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Imds Supplier Manual

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Registration of IMDS Company ID
Step 1: To register a company, click on https://www.mdsystem.com

Click on “ New at

Note: If your company is already registered then use existing credentials to login.

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Step 2: Company Registration

Click on “Online

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Step 3: Register your company

Click on

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Step 4: Proceed as per below instructions

Tick the check

box and

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Step 5: Fill all the relevant details and submit the data to get User ID & Password

Fill all the Copy the

details and User ID &
click on Password as
“NEXT” Displayed

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Step 1: Login to IMDS portal by using User ID & Password
• IMDS offers 2 choice
of language (English:
EN or German: DE)
for name of material
data sheet, product
name and Note
Please login • When entering data
with User which is to be
ID & submitted to Hero,
Password. always select English:

Request to activate the account, before proceeding further to login.

Activation link will be received on registered email address.

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Step 2: IMDS portal after Login

Your Company name

& Contact Person
name will be shown

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MDS Filters / Search

Name & Part/Item no. & ID– the description/Part no. given on the Ingredients page when MDS is created
by company
Note: The BEST way to find anything in IMDS is by IMDS ID. You must also be looking in the right place:
– Was it created by your company or another
– If you cannot find with current versions, try All versions
– Use Wild card searches
– e.g. if looking for published SAE 1010 steel, use *1010 in the Name field
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You can limit your search to supplier from a select list. By default, for materials, only IMDS-Committee materials will be

• Accepted MDSs – return only data that has been accepted of

supplier parts.
• Published MDSs – return only data that has been published
• Own MDSs – return only Material MDSs created by your
• company Own Modules – return only Modules created by your
• company Enable search by supplier – restrict search returns to
the suppliers listed. Material searches will automatically have
the 3 IMDS-Committee companies listed (see next page for
how to add/remove suppliers and a more complete discussion
of how this works)
• Save List – saves the supplier list for future sessions – this list is
saved to the login ID
• obsolete – return only data that were marked obsolete

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How to create New MDS
Step 1: Select MDS to create new MDS as per below mentioned

For New MDS, click on MDS menu.

Select MDS > New> Datasheet>Component

Note:- MDSs require all 3 chapters to be filled in - Ingredients, Supplier Data,

Recipient Data
• Modules only require Ingredients to be defined as the rest gets set when used in
an MDS – cannot send to customer or get assigned to an Org.-Unit
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Step 2: Fill the details in mandatory fields as per HMCL drawing in “Ingredient”
 Fill the common information
as per HMCL part drawing.
 Suppliers need not to enter
ID/Version, Node, MDS
Supplier) detail as it will be
shown automatically.
 The Description & part/
Item No. shall be as per
HMCL Part drawing.
 Preliminary MDS shall be
unchecked if part is in
production stage.

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Step 3: Fill the weight
 Enter the actual weight,
select the units, and select
the tolerance percentage
 Tolerance is not the same as
the part design, but used for
checking to see if all the
Click on the “?” to component weights sum
check the GADSL correctly.
guidelines.  Weight Deviation shall be as
per GADSL Guidelines.
Measured weight Allowed max.
/item deviation
<1g 100%
<100g 10%
<1kg 5%
<10kg 2%
<100kg 1%
≥100kg 0.5%

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Step 4: Understand the MDS structure & how to add a structure
 Under a component, you
can add other Components,
Semi-components or
 A semi-component is not
the same thing as a sub-
component within a part. It
is a semi finished product,
To add To add e.g. steel coil, pipe, leather
component semi To add hide, which will go through
component material
further process steps to
make a finished component.
A semi-component must
have at least one material or
one semi-component
associated with it.
 A material normally consists
of basic substances only.

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Step 5: Add a sub-component

to fill as
Select add per HMCL

Select “ No need to
Reference “ if fill this
Select “Node” section
supplier want
if material
to add
need to be
added as per
from existing

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 Let’s consider HERO supplies a part name “ Tight Joint” to customer “XYZ”
 Below is BOM structure of the Assembly of “Tight Joint”
Level Description Part No Qty Weight in gm
Level 0 represents component ( asked to be
0 Tight Joint 9470-000-0001 1 200 submitted as MDS)
1 Tube Yoke 9470-000-0002 1 100 Level 1 represents component under
2 Steel SAE1015 100 component (Sub-component)
1 Flange Yoke 9470-000-0003 1 50
Level 2 represents material
2 PVC 50

1 Bearing Assembly A2-1055-00 3 13.2

Note:- Tight Joint is component . Tube Yoke, Flange Yoke & Bearing assembly is sub- component.
Weight of Component will be equal to or within deviation specification to sum of all the sub-components of assembly.

