The Hex

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“I didn’t have magic fall into my lap.

I’m not Plus pick two of these:

, blessed, I’m not one of the scary children—I’m b urn Everting: When you use magic to inict

The Hex
just a girl who found a way to give herself the harm, you can choose to inict 3-harm area magic
strength to ght this war. I don’t have the option obvious or 3-harm ignore-armour magic obvious.
of not taking this risk.” b ast te ones: Once per mystery, you may perform
some kind of divination (tarot, casting the runes,
R reading entrails, or something like that) to glean
CHARM • Manipulate Someone Whenever you use magic, you can decide afterwards
that a particular spell is a rote that you know. See the
information about the future. When you seek guid-
ance by divination, roll +Sharp. On a 10+, hold 2. On
• Act Under Pressure
separate Rotes sheet for more details. a 7-9, hold 1. On a miss, you get some information,
• Help Out but it’s not what you want to hear. Spend those holds
• Investigate a Mystery to ask any question from the investigate a mster
You have a dangerous drive that you pursue, sometimes
• Read a Bad Situation to the exclusion of your own safety. Decide if your Temp- move, or one of the following questions:
• What can I gain from this person/place/thing/creature?
tation drove you to learn magic, or if learning magic • Who has touched this person/place/thing/creature
• Kick Some Ass
TOUGH • Protect Someone
drove you to it.
Whenever you give in to your Temptation and act
before me?
e Keeper will answer truthfully, with either a
accordingly, you mark experience. You need to act under
direct answer or how to nd out more.
• Use Magic
pressure to resist giving in to your temptation, if a perfect b Force o Will: When you apply your will to dispelling
opportunity presents itself; if you fail this roll, you don’t a magical eect, blocking a spell, or suspending a Phe-
mark experience like you would have if you’d willingly nomenon, roll +Weird. On a hit, momentary magics
acted out your desires. are cancelled completely, and long-lasting spells and
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from
an injury. eects are suspended temporarily. On a 10+, you can
Choose one Temptation:
also spend Luck to instantly snu out a powerful spell
b engeance: Use magic to inict disproportionate
Okay bbbbbbb Doomed or strange eect. On a 7-9, you take 1-harm as the
retribution on someone who wronged you.
strain of dismissing magic unravels you.
Hex Special: When you spend Luck, until the end of the b Poer: Use magic to exert your dominance over
b Luck o te amned: After you use magic or cast a
mystery, backlash on your spells will be extra nasty. another.
rote, take +1 forward on the next roll you make.
b ddiction: Use magic to do what you could do
 without it.
b Smpatetic oken: As long as you carry a personal
When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable. object belonging to someone, such as a lock of hair,
b allousness: Use magic without regard for the
a full set of toenails, or a treasured family heirloom,
Okay bbb|bbbb Dying safety of others.
you get +1 ongoing to use magic against them. You
b arnage: Use magic to inict gruesome violence.
can also use magic against them at a distance. If you
Unstable: b b Secrets: Use magic to discover forbidden, dangerous
try to use magic against them and miss, the token is
(Unstable injuries will worsen as time passes) knowledge.
lost, destroyed, or loses its power.
b Glor: Use magic to steal someone’s thunder.
is Migt Sting: You can use magic to heal
 b
 3-harm, but the process is exceptionally painful. On
Experience: bbbbb You have three Hex moves. You have this one: a 7-9 it also leaves a gnarly scar.
B ad Luck arm: Whenever you use magic and b Wise Soul: Whenever you use magic, right before
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a miss, the backlash never aects you directly if there’s you roll, you can ask the Keeper what exactly would
move tells you to, mark an experience box. someone else around to hit. It’ll go for allies, other happen on a miss. If you dislike the risk, you can stop
hunters, and innocent bystanders. Sometimes, every at the last second, and let the spell zzle harmlessly.
so often, it might even hit an enemy. All of the eort is wasted.
  y ADVANCD I
To make your Hex, rst pick a name. en follow the Go around the group again. When it’s your turn, pick one b Get +1 to any rating, max +3.
instructions below to decide your look, ratings, moves, for each of the other hunters: b Change this hunter to a new type.
Temptation, and gear. Finally, introduce yourself and pick • You once cast a powerful spell or curse on them. Tell b Make up a second hunter to play as well as this one.
history. them why, and ask them how it ended. b Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
• ey fear your power, or what you might do with it. b Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
Ask them why. b Retire this hunter to safety.
,    h : • You’re madly in love with them. Ask them if they can b Erase one used Luck mark from your playbook.
• Sharp eyes, angry eyes, glowing eyes, shifty eyes, tell. b Gain another two Rotes.
serene eyes, featureless eyes, __________ eyes. • ey encourage you to indulge your temptation. Ask b Choose one advanced Hex move (see below).
• Retro clothes, hippy clothes, trendy clothes, too-for- them why.
mal clothes, ill-tting clothes, anachronistic clothes,
A  
• ey keep you grounded, and are unfazed by your
When you take the “Choose one advanced Hex move”
___________ clothes. displays of power.
improvement, choose one of these moves. You can never
R,   : • You were part of the same cult, sect, or secret society.
have both:
Charm+2, Cool=0, Sharp=0, Tough–1, Weird+2 Decide together what horrible things you did in the
b b poteosis: You become a terrifying fount of mys-
Charm+1, Cool–1, Sharp+1, Tough=0, Weird+2 name of power.
b tical power. Once per mystery, after you suer loss
Charm–1, Cool+1, Sharp=0, Tough+1, Weird+2 • You learned through divination that they’re import-
b or harm, you may enter a state where you have both
Charm–1, Cool=0, Sharp+1, Tough+1, Weird+2 ant and you should help them. Decide whether
