Voidheart Symphony - Covenant Cards

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ThE FoOl

At their best, the Fool is honest, inquisitive and courageous,

showing people new ways and unseen alternatives.

At their worst, the Fool is reckless and proudly ignorant,

risking things important to them when
they should know better.

Nurture this covenant when…

You do something spontaneous together,
at your prompting or theirs.

Betray this covenant when…

They ask you to do something foolhardy and you refuse,
or you abandon them when they need you.

Fool, the Architect will des
When you hang out with the kes nearby. If you get to

coin cide nce that stri

a strange discover something that
wha t hap pen ed, you ’ll
truth of sal or
s information on the Vas
heals a condition or give
their victims .
k out, against all odds. Wh
Sometimes things just wor life, roll a single dice.
CiTy MoVe

to fix a prob lem in your

you go over the top things
ks – quell a crisis. On a 1-3
On a 4+, it somehow wor ge linked to the crisis.
– max out the gau
go very wrong

out of
When you search for a way
You live a charmed life. d
ter what, you’ll be remove
CaStLe MoVe

dan ger, roll 2d6 . No mat

lethal ’re in
the situ atio n; on a 10+ you say what state you
from we’ll
the Architect will. On a 6-
when you return, on a 7-9
see you in the Ava tar’s company.

ThE FoOl
ThE MaGiCiAn
At their best, the Magician is inspiring, resourceful, and

At their worst, they’re manipulative, egotistical and power-


Nurture this covenant when…

You collaborate with the Magician to create something better
than either of you could make on your own.

Betray this covenant when…

You use the Magician’s work without crediting them, or you
sabotage their efforts.

n with a project of theirs, they

When you help the Magicia
l you didn’t know before

teach you a mu nda ne skil time

king , painting , mix ing music, etc). The next
it, roll with adv anta ge.
you use
pick one:
can mark a condition to
When you quell a crisis, you any longer.
CiTy MoVe

crisis is dire, it’s not

• It’s enduring: If this crisis.
also quell another rebel’s
• There’s momentum: You r work wan ts to
e who sees you
• It’s enticing: Someon
meet you .

al to protect from danger, gran
When you improvise a ritu nt weapon (2 perks, 1 flaw),
CaStLe MoVe

ry ability, or mak e a pote

tempora On a
ks, at least for this delve.
roll +Coins. On a hit, it wor k,
Arc hite ct will give you r magic a weakness, quir
7-9 the
or uninten ded side effect.

ThE MaGiCiAn
ThE OrAcLe
At their best, the Oracle is empathetic, insightful and
intuitive, helping you understand your motivations.

At their worst, the Oracle is withdrawn, secretive and

indecisive, trusting in gossip and disregarding facts.

Nurture this covenant when…

You reveal something significant to them about
your dreams, hopes or ambitions.

Betray this covenant when…

You value the material over the spiritual, or are too busy
with your mundane obligations to heed their advice.

you a hidden place in the city,

When you let the Oracle show
t makes it beautiful, and

er will des crib e wha

their play
at risk. Wh en you mag nify its beauty or protect it
how it’s
ger, hea l a con dition.
from dan
lare that you had a dream
Once each day, you can dec t a question in the
CiTy MoVe

ation. Ask the Arch itec

your current situ e an
if I ____?’. They’ll describ
form of ‘What will happen wer s your question. If you
r drea m that ans
element of you
action, roll with advantage.
go ahead with your proposed

manifest, roll +Cups. On a
When your make your faith s from coming
CaStLe MoVe

the castle’s crea ture

radiant light prevents pick 1:
. On a 7-9 pick 2, on a 10+
within a few metres of you shie ld.
brea king the
• You can’t move without
breaking the shield.
• You can’t attack without
• It only shields you .

ThE OrAcLe
ThE GaRdEnEr
At their best,the Gardener gives others a supporting, nurturing
environment that lets them grow into their true potential.

At their worst, the Gardener constructs stifling relationships,

quashing potential so that it doesn’t threaten their authority.

Nurture this covenant when…

You grow into greater beauty or strength with their support,
or cultivate a person (or creature) to a significant milestone
following the Gardener’ example.

