This document discusses assessment of student learning. It describes assessment as a process used to track student progress towards learning standards, promote self-reflection, and profile student performance. Assessment involves identifying, gathering, organizing and interpreting both quantitative and qualitative information about what students know and can do. Standards include content, performance, and learning competencies. Assessment data is expressed numerically and makes judgments about quality based on predetermined standards.
This document discusses assessment of student learning. It describes assessment as a process used to track student progress towards learning standards, promote self-reflection, and profile student performance. Assessment involves identifying, gathering, organizing and interpreting both quantitative and qualitative information about what students know and can do. Standards include content, performance, and learning competencies. Assessment data is expressed numerically and makes judgments about quality based on predetermined standards.
This document discusses assessment of student learning. It describes assessment as a process used to track student progress towards learning standards, promote self-reflection, and profile student performance. Assessment involves identifying, gathering, organizing and interpreting both quantitative and qualitative information about what students know and can do. Standards include content, performance, and learning competencies. Assessment data is expressed numerically and makes judgments about quality based on predetermined standards.
This document discusses assessment of student learning. It describes assessment as a process used to track student progress towards learning standards, promote self-reflection, and profile student performance. Assessment involves identifying, gathering, organizing and interpreting both quantitative and qualitative information about what students know and can do. Standards include content, performance, and learning competencies. Assessment data is expressed numerically and makes judgments about quality based on predetermined standards.
•Process of gathering information on how a learning
Target or an instructional objective is being achieved.
•May consist of various methods employed to
determine the extent to which learners achieve/realize the intended learning outcomes of instruction. A process that is used to… ▪ keep track of the learner’s progress in relation to learning standards and in the development of 21st century skills; ▪ to promote self-reflection and personal accountability among students about their own learning; and ▪ to provide bases for the profiling of student performance on the learning competencies and standards of the curriculum. An ongoing process of … ▪ Identifying, ▪ Gathering, ▪ organizing, and ▪ interpreting …quantitative and qualitative information about what learners know and can do. Content Standards ▪ “What should the learner know?” Performance Standards ▪ What can learners do with what they know? ▪ How well must learners do their work? ▪ How well do learners use their learning or understanding in different situations? ▪ How do learners apply their learning or understanding in real-life contexts? ▪ What tools and measures should learners use to demonstrate what they know? Learning Competencies ▪ Refer to the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes that students need to demonstrate I every lesson and/or learning activity Standards Standards- Communicate goals that the school systems, based schools, teachers and students achieve assessments compare each Provide targets for teaching and learning student’s performance to Shape the performance of teachers and students academic standards. Presentation of structured stimuli to elicit responses that are then compared with the correct or acceptable responses
Refers to instruments, protocols, or
techniques used to measure a quantity or quality of properties or attributes of interest Quantification or assignment of numbers to characteristics that describe a person or a group
Express the assessment data in terms of
numerical values and answer the question “How much?” Process of making judgments about quality; how good one’s performance or behavior is, based on a pre-determined value or standards that would indicate quality. A special kind of evaluation used in schools indicating the extent to which students have attained or achieved learning objectives Assessment requiring students to demonstrate their achievement of understanding and skills by actually performing a task or set of tasks Type of Assessment that is an alternative to paper and pencil testing Assessment that stresses the importance of focusing on the Application of understanding and skills to real problems in “real-world” contextual settings. Method of assessing the students’ Aims to develop and measure ability to apply knowledge in multiple skills. performing a task that is exactly Values the learning process what is existing in real life. as much as the product. (Web-Enhanced Learning Activities: (Salandanan, 2005) An Instructional Design Workshop)
Requires students’ active generation of
a response that is observable, either directly or indirectly, via a permanent product. (UP NISMED: Intel Innovation for Education) • Collection of student’s work. • Comprehensive view/gauge of student’s progress vis-à- Quizzes, vis the desired learning Project Plan assignments outcomes.
Student •Diversity of entries of
Resources Support student’s work. Materials • Cohesiveness and Self- coherence of the components Pictures, Reflection Papers Video of the portfolio. Traditional Assessment Authentic Assessment
Sole emphasis on OUTCOMES Assessment of PROCESS
ISOLATED skills INTEGRATED skills ISOLATED facts APPLICATION of knowledge PAPER AND PENCIL tasks AUTHENTIC tasks DECONTEXTUALIZED tasks CONTEXTUALIZED tasks A SINGLE correct answer MANY correct answer SECRET standards PUBLIC standards SECRET criteria PUBLIC criteria INDIVIDUALS GROUPS AFTER instruction DURING instruction LITTLE feedback CONSIDERABLE feedback OBJECTIVE tests PERFORMANCE-BASED tests STANDARDIZED tests INFORMAL tests EXTERNAL evaluation Student SELF-EVALUTION SINGLE assessments MULTIPLE assessments SPORADIC CONTINUAL CONCLUSIVE RECURSIVE 1. The assessment of student learning begins with education values. That which we consider important is that which we teach and therefore assess Educational values come from the institutional mission and vision, the goals of the unit, the specific instructional objectives taught continuation 2. Assessment works best when the academic programs it seeks to improve have clear, explicitly stated purpose
Teachers and administrators must strive to express the
general school mission-vision or institutional goals into specific purposes which are attainable observable and therefore measurable continuation 3. Assessment is most effective when it reflects an understanding of learning as multi-dimensional, integrated and revealed in performance over time
Multi-dimensionality refers to the acknowledgement that
students vary in the way they express that they have learned the material Teachers must attempt to integrate the concepts and skills they teach and assessed in other disciplines. Teacher must show how one discipline is related to others continuation 4. Assessment requires attention not only to the outcomes but also to the experiences that lead to the outcomes.
Teachers must not only take interest in what
students learn but also how students learn continuation 5. Assessment works best when it is ongoing, not sporadic
Teachers must schedule assessment at regular
periods or at the end of substantial instruction; there must be some plan or schedule in the assessment of learning