personally, I could somewhat say that I have few of this trait. As a Filipino, it
is my strength that I could related with others. I help other when they need.
I am also proud to say that I always put my family in the centre of my life because they
are my strength and inspiration in everything that I do.

In contrast, Filipino character have also weaknesses. The weakness of Filipino

character is extreme personalism, extreme family-centeredness, lack of discipline,
passivity and lack of initiative, colonial mentality, kanya-kanya syndrome, lack of self-
analysis and self-reflection. For me the worst character of Filipinos is the crab
mentality that when they see someone achieving greater success than them, they pull
that person down. I think this is the worst case because it is a result of jealousy and
jealousy is such an evil feeling. In my case, I have also some of these negative traits
such as colonial mentality because there are times when I patronize other county’s
product. I can also consider myself as lack of discipline because in terms of time, I am
always late. We are just human being and I know that it is part of our lives to make
mistake but we should be aware with our actions. We should always be hungry with
improvement to be a better individual.

For me the most remarkable that I have learned in this lesson is how to be a good
Filipino citizen. To be a good Filipino citizen, we must be an active citizen. A good
Filipino citizen is knowledgeable of current events and participates in government
initiatives that promote the country's advancement and development. It is also
important that we study the history of our beloved country to be a good Filipino citizen.
You will learn a lot about why it is necessary to love your nation with your life, to aid
poor Filipinos, and to identify the misuse of power if you investigate and
completely comprehend the events of Filipino history. It also very helpful that we
support our local products. When you buy local items, you are not only supporting
local producers and industrialists, but you are also contributing to the local economy's
growth. When you buy local items, you are not only supporting local producers and
industrialists, but you are also contributing to the local economy's growth.

My journey in this lesson assessed my national identity and cultural heritage. This
lesson made me realized that in the aspect of socio-political self, it is important
that we are informed about the history of our nation. This lesson has help me to
appreciate one’s ethnic and racial identity. I have also learned the weaknesses and
strength of Filipino Character which is important for me to reflect my attitude towards

Lesson 6
Am I a cyborg?

The concept of the digital self is an intriguing and relatively new topic of
discussion in the modern era, as many people investigate and manage the various
facets of their personal identity on a daily basis. This lesson emphasizes the crucial
role of contemporary technology, particularly the internet, in moulding people's
sense of self and identity. In this journal, I will discuss here my insights regarding
the topic that discuss in this lesson.

The usage of digital technology has now become an integral aspect of one's
digital identity. The digital self is the component of oneself that is expressed or
shared with others via online interactions on the internet, particularly social
networking sites. People frequently utilize technology because it is necessary for
individual survival and communication with others. Just as the use of technology is
becoming increasingly crucial for individuals, it is also becoming increasingly
significant for the growth of society. The internet world is utilized as a platform for
many movements since it is simple to connect with people and has a vast range,
allowing you to reach a huge audience with little effort. Although it is handy, it is also
rather difficult since trends change from time to time; people may care about this
issue today, but as time passes, a new concern will emerge and their attention will
be drawn to it.

People tend to modify their images online in order to seem thin and impress
their social circle. The internet world has devolved into a massive deception. While
social media made it simpler to make new acquaintances, it also made it easier for
predators to discover victims. The anonymity provided by social media may be
utilized by offenders to earn people's trust before terrorizing them in front of their
peers. These internet attacks frequently leave profound psychological scars and, in
some circumstances, force victims to commit suicide. You might be shocked to learn
that cyberbullying affects adults as well as children. Despite this, there are some
good benefits of technology, such as increasing the flexibility of schooling. Online
education is one of the major areas where technology is having a significant influence. In
the face of personal hurdles or scheduling issues, many people resort to online courses
to begin or continue their education.

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