Power in DC Circuits: Power, Series/Parallel Resistive Circuit, Dissipates, DC Fundamentals Circuit Board, Multimeter

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Power in DC Circuits

ABSTRACT corresponds to the job of moving one coulomb

of charge within one second by a volt of
The goal of this experiment is to calculate all potential difference. As a coulomb is an ampere
dv voltages, currents, and power dissipations in per second. The output in watts is therefore
any circuit resistors. In every step of the proportional to twice the volts amperes (P =
reduction, we can reduce the original circuit to EI). The rule of Ohm could be modified to
one equivalent resistor because simple series conform to the system of power. Every power
and simple parallel component are reduced to source is ideal for external load driving like a
one equivalent resistance. Full resistance and generator, a dc power supply or a stereo
total current resolution is equivalent to E amplifier.
divided by R (I = E / R). We can also determine
resistance and branch currents equivalent one An internal resistance is commonly referred to
stage at a time, working back to the original as the output resistance of every power source.
circuit configuration. The results were factual When a resistor flows, heat is generated since
because the calculated theory was examined resistant materials prevent electron movement.
and proved to be valid Heat is proof that power is used to produce
. electricity. The resistance power supplied
dissipates the power as heat. The voltage source
KEYWORDS must provide this power.

Power, Series/Parallel Resistive Circuit, Dissipates, 2 RESULTS

DC Fundamentals Circuit Board, Multimeter
2.1 Power in Series Resistive Circuit
1 INTRODUCTION (Exercise 10-1)

Direct current (DC) is the continuous flow of The measured total resistance is 3 kΩ with
high- and low-power electric charge. A direct corresponding total current of 5 mA, 5 Vdc
current system is a circuit which flows in one across the first resistor and 10 Vdc across the
direction by electric current. Direct electric second resistor. The calculated values were the
power only flows when the circuit is closed, but same from the measured values. The total
when the circuit is open, it stops completely. power was 75 mW upon calculation. PR1 is 25
Voltage is energy potential, current is the mW and PR2 was 50 mW. The sum of the power
amount of electrons that flow through the wire, across both resistors is equal to 75 mW.
and strength is the force for friction on the
electron flow. Ohm's law describes the For the next steps, switch B is turned on and the
relationship between voltage, current and R2 was removed from the circuit while R4 was
resistance. Ohm’s law says the electric current added in series with R1. The total resistance
is specifically voltage-proportional and was 2 kΩ and the total current was 7.5 mA. V R1
inversely resistance-proportional. The equation and VR2 both measures 7.5 V. Both values were
[ I = V / R ] represents this. This law means that similar. The power measured in both R1 and R4
with rising voltage, the current is increasing, were 56.25 mW. The total power was equal to
whereas with increased resistance, the current is 112.5 mW.
declining. The power unit is known as the work
rate per unit time. The calculation of the unit 2.2 Power in Parallel Resistive Circuit
output is the watt (W). A watt of power (Exercise 10-2)
R3. Re became 490Ω for measured and 500Ω
We determined the resistor value of R2 based for calculated.
on color as 2kΩ, same on R3 which was also a
2kΩ. Voltage and Power of R2 were 7.5V and Pr2 0.0110889W
28.1 mW respectively. Current flowing and Pr2 0.0055778W
Power on R3 were 0.00375A and 28.1mW Pr3 0.0055778W
respectively. The total power of the parallel Prcm 0.0110889W
branch is 56.3mW. Equivalent resistance of the Pt 0.033W
parallel branch (R2 & R3) was 1kΩ. We use the
resistive color to determine the resistance of R4 Figure 1. Power in series resistive circuit diagram.
and checked that both values from the
measured and calculated were both. Next we
turn on the switch B and record the voltage of
R4 which was 7.5V. Yes, the power dissipated
by R2 and R3 in parallel can be matched by an
equivalent resistor R4. The power in R4 would
increase by a factor of 4 (based on square law,
if voltage doubles then power quadruples. We It became 10mA which increased when CM
calculate the power across R4 and matched the switch 16 was turned on and the power
values of using the square law, when Va is decreased to 0.033W.
2.3 Power in Series/Parallel Resistive Circuit 500 0.01a 5V 50mW
1000 0.0075mA 7.5V 56.25mW
Va 15.02 V R1 992Ω 2000 0.005mA 10V 50mW
Ve 7.49 V R2 1973Ω
Vr1 7.53 V R3 1972Ω RL was 1kΩ. The max power obtained was
It 7.58 V R4 1978Ω 56.25mW at an RL of 1kΩ which was equal to
R2 of 1kΩ. When RL was 500Ω and 2000 Ω,
We calculate the current flowing in R1, R2, R3 the power obtained was equal with a value of
7.59mA, 3.80mA, and 3.80mA respectively. 500, there was equal with a value of 500. There
Then we calculate the total power and was less power transferred. Load current was
individual power of each resistors, total power max when load resistance was minimum. Load
was 1.139mW, while power in R1, R2, R3, Voltage was maximum when load resistance
0.057W, 0.228W, and 0.228W. was maximum.
Va 15.03V R2 1973Ω 6 CONCLUSIONS
Ve 4.96V R3 1972Ω
Vr1 10.05V Re 500Ω Laboratory experiment for power in DC circuits
(calculated has three main topics: power in series, power in
It 10mA Re 490Ω parallel resistive circuits, power in
(measured) series/parallel resistive circuits. The power in
R1 992Ω resistive series circuit systems can easily be
measured, the overall power can be estimated
Adding a 1k Ω resistor by turning on switch 16, by using the formula P = EI in a resistive series
the resistor placed was in parallel with R2 & circuit and we can also estimate the power
dissipated in a circuit by the equation P =
E^2/R and P= I^2 R in each resistive circuit.
While, in parallel resistive circuit power can be
used to find the power dispersed by individual
resistors in parallel circuits with the formula P
= E^2/R and P = I^2 R and also the square law
power-to-voltage / stream relationship to
determine the dissipation can be applied. The
parallel branch circuit's corresponding
resistance often dispels the same force as the
initial branch resistors. The final section is the
power of series/parallel resistive circuits, which
can be calculated by the use of the formula P =
EI. Apply the power transmitted by each
division to determine the total circuit capacity.
If the load resistance is equivalent to the
resistance of the source, full power is passed to
a load. If RL does not equate to R, the load is
provided with less than the maximum power.
Last section is the power in series/parallel
resistive circuits, you can determine the total
power in a series/parallel resistive circuit by
using the formula P = EI. To calculate the total
circuit power, add the power dissipated by each
branch. The maximum power is transferred to a
load when load resistance equals the source
resistance. Whenever R L does not equal R S, less
than maximum power is delivered to the load.


Retrieved on Feb. 07, 2020 from


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