Betray this covenant when…

You ruin your own chances out of spite, or try to control
another’s growth.

er, they give you somethi
When you visit the Garden
book, an accessory, a pot

ical but imp orta nt; a

impract strength
keep it with you and draw
plant, etc. So long as you may turn a missed City
e per inve stig atio n you
from it, onc
Move into a weak hit.
of their
rebel, you may refresh one
When you Check In with a
CiTy MoVe

do, pick the cost :

gauges. If you
your own stocks.
• Tick Lack, as you dig into a little for needing this.
you rese nt them
• Tick Fealty, as Disadvantage the next
ive, taki ng last ing
• Grow protect you can tend to them.
time they ’re hur t unt il

l. When
, gauzy and insubstantia
The Gardener haunts you wer
Architect will give an ans
CaStLe MoVe

the spir it for advice, the

you ask
s fleeting Adv anta ge, but pick one:
that give n.
their life for your situatio
• They confuse parts of nt detail.
ceive som e significa
• They cannot per answer.
e something before they
• They ask you to promis

ThE GaRdEnEr
ThE AuTeUr
At their best, the Auteur brings structure, stability, and
wisdom into other’s lives.

At their worst, the Auteur is inflexible in their opinions and

seeks to control the actions of others.

Nurture this covenant when…

You teach the Auteur something new, or thank them
for the success their advice has brought you.

Betray this covenant when…

You respect someone else’s advice over the Auteur’s,
or suffer by doing something they told you not to.

r you a
the Auteur, they can offe
When you spend time with
help their organisation.

you can per form to

risky task t to
it is, you decide if you wan
They get to decide what refresh Infamy or Lack
you carr y it out, you both
take it. If
on top of any other outcom
ty has
reject a group identity socie
When you comprehensively yourself, remove a
CiTy MoVe

ur of one you’ ve foun d for

placed on you in favo
tick in Fealty.

to display your power over
When you use an Opening g; on a
a hit, remove the Openin
CaStLe MoVe

opponen t, roll +Sw ords. On

3. So long as you have Insight,
7-9 gain 1 Insight, on a 10+
Push Through Pain.
you have Disadvantage on
Spend Insight to:
attack towards you.
• Redirect the opponent’s ge.
weakne ss and give an ally fleeting advanta
• Reveal their

ThE AuTeUr
ThE SaGe
At their best, the Sage passes down wisdom and initiates
their wards into a higher station.

At their worst, the Sage is a gatekeeper, only passing down

wisdom to those who meet their biases or standards.

Nurture this covenant when…

You let the Sage teachings guide you in making a significant

Betray this covenant when…

You spurn tradition, or burn bridges with an institution
you’re a member of.

ng for their advice with a prob
When you go to the Sage aski long as you are doing exactly

tell you wha t to do. So

they can
ing Advantage.
what they said, roll with last

ss to a exclusive group.
The Sage has given you acce this group to open doors, gain
CiTy MoVe

membership of
When you use your ck, the
check. If you miss the che
advantage on any Infamy s up hur ting the group.
how this end
Architect will say

– even
how to learn from others
The Sage has shown you castle. When you ReachOut
CaStLe MoVe

nge inh abit ants of the

the stra ge on
ion and call on them for aid, gain fleeting Advanta
a min
Travel the Labyrinth.

ThE SaGe
ThE LoVeRs
At their best, the Lover is a reliable partner and paramour,
helping their companion be the best they can be.

At their worst, the Lover may be needy or distant, but always

frames the problems in their life around their partner.

Nurture this covenant when…

You take time to bond with the Lover,
making them feel valued.

Betray this covenant when…

You let the Lover down on a promise, or make them
feel like a resource instead of a partner.

t do you
the Lover, ask them: wha
When you spend time with

most love abo ut me? with

the vision of you they see, roll
When you act in line with
fleeting Advanta ge.

e, you gain a better underst
With the Lover held clos y five minutes you
CiTy MoVe

hold prec ious . For ever

of what others e
can ask their player one of thes
watch someone socialise, you hon estly.
player will ans wer
questions; their r life?
Are they satisfied with thei
Are they in love? o here do they most rely on?
them ? Wh
What is most precious to
you mark a
resolve to endure. When
The Lover gives you the ship:
ngth from your relation
CaStLe MoVe

, you may dra w stre

ther con diti on or get fleeting advantage. If you
heal ano when
ething you’ll do for them
do, promise the Lover som do it, fade this covenant.
out of here. If you don’ t
you get

ThE LoVeRs
At their best, the Chariot is independent and self-contained,
fully determined to achieve their goals.

