Fa16-Bet-046 Tahir Sajjad Eca 2 Lab Report # 5

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LAB 05


1. Digital Oscilloscopes with Probes
2. Digital Multi-meter
3. Digital Function Generator with Probes.
4. Capacitor, Inductor, Resistors
5. DC power Supply

Power: In physics, power is the rate of doing work. It is equivalent to an amount
of energy consumed per unit time. In the MKS system, the unit of power is the joule per second
(J/s), known as the watt 

Average Power:  If ΔW is the amount of work performed during a period of time of duration Δt,
the average power Pavg over that period is given by the formula

It is the average amount of work done or energy converted per unit of time. The average power
is often simply called "power".

Instantaneous Power: The instantaneous power is then the limiting value of the average power
as the time interval Δt approaches zero.

In the case of constant power P, the amount of work performed during a period of duration T is
given by:
Maximum power transfer theorem:

The maximum power transfer theorem states that, to obtain maximum external power from a

source with a finite internal resistance, the resistance of the load must equal the resistance of
the source as viewed from its output terminals.

The theorem results in maximum power transfer, and not maximum efficiency. If

the resistance of the load is made larger than the resistance of the source, then efficiency is
higher, since a higher percentage of the source power is transferred to the load, but
the magnitude of the load power is lower since the total circuit resistance goes up.
If the load resistance is smaller than the source resistance, then most of the power ends up
being dissipated in the source, and although the total power dissipated is higher, due to a lower
total resistance, it turns out that the amount dissipated in the load is reduced.
The theorem can be extended to alternating current circuits that include reactance, and states
that maximum power transfer occurs when the load impedance is equal to the complex
conjugate of the source impedance.
Resistance RL (Ω) Vpp (V) I (mA) Pmax (mW)
22.5 Ω 620 mV 279 mA 8.6 mW
55.3 Ω 1.28 V 23.14 mA 14.8 mW
100 Ω 1.941 V 25.6 mA 18.8 mW
385 Ω 3.52 V 9.19 mA 16.27 mW
462 Ω 3.721 V 8.05 mA 14.9 mW

Pmax is measured to be across 100 Ω resistance.

Maximum Average Power Transfer Theorem has been studied and verified using different
values of Resistances in the circuit.

The results obtained are very close to ideal Values. Pmax (18.8) is measured to be across 100 Ω
resistor which is accurate if calculations are done.

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