Flipped Learning in Higher Education
Flipped Learning in Higher Education
Flipped Learning in Higher Education
Virtually unknown a few years ago, the Flipped Learning model of instruction is “In the end, the benefits of the flipped
gaining attention and adherents among instructors and professors at the college
and university levels. In this model, some or most of the direct instruction is approach are considerable. Students
delivered outside the group learning space using video or other modes of delivery. take more responsibility for their
Class time is used for students to engage in hands-on learning, collaborate with own learning. Working in class along
their peers and evaluate their progress rather than traditional direct instruction
delivery. Instructors can provide one-on-one assistance, guidance and inspiration. with a master of the discipline (you),
This facilitates a shift is from an instructor-centered classroom to a student- they learn to think more critically,
centered learning environment. communicate more effectively, and
Flipped Learning is particularly well-suited to higher education settings for a variety have a greater appreciation for the
of reasons. The in-class discussion and enrichment activities allowed by moving unique importance and logic of the
content delivery outside of class time provide opportunities for students to subject. And they experience at least
develop vital skills needed in the 21st century, including critical thinking, creativity,
communications, and collaboration. The model can also be especially useful in some of the satisfaction of learning
large lecture courses where student engagement and interaction is usually minimal. how to think in a new and, in some
When students receive the lecture outside of class they can use time in class cases, life changing way.”
with their peers more effectively by breaking up into smaller discussion groups or
engage in other in-class activities. Instructors also make more effective use of their -Dr. Penne Restad, Distinguished Senior Lecturer
time by reviewing content that students actually need help with and guiding student Department of History,
discussions. The Flipped Learning model also allows for differentiated learning University of Texas at Austin.
in classes of all sizes, since students can review the lecture content at their own
pace and ask questions on their own time. Below are some examples from the
U.S., Australia, and Canada of how professors have taken the initiative to flip their
courses, along with initial data about what they found.
University of Washington
Scott Freeman, a popular instructor at the University of Washington in Seattle decided “Honestly, Biology 180 was a
that despite good student evaluations for his gateway biology class he needed to
improve his course’s 17% failure rate. He knew the problem lay in his students’ inability
refreshing change from all the classes
to critically apply the knowledge they absorbed in lecture. Eager to try something new, I have been taking at UW. I not only
he adopted the Flipped Learning model for his course by having students complete learned a lot more in this class, but
textbook readings and take online quizzes before class. When students arrived in class
he tested their comprehension by having students respond with hand-held clickers to
I was able to retain a lot of it even
questions on the material. He then asked them to turn to their neighbor to justify their after the exam.”
answers. This model of learning, known as peer instruction, has been advocated by
Harvard professor Eric Mazur for over a decade and is a common classroom activity in a -Mustufa Jafry, student in Dr. Freeman’s
flipped course majoring in biochemistry and
flipped course.
chemistry, University of Washington in Seattle
He was able to reduce his failure rate from 17% to 4%, and the number of students
performing at an A level has increased from 14% to 24%. Since the flip, the UW
professor continued to receive positive feedback from his students who recognize that his course works differently than traditional
lecture classes. The University is now offering support for other teachers interested in flipping their classroom through their Center
for Teaching and Learning.
Washington college instructors are ‘flipping’ the way they teach. The Seattle Times.
December 16, 2012. Retrieved at bit.ly/YcstDH
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University of British Columbia
Physics instructors at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada decided that they wanted to test a method of teaching
that could better engage their undergraduates in large lecture courses (with over 250 students in each section). They created a formal
experiment in which the same physics course would be taught by two experienced professors in the traditional lecture format up until
the last week of the semester. During the last week two new, less-experienced instructors came in to teach one of the classes in an
interactive flipped style while the other class maintained the same professor and traditional lecture style. In the flipped class, students
read over textbook pages and then took an online quiz before class, using class time to answer questions with peer discussion groups,
perform small-group active learning tasks, and receive personalized feedback from the instructor.
The instructors, including 2011 Nobel Laureate Carl Wieman, found that in the experiment students in the flipped section increased
attendance by 20% and that engagement, as measured by four trained observers, increased by 40%. Even more impressive, they found
that students in the flipped course scored more than twice as well as students in the control group on a multiple-choice test measuring
comprehension of the content in the final week1. Students also enjoyed the flipped experiment: 90% agreed that they enjoyed the
interactive learning methods tried in the last week. The instructors concluded that using these active learning methods in a flipped
course can improve both learning and engagement.
