Risk Analysis - Bangalore 190404

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IFB Industries Limited

Automotive Motor Division


Process Owner: RAKESH S

Criteria for Risk analysis: Risk index

5 Continuous - Daily Medium (5) Medium (10) High (15) High (20) High (25) Risk category SxP Remarks
(Probability - P)

4 Frequently - Monthly Low (4) Medium (8) Medium (12) High (16) High (20) High Risk ≥15 Take immediate actions to eliminate the risk or lower the risk
3 Possible - Every 6 months Low (3) Medium (6) Medium (9) Medium (12) High (15) Medium Risk 5 ~ 14 Take timely action to implement appropriate controls, if feasible
2 Unlikely - Every Year Low (2) Low (4) Medium (6) Medium (8) Medium (10) Low Risk ≤4 Continue the activity
1 Remote - Every 3 years Low (1) Low (2) Low(3) Low(4) Medium(5)
Negligible Low Marginal Critical Huge
1 2 3 4 5
Severity - S

Risk value Revised Risk Value Risk

Type of Risk Risk category
Resp. & Opportunity/ category
Sl (Quality/ (High/ Proposed Risk Mitigation Resp. &
Activity / Process Issues Risk Current Action Time Improvement Potential, (High/
No. Environment/ Severit Probabi Risk Medium/ action Time Target Severity Probabil Risk
Target if any Index (S Medium/
Health/ Safety) y (S) lity (P) Index Low) (S) ity (P)
(S x P) x P) Low)

