Council's Strategic Plan Council S Strategic Plan: Committee of The Whole - September 23, 2011

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Council s Councils Strategic Plan

Committee of the Whole | September 23, 2011

Strategic Plan 2011 2014 2011-2014

Committee of the Whole met on July 27, 2011 to work on Councils Strategic Plan Today we are bringing back a draft Strategic Plan for your review, as well as the other action items directed to Administration

Our Agenda
2:00 3:00 Strategic Planning Presentation of draft Strategic Plan 2011-2014 Reporting Progress

3:00 4:00

Other Action Items from July 27 Meeting Community Survey City Logo & Brand Big Ticket Items Council Values

Strategic Plan 2011 2014 2011-2014

What you asked us to do: Refine the vision statement to be more visionary, future-focused, concise and dynamic Report back on suggested priority listing based on comments from Council Focus on economic prosperity, quality of life, opportunity, inclusiveness, sustainability, neighbourhoods and emphasizing Londons strengths

Strategic Plan 2011 2014 2011-2014

What we did: Defined a new vision based on the concept of opportunities and the pioneering spirit that historically has defined Londons development London s Re-aligned the work that had been done under the previous strategic priorities to a more concise list with simpler language Aligned our service-based model to the priorities for clearer linkages between the Strategic Plan, business plans and performance plans Introduced a new accountability framework that is focused on results each priority is stated as a result and supported by composite indicators

Governance Principles
Community Engagement Good Government Respect and Integrity Fiscal Responsibility Supportive Workplace

Priority Results
A Strong Economy A Vibrant and Diverse Community A Green and Growing City A Reliable Infrastructure A Safe City

Result: A Strong Economy

The economy is the engine of a community. It provides jobs, supports families, encourages innovation, and enables individuals and businesses to prosper. A successful economy is one that is stable prosper stable, diverse, resilient and where the public, private and nonprofit sectors collaborate to achieve common goals.

Indicators: what would a strong economy in London look like? Increased Economic Output More Jobs Strong Sectors Increase in Personal Income

GETTING BETTER. BETTER Londons GDP dipped in 2008 and 2009 but has improved since 2010 and is forecast to continue to improve.

STAYED THE SAME SAME. Londons unemployment rate hit a peak of 9.1% in July of 2011, but is expected to level off over the next several months.

GETTING WORSE WORSE. Goods producing sector has been in a state of decline since 2003 and services producing sector is slowing.

STAYED THE SAME SAME. Personal and family income continue to rise steadily in London, but are still lower than Canada and Ontario averages.

Result: A Strong Economy

Indicator #1: Economic Output

Real GDP (2002 $ millions) G









Source: Conference Board of Canada Metropolitan Outlook, Winter 2011

Result: A Strong Economy

Indicator #2: Jobs

Unemployment Rate (% %)

Actual YTD ctua

Source: Conference Board of Canada Metropolitan Outlook, Winter 2011

Result: A Strong Economy

Indicator #3: Sector Strength

Source: Statistics Canada Labour Force Survey

Thousands of Jobs (# #)

Result: A Strong Economy

Indicator #4: Income

Source: Conference Board of Canada Metropolitan Outlook, Winter 2011

Personal Income Per Capita ($) C

Result: A Strong Economy

Our Strategies:

1. Achieve a stable financial position.

2. Promote affordable taxes.

3. Invest in infrastructure.

4. Maintain competitive utility rates.

5. Invest in public facilities.

6. Establish a focused strategy for the downtown.

7. Build on the industrial land strategy.

8. Strengthen regional cooperation.

Result: A Strong Economy

Strategy #1: Achieve a stable financial position.

What have we accomplished? Improved the Corporations equity position by $170 million Corporation s Reduced debt by more than $500 per household Increased reserves by $200 million over the last 5 years Achieved a AAA credit rating

How does this benefit the citizens of London? A stable financial position supports the delivery of all of the Citys services to citizens and reduces the City s citizens, variation year to year on the tax bill

Result: A Strong Economy

Strategy #2: Promote affordable taxes.

What have we accomplished? Stabilized taxes making property tax bill more predictable from year to year taxes, Achieved a 0% tax increase for 2011

How does this benefit the citizens of London? Affordable taxes keep London competitive with other municipalities and benefits the overall financial municipalities, position of households in London

Result: A Strong Economy

Strategy #3: Invest in infrastructure.

What have we accomplished? Significantly increased capital funding for infrastructure projects from senior level government contributions Closing the infrastructure gap

How does this benefit the citizens of London? Investing in infrastructure is the foundation for overall economic growth and competitiveness in London Citizens rely on infrastructure networks every day

Result: A Strong Economy

Strategy #4: Maintain competitive utility rates.

