The Slayer - Playbook

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Signature Phrase:

You’re not that scary with a stake through

your heart, are you?

The Darkness took everything from
you. Now you seek revenge.
What happened that night?

I am Vanessa, and my family was slau-

ghtered by a herd of vampires when I
was 14 years old. Now my only goal is
to exterminate the blood-sucking race
from the face of the earth.

How long have you been in the city?

I was born there, but since I embarked
on my training I have never stayed in
one place. New Eden is immense and I
have seen places I had never heard of.

How did you train for revenge?

Silva, my teacher, is the man who
raised me and taught me everything I
know today about these creatures and
their weaknesses. Unfortunately he
passed away and now I am alone again.

Who’s your prey?

Those dirty bloodsuckers of course! I
will not stop until there is even one
of them around on the face of the
PCs: The PC on your left witnessed what happened Prioritise the hunt over anything else, over
that night. Ask them of a detail you forgot then danger and consequences. When you do it,
make a bond with them. take +1XP and +1 Guilt.


Someone who trades information with you about

your prey.

Miller feeds me intel on where to find my next

prey. He is a strange and mysterious individual,
it's not clear how he knows what he knows but he
is careful to keep his secrets and sources safe,
so I trust him, I know he has the same goal as


Someone who’s trying to protect you from your- Wrath: When you reach guilt 4 for the first
self. time during a session, mark a condition
related to your sin, the MC will tell you
Ariana, an old childhood friend of mine. We met what it is.
again many years after my family's tragedy; I
was tracking a vampire, and coincidentally When you act upon this condition, remove it
Ariana happened to be his prey. That night I and take 1XP.
saved her from a nasty fate, and from that
moment on she has not left my side.

Faith Influence Experience Rage

0 -1 1 2

THE SLAYER MOVES: Wards and protections: You’ve learned the
art of crafting protective runes. When you
You start with: spend time to apply them on clothing or
objects, roll +Experience. On a 10+ pick 3,
Deadly Instruments: You’ve got a stash of weapons on a 7-9 pick 2.
and tools that give you an edge over your prey.
When you use them to get ready for a hunt roll ◦ They ward against physical consequences.
+Experience. ◦ They conceal one's presence.
◦ They wards against mental consequences.
◦ On a 10+ describe 3 special qualities. ◦ They change one’s appearance.
◦ On a 7-9 describe 2 special qualities. ◦ They won’t dispel after the first use.
◦ On a 6- describe 1 special quality, but the MC
also describes 1 flaw. On a 6- you still pick 1 but the effect is
weak or unreliable.
Additionally, when you Let the rage out on someone
using your tools you take +1 Forward. When the At the start of a new session any rune crea-
session ends you lose them, but you can get new ted before dispels.
ones at the start of the next session.

Sworn enemy: When you dispatch of a creature

belonging to your favourite prey type you take -1

Then pick 1: Checkmate: When on a hunt, you can spend time

to lay a trap. Describe how you prepare it
but keep the details of the trap to yourself,
then roll +Experience. On a 10+ hold 2, on a
7-9 hold 1, on a 6- still hold 1 but the cre-
Tag your prey: You can choose to tag your
ature holds 1 on you.
prey when you’re hunting it. When you do it,
describe how and from that moment on even if
When you are the target of the creature you
it flees or you have to exit the scene you
can spend a hold for:
are always able to track it back. When you
tag a prey roll +Rage no matter the result
◦ Describe how you avoid consequences.
you can always track it down. Then on a 10+
◦ Describe how your pushing it into a
pick 2, on a 7-9 pick 1.
◦ Describe how you counter attack it.
◦ The prey doesn’t know it has been tagged
◦ Describe how you exploit a weakness.
and lowers its defences.
◦ You know how to find its liar and you
spot all its defences.
◦ The prey is still near and easy to reach.

On a 6- pick 1 but you’ll be taken by surpri-

se. The MC will tell you what happens at the Predator’s Eyes: When you can see the
right time. effects of a creature passage, you can spend
time investigating the scene. When you do it
roll +Experience. On a 10+ hold 3, on a 7-9
hold 2, on a 6- hold 1 but the creature holds
1 on you.

◦ You can spend holds at any time before

the end of the session to:
Passepartout: You’re in possession of fake ◦ Declare a creature weakness. Anyone who
documents like warrants, badges etc. You can exploits it takes +1 Forward against the
use these documents to gain access to almost creature.
any place you want, but close examination or ◦ Declare what’s its favourite hunting
if shown multiple times could blow your ground, you know where it’s going.
cover. ◦ Declare what’s its favourite hiding
place, you know how to ambush it.

From the start you can pick one the fol-
lowing advancements every 10xp:
◦ +1 Experience (Max +3)
◦ +1 Rage (Max +3)
◦ +1 Faith (Max +3)
◦ A Slayer move
◦ A Slayer move
◦ A Slayer move
◦ A move from another playbook
◦ A move from another playbook

Once picked all previous advancements you

can pick:

◦ +1 to any trait (Max +3)

◦ +1 to any trait (Max +3)
◦ Change sworn enemy
◦ Advance a basic move
◦ Advance a basic move
◦ Change playbook (keep all moves and

Once you’ve picked all advancements try to

break the cycle.


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