NG part may reach customer Layout inspection plan made and QA Head /
Lay out Inspection Not Done Quality,
1 Quality Assurance resulting complaint & field 4 2 8 Medium followed. Review plan vs actual every
as per plan Business
failure month
Lay out Inspection - Not Ballooning of the dimensions done and
Resulting in customer complaint Quality,
2 Quality Assurance covering all specifications as 5 2 10 Medium all dimensions included in the report
& field failure is expected Business
per drawing
SPC study plan made and followed QA Head /
SPC Not conducted for Can result in customer
3 Quality Assurance Quality 4 3 12 Medium Review plan vs actual every
special characteristics complaints
Chances of defective parts 100 % Inspection done for
Characteristics with Cpk
4 Quality Assurance escaping to customer / next Quality 4 3 12 Medium characteristics with Cpk < 1.33.
below 1.33
No knowledge about the calibration plan followed
QA Head /
instrument error, Acceptance of
5 Quality Assurance Calibration not done Quality 3 2 6 Medium Review plan vs actual every
defective part, rejection of OK
No knowledge about the All instruments & gauges included in the
Instruments / gauges not calibration plan
instrument error, Acceptance of
6 Quality Assurance included in the calibration Quality 3 2 6 Medium
defective part, rejection of OK
Acceptance criteria defined, Error is
Error in instrument and it is verified after calibration and
Acceptance of defective part,
7 Quality Assurance not communicated to the Quality 4 2 8 Medium communicated, procedure defined for
rejection of OK parts
user out of calibration action
periodic calibration, regular checking of
Chances of use Defective Acceptance of defective part,
8 Quality Assurance Quality 4 2 8 Medium gauge / instrument at the beginning of
gauge / instrument rejection of OK parts
the shift.
No knowledge about the MSA plan followed
9 Quality Assurance MSA not done Quality 4 2 8 Medium
measurement system variation
MSA results not meeting the Acceptance of defective part, Reviewed & corrective actions initiated
10 Quality Assurance Quality 4 2 8 Medium
criteria rejection of OK parts
COP test / revalidation not COP test plan made & tests are
11 Quality Assurance Warranty failure Quality 4 1 4 Low
done conducted as per plan
COP test / revalidation Quality, Reviewed & corrective actions initiated
12 Quality Assurance Excessive field failure 4 1 4 Low
failure Business
Test can not be performed as Daily equipment checks are done
13 Quality Assurance Test equipment breakdown Quality 4 1 4 Low
per plan
Test / revalidation personnel Non-conformity in test Testing personnel qualified, Test SOP
14 Quality Assurance Quality 4 1 4 Low
not qualified procedure available.
Test / revalidation procedure Testing personnel qualified, Test SOP
15 Quality Assurance Will not get the correct results Quality 4 1 4 Low
not followed available.
Test / revalidation sample Proper identification, storage system
Wrong sample check, Will not
16 Quality Assurance not properly identified, Quality 4 1 4 Low defined. SOP provided and test
get the correct results
stored, handled personnel are trained.
Process audit plan made & followed
Defective part reaches
17 Quality Assurance Process audit not done Quality 4 2 8 Medium QA Head /
Review plan vs actual every
IFBAPL-MR-D-16, Rev 0 Page 1 of 7
IFB Industries Limited
Automotive Motor Division
Risk value Revised Risk Value Risk
Type of Risk Risk category
Resp. & Opportunity/ category
Sl (Quality/ (High/ Proposed Risk Mitigation Resp. &
Activity / Process Issues Risk Current Action Time Improvement Potential, (High/
No. Environment/ Severit Probabi Risk Medium/ action Time Target Severity Probabil Risk
Target if any Index (S Medium/
Health/ Safety) y (S) lity (P) Index Low) QA Head / (S) ity (P)
(S x P) x P) Low)
Review plan vs actual every
Defective part reaches Product audit plan made & followed month
18 Quality Assurance Product audit not done Quality 4 1 4 Low
Process & product auditors Criteria defined & List of product &
In-effective process / product
19 Quality Assurance are not qualified / not Quality 4 1 4 Low process auditors made
Defective part reaches Changes are implemented as per QA Head /
Change implementation not Change implementation
20 Quality Assurance customer, no idea about Quality 4 2 8 Medium procedure after customer approval every
done as per procedure review
suspected lots month
Defective part reaches Changes are implemented as per 4M change rules to be
Temporary changes are not Head-QA /
21 Quality Assurance customer, no idea about Quality 4 2 8 Medium procedure after customer approval displayed & 4M changes to
controlled ongoing
suspected lots be controlled
Nonconforming product Proper identification and training to
Defective part reaches Verification by QA during QA /
22 Quality Assurance handling not done as per Quality 4 2 8 Medium operators
customer patrol inspection Ongoing
Can escape to customer, COPQ Analysis & corrective action
In-house rejections more Actions to be taken at SQA/
23 Quality Assurance will be high, other assembly Quality 4 3 12 Medium implementation
due to parts supplier end Ongoing
parts get rejected
Analysis & corrective action
In-house rejections more Can escape to customer, COPQ implementation SGA / QC activities to be
24 Quality Assurance Quality 4 2 8 Medium
due to process will be high taken up
Operators and inspectors to
Delay in achieving production Analysis & corrective action be properly trained on QA &
25 Quality Assurance In-house rejections more targets Quality 4 2 8 Medium implementation defects Production
Increase in rework & scrap Highly skilled and on-roll / Ongoing
End of line inspection / testing employees to deputed at
Inprocess inspections Resulting in customer critical stations &
26 Quality Assurance Quality 4 2 8 Medium inspections
skipping complaints & internal rejections