b immense power and zero interest in the well-being
Charm=0, Cool=0, Sharp+2, Tough–1, Weird+2 you’ve told them or not.
b of other people. While in this state, you can y, use
• ey helped you out when a spell went awry. Tell
 +Weird to kick some ass instead of +Tough (using
them what the spell was, and ask them how they
You have whatever magical items or amulets you use to innate magic as a 3-harm weapon with whatever
helped you.
perform magic, including whatever you need to cast your properties you choose), ignore the component costs
rotes. You also have two wizardly weapons.  U of your rotes, ignore one requirement of every spell
When you have lled all ve experience boxes, you level you cast with use magic, and you have +1 ongoing
Wizardl eapons, pick to: up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the to do everything. On the other hand, you outright
b .38 revolver (2-harm close reload loud) list below. cannot use the protect someone move, you have
b Shotgun (3-harm close messy loud) all the Temptations, and you have to indulge them
b Athame (2-harm hand magic silver) whenever a good opportunity presents itself. When
b Get +1 Weird, max +3.
b Shillelagh (1-harm hand balanced) you try to resist a temptation, roll +Cool. On a 10+,
b Get +1 Cool, max +2.
b Crossbow (2-harm close slow) your apotheosis ends. On a 7-9, it ends with you
b Get +1 Charm, max +2.
b Sta (1-harm hand balanced large) doing something dangerous or cruel. On a miss, it
b Get +1 Sharp, max +2.
ends only after you harm someone (or something)
I b Take another Rote.
you love.
When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you b Take another Rote.
b Sntesis: You manage to conciliate your dark
can do your introductions together. b Take another Rote.
power with your moral impulses. You lose your
Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your b Take another Hex move, or an additional Rote.
Temptation. Whenever you use magic to elp out
Hex by name and look, and tell the group what they know b Take another Hex move, or an additional Rote.
or protect someone, you mark experience. Mark a
about you. b Take a Haven, like the Expert has, with two options.
second experience if you do it at the expense of your
b Take a move from another playbook.
own safety.
After you have leveled up ve times, you qualify for
advanced improvements in addition to these. ey’re
Rotes (The Hex)
Whenever you use magic, you can decide afterwards that
Rq,  w:
b Magic words, ritual gestures
Rq,  w:
b Magic words, ritual gestures
a particular spell is a rote that you know. Write down in
b Object of power which must be wielded b Object of power which must be wielded
detail what the spell does, and what it requires. You know
b Expendable component destroyed or scattered b Expendable component destroyed or scattered
how to cast it o the top of your head, and you choose
b Runes or symbols written or engraved on a surface b Runes or symbols written or engraved on a surface
two requirements from this list:
b Spilling of blood (1-harm to you or willing person) b Spilling of blood (1-harm to you or willing person)
• Magic words and ritual gestures.
• An object of power (wand, talisman, orb, sta, etc) : :
which must be wielded. On a 10+ On a 10+
• An expendable component such as sulfur, sage, or
incense, which must be burned, blown, or scat-
tered during the casting.
• Runes or symbols written or engraved on a surface On a 7-9: On a 7-9:
(which must be prepared).
• A spilling of blood, which inicts 1-harm upon
you or a willing participant.
Give your new rote a name, and decide specically On a miss: On a miss:
what the requirements are (which words, gestures,
objects, symbols, and procedures are required). Unlike
regular use magic, a rote’s cost and the consequences for
failing it are known to you in advance. After you cast it
for the rst time, treat each rote as a custom move—a
specialised version of use magic, which is built with the
Rote: Rote:
Keeper. Write down what it does on a 10+, a 7-9, and a Rq,  w: Rq,  w:
miss. Also, a rote is a bit more powerful than a basic use b Magic words, ritual gestures b Magic words, ritual gestures
magic spell: its glitches are less onerous and its eect b Object of power which must be wielded b Object of power which must be wielded
may be a little bigger. b Expendable component destroyed or scattered b Expendable component destroyed or scattered
Casting a rote requires you to have the needed items b Runes or symbols written or engraved on a surface b Runes or symbols written or engraved on a surface
at hand and the ability to physically use them. You roll b Spilling of blood (1-harm to you or willing person) b Spilling of blood (1-harm to you or willing person)
+Weird to cast it, as you would when using magic nor-
: :
On a 10+ On a 10+
w y ?
You start out knowing up to one rote, which you can
choose when creating your character or during play. You
can learn more by taking improvements—when you do, On a 7-9: On a 7-9:
you can choose the new rote right away or in play.

On a miss: On a miss:
Rote: Rote:
Rq,  w: Rq,  w:
b Magic words, ritual gestures b Magic words, ritual gestures
b Object of power which must be wielded b Object of power which must be wielded
b Expendable component destroyed or scattered b Expendable component destroyed or scattered
b Runes or symbols written or engraved on a surface b Runes or symbols written or engraved on a surface
b Spilling of blood (1-harm to you or willing person) b Spilling of blood (1-harm to you or willing person)
: :
On a 10+ On a 10+

On a 7-9: On a 7-9:

On a miss: On a miss:

Rote: Rote:
Rq,  w: Rq,  w:
b Magic words, ritual gestures b Magic words, ritual gestures
b Object of power which must be wielded b Object of power which must be wielded
b Expendable component destroyed or scattered b Expendable component destroyed or scattered
b Runes or symbols written or engraved on a surface b Runes or symbols written or engraved on a surface
b Spilling of blood (1-harm to you or willing person) b Spilling of blood (1-harm to you or willing person)
: :
On a 10+ On a 10+

On a 7-9: On a 7-9:

On a miss: On a miss:

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