What have we accomplished? Achieved competitive water sewer solid waste and hydro rates water, sewer,

How does this benefit the citizens of London? Competitive pricing keeps London competitive and makes utilities more affordable for Londoners

Result: A Strong Economy

Strategy #5: Invest in public facilities.

What have we accomplished? Completed numerous major capital projects over the past two decades including the John Labatt Centre Centre, the Convention Centre, the Downtown Library, the Western Fair, Stoney Creek YMCA and Community Centre, and the new Police Headquarters Generated significant increase in high density residential development and private sector investment

How does this benefit the citizens of London? Public facilities build a strong London brand and generate business activity Public facilities contribute to the overall community vibrancy of London

Result: A Strong Economy

Strategy #6: Establish a focused strategy for the downtown.

What have we accomplished? Strengthened residential growth as well as cultural and entertainment vitality Improved assessment growth Increased building activity Reduced street level vacancies

How does this benefit the citizens of London? A vibrant downtown supports businesses and contributes to the quality of life in London

Result: A Strong Economy

Strategy #7: Build on the industrial land strategy.

What have we accomplished? Expanded capacity by approximately 670 acres net since 2001 with 36% absorption to date Developed advanced manufacturing and research park in partnership with UWO and Fanshawe College

How does this benefit the citizens of London? Industrial land attracts jobs and investment to London

Result: A Strong Economy

Strategy #8: Strengthen regional cooperation.

What have we accomplished? Built strong alliances with provincial agencies and regional municipalities to promote industrial and business expansion, attraction and investment in Southwestern Ontario through SWEA and FedDev

How does this benefit the citizens of London? Economic growth in Southwestern Ontario directly benefits London citizens and businesses

Reporting Progress
How we will report progress to the community: 1. Community report that provides an overview of activities for the past year and planned work for the year ahead first report for release December 2011 to provide an update on Year 1 of Councils term 2. New website th t allows citizens to interact with th strategic plan either 2 N b it that ll iti t i t t ith the t t i l ith by priority or by service to be launched in January 2012 and updated regularly throughout the year 3. Priority Report Cards to provide a one-page quantitative assessment of how we are doing in each priority area to be released on a regular basis throughout the year

Strategic Plan 2011 2014 2011-2014

Did we hear you? Any questions? Concerns? Changes? Can we go forward with finalizing the Strategic Plan design, finalizing the objectives and measures?

Community Survey
What you asked us to do: Report back with proposed budget for undertaking a community survey

Community Survey
What we did: We developed a community survey, focused on both satisfaction levels with current services as well as overall citizen satisfaction with living in London Many business plans for 2012 already identify survey work as a part of their upcoming next steps We have had preliminary discussions with other municipalities who have undertaken community values research to tell us more about the hopes, dreams and aspirations of our community We are exploring potential partnership opportunities with other organizations and will report back at a later date

City Logo & Brand

What you asked us to do: Undertake civic engagement process to update City logo Brand elements should focus on sustainability, opportunity, health, diversity and growing

City Logo & Brand

What we did: Research how other communities have implemented new logo and rebranding exercises Preliminary examination, including costs, of what would be required to implement a new l i l t logo

City Logo & Brand

Example from Cambridge, Ontario Decided to rebrand a tired, 30-year old logo to better align with the Citys objectives, objectives economic development goals and instill civic pride goals, Major undertaking involving surveys, workshops, focus groups, etc. that focused on redefining the community s identity communitys The logo was one of the last steps in the process after this work had been done

Cambridge Process

City Logo
What else we have learned: Since the initial media coverage about a potential logo change, there has been a positive public response about our current logo as well as concern expressed logo, about a potential change Implementation of a new logo is estimated to cost over $800,000

City Logo
For discussion: Is there value in redesigning the logo at this time? Is there value in a branding exercise at this time?

Big Ticket Items

What Wh t you asked us to do: k d t d Package the big ticket items identified as the priority short list as follows, and report back with financing plans: 1. 2. Downtown Investments: new City Hall, Performing Arts Centre, downtown presence for UWO London Gateways: bus rapid transit expansion/initiatives, Transportation Master Plan, Veterans Memorial Parkway lands with servicing, Veterans , y g, Memorial Parkway / Bradley Avenue interchange, Highway #401 / Colonel Talbot land, overpass Economic Initiatives: Southwest Area Plan, food innovation strategy, digital media Community Programs: SOHO Community Plan, Ontario Works in the Plan Community, green bin program, 311

3. 4. 4

Big Ticket Items

What we are doing: Administration is investigating these projects We have reported to Council on some initiatives already, and others will be reported on over the next several months

Council Values
What you asked us to do: Arrange a facilitated session with Kelly Petrock to focus on defining Councils values, values improve team interaction and decision making and exploring the roles making, and legislative duties of Council members

Council Values
What we are doing: Meeting is scheduled for October 25 from 2-6pm Administration is working with Kelly Petrock to develop a program that meets Councils objectives

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