At their worst, the Chariot is either pig-headed and stubborn,

or all too willing to move on when things get tough.

Nurture this covenant when…

You go somewhere new together, somewhere neither of you
have gone before.

Betray this covenant when…

You realise you don’t know what you want, or give up on
achieving a goal because it’s too hard.

to do
Chariot, they can dare you
When you hang out with the e,
go through with the dar

ng dan gero us. If you

somethi r ground and refuse,
diti on; if you stan d you
heal a con
next dare will be riskier.
they ’ll respect it but the
en you
the tough get going. Wh
When things get tough, currently marked.
CiTy MoVe

1 hold per Con dition

start running, gain
Spend 1 hold to:
e in your path.
• Dodge around an obstacl
• Evade a pursuer.
means of transportation.
• Gain definite hold of a
you become an unstoppable
Against an unbeatable foe, h
+Swords. On a hit, you cras
CaStLe MoVe

you charge an enem y, roll

When e.
and pus h them far away from where they wer
into them
aust it to pick one:
If you had an Opening, exh lity.
sh them into som ething and remove a Qua
• Sma room.
l them far awa y, givi ng your group breathing
• Hur

At their best, Strength knows which challengers they
can overcame, and brings endless determination
to bear against them.

At their worst, they have lost confidence in their ability to

make changes to their world, and sink into a depressive funk.

Nurture this covenant when…

You overcome a great obstacle through stamina and

Betray this covenant when…

You use your strength without intention, lashing out and
causing suffering.

ngth, you can talk through
When you hang out with Stre . When you next miss a roll

you ’re struggling with

condition lt to a
heal it or upgrade the resu
affected by that condition,
weak hit/ 7-9.

r allies.
to use the solidarity of you
Strength teaches you how other rebels, you
CiTy MoVe

standing side by side with

So long as you are a).
ead of them (and vice vers
can mark a condition inst

. When
trol you – you control them
Your emotions don’t con get
onal, mark a condition to
CaStLe MoVe

e a fight intensely pers

you mak
Adv anta ge figh ting this enemy.

ThE HeRmIt
At their best, the Hermit has used their isolation to gain
perspective and self-discovery, sharing their insights with a
select group of friends.

At their worst, the Hermit disdains broader society, viewing

themselves as superior and ignoring the broader social fabric
they rely on.

Nurture this covenant when…

You give them something that helps them follow their
interests, or help them cope when a social situation becomes
too much.

Betray this covenant when…

You invade their privacy, or share with others something they
meant for you alone.

Hermit, in-person or onli
When you hang out with the ing they spotted

you som ething inte rest

they ’ll tell
, a local celebrity, or a new
recently - about a location
d. Get flee ting adv antage when you make use
social tren
of the lead .
el Eyes to
way out. When you use Reb
The Hermit shows you a a hidden entryway,
CiTy MoVe

, you alw ays also find

scrutinise a location
exit, or hiding place.

to escape an opponent’s atte
When you use a distraction een
put a safe distance betw
CaStLe MoVe

and s. On a hit you can

roll +W
them . On a 10+ pick one:
you and action.
foes until you next take
• You’re hidden from all and gives your
ce con fuse s the foe
• Your disappearan
allies breathing room.

ThE HeRmIt
WhEeL oF FoRtUnE
At their best, the Wheel of Fortune is frugal in times of
plenty, and giving in times of trial.

At their worst, the Wheel of Fortune is passive and unwilling

to act, trusting in destiny to fix their problems for them.

Nurture this covenant when…

You find a way to turn a tragedy into victory,
or find dreadful failure despite your best efforts.

Betray this covenant when…

You hold onto a plan when it time and again results in failure,
or refuse to help a friend who has fallen on hard times.