27 Quality Assurance Customer complaints more Quality 4 2 8 Medium Analysis & corrective action
Customer dissatisfaction
Customer rejection PPM Analysis & corrective action
28 Quality Assurance Rejection of parts Quality 4 2 8 Medium
more implementation
Loss of business Review by QA Head & top
29 Quality Assurance Repeated complaints Quality 4 2 8 Medium Analysis & corrective action QA Head /
implementation every
Carry out proper analysis &
Increased costs, Analysis & corrective action month
Warranty issues in few implement CAPA
30 Quality Assurance Loss of reputation, Quality 4 3 12 Medium implementation
Impact on vehicle sales
Reduction in profits, increased Analysis & corrective action
31 Quality Assurance Higher COPQ Quality 4 3 12 Medium
material cost implementation
Warranty parts not available Analysis & corrective action Request customers to Head-QA /
32 Quality Assurance CAPA cannot be implemented Quality 4 3 12 Medium
for analysis implementation provide parts ongoing
Parts are not checked 100% Analysis & corrective action QA to verify before Head-QA /
33 Quality Assurance Increased reworks Quality 4 2 8 Medium
after rework implementation handover to production ongoing
Pre-despatch inspection not Rejections may escape to Inspection standards provided
34 Quality Assurance Quality 4 1 4 Low
done customer
Pre-despatch inspection Inspectors not aware of check
35 Quality Assurance Quality 4 1 4 Low
standard not available points
Increased rejections, increased Close follow up, Review during MRM
Financial, QA Head /
CA/PA not taken / delayed / complaints, customer Complaint / issue Tracking
36 Quality Assurance Quality, 5 2 10 Medium every
CA/PA not taken effectively dissatisfaction, Repeated sheets review
Business month
Control of documents not defects may be produced due to Document control effective
37 Quality Assurance Quality 3 1 3 Low
done wrong reference
Sufficient resources not Suffient resources available Review annually and
Unable to check product
38 Quality Assurance available for inspection, Quality 4 1 4 Low provide resources as Head-QA
measurement & testing necessary
Communication of defects/ Non-effective control of defects, Communications through meetings,
39 Quality Assurance quality requirements not recorrence of defects & Quality 4 2 8 Medium emails, phone, quality alert displays
given to the concerned complaints
Chances of rejection at in-house Additional checks when deviations are Additional checks when QA /
40 Quality Assurance Deviations in parts Quality 4 2 8 Medium
& customers acepted deviations are acepted Ongoing
Corrective actions are taken propmptly
Corrective/preventive Recurrence of the
41 actions not taken for Quality 4 1 4 Low
Corrective nonconformities in product,
Preventive actions process, LOI, Test failure,
MSA, SPC, product audit /
Rev 0 audit Page 2 of 7
IFB Industries Limited
Automotive Motor Division
Risk value Revised Risk Value Risk
Type of Risk Risk category
Resp. & Opportunity/ category
Sl (Quality/ (High/ Proposed Risk Mitigation Resp. &
Activity / Process Corrective/preventive
Issues Risk Current Action Time Improvement Potential, (High/
No. Environment/ Severit Probabi Risk Medium/ action Time Target Severity Probabil Risk
actions not taken for Target if any Index (S Medium/
Health/ Safety) y (S) lity (P) Index Low) (S) ity (P)
Corrective nonconformities in product, (S x P) x P) Low)
Preventive actions process, LOI, Test failure,
MSA, SPC, product audit / Corrective actions are taken propmptly
Customer complaint, field
42 process audit Quality 4 1 4 Low
failure, etc

Not aware of the system Plan made & followed

43 MR Internal audits not done Business 3 1 3 Low
Internal audits NC not Target time set for NC closure
44 MR System deviation, quality risk Quality 3 1 3 Low
Customer specific CSRs reviewed & communicated
System deviation, quality risk,
45 MR requirements not Quality 3 1 3 Low
customer dissatisfaction
Lack of competence in the Auditors are trained for internal auditing,
Nonconformities may not be
46 MR internal / second party Quality 3 2 6 Medium core tools & CSRs, List of auditors
auditors available.
Internal & external issues & Internal & external issues identified,
QMS does not address to the
47 MR changes in them not QMS 3 1 3 Low changes are reviewed
Interested parties, their Interested parties are identified, their
Compliance obligations are not requirements are determined &
needs & expectations and
48 MR identified, Non compliance to QMS 3 1 3 Low reviewed for changes
changes to them not
the requirements
Manual / procedures not Quarterly reviews during MRM
49 MR No improvement QMS 3 1 3 Low
Controlled documents Controlled copy documents provided
50 MR (manuals/procedures) not Not aware of the system QMS 3 1 3 Low
available with the users
Business, MRM conducted as per plan
51 Top management MRM not conducted, No continual improvements 5 1 5 Medium
Agenda points not reviewed
Not aware of the business Business, MRM conducted as per plan
52 Top management in the MRM 5 1 5 Medium
activities / system quality
Unaware of the direction of the Annual sales planning done
53 Top management Policy not defined Business 5 1 5 Medium
Unaware of the direction of the Annual sales planning done
54 Top management Strategic planning not done Business 5 1 5 Medium
Communication of Communications through meetings,
importance of adherence to Noncompliance to the emails
55 Top management Business 5 1 5 Medium
legal / other requirements & requirements
system not done
No clear direction for the Business, Annual objectives setting
56 Top management Quality objectives not set 5 1 5 Medium
company, No improvements quality
Component Development at New Machine to be added
57 SCM Capacity Concern Delivery 4 2 8 Medium
Existing Supplier Alternative source to be Developed.
Get to know your customers and keep
yourself updated on any changes in their
needs and preferences. Conducting the
New product may not be what Feasibility study for the part will help
58 SCM Quality 4 2 8 Medium
the customers want and need. minimize the risk. And also CFT to be
formed to take the group decision with
relevant issue,

Choose the right people to be in the

product development team. The people
tasked with developing the new product
must have all the relevant skills and
knowledge, especially regarding the
technical aspects that will be required in SCM /
59 SCM Technical Risk Quality 4 2 8 Medium developing the product. It is often Feasibility study
advised that the team be composed of
all areas or departments of the
Component Development at business, from production to marketing
New Source and finance.

