Toon Force Sorcerer
Toon Force Sorcerer
Toon Force Sorcerer
1d6 Toon Force Origin Shave And A Haircut
1 In a traumatic event, you survived two When you’re playing a toon force
bags of holding coming together; sorcerer, you should feel no pressure
avoiding the vacuum it created. to “be funny” if you don’t want to. It
However, you were exposed to this shouldn’t need to be said but I’m going
vacuum for far too long and when you
came to, you became ‘different’. to say it: You should feel free to
2 You’re actually from the ‘space between’ express your own character in
and have been like this forever. whatever fashion you think you’re
However, one day you went down a comfortable with. Get comfortable
gopher hole and ended up in this first, the hijinks can come later if it
strange ‘3D’ world. Unlike your home comes up naturally.
though, you realized you can die here.
There’s also no reason why such a
3 You were in a shipping accident, illegally sorcerer can’t exist within a serious
transporting enchanted ink made from a campaign, as long as you keep the
substance from an extradimensional
space. The crate carrying the ink fell character grounded for your fellow
over and you became coated in the players and your DM.
substance. An angry wizard now
expects to be compensated for this
4 Your power was meant for someone else.
You stole a ‘black pearl’ from a rich
collector and were about to be caught.
What else could you do but swallow that
“pearl”? You really thought it was a good
idea at the time.
5 One night, you spotted a creature
rummaging around in your backpack. A
creature you now know was ‘The
Class Features
Bagman’. But you didn’t know it at the
time and chased after it… you chased
after it right into your own backpack! You
showed up again 7 days later.
6 You were once privileged with a visit Level Feature
inside Mordenkainin’s Magnificent 1st Toon Force Magic, Toon
Mansion. While inside, the wizard who Space
made it told you not to go in the
basement, as there were repairs 6th Animated Self
happening there. Being curious, you
went down there anyway and fell into a 14th 4th-Wall Awareness
deep, dark hole. The wizard saved you
of course but you were exposed to so 18th Spell Warper
much ‘flat force’, your body had
Toon Force Magic
You learn additional spells when you Toon Force Manifestations
reach certain levels in this class, as 1d6 Emotion Manifestation
shown on the Toon Force Spells table.
Each spell counts as a sorcerer spell 1 Sadness You cry enough salty tears
for you, but it doesn’t count against the to fill an entire bucket.
number of sorcerer spells you know. Your mouth becomes
These spells can’t be replaced when exaggeratedly large while
you gain a level in this class. frowning.
2 Desire Your eyes immediately pop
Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, out of their head; your
you can replace one spell you gained tongue elongates out of its
from this feature with another spell of mouth and your heart starts
the same level. The new spell must be to beat out of your chest.
an abjuration or a transmutation spell 3 Fear Your teeth enlarge and
from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard chatter loudly and your
spell list. whole body starts to shake
Toon Force Spells 4 Happy You walk with an extremely
Sorcerer Spells rhythmic pattern.
Level Sometimes, nearby
1st Grease, Tasha’s Hideous inanimate objects and
Laughter plants sway and dance with
each step you take.
3rd Alter Self, 5 Deceitful You can’t help but rub your
Enlarge/Reduce hands together; grin
5th Major Image, Stinking exaggeratedly and create a
Cloud sinister laugh.
7th Polymorph, Northlight’s 6 Anger Your skin turns extremely
Baffling Disguise* red and steam shoots out of
9th Animate Objects, Mislead your ears, creating a
whistling noise.
As well as Toon Force Spells, you also
manifest very noticeable and physical
traits when responding to certain
emotions. You can choose an emotion
and physical response from the table
below or talk to your DM about
creating your own.
Toon Space
At 1st level, you’ve learned to access At 7th level, damage dealt from things
an extradimensional pocket called you’ve drawn from inside your Toon
Toon Space. Space count as magical for the
purpose of overcoming resistance and
Your Toon Space can hold a number of immunity to non-magical attacks and
objects or items equal to your sorcerer damage. If you drop or throw the item,
level of size medium or smaller this effect lasts until the start of your
ignoring its weight. As a bonus action, next turn.
you can draw or stow things from your
Toon Space while ignoring its weight
for 1 minute until you drop it. If you
draw a non-magical weapon from the
Toon Space, you have proficiency with
that weapon while using it and you can
use your Charisma instead of Strength
for its attack and damage rolls. You
lose this proficiency when you drop
this weapon and must make a
concentration check against the
damage rolls of the weapon or else it
shatters from the might of your toon
If the weapon was made from
adamantium, mithral or similar
material, it instead becomes
misshapen and unusable until it can be
Items that hold an extradimensional
space; containers with more than one
item inside; living creatures and the
undead can not be put inside your
Toon Space.
Animated Self
At 6th level, your body has become Enemy creatures that are Large sized
much more animated, reacting to or smaller that enter a space within 5
damage differently than that of other feet of your cloud on a turn or start
living creatures. their turn there must make a Dexterity
saving throw against your Spell DC or
Whenever you take damage greater be pulled into the cloud’s
than or equal to your sorcerer level, extradimensional space and are
you can use your reaction to use a restrained inside of it; taking 2d8 force
sorcery point. You halve the damage damage. At the end of your next turn
taken and your speed becomes 0 until or if you fall unconscious; they are
the start of your next turn. ejected from your cloud into any
After you use this reaction, you can use unoccupied space within 5 feet of you.
another sorcery point to use one of the Creatures inside your cloud can also
forms below and you can’t use this make a Dexterity (acrobatics) or
reaction again until your form ends. Strength (athletics) check against your
Each form lasts until the end of your spell DC on their turn as an action to
next turn or until you fall unconscious. escape your cloud. Creatures who
succeed their saving throw take half
Toon Death. You become a ghostly the damage.