. On
Wheel of Fortune, flip a coin
When you hang out with the nity you hadn’t

sho w you an opp ortu

heads, they you’re
show you how the course
considered. On tails, they fleeting advantage acting
lead to disa ster . Gai n
on might
on their insights.
need, gain 1-Balance.
When you help someone in
unexpected charity or
CiTy MoVe

e to rece ive
Spend 1-Balanc Advantage on Connect or
ting flee ting
camaraderie, gran
Let Your Hair Dow n.

ntage, you
out Advantage or Disadva
When you would roll with rself fleeting Disadvantag
CaStLe MoVe

1-Balanc e by giving you

may get ge.
nd 1-Ba lanc e to give yourself fleeting Advanta
or spe

WhEeL oF FoRtUnE
At their best, Justice gathers power so that they can help
others and bring low those that use society’s structures to
cause pain and misery.

At their worst, Justice trusts in and supports the

structures of society without recognising the
institutional harm they propagate.

Nurture this covenant when…

You get them evidence or a lead that helps them fight

Betray this covenant when…

You avoid responsibility for the suffering you have caused.

Justice, you can help them
When you spend time with rent case or sit in on a

the deta ils of thei r cur

through n
members. Pick one to lear
meeting with community vities, a new contact who
Vas sal's cur ren t acti
about: the
ther rebel's Role
needs help, a threat to ano
unjust and perpetuate
The systems of this city are – force
you can – for a moment
CiTy MoVe

with Just ice

inequality, but ativ e lofty goals. When
ard s thei r put
them to work tow can
lic servant to do their job, you
you’re trying to convince a pub Fea lty instead of Blood.
che ckin g aga inst
Make a Stand

a tooth. When you remove
Eye for an eye, tooth for nant
d With Me, fade this cove
CaStLe MoVe

from an ally with Stan

Opening e an
e you r adv ersa ry into the same danger and plac
to forc
Openin g on them .

ThE VaGaBoNd
At their best, the Vagabond is calm, collected and observant.
They never rush into things, but their perspective is valuable.

At their worst, the Vagabond is passive and apathetic,

unwilling to risk the disruption action might bring.

Nurture this covenant when…

You find peace or insight by surrendering to the whims of

Betray this covenant when…

You demand they change when they don’t want to, or suffer
burnout from pushing yourself too hard.

Vagabond, you can tell them
When you hang out with the r through the Vagabond’s

a you’re facing. Wh ethe

a dilemm t the
Architect will tell you wha
advice or otherwise, the choice would be.
te consequ ences of each
the patience to watch and
The Vagabond gives you s Beneath Notice
CiTy MoVe

out a target, a hit on Pas

When you stake
ge on Rebel Eyes.
gives you fleeting Advanta

serenity in pain. When you

The Vagabond teaches you 1. Spend 1 to reveal a
CaStLe MoVe

a cond ition in a fight, hold

ss in the adv ersa ry’s fighting style and give
weakne nd 3
antage against them. Spe
another rebel fleeting Adv
to create an Ope nin g.

ThE VaGaBoNd
At their best, Death shows you which parts of your life are
causing pain or holding you back, and helps you let go of them.

At their worst, Death is brutal and callous, pressuring you

into changes so that you can be who they want you to be.

Nurture this covenant when…

You show willingness to make significant changes to your life.

Betray this covenant when…

You cling to your status quo even as it causes you pain or misery.

th,they can ask you one of
When you spend time with Dea do you wish wasn’t in your

est regr et? Wh o

What’s your bigg
life? What’s your biggest wor will
honestly, but both of you
You don’t have to answer
know if you lie.
pick two:
ion for someone you care for,
When you stage an intervent
CiTy MoVe

nge thin gs.

• They’re driven to cha
• They don’t resent you
a better life.
• There’s a clear route to change.
t they need to make the
• They have the suppor
. Wh en you
die for the whole to live
Sometimes a part must ict a condition
CaStLe MoVe

of ano ther Reb el, infl

surgically amputate part
to let them pick one:
related crisis.
• They resolve a Blood-
by 1.
• Their Void Rank drops nd,
ering curse, poison, or wou
• They’re freed of a ling
here or in the city . ers.
in the city – but the scar ling
The amputated part returns

At their best, Temperance is a moderating force in other’s
lives, bringing them balance, patience and stability.

At their worst, Temperance ignores the root causes of other’s

joy and sorrow, instead pushing them to stop harshing
Temperance’s mood.

Nurture this covenant when…

You reconcile a conflict between friends,
or your patience and vision bears fruit.

