0118 Blog
0118 Blog
0118 Blog
educator study
A look at personalized learning and
video notebook in Introduction to
Algebra at Saint Xavier University
Key findings:
School name: Saint Xavier University,
• Data show an 80 percent pass rate for the
Chicago, IL
course, with two-thirds of students earning an
A or B.
Course name: Introduction to Algebra
• Students who scored above the average on
their video notebook earned an average of 43 Course format: Emporium
percentage points higher on other
assessments in the course. Course materials: MyLab Math for Beginning
• After completing required personalized & Intermediate Algebra by Martin-Gay
MyLab remediation, students increased their
practice test scores an average of 9 Timeframe: Fall 2016–Spring 2017
Homework Score t-Test Results: The group with higher than or equal to the mean score on the video notebook (M=100%, SD=1%, N=77) were
significantly higher than the group with scores less than the mean (M=58%, SD=22%, N=23), t(98) = 9.21, p<.001.
Practice Test Score t-Test Results: The group with higher than the mean score on the video notebook (M=70%, SD=30%, N=77) were significantly
higher than the group with scores less than the mean (M=36%, SD=21%, N=23), t(98) = 6.09, p<.001.
Exam Score t-Test Results: The group with higher than the mean score on the video notebook (M=83%, SD=7%, N=77) were significantly higher
than the group with scores less than the mean (M=35%, SD=24%, N=23), t(98) = 9.45, p<.001.
Final Course Score t-Test Results: The group with higher than the mean score on the video notebook (M=86%, SD=6%, N=77) were significantly
higher than the group with scores less than the mean (M=39%, SD=22%, N=23), t(98) = 10.18, p<.001.