Branch Sustainability Plan 2012 v2
Branch Sustainability Plan 2012 v2
Branch Sustainability Plan 2012 v2
For the purposes of the 2012 Kamloops Branch Sustainability Plan, each indentified priority and action has been categorized into one of the following categories: Environmental Social/Community Financial
The following environmentally focused priorities and actions have been identified for the 2012 Plan. They have been selected for the 2012 Plan as they: Are relatively easy to implement; Require little to no financial investment; and Offer an easy win to demonstrate the Branchs commitment to the Charter.
With the establishment of the Kamloops Branch Sustainability Baseline, the reporting scope of the Kamloops Branch Sustainability Plan has been defined. Since this is the first year in which the Branch will be comprehensively reporting its sustainability performance, it is expected that the required systems and capacity will be established over the course of the next year, to support the timeliness and efficiency of future annual reporting requirements. Additionally, it is expected that Branch reporting will be consistent and aligned with the reporting scope and system of the Corporate Sustainability Charter. If required, the Branch will amend its current reporting scope to ensure alignment.
The Kamloops Branch has a long history of investing in the future and doing what we can to improve the quality of life in our communities and around the world. While many of the activities within this Plan have been ongoing for many years, we anticipate that this Plan will help re-affirm our commitment to the Urban Systems Foundation, contributing to local backyard and international projects.
The Kamloops Branch has a significant presence within the local economy. Furthermore, it is recognized that our purchasing practices directly influence the financial vibrancy of our local business, and present an opportunity to reduce our environmental footprint. With this in mind, the Kamloops Branch has determined that a committee shall be established to develop a framework to facilitate the greening of our procurement practices. It is expected that this framework will provide guidance to help the Branchs investments in supporting sustainable practices (e.g. capital purchases, facility upgrades such as fixtures/lighting, employee incentives, etc.).
The Journey Thus Far: Setting the 2012 Priorities and Actions
Over the past three months, the Kamloops Branch has been discussing, deliberating and even debating the priorities and directions of our Branchs efforts to promote sustainability. Through an informal and open process, a number of priorities and actions have been identified by staff for the 2012 Kamloops Branch Sustainability Plan. These priorities and actions represent our initial contribution to the Sustainability Charter, and are a stepping stone to future commitments that will be made by the Branch.