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IFB Industries Limited
Automotive Motor Division
Risk value Revised Risk Value Risk
Type of Risk Risk category
Resp. & Opportunity/ category
Sl (Quality/ (High/ Proposed Risk Mitigation Resp. &
Activity / Process Issues Risk Current Action Time Improvement Potential, (High/
No. Component Development at Environment/ Severit Probabi Risk Medium/ action Time Target Severity Probabil Risk
Target if any Index (S Medium/
New Source Health/ Safety) y (S) lity (P) Index Low) (S) ity (P)
(S x P) x P) Low)

Agree on an overall budget for the

various parts of the project and make
sure they stay within the limits.
When preparing the budget, work with
60 SCM Financial risk. Delivery 4 2 8 Medium the core team responsible for
developing the product, since they are
the ones most knowledgeable about the
costs that will be incurred.

Sample verification & approval Tool correction wherever SCM /

61 SCM Quality issue, deviations Quality 4 2 8 Medium
feasible ongoing
Draw up a timetable for the completion of the product development process, and schedule a regular or periodic review.
62 SCM Development Time Line Delivery 4 2 8 Medium Review of progress

Design approval & Tool inspection and

Tool Break Down due acceptance, Preventive Maintenance as
Quality &
63 SCM design & manufacturing Development delay resulting 4 1 4 Low per the Plan
issue Critical Spares to be Planned.
Tool manufacturer and As far as possible tool to be developed
64 SCM component supplier are Tool correction / modification Quality 4 2 8 Medium with component supplier only
different risk
Purchasing information - Part Rejection / assembly Business, All necessary requirements, T&C,
65 SCM 4 1 4 Low
Requirements not specified rejection quality drawings provided
Supplier schedules not Schedules are sent every month,
66 SCM Production stoppage Delivery 4 2 8 Medium
provided tentative schedules are given
Delay in despatches due to
67 SCM - Outstation Resource / capacity concern Delivery 4 1 4 Low
Tool breakdown
Delay in delivery by Close follow up with the supplier
68 SCM - Outstation Vehicle break-down Delivery 4 1 4 Low
price increase / stop
69 SCM - Outstation Production stoppage Delivery 4 1 4 Low
70 SCM MOQ not given Excess Inventory Financial 4 1 4 Low
Sudden fluctuation in Financial, Advance planning
71 SCM - Imports Excess Inventory / NIL stock 4 1 4 Low
cusomer demand delivery
Inventory due to long festival Advance planning
72 SCM - Imports holidays (CNY, spring & Excess Inventory / NIL stock 4 1 4 Low
Christmas / new year)
Vessel delays due to bad Will lead to production stop at Regular monitoring, Air freight used
73 SCM - Imports Delivery 4 2 8 Medium
weather our end / customer end.
Customs holidays / officer Will lead to production stop at Advance planning
74 SCM - Imports Delivery 4 1 4 Low
non-availability our end / customer end.
Will lead to production stop at Proper packaging
75 SCM - Imports Quality / rust issue Quality 4 1 4 Low
our end / customer end.
Suppliers not adhering to Regular follow up with supplier, Visit suppliers & understand Buyer /
76 SCM Production stoppage Quality 3 2 6 Medium
schedules sufficient stock maintained the concern & resolve ongoing
Regular follow up with supplier, Convince supplier to install
sufficient stock maintained additional capacity, Develop Buyer /
77 SCM Supplier capacity concern Production stoppage Quality 3 2 6 Medium
additional/ alternate source ongoing
where necessary
Supplier monitoring not Supplier monitoring done every month
78 SCM Unaware of the supplier status Quality 2 1 2 Low
Supplier upgradation not Auditing & improvements
Quality / delivery risk, Discuss & support those SCM /
79 SCM done for poor-performance Quality 3 2 6 Medium
Standard requirement not met suppliers ongoing
Supplier used without Can result in quality & supply New suppliers are audited and approved Ensure audits & approvals SCM /
80 SCM Quality 4 2 8 Medium
approval issue prior to start of development ongoing
Supplier audit not done / Audits conducted as per plan Convince / motivate the SCM /
81 SCM Unaware of the supplier status Quality 3 1 3 Low
supplier not cooperating suppliers ongoing
Receiving verification not Quality, Every lot received is verified and GRN
82 SCM Wrong part / insufficient qty 3 2 6 Medium
done Delivery made
83 SCM Access to material difficult Quality 3 2 6 Medium Proper identification and storage at
Identification not done
defined location
84 SCM Mix up of defects with OK parts Quality 3 2 6 Medium Proper identification done
85 SCM Storage conditions not good Part deterioration Quality 3 1 3 Low