figure playing an instrument of your
choice and leave behind a false Return To Sender. If you used your
corpse, while standing within 5 feet of reaction from the Animated Self feature
it. While you have this form, you have because of a ranged attack or spell,
a flying speed equal to your walking you can choose this form. You can spit
speed; you are resistant to non-magical back the same damage that was dealt
bludgeoning, piercing and slashing to you back towards the enemy. As a
damage and a 5 foot diameter pillar of bonus action, you can create a cone
daylight shines on top of you. You can that’s 30 feet long and 15 feet wide.
end this form early by occupying the Every creature inside that cone must
same space as your false corpse. make a Dexterity saving throw against
your Spell DC or they take damage
Fight Cloud. You become a whirling equal to 4d4 plus your Charisma
cloud of disaster. While you are in this modifier of the same damage type
form you can move your speed over which triggered your reaction on a
difficult terrain and water and you are failure. On a success, they take half
heavily obscured by a thick animated the total damage. If the form ends
cloud with a 5 foot diameter that before you use this, you lose this
follows you around. ability.
4th-Wall Awareness
At 14th level, you become aware of a If you roll a natural 20 with your spell
great ‘Dungeon Master’ throwing dice attack using this feature and an effect
around in a world that controls yours. from the table requires you match the
result rolled, choose only one of the
Once per turn, as an action, you can DM’s dice used for the effect.
spend a sorcery point to use the last
die used by the DM for a special spell Once you’ve used this ability, you can’t
attack. When you attack with this die, use it again until you’ve taken a long
you use your spell attack against a rest or by spending 5 sorcery points.
creature you can see within a 30 foot
range. If the attack hits, you deal force When using the DM’s dice, do
damage equal to the result rolled on not do this literally. At least,
the DM’s die used plus your Charisma not without permission. I
modifier. You can also stow the die in suggest using your own dice
your Toon Space to use for this attack that matches the last die that
later, (you can only stow a single die the DM used instead.
this way and it lasts 1 hour).
Additionally, you trigger an effect
based on the die used from the table
Dice Effect
1d4 The target creature subtracts the result rolled from their saving throws, attack rolls and
ability checks for 1 minute.
1d6 The die explodes as a fireball spell using your spell DC but the damage dealt is equal to a
number of 2d6s equal to the result rolled, (maximum of 10d6).
1d8 You restore a number of sorcery points equal to half the result on the die, (rounded down).
1d10 The die transforms into a construct from the summon construct spell. Its level is equal to the
result on the die, (minimum of 4, maximum of 8); requires no concentration and lasts 1
1d12 The target creature is restrained and prone. At the start of their turns, they take damage
equal to the result on the die until they succeed in a Strength (athletics) check against your
Spell DC as an action on their turn. Another creature within melee range of the target
creature can also use their action to make the same check, ending this condition on a
1d20 You can replace any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made by you or a creature that
you can see with the result from this die instead. You must choose to do so before the roll is
made. This ability lasts for 1 minute or until it is used.
Spell Warper
At 18th level, you can manipulate
magic in ways that only the toon force
As a reaction, when you’re about to
take damage from a spell, you can
spend 2 sorcery points to capture it as
if it was a physical object. To do this,
you must make a Charisma ability
check against a DC of 10 plus the
spell’s level. On a failure, you have
resistance to that spell’s damage until
the end of your next turn. On a
success, you are the only creature who
takes damage from the spell equal to
only one roll of one of the spell’s
damage die and you can hold that
captured spell in your hands like it was
a small object.
As an action on your turn, you can use
that captured spell to make a ranged
spell attack against a creature you can
see within 20 feet of you. On a hit, that
creature fails any saving throws
required by that captured spell and
becomes the only target of it for all its
effects and damage, expending the
You can also stow a captured spell
away as a bonus action into your Toon
Space to use later.
You can not stow or capture more than
1 spell at a time using this feature.
4th-Level Illusion
s Baffling Disguise
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Component: V, S, M, (a bit of makeup powder)
Duration: Concentration up to 1 minute.
You surround yourself in an illusionary The spell ends after you’ve attacked a
disguise that leaves creatures who can see creature; cast another spell or if you take
you completely fooled and vulnerable. damage.
As an action, you disguise yourself in an At Higher Levels: When you cast this
illusionary outfit or costume and appear as spell using a spell slot of 5th or 6th level,
a different humanoid creature of small or you can maintain your concentration on
medium size. Objects in a 5 foot radius of the spell for up to 10 minutes. When you
you are also disguised as different objects use a spell slot of 7th level or higher, you
of your choosing. Creatures within a 60 can maintain your concentration on the
foot radius of you who saw you cast this spell for up to 1 hour.
spell must make a Charisma saving throw
against your Spell DC. On a failure; Spell Lists. Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
depending on your disguise, they will
behave neutrally or friendly towards you
and will completely believe who you
present yourself to be. For the duration of
the spell, they will also believe that the
non-disguised version of you magically
vanished or escaped. Creatures who
succeed their saving throw; are outside the
spell’s radius or couldn’t see the spell
being cast are unaffected by your spell but
they won’t know for certain that you are Art created by Lewinston Illustration.
wearing a disguise unless they succeed in Find me on social media!
using an Intelligence (investigation) check
against your Spell DC.
While disguised like this, you have
advantage on attack rolls made against
creatures affected by this spell. Those
affected creatures are also vulnerable to
the damage dealt from your attack.
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