Betray this covenant when…

An excess of emotion leads you into disaster,
or you alienate a friend by holding firm to your beliefs.

perance, they help you bala
When you hang out with Tem e a tick from your stress

ries in you r life. Mov

out the wor out with
the one with least; work
gauge with most ticks to per ance gave you to effect
ct wha t adv ice Tem
the Archite
this change.
… well, temperance. If you
Temperance teaches you a action (Everyday
CiTy MoVe

ng a day, gain one extr

take one action duri
or Rebel) the next day.

g force between your friends,
When you act as a mediatin
. Pick one or more other
CaStLe MoVe

k a stra nge alchemy

can wor you each
the Void or World marks
rebels, and average out
reco rde d. You say whe re any remainder goes.

At their best, the Devil’s temptations show you a part of
yourself you were in denial over - rejecting society’s
conditioning to embrace who your truly are.

At their worst, the Devil seeks to break down your self-image

so that they can be the one who defines who you are.

Nurture this covenant when…

You realise something life-changing about yourself – and
follow through on it.

Betray this covenant when…

You place the needs of others or society as a whole above your
own self-actualisation.
Devil, they test your bou
When you hang out with the or hurtful; you

pick s if they ’re helpful

Their player secretly
ptive or dismissive.
secretly decide if you’re rece
’re helpful, it’s better than
If you’re receptive and they
on and mark Void.
expected – heal a conditi
’re hurtful, it’s worse than
If you’re receptive and they t.
on and fade this covenan
expected –mark a conditi g.
tty nor mal han
Otherwise, it’s a pre
a solution
at the Door, you can fake
When you tend to the Wolf a cost. If you do,
CiTy MoVe

es inst ead of pay ing

to one of your cris k hit,
a hit, it works. On a wea
check against Infamy. On fleeting Disadvantage
has its flaw s – get
your deception
consequences are dire.
in the city. On a miss, the

looking after number one
The Devil shows you how put
you Evoke the Covenant and
CaStLe MoVe

rily har mfu l. Wh en

rebe l in trouble, they get fleeting Advantage
put them in.
escaping the danger you

At their best, the Tower is a resolute and steadfast friend
when things are going bad - they’ve seen it all.

At their worst, the Tower is a constant drain on their friends,

always having a new sob story to explain why their life is off

Nurture this covenant when…

You meet the Tower on their own terms,
without judgement or condescension.

Betray this covenant when…

You do something to try and fix their life without their
consent, or abandon them in a moment of need.

they ’re
Tower, they decide what
When you hang out with the ’t tell you

assi stan ce. The y can

looking for: escapism or
at it with their roleplaying.
directly, but can gesture
looking for, you gain fleeting
If you provide what they ’re ons.
heal one of their conditi
Advantage on Fealty or
cially if you do the other one,
If you let them down, and espe ’re a
you and in society; if they
they ’ll lose some trust in cks.
advantage on Fealty che
Rebel, they get fleeting Dis
e to let
est point, the Tower is ther
When you’re at your low tion when you
CiTy MoVe

e. Onc e per investiga

you know you’re not alon
Tower will appear and help
max out a trouble gauge, the
fully refresh the gauge.
with your problems -

tion, even when it’s

There’s power in destruc eve your
accept pain in order to achi
CaStLe MoVe

indiscr imi nate. Wh en you

succeed at a mov e as if you’d rolled a 10+ but also
goals, .
from Push Through Pain
pick one of the 10+ results

ThE StAr
At their best, the Star is a creative genius, their raw potential
shining through their ever-improving art and bringing hope
and life to those around them.

At their worst, the Star is naïve and amateurish, and

unwilling to accept other’s advice or instruction.

Nurture this covenant when…

You bring a change of perspective to someone’s life and help
them find a new way to be happy.

Betray this covenant when…

You see someone in crisis and hoard resources
you could have used to help them out of it.

