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MyLab Math

educator study
A look at personalized learning and
video notebook in Introduction to
Algebra at Saint Xavier University

Key findings:
School name: Saint Xavier University,
• Data show an 80 percent pass rate for the
Chicago, IL
course, with two-thirds of students earning an
A or B.
Course name: Introduction to Algebra
• Students who scored above the average on
their video notebook earned an average of 43 Course format: Emporium
percentage points higher on other
assessments in the course. Course materials: MyLab Math for Beginning
• After completing required personalized & Intermediate Algebra by Martin-Gay
MyLab remediation, students increased their
practice test scores an average of 9 Timeframe: Fall 2016–Spring 2017

percentage points and chapter exam scores

Educator: Christopher Riola, Adjunct Instructor
an average of 21 percentage points from first
to final attempt.
Results reported by: Julianne Labbiento,
Customer Outcomes Analytics Manager

Pearson — MyLab Math educator study, Saint Xavier University

Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
Setting Challenges and Goals
Saint Xavier University, founded in Chicago by the Saint Xavier University has used a self-accelerated
Sisters of Mercy in 1846, is Chicago’s oldest Catholic format for Introduction to Algebra for quite some time,
university and the first Mercy institution of higher even before technology like MyLab™ Math was
learning in the United States. Initially serving as a higher available. In the early years, students in the self-
education institution of women and the poor, today the accelerated course did work at their own speed, but
four-year, private Catholic institution serves a diverse did so without a computer, completing exercises from
population of men and women who seek a Mercy the textbook with no instant feedback. Adjunct
education that prepares them to become successful, instructor Chris Riola says that faculty had difficulty
productive, and compassionate members of society. St. seeing their students’ errors immediately and
Xavier University supports a community that fosters sometimes wouldn’t realize that there was a gap in
student success, serving approximately 4,000 students knowledge until a student did poorly on an exam.
at two campuses and awarding both undergraduate When the original self-accelerated format yielded low
and graduate degrees. Data for the 2016–2017 pass rates, the course was redesigned to a traditional
academic year reported that 66 percent of students lecture format, but it too proved less than effective.
were female, and 54 percent identified as minorities.
In 2009, Saint Xavier University adopted MyLab Math
About the course in an emporium format for its Introduction to Algebra
course. With features such as prerequisites and early-
The Introduction to Algebra course at Saint Xavier
alert aids, faculty hoped to be able to catch student
University is a three-credit, self-accelerated mastery-
issues early and keep less-prepared students from
based learning course. It is designed to help students
moving forward until they mastered prior material,
acquire the skills necessary for success in
while allowing more-prepared students to accelerate,
Intermediate Algebra and does not count toward a
potentially through multiple courses in one semester.
degree. Topics include problem solving with whole
Faculty also hoped that the variety of personalized
numbers, fractions and decimals, ratio, proportion,
learning tools in MyLab would aid in student success.
percent, and integers and an introduction to algebra.
The use of both calculators and computers is
integrated into the course content. A TI-83 plus or TI- Implementation
84 plus graphing calculator is required, as well as a Introduction to Algebra meets three times per week for
dedicated math notebook and earbuds or a total of six hours in a computer classroom and covers
headphones. Placement is by the Mathematics the first six chapters in the required textbook. Riola
Department. Students not completing the course by teaches approximately 26 students in each of his
the end of the semester may re-enroll in the classes, with a professional assistant also available in
subsequent semester and continue where they left off. the classroom. Riola feels it is important to share with
Students completing the course prior to three weeks his students the key aspects of his mastery learning
from the end of the semester may immediately begin approach. On his syllabus, he notes:
to take the Intermediate Algebra course.

