Which of these APTT laboratory results with APTT control of 30 seconds is indicative of effective heparin
Question 2
What medication would the nurse anticipate to be prescribed to an unconscious patient suspected to have
cerebral edema?
Question 3
Peter is a 5 year old who was recently diagnose with asthma. Nicolas has undergone skin testing & is allergic
to many environmental factors such as smoke & dust. Nicolas father also had asthma as a child. The doctor
prescribed theophylline. The nurse knows that theophylline belongs to which drug classification?
Question 4
Prior to discharge, a patient was prescribed with Aspirin 100mg daily as maintenance. The patient asked the
nurse why the medication was prescribed to her. What is the most appropriate response of the nurse?
Question 5
Which of the following nursing interventions is a priority of the nurse for a patient who has received
diphenhydramine (Benadryl)?
Question 6
An endoscopy was ordered for Mr. Lee & reveals duodenal ulcer. The doctor ordered: cimetidine (Tagamet)
300mg TID with meals. The nurse knows that Tagamet is given for which purpose”
Question 7
Which of the following situations would indicate the prescription of an emetic?
Question 8
Which of the following conditions are laxatives contraindicated?
Question 9
A post-MI patient is receiving intravenous heparin therapy. What should the nurse have readily available in
case of heparin overdose?
Question 10
A client was prescribed with propranolol (Inderal) for his blood pressure. The nurse knows that this
medication will have which of the following effects on the client’s body?
Question 11
How does Alpha 1 Adrenergic Antagonists work in lowering blood pressure?
Question 12
The nurse reviews the laboratory studies of a client receiving digoxin. Intervention by the nurse is needed for
which laboratory finding?
Question 13
Which of the following should the nurse include in teaching about taking sublingual nitroglycerin?
Question 14
Cardiac Dysrhythmias are abnormalities in electrical conduction in the heart that may result in disturbances in
heart rate or rhythm. Understanding cardiac action potential, the nurse knows that cardiac repolarization
depends on the movement of which of the following cation?
Question 15
A 30 year old female patient in the medical ward has the following laboratory values: RBC Count = 5.0 million
cells/microliter; WBC Count = 2,500 cells/ microliter; Platelet Count = 300,000 cells/ microliter. Nursing
interventions should be aimed at which of these goals?
Question 16
A patient with Leukemia underwent bone marrow transplantation and develops graft versus host disease
(GVHD) after a month. Which statement best describes GVHD?
Question 17
A client relates that after eating crabs, he suffered a generalized rash, moderate dyspnea, and dizziness. The
nurse is aware that the symptoms the client experienced were caused by release of histamine resulting to
which pathophysiologic mechanisms?
Question 18
To prevent spread of HIV infection, healthcare workers should implement which Center for Disease Control
Question 19
Which of the following organisms would most likely cause infection if intravenous line insertion is not done
Question 20
A suspected COVID-19 patient is to be subjected to RT-PCR testing. Which of these statements would be
appropriate when preparing the patient for the diagnostic test?
Question 21
Prior to blood transfusion therapy in management of patients with anemia, which of the following is the
nurse’s highest priority?
Question 22
While reviewing diagnostic test results of the patient, the nurse notes a decreased reticulocyte count. This
finding is usually most consistent with which type of anemia?
Question 23
The nurse is preparing a patient for Schilling’s Test. The nurse knows that this test will help diagnose what
Question 24
While performing abdominal assessment to a patient, splenomegaly was noted by the nurse. This
manifestation is most common is patients with which type of anemia?
Question 25
Parenteral Iron is scheduled to be given to a patient in the Rural Health Unit. Which of the following actions
should the nurse take in the administration of this medication?
Question 26
Platelet count of the patient is 500,000/cu.mm. of blood. What would be the nurse’s priority for this patient?
Question 27
Aside from pallor due to decreased circulating blood cells, which of the following manifestations would the
nurse also expect in patients diagnosed with hemolytic anemia?
Question 28
The nurse would advise Genetic Counselling for the family of patients with which of the following conditions?
Question 29
Laboratory findings of decreased MCV, MCH and MCHC is most consistent