Multi Step Lesson Plan
Multi Step Lesson Plan
Multi Step Lesson Plan
Lesson Overview
Subject: Math Unit 3: Expressions, Equations, and
HMH Lesson: Module 6
Subject Standard: List the learning standard for the unit addressed by today’s lesson.
7.EE.A.1- Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear expressions with rational
7.EE.4- Use variables to represent quantities in a real-world or mathematical problem and construct simple equations and
inequalities to solve problems by reasoning about the quantities.
7.EE.4a- Solve word problems leading to equations of the form px + q = r and p(x + q) = r, where p, q, and r are specific rational
numbers. Solve equations of these forms fluently. Compare an algebraic solution to an arithmetic solution, identifying the
sequence of the operations used in each approach. For example, the perimeter of a rectangle is 54 cm. Its length is 6 cm. What is
its width?
Learning Objective: I Can Statements:
SWBAT apply properties of equality to evaluate multi-step • I CAN use variables to represent quantities in a real-
equations using the box method to represent quantities in a world or mathematical problem.
mathematical or real-world situations. • I CAN solve for x, then substitute to ensure my solution
balances the equation on both sides.
During previous instruction, students have learned to write and evaluate one-variable algebraic expressions involving one
operation and positive rational number values (6.EE.A.2, 6.EE.B.6). Students have learned to recognize and generate
equivalent linear expressions using the order of operations and properties of operations (6.EE.A.3, 6.EE.A.4). Students have
used algebraic reasoning to write and solve one-variable equations with one operation and positive rational values (6.EE.B.5,
Through the investigations in this concept, students learn how to write and solve one-variable equations with multiple
steps using positive and negative rational values (7.EE.A.3). Students develop an algebraic approach to formally solving one-
variable linear equations (7.EE.A.1, 7.EE.A.4). Students interpret the meaning of the solution to an equation in context.
During subsequent instruction, students will expand on their understanding of algebraic manipulation to create and solve
linear equations with variables on both sides of the equals sign (8.EE.C.7) and systems of linear equations (8.EE.C.8).
Students will formalize their understanding of algebraic manipulation, allowing them to solve linear equations with unknown
Formative assessment process:
How will students demonstrate learning of the objective?
• Collaborative Work- Students will progressively struggle through new content during the collaborative work portion of
class, though be reassured with the help of the teacher, their peers, and interactive notebooks.
• Exit Ticket—Students will demonstrate mastery on their Exit Ticket by received an 75% or higher.
How will teacher provide feedback to students?
• Verbal feedback will be given to students while the teacher will be facilitating discussion around what strategies were
used to complete all practice questions during the lesson successfully.
• Written Feedback will be given to students during collaborative work and small group—if needed.
• Exit Ticket will be given back to students on the following day with written feedback.
What action will students take on that feedback?
• The verbal feedback will help students to understand the verbal expectations and prompt students to continue to work
mathematically both verbally and academically on their work completion.
• In collaborative groups, students will utilize teacher, their peers, and their interactive notebooks to assist in solidifying
or clarifying their understanding, and probe students to retry to help their group meet the assignment objective.
• Students may retake the Exit Ticket for mastery should they not receive 75% or better.
Summative assessment: How will students be expected to demonstrate mastery of the learning objective?
Students will be able to engage in an independent Exit Ticket by the end of class.
Student Background:
PD 1: This class is composed of 21 students—4 IEP’s, 1 504 Plan, 3 ELL’s, and 3 BIP’s.
PD 2: This class is composed of 20 students—4 IEP’s, 2 504 Plans, 1 ELL, 1 BIP, 2 Behavior Sheets.
PD 4: This class is composed of 27 students—4 IEP’s, 8 ELL’s
How will you scaffold instruction for students that are stuck How will you further learning for students that are ready to
or don’t have the pre-requisite skills? advance beyond the standard?
Students will be given the opportunity for multiple means of Students who demonstrate their understanding beyond the
representation to show understanding of solving two-step standard will have options. They MUST choose one of the
equations. Guided notes are also provided for all students. following:
• Assist others completing work on new learning
• Get on HMH and complete Module
• Log on to Ascend Math to work on skills
• Activities in their folders on Schoology to
enhance the learning
What will the What will the Students be Questions and
Teacher(s) be Doing? Formative
Doing? (What activity will students Assessment
How will you
(How will the be completing? Include (What questions will
incorporate UDL
teacher present detailed description and the teacher pose to
Time Part of Lesson for differentiation?
information and strategies such as Notice & enhance learning?
monitor students? Note, Peer Assessment/ How will students’
Reading Strategies
How will co- Self-Assessment etc., as learning be
teachers/paras etc. well as any Technology formatively
be utilized?) Integration) assessed?)
15 Warm-up/Drill Assertively Productively work through Rigor DO NOW
minutes monitoring student content previously learned Question:
responses-being to assess understanding
sure not to offer and prepare for
answers, but to assessment. Guided Notes Sheet
focus on keeping
Students will prepare to
students on task.
share out after five
Teacher will cold-
minutes of DO NOW
call on students to
completion with accuracy.
share out their
answers to the
25 Direct Instruction Teacher will use a Students will be actively Options for Essential Question
minutes Foldable/ Guided listening, participating Expression &
How do you write
Notes Sheet to when called on, and taking Communication
and solve
deliver new content notes during direct
Options for equations that
to students. During instruction. At times,
Recruiting include more
this time, teacher students may be called on
Interest than one
will monitor on task to come up to the board
and appropriate and display their work for
behavior during other students to benefit Guided Questions:
direct instruction from or share out when
• What do the
and ensure cold called on to ensure all
terms in your
students are taking
notes on new are actively engaged in the equation
content on the learning. represent?
provided guided
*Students will receive • What does the
notes reference
guided notes packets to variable in
insert into binders. your equation
*Formative represent?
*Students will engage in a
assessment will
turn and talk to converse • How would
take place during
about the vocabulary you use the
the Practice portion
portion of direct equation to
of direct instruction
instruction. demonstrate
to gage for
academic gaps and
identify needs for
of the context
small groups.
of the
*Urgent Monitoring question?
when asking
students to practice
(PD 4)
*Paraeducator will
be going around
and helping
individual students
as needed.
40 Collaborative Work Monitor on task Students will actively Options for
minutes and appropriate engage in collaborative Language, Math
behavior as work to solve two-step Expressions, &
students engage in equations using the Symbols
a collaborative elimination method. Options for
assignment. During Students will use Expression &
this time the appropriate voice levels,
Options for Self-
teacher will be notes, and a calculator.
urgently monitoring
the room to check
in and ensure
students are
following all
20 Summary/Exit Teacher will Students will be engaged Options for
minutes Ticket administer an in taking an Exit Ticket Comprehension
interactive Exit independently and receive
Options for
Ticket on Quizzizz. their scores shortly
Expression &
thereafter on an interactive
*Teacher will walk Communication
around the room to
Options for
ensure students
Sustaining Effort
& Persistence
behavior for an
Homework: HMH Interactive Digital Content, Ascend Math