Pearson — MyLab Math educator study, Saint Xavier University

Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
• Mastery learning is a clearly defined way to to help you.” Notes and work for the examples must
success in mathematics based on a building be kept neatly in clearly-labeled sections of a spiral
block-approach to mathematics. notebook or three-ring binder. The notebook is
• You can move on to the next section when you’ve submitted when a student is ready to take a chapter
mastered the homework in the previous section. test and is worth 20 points per chapter exam.
• You can do a practice test when you’ve mastered
the homework in all sections in a chapter. Once students have finished taking notes and working
• You can do the chapter exam when you’ve example problems, they proceed to the MyLab
mastered the practice test. homework assignment for that section. Homework
• You can move on to the next chapter when must also be completed neatly in their notebook. Riola
you’ve mastered the previous chapter exam. uses the multiple prerequisite feature in MyLab to
• You can pass the course when you’ve require mastery of at least 90 percent on homework
mastered exams for all six chapters. assignments before students are allowed to move on
to the next section and 100 percent on homework
Beginning on the first day of class, Riola emphasizes assignments before students may take the practice
that there is a lot of flexibility in scheduling and test at the end of a chapter. Since each homework has
proceeding through the course. However, he unlimited attempts, students are able to return to
cautions students that if they fall behind and don’t assignments as often as necessary to practice
earn mastery on all six chapter exams, they will fail problems and to raise their scores to the required
the course. He reminds them that it is very important levels, depending on where they are in the chapter.
to stay close to the course schedule to ensure that
they finish successfully in the current semester. Per After completing the homework assignments to 100
the syllabus, students are expected to complete a percent mastery for all sections in a chapter, students
chapter about every two weeks. Students move on to the MyLab practice test. Practice tests may
appreciated the schedule and advice, saying, “I was be taken either in or out of the classroom, with all
able to put more focus into specific areas of algebra I work recorded clearly in the notebook. Riola sets the
used to struggle in,” and, “it has helped me to pace mastery level for practice tests at 80 percent. If a
myself and figure things on my own.” MyLab course student does not pass the practice test with at least 80
shells are built from one master shell, so all percent, a personalized homework is generated
assessments are standardized across course containing those problems missed on the test. A
sections. Riola states, “The group of faculty teaching student must earn 100 percent on this individualized
the course is very committed to the process, so there homework to be eligible to attempt the practice test
are no issues with maintaining course consistency.” again. This process continues until the student earns
the required 80 percent on the practice test. Students
Students begin the course by watching the MyLab are not allowed to ask questions while taking the
objective videos and reading the textbook and taking practice test, as Riola wants the final score to be a true
notes on each. They are required to complete all of reflection of each student’s understanding of the
the example problems within each section on their chapter’s topics without assistance.
own, rather than just read them, to ensure that they
have a good understanding of the steps to Chapter exams in MyLab can only be taken during
completion. One student noted, “The videos are very class time in a proctored setting. A student who has
helpful. You can pause, speed up, or slow [them] down earned 80 percent or higher on the practice test may