're in the
Star, they 'll say what they
When you hang out with the project, or the next stage

crea ting . It mig ht be a new

process of ask you
point in the scene they 'll
of a familiar one. At some est feelings about it and
thin k; desc ribe you r hon
what you ropriate.
mark World or Void as app
your place in the world to
n you thin k
xpected paths whe
The Star lets you find une re to go or can’t see a
CiTy MoVe

find your self unsu re whe

you’re lost. If you a
The Architect will give you
way out, call on the Star. and you get fleeting
ard or way out,
definite way forw
advantage acting on it.

when you
potential. Once per delve
The Star awakens inner on who you want to be, pick
CaStLe MoVe

som e mom ents med itati ng

Mov e from a play boo k no-one else is using. You
Shadow it and
delve, and then you lose
can use that move for this
gain it this way aga in.

ThE StAr
ThE MoOn
At their best, the Moon brings subconscious insights to the
fore and puts you in touch with something larger than
yourself - primal, vast and mysterious.

At their worst, the Moon offers only illusions and doubts,

trapping you in your own anxieties.

Nurture this covenant when…

You trust in your instincts in the face of danger
and your common sense.

Betray this covenant when…

You wallow in the Moon’s illusions and weirdness
to the point it harms your mental health.

Moon, anything can happen
When you hang out with the on, or the world’s wonders

be a hallucin ation, a visi

It might , you
w yourself into this unreality
becoming visible. If you thro ering for another.
one con dition you ’re suff
can swap
. On
ms for guidance, toss a coin
When you consult your drea dreams, and will show
CiTy MoVe

n is present in you r
heads, the Moo ge acting
nt. Gain fleeting advanta
you something importa drea ms are nightmares.
e. On tails, the
on their messag or
advantage for the next day,
Pick one: gain lasting Dis ble abo ut yourself.
ng uncomf orta
realise somethi
into a
anity as you throw yourself
When you reject your hum
ts and changes. For this
CaStLe MoVe

say how your bod y twis

dition to:
fight, you may mark a con
mat ic 6- on Push Through Pain.
• Get an auto ly.
it’d be imp ossible for you to go normal
• Go somewhere er, flexible, close).
wea pon s (teth
• Turn your limbs into

ThE MoOn
At their best, the Sun brings clarity and optimism to your life
and clears out your doubts and uncertainties.

At their worst, the Sun is idealistic and uncompromising,

showing an almost childlike stubbornness to deviate from
their ideals.

Nurture this covenant when…

You join the Sun in enthusiastically celebrating their ideals
through art, protest, celebration or labour.

Betray this covenant when…

You compromise your ideals in service to the ‘greater good’.

can ask
the Sun, at any point you
When you spend time with t to
The Sun will do their bes

of thes e que stio ns.

them one be more right than wrong.
and thei r ans wer will
o's keeping ____ a mystery?
Who's really behind ____ ? Wh
conn ection between ____ and _____ ?
What's the
Make A
honestly to someone when you
When you speak truly and
that you speak the truth.
CiTy MoVe

Stand, all pres ent kno w

hit, you
t within, roll +Cups. On a
When you bring out the ligh t. On a 7-9 pick
CaStLe MoVe

with war m yellow ligh

illuminate the area
one, on a 10+ pick two:
and shadow.
• You burn away illusions
ething useful to you.
• The light illuminates som
s may only see you.
• Hostile creature grazing).
a weapon (long-range,stun,
• You can use the light as

At their best, Judgement calls on you to move beyond the
mundane and seek a higher power.

At their worst, Judgement is disdainful of the day-to-day

lives of regular people, only seeing them as raw materials to
be refined by their fire.

Nurture this covenant when…

You cast aside a large part of your life to
become something greater.

Betray this covenant when…

You put off making a choice until it’s too late, or return to a
situation or relationship that was harmful to you.

ement, it'll be in a liminal
When you meet with Judg them
ndane world. If you ask

tly tou chin g the mu

only ligh r
can per form a ritu al to swap out any one of you
to, they
Advances for ano ther .

into the disposition of sou
Judgement lets you peer e is empowered by the
CiTy MoVe

that som eone in this scen

When you suspect
itect and they ’ll answer
castle, you can ask the Arch the
a touc h, you may sever your target from
truthfully. With a day – and lose access to
e and pow er for
castle's influenc
abilities for the duration.
all your Covenant-granted

behind the curtain. When
Judgement sees the man the Architect will also tell
CaStLe MoVe

Ope ning with Line It Up,

spot an Vassal.
regret deeply held by the
you a pain, inadequacy or
ting Adv anta ge mak ing use of it in the city.
Get flee


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