IFBAPL-MR-D-16, Rev 0 Page 4 of 7

IFB Industries Limited
Automotive Motor Division
Risk value Revised Risk Value Risk
Type of Risk Risk category
Resp. & Opportunity/ category
Sl (Quality/ (High/ Proposed Risk Mitigation Resp. &
Activity / Process Issues Risk Current Action Time Improvement Potential, (High/
No. Environment/ Severit Probabi Risk Medium/ action Time Target Severity Probabil Risk
Target if any Index (S Medium/
Health/ Safety) y (S) lity (P) Index Low) (S) ity (P)
(S x P) x P) Low)

86 SCM Shelf life not monitored Customer complaint Quality 3 1 3 Low

Inventory management not Stocks verified once in 6 months
87 SCM Production stoppage Quality 3 3 9 Medium
88 SCM Storage space constraint Part accessibility issue Quality 3 2 6 Medium Stocks verified once in 6 months
Inventory monitoring & review during Invetory reduction activities SCM /
89 SCM Huge Inventory Cash flow issue Financial 3 2 6 Medium
monthly meetings to be taken up ongoing
90 SCM Part deterioration Quality 3 2 6 Medium FIFO followed
FIFO not followed
91 SCM Obsolete material mix up Quality 3 2 6 Medium FIFO followed
Material not issued as per
92 SCM Production stoppage Quality 3 1 3 Low
Supplier related change not Can result in Customer SCR procedure followed
93 SCM Quality 4 2 8 Medium
controlled complaint
Quality requirements can not be Ask for certification plan Look for certified vendors if Buyer /
94 SCM Non-certified suppliers Quality 4 1 4 Low
met they are not getting certified ongoing
Management of supplier is Supplier rationalisation SCM /
95 SCM Big supplier base Quality 3 2 6 Medium Reduce supplier base
difficult ongoing
96 SQA Part approval not done Production and quality issue Quality 4 1 4 Low Every part is approved as per PPAP
Supplier changes not SCR procedure followed
97 SQA Production and quality issue Quality 4 1 4 Low
Incoming inspection not Every lot incoming inspection done as
98 SQA Production and quality issue Quality 3 2 6 Medium
done per control plan
Every lot incoming inspection done as SQA &
Parts not conforming to
99 SQA Production and quality issue Quality 3 3 9 Medium per control plan Take actions at supplier end SCM /
Corrective actions not taken
100 SQA Production and quality issue Quality 3 1 3 Low
for supplier quality issues
Identification not done Defective part reaches Proper identification and training to
101 Production Quality 4 2 8 Medium
properly customer operators
Delay in supplier scheduling & Production scheduling done before start
102 procuring material 3 2 6 Medium
of the month
Delay in production planning Line stoppage - inhouse Delivery
103 4 2 8 Medium
Production Line stoppage - Customer
104 5 2 10 Medium Production plans reviewed Oprn. Head
Customer requirements, Planning done considering these
105 lead times, etc not Not able to meet delivery Delivery 5 2 10 Medium
considered requirements
Quality, Proper supervision
106 Production Low volume products Frequent change overs 3 2 6 Medium
Proper planning Line balancing, and other
107 Production OLE / OEE low Under utilisation of resources 3 2 6 Medium improvements to be taken Oprn. Head
Production delay due to part Parts are ensured by SCM
108 Production Delivery 4 2 8 Medium
availability issue
Parts rejection during Set up approval, inprocess inspection
109 Production Process Delivery 4 2 8 Medium

Production delay due to Daily / PM maintenance

110 Production machine/tool/fixture Delivery 4 2 8 Medium
availability issue Delivery requirements can not
be met
Production not done due to Sufficient capacity available (2 shift
111 Production Delivery 4 2 8 Medium
capacity issue capacity)
Production delay due to Multiskilling done. Contract manpower
112 Production Delivery 4 2 8 Medium
manpower availability issue can be obtained
Production delay due to Sufficient bins available
113 Production Delivery 4 2 8 Medium
packaging availability issue
114 Production Pokayoke malfunction Rejection of parts Quality 3 2 6 Medium Pokayoke verification done
Tool life not monitored / Tool life monitoring being done
115 Production Rejection of parts Quality 3 2 6 Medium
116 Production Set up approval not done Rejection of parts Quality 3 2 6 Medium Set up approval done for every shift and
117 Production Unauthorized changes Rejection of parts Quality 3 2 6 Medium No unauthorized changes done
No or Missing identification Identification done and training provided
118 Production Rejection of parts Quality 3 2 6 Medium
& traceability to the concerned
119 Production FIFO not followed Deterioration of products Quality 3 2 6 Medium FIFO followed
120 Production Handling not done properly Rejection of parts Quality 3 2 6 Medium Training provided, bins and material
handling equipments available

IFBAPL-MR-D-16, Rev 0 Page 5 of 7

IFB Industries Limited
Automotive Motor Division
Risk value Revised Risk Value Risk
Type of Risk Risk category
Resp. & Opportunity/ category
Sl (Quality/ (High/ Proposed Risk Mitigation Resp. &
Activity / Process Issues Risk Current Action Time Improvement Potential, (High/
No. Environment/ Severit Probabi Risk Medium/ action Time Target Severity Probabil Risk
Target if any Index (S Medium/
Health/ Safety) y (S) lity (P) Index Low) (S) ity (P)
(S x P) x P) Low)

Storage & Preservation not 5S maintained at part stores FG stores

121 Production Deterioration of products Quality 3 2 6 Medium
done properly
Rejection of parts, defects may Operators are trained
122 Operator training not done reach customer Quality 3 2 6 Medium
Operator Training
Unskilled or lower skill Rejection of parts, defects may Only skilled operators used. Operators
123 operator used reach customer Quality 3 2 6 Medium
are multi-skilled
124 Despatch Vehicle not available Customer line stoppage Quality 5 2 10 Medium Vehicles are planned in advance
Production done according to the pull
Sufficient quantity not
125 Despatch Customer line stoppage Quality 4 2 8 Medium from the customer and the schedules
given by them
126 Despatch Wrong parts despatch Customer complaint Quality 4 2 8 Medium Despatch person trained
Handling / transpiration Customer approved packaging followed
127 Despatch Customer complaint Quality 4 2 8 Medium
Packaging material not Sufficient bins available
128 Despatch Customer complaint Quality 4 2 8 Medium
129 Despatch Error in invoice Customer complaint Delivery 3 2 6 Medium Invoice verified before sending
Breakdown maintenance not breakdown attended immediately
130 Maintenance Line stoppage Delivery 3 2 6 Medium
Preventive maintenance not PM plan followed
131 Maintenance Can result in breakdown Delivery 3 1 3 Low
Predictive maintenance not Predictive maintenance plan followed
132 Maintenance Can result in breakdown Delivery 3 1 3 Low
133 Maintenance Periodic overhaul not done Can result in breakdown Delivery 3 1 3 Low No critical machine which needs
134 Maintenance Repeated breakdowns Machine availability issue Delivery 3 1 3 Low Corrective actions are taken propmptly
135 Maintenance Spares not maintained Longer breakdowns Delivery 3 2 6 Medium Spares stock maintained
136 Tool Maintenance Spares not maintained Longer breakdowns Delivery 3 2 6 Medium Spares stock maintained
Tool / fixture maintenance PM plan followed
137 ToolMaintenance Can result in breakdown Delivery 3 1 3 Low
not done
Capacity confirmation not Supply issue to customer Capacity planning done at development
138 Process Dev. Quality 4 1 4 Low
done as per customer requirement
139 Process Dev. Fixture / Gauge design Possibility of producing Defect Quality 4 1 4 Low Gauge / fixture design verified and
problem product approved
140 Process Dev. Fixture / Gauge Possibility of producing Defect Quality 4 1 4 Low Gauge / fixture verified during receipt
manufacturing problem product
141 Process Dev. Improper Material flow Production loss Health 2 2 4 Low Ergonomic consideration done during
Operator ergonomic issue layout planning
142 Process Dev. Improper Material flow Production loss Quality 2 2 4 Low Process flow designed during
143 Process Dev. Process not qualified Rejection of parts Quality 3 1 3 Low
144 Process Dev. FMEA not done Rejection of parts Quality 4 1 4 Low
All process changes implemented after
Customer dissatisfaction
145 Process Dev. Change control Quality 4 2 8 Medium necessary approvals and as per
Rejection of parts
146 Process Dev. Poka Yoke not done Production loss Quality 2 2 4 Low
147 Process Dev. Improper Machine selection Rejection of parts Quality 1 1 1 Low
148 Process Dev. Line balancing not done Loss of manhours Quality 2 1 2 Low
Parts damage , issue in Packaging approval done by customer
149 Process Dev. Packaging not finalised Quality 4 2 8 Medium
handiling FG
PTDB not considered during Chance if carring the problem in PTDB maintained
150 Process Dev. Quality 4 2 8 Medium
process design new projects
CSR / customer fitment Fixture valiadation done
Customer fitment problem and
151 Process Dev. dimensiont Not considered Quality 4 2 8 Medium
customer dissatisfication
in fixture design
CSR / customer fitment Requirements finalised with suppliers
Customer fitment problem and
152 Process Dev. dimensiont Not considered Quality 4 2 8 Medium after identifying all the requirements &
customer dissatisfication
in machine design validated
Loss of manhours and improper Layout finalised by CFT & approved by
153 Process Dev. Improper Layout Quality 3 1 3 Low
matrerial flow management
Customer Customer Satisfaction No clear knowledge of customer Half yearly plan and get the CSR From
154 Business 4 3 12 Medium
satisfaction survey not done satisfaction Customer
Customer Customer ratings / scores / Review every month
155 May not get new business Business 4 3 12 Medium
satisfaction PPM poor

IFBAPL-MR-D-16, Rev 0 Page 6 of 7

IFB Industries Limited
Automotive Motor Division
Risk value Revised Risk Value Risk
Type of Risk Risk category
Resp. & Opportunity/ category
Sl (Quality/ (High/ Proposed Risk Mitigation Resp. &
Activity / Process Issues Risk Current Action Time Improvement Potential, (High/
No. Environment/ Severit Probabi Risk Medium/ action Time Target Severity Probabil Risk
Target if any Index (S Medium/
Health/ Safety) y (S) lity (P) Index Low) (S) ity (P)
(S x P) x P) Low)

No knowledge about the risks & Risk analysis is done. Reviews are done
delay in identification of the risk for changes & or once in a year
Risk analysis not done & not mitigation activities, can affect Business,
156 Risk analysis 4 2 8 Medium
reviewed for changes both internally as well as quality
customers & other interested
Contingency plan not made Contingency plan made &
& reviewed, concerned Customer will be affected & may Business, communicated, wherever feasible they
157 Contingency plan 4 2 8 Medium are tested
personnel not aware of the penalize quality
contingency plan
Necessary resources All softwares and suffiient no of
(computers, softwares, computers & servers & email
Can not meet customer communication system available
158 IT server, email Quality 4 1 4 Low
communication) not
Can not meet customer Data is stored in servers with regular
159 IT Data loss requirements and internal Quality 4 1 4 Low back ups taken, Regular security
requirements scanning & antivirus upgradation

Prepared by: Rajaram Approved by: RAJESH S

CFT: Rajesh S, Gajendra babu, Thirumarai Rajan, Idhirees Khan, Shyam Sundar, Chandrashekhar, Kumar K, Chetan Kavi, Ramesh SK, Ajaz, Shashidhara, Sashi kumar, Guruprasad,
Date: 01.09.2020
Nandeesha, Sunil, Anubha, Bhuvana, Nitin, Salesh

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