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Step-1 Add a new MDS > add a component > rename the Description as per HMCL Norms.> Fill all the mandatory

Main Component
shown here.

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Step-2 Add sub-components under component

Added Sub
component Add
as Node Material to
Tube Yoke

Note: Node will not be having IMDS ID.

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Step-3 Add existing material or published material

Enter the
name/ symbols as
shown in image to
search the
Material. Then go
to “Search”

Select the desired

material from
search results and

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Step-4 Enter the recycling information as per supplier and it is mandatory field to fill

Enter the weight as per sub

component weight

This is MDS tree structure

There is a section called “Recyclate”.

“You have to select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ from
the list: Does the material contain
recyclate?” If you select ‘Yes’, the box
changes and is editable. Fill the
proportion accordingly.

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Step-5 Add another sub component to component

To add Sub-component,
select main component
(Tight Joint) then go to
“add component”

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Step-6 Add the material

Mandatory fields to
fill as per HMCL
Enter the Quantity &
Measured weight as
per drawing.

MDS Structure

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Step-7 Add pre-existing material as per below search window (Use * before material keywords)

• Own MDS –
released MDS
• Published

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Total Rows
attached to MDS
Add pre existing MDS as a Do not check this box
sub component

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Step-11 Remove all the check mark in this slide

Put check mark to enable

search as per suppliers

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Pre-existing MDS from suppliers or

Published MDS Or internally
released MDS as per suppliers
Semi- convenience
components Only Quality is editable.
Other things needs to be
filled correctly by Tier-2
Suppliers or Tier -1

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Step-13 Go to next function “ Supplier Data”.

This MDS is in edit mode so you can edit it by just going

back to “Ingredients”.

This supplier data will automatically come from registration or login. You need not to fill.
Please ensure that you have already assigned a contact person for IMDS during company
registration process or you have to add the contact person separately through
“Administration” menu.

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Stepo-14 Go to Next Function “Recipient data” to add a customer to send MDS report

To publish a MDS on IMDS platform through

To release MDS
To add a customer DXC technologies if you are eligible to do so.
internally to own
to send MDS The MDS will be available for all the IMDS

To create a MDS request to suppliers

for a component by entering all the
concerned details.

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Step-15 Add A Recipient

Send: transmit the MDS to one recipient.

Propose: transmit the MDS to one or several recipients with internal release.
Send & Purpose menu will enable once you add an Recipient data.
Add a recipient

Note:-It is asked to transmit MDSs with a whole version number to HMCL. For that, either first release the
MDS internally then propose it or directly propose the MDS.

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Step-16 Enter the company details to whom you wish to send MDS


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Step-17 Enter the Company ID & other details of HMCL

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Step-18 Fill the recipient data

Enter the suppliers code (6

digits) specified by HMCL

Enter the Name & Part No. as

Put check mark here. If you do not wish mentioned in HMCL drawing.
to allow data to be forwarded then
please contact to HMCL SPOC who
Enter the details as per HMCL
requested IMDS data entry

Enter the details of latest

supply to HMCL

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Step-19 Run Check

A executive check will identify the issues related to the MDS

created data. A list of errors and warnings will appear.
Each error line has to be corrected in order to be able to
transmit the MDS.

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Step-20 Create MDS report as PDF format

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Create a Material
Step-1 Add a material as mentioned below


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Step-2 Select the classification as per material

Select the
classification. Go to
001 a by clicking
on “Help” menu if
you want to know
more about

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Step-3 Enter the Name of material which is mandatory field

Add substances to

Not necessary to fill

Note:-Select the Basic substances according to

specification which must pertain to materials. The sum
of the substances portions associated to the material
must be 100%.

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Step-4 Enter the substances name or CAS No. as per GADSL in search criterial

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Step-5 Enter the details of substance

Carbon is one of
the substance and

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Step-6 Click on the desired result and go to “Apply”

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Step-7 Fill the weight percentage

Use “from-to”

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Step-8 Add substances


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Step-9 Add all the Substances
To save MDS

Reshuffle the
substances as per
weight %age
To delete To replace
substance substance

of Material

Use “Rest”
for base

Create | Collaborate | Inspire Date:22-02-2022

Step-10 After completing Ingredients, enter the supplier data and add recipient or release internally as per suppliers

Material MDS/MODULE can be used as own

MDS/MODULES to use as reference to add to
component MDS or can be released internally
or can be transmitted to client via send or
propose option.