According to the study published in the prestigious peer-reviewed Science magazine, “The average scores were 41 +/- 1% in the control section
and 74 +/- 1% in the experimental section. Random guessing would produce a score of 23%, so the students in the experimental section did more
than twice as well on this test as those in the control section.”
Improved Learning in a Large-Enrollment Physics Class. Science. May 13, 2011. Retrieved at bit.ly/m9an4V
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Top Motivations for Higher Education Faculty to Flip their Courses
Goal Importance
Improve students’ critical thinking/creative problem solving/higher-order
thinking/21st century/professional skills
Flipped Learning is a relatively new model for teaching and, as such, there are challenges to its implementation in institutions of higher
Course Redesign
Perhaps the most common difficulty that faculty face is simply the extra time and effort required to redesign an existing course. Many
instructors teach multiple courses, often at multiple locations, and may have other professional activities making it hard to find the time
to flip a course. Instructors who have flipped their course have frequently remarked that it does require additional upfront work and a
willingness to experiment with different methods. A study done on a flipped course of Dr. Judith Seaboyer, a Literary Studies instructor
at the University of Queensland in Australia found that, “There is an initial large time investment, but this pays off in terms of lighter
future workloads and students’ deeper learning.” The planning required at the beginning of implementing a flipped course can mean less
work the next year around, as resources and activities can be used over again from year to year.
Faculty Workload
A key to alleviating the pressure of redesigning a course is not working alone. Instructors often find it helpful to work with one or more
colleagues to flip a course. Co-teaching is often cited as an advantage; instructors can make the videos together, switch off making the
lessons for each unit, or have one make the videos and the other create classroom activities, including assessments. Just as important
is for instructors and professors to be properly trained on how to infuse Flipped Learning into their classes; it’s not just about a
video. Many schools have put together information to help faculty explore flipped teaching, such as the University of Washington and
Vanderbilt University, where instructors can find assistance in their centers for teaching and learning.
Student Buy-in
Another significant challenge to implementing the Flipped Learning model is achieving student buy-in. While some students struggle with
the traditional lecture method, others have become so used to that style that they have a hard time adjusting to something new and
innovative. The active learning tasks that are characteristic of a flipped course require students to put in more effort during class and to
stay current with the pace of the course. One professor noted, “The flipped classroom received a lot of resistance upfront. What the
students didn’t say, but were effectively saying, was that they had to learn at the rate which the classroom was going rather than letting
it slide and cramming at the last moment.”
Student Evaluations
Student evaluations of flipped courses in higher education have varied, with some favoring the hands-on, peer-instruction activities in
class and others finding it difficult to follow. One department chair noted his skepticism by pointing to student evaluations that gave
the same professor half the the average rating in his flipped course compared to his traditional course. It is unclear if this is caused by
student resistance to any form of change, the inexperience of the professor with the new format, a genuine dislike from students, or
another factor. Eric Mazur, the Harvard professor, claims that student satisfaction is not the point if students are more engaged and
performing better. The reality is that different students have different styles of learning and some will tend to favor the flipped model
while others will not. As students and faculty become more experienced with the approach, it is likely that opposition will decrease.
Flipped Classroom Case Study. University of Queensland, Australia. n.d. Retrieved at bit.ly/1czR4ta
Flipped Learning may not be for every teacher in every type of class, so the first thing an instructor needs to do is determine its
applicability to his or her course. Finding an online community of practice such as the Flipped Learning Network’s Ning, attending a
webinar, conference or workshop, or participating in a training such as the Foundations of Flipped Learning is the best way to hear first
hand from experienced practitioners the key to success in any classroom and lecture hall.
Neil Aronson, Pearson Intern, Summer, 2013, Kari M. Arfstrom, Ph.D. Flipped Learning Network & Kenneth Tam, Pearson.
Flipped Learning Network, a not-for-profit organization for flipped educators www.flippedlearning.org
Foundations of Flipped Learning, a professional development course (bit.ly/1bSJR2v)
Flipped Learning Literature Review, a meta-analysis of current research (bit.ly/1c4zHy6)