Pearson — MyLab Math educator study, Saint Xavier University

Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
take the chapter exam and will turn in the notebook at ability to accelerate their learning, students who are
that time for grading. Students have 60 minutes to able to finish the sixth chapter exam prior to the
complete chapter exams and must show their work on third week from the end of the semester may
colored paper. Work is expected to be neat and well- immediately begin taking the Intermediate Algebra
organized. Students submit their chapter exams course, which is also mastery based and self
electronically, but their work on the colored paper is accelerated. The Intermediate Algebra course covers
graded as well and can influence their electronic score the remaining six chapters in the assigned text and,
for any question. Riola says that a chapter exam score since the MyLab course shell is built for the entire
could go up (due to partial credit) or down (due to lack textbook, all Intermediate Algebra content is available
of work or mistakes in the work), depending on what is for students taking the Introduction to Algebra class,
shown on the colored exam paper. Students are meaning that no additional access code is needed. It
required to earn at least 70 percent on chapter is possible for a student to complete both
exams. Students earning mastery on their first attempt Introduction to Algebra and Intermediate Algebra in
may immediately move on to the next chapter in the the same semester. Riola says that students able to
course. For students who do not reach the 70 percent complete both courses in one semester are awarded
level, a Companion Study Plan is automatically built in free tuition for one course in the subsequent
MyLab based on their performance on the exam. semester, so there is incentive to finish early.
Once students complete their individualized study
plans with 100 percent mastery, they may retake the Assessments
chapter exam. If multiple attempts are necessary, the
Final scores are calculated on a 1000-point scale as
highest score on the chapter exam counts towards a
student’s final score.
• 600 points - Chapter exams (6
chapters/100 points each)
Riola uses the MyLab gradebook tool Search Email by
• 160 points - Homework (35
Criteria to identify groups of students at risk, such as
assignments/1 per section)
those who scored low or did not complete a chapter
• 120 points - Video notebook/homework (6
test by the required date. This intervention allows him
chapters/20 points each)
to help keep his students on target and provide just-
• 120 points - Practice Tests (6
in-time help before students fall behind. Students
chapters/20 points each)
having difficulty may seek help from Riola and the
professional assistant in the classroom, use the
For students who have earned at least 70 percent on
resources available inside the MyLab course itself, or
all six chapter exams, final course grades are
visit Saint Xavier University’s tutoring center, which
determined as follows:
offers free tutoring for the course. The university also
• A: 90.0–100.0% (900–1000 points)
utilizes the online tutoring program Smarthinking,
• B: 80.0–89.9% (800–899 points)
which offers free tutoring available 24 hours a day and
• C: 70.0–79.9% (700–799 points)
seven days a week, that is accessible via the
university’s learning management system, Canvas.
Any student who does not earn at least 70 percent on
all six chapter exams will earn a final grade of F. In
There is no single final exam. Instead, students must
addition, any student registering ten or more
score at least 70 percent on all six chapter exams in
absences will also earn a final grade of F.
order to pass the course. In addition, due to the

Pearson — MyLab Math educator study, Saint Xavier University

Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
Results and Data Homework assignment scores:

t(98)=9.21, p>0.001
Course success and subsequent course success
• 2
Practice test scores: t(98)=6.09, p>0.001
The Introduction to Algebra course is designed to guide
• 3
Chapter exam scores: t(98)=9.45, p>0.001
students through content in the first six chapters of the
• 4
Final course scores: t(98)=10.18, p>0.001
assigned textbook using prerequisites and personalized
learning features in MyLab to create an individualized
Personalized remediation between testing attempts
learning path for each student. Data show an 80
Riola’s use of prerequisites and personalized learning
percent pass rate for the course, with two-thirds of
was extensive and strategic. As they worked through
students earning an A or B.
the course content, students were continually being
held to a level of mastery that Riola felt would ensure
One goal in using the emporium format for the course
their best chance for success as they reached their
is to give students the ability to accelerate through
practice tests and chapter exams. An analysis of the
multiple developmental courses in one semester. In
student practice test results showed that, with a
Spring 2017, 45 of the 54 students (83 percent)
maximum of six assigned practice tests each, the 100
originally enrolled in Riola’s Introduction to Algebra
students in the course sat for 427 practice tests. Data
classes successfully completed it, with 21 moving on to
show that students were successful on first attempts
Intermediate Algebra in the same semester and six
of these practice tests 97 percent of the time,
successfully completing that course as well.
suggesting that Riola’s emphasis on video review, note
taking, and the homework completion mastery
Video notebook homework impact
requirement prepared students well when they initially
Students begin each section by viewing videos, taking
took the practice tests.
notes, and working example problems, keeping those
neatly in a notebook that is submitted for grading
Students not passing the first attempt of a practice test
when they complete each chapter. Guidance shared
are required to complete a personalized homework
via the syllabus includes study skills suggestions to:
reviewing the questions they missed. After earning 100
1. View the videos, take notes, and work
percent on that homework, they may sit for the practice
through the examples;
test again. In a further review of the practice test data,
2. Follow up by reading the text and adding
eleven students were required to complete the
to those notes;
remediation before an additional attempt. Data show
3. Write down important terms and definitions; and
that these students’ scores increased by an average of
4. Study the notes and questions throughout the
9 percentage points between their initial and final
course when something is unclear.
attempts on the practice tests.

Analysis of the video notebook data for Fall 2016 and

A similar analysis was completed on students requiring
Spring 2017 showed that the average score for this
multiple attempts to achieve the required 70 percent
assessment was 83 percent. Further analysis revealed
mastery on their chapter exams. These students were
that students who followed the studying guidelines
provided an individualized study plan as their
and scored above the average on their video
remediation and, after earning 100 percent on that
notebooks earned an average of 43 percentage points
study plan, were able to retake the chapter exam. Data
higher on other assessments in the course. These
show that scores for students retaking chapter exams
results were statistically significant for every course
assessment, as well as for the final course score.

Pearson — MyLab Math educator study, Saint Xavier University

Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
rose an average of 21 percentage points between When asked, “How has MyLab Math impacted your
their initial and final attempts. learning in this course?” students commented:

The Student Experience

Students in Riola’s Spring 2017 Introduction to
“The video-based notes were
Algebra course were asked to complete a voluntary, individual and personalized and
end-of-semester survey (80 percent response rate)
gave me the confidence to learn on
to share their perspectives on the courses and
MyLab Math. Students were asked, “How helpful was my own. Overall it's been an
MyLab Math?” Nearly three out of four students excellent and empowering tool in
responded “helpful” or “very helpful” in every area
asked, as summarized below:
becoming more confident in math.”

How helpful was MyLab Math in providing adequate

“I was able to put more focus
practice to understand concepts? 88% of respondents
answered “helpful” or “very helpful”. into specific areas of Algebra I
used to struggle in.”
How helpful was MyLab Math in preparing me for exams?
88% of respondents answered “helpful” or “very helpful”.
“MyLab Math helped me learn
How helpful was MyLab Math in providing different ways
quicker because I was able to go
to learn (ex. Videos, examples, textbook, etc.)? 81% of
respondents answered “helpful” or “very helpful”. on my own pace, allowing me to
stop and actually review something
How helpful was MyLab Math in motivating me to learn?
74% of respondents answered “helpful” or “very helpful”.
if I didn't understand it.”

How helpful was MyLab Math in providing a positive

learning experience? 83% of respondents answered
“helpful” or “very helpful”.

How helpful was MyLab Math in making me more

confident in my ability to understand the concepts? 81%
of respondents answered “helpful” or “very helpful”.

How helpful was MyLab Math in preparing me for

success in future courses? 88% of respondents
answered “helpful” or “very helpful”.

Pearson — MyLab Math educator study, Saint Xavier University

Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
Chris Riola saw the benefits of the emporium format in his self-accelerated Introduction to Algebra course right away. He
says that in a two-hour class period, students are now actively doing math nearly the entire time, and they are more willing
to ask questions and share their struggles as he speaks with them in the one-on-one setting. Through the utilization of
MyLab gradebook tools, he can identify his students’ work habits and provide them with strategies to succeed. MyLab
features such as prerequisites ensure that students take the time to remediate when necessary, while the personalized
homework and companion study plan help them target their remediation efforts for maximum results. Finally, for students
who are able, the self-accelerated format allows them to complete up to two developmental math courses in one semester
and proceed to credit-bearing coursework more quickly.

Homework Score t-Test Results: The group with higher than or equal to the mean score on the video notebook (M=100%, SD=1%, N=77) were
significantly higher than the group with scores less than the mean (M=58%, SD=22%, N=23), t(98) = 9.21, p<.001.
Practice Test Score t-Test Results: The group with higher than the mean score on the video notebook (M=70%, SD=30%, N=77) were significantly
higher than the group with scores less than the mean (M=36%, SD=21%, N=23), t(98) = 6.09, p<.001.
Exam Score t-Test Results: The group with higher than the mean score on the video notebook (M=83%, SD=7%, N=77) were significantly higher
than the group with scores less than the mean (M=35%, SD=24%, N=23), t(98) = 9.45, p<.001.
Final Course Score t-Test Results: The group with higher than the mean score on the video notebook (M=86%, SD=6%, N=77) were significantly
higher than the group with scores less than the mean (M=39%, SD=22%, N=23), t(98) = 10.18, p<.001.

Pearson — MyLab Math educator study, Saint Xavier University

Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.

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