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Confidential substances and jokers
The substances for which the declaration is not mandatory can be marked as confidential in a certain limit. For that, tick the
box “Confidential” for each substance. These substances are then replaced by a single substance with the name
“Confidential substances“ for all the other users, except the users that have visibility into the company or designated as
“Trust users” for the users outside of the company. It is the company administrator that gives the visibility rights inside and
outside of the company. The “joker” or “wildcard” substances do not allow to define specific substances. Their use also has
to be limited (see IMDS recommendation 001, how to access see section TBC). The sum of the confidential and / or joker
substances must not represent more than 10% of the material in weight. Note: Be careful: the confidential and “joker”
substances will not ensure long term material conformity. You will often have to check or update the MDSs that include
confidential and/or joker substances.

Note:- In case of confidential and/or joker substances above 10% in weight in the material, the MDS will be rejected by
HMCL. Confidential substances and joker shall not be used for “duty to declare” substances as mentioned in GADSL

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Confidential substances and jokers:

Confidential /Joker

Note:-The confidential and / or joker

substances must not represent more than 10%
of the material in weight.

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Addition of New Substances:
The IMDS basic substances list is managed by the system supplier DXC Technology. A user cannot add a substance by
himself or herself. If a substance is not present in IMDS, it is possible to ask for its creation to your IMDS service center or
through the menu “Basic Substance Request”:

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Application code:
• The “Application“ box appears when a substance used in the material is covered by the 2000/53/CE directive: lead and
lead compounds, hexa valent chromium salts, mercury and mercury compounds, cadmium and cadmium compounds. This
box allows precise declaration of substances that benefit from exemptions for certain use cases.
• Refer to the applicable 2000/53/CE directive: 2000/53/CE directive https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-
• IMDS proposes a list of applications codes that can be used for the substance: choose the proper application code. Please
refer Automotive Industry Interpretation Guide for ELV Annex II in order to identify Lead in solder or electrical component.
Select the application code “Other application (potentially prohibited)“ when the other application codes proposed are
not relevant. Be aware in that case the substance use is not allowed and the MDS will be rejected by HMCL. When an
application code is inputted to IMDS, all suppliers must input LATEST application code, not old one. Otherwise, the
application code which suppliers submit to will be rejected by HMCL. Automotive Industry Interpretation Guide for ELV
Annex II.
• The application code “Concentration within GADSL limits“ corresponds to the concentration allowed in the annex II of the
directive 2000/53/CE, that is when the homogeneous material contains less than 0.1% of lead, hexa valent chromium or
mercury or less than 0.01 % of cadmium.
• Make sure to fill properly the “Application“ box. In case of invalid application code, the MDS will be rejected

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Add/Select the application code

Click on this icon to select

the Application code

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IMDS Recommendation
It contains IMDS entry rules. You can view the recommendation of the IMDS steering committee.

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Create a new version of MDS

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HMCL Specific Guidelines
• Ensure that Part description & Part No. shall be as same as mentioned in HMCL part drawings. HMCL Part No.
contains “-” and it shall be included in part no. Any kind of extra symbols/space/word will not be acceptable by
• Supplier code shall be 6 no's numeric digit code assigned by HMCL or as mentioned in PO by HMCL.
• It is HMCL requirement to transmit the MDS in whole number version so suppliers need to submit MDS in propose
stage to HMCL.
• A part No shall have single IMDS ID. Version shall be changed with time.
• In case of confidential and/or joker substances more than 10% in weight in the MDS, the MDS will be rejected by
HMCL. Joker/ confidential substances shall not be used for “duty to declare” substances.
• Measured weight shall be actual weight of component at a time of supply. The deviation w.r.t weight as per drawing
shall be as mentioned below:

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HMCL Specific Guidelines
• Deviation between measured weight & calculated weight shall not be beyond GADSL guidelines. If it exceeds the
limit, the MDS will be rejected.
• Surface treatment shall be added to component / semi component or material MDS as specified in HMCL part
drawing. It is mandatory for suppliers to declare weather it is hexavalent chrome plating or trivalent chrome plating.
• Make sure to fill properly the “Application“ box. In case of invalid application code, the MDS will be rejected.
• Make sure to fill properly the “Recyclate” box otherwise the MDS will be rejected.
• Do not put check mark on Preliminary MDS if it is not asked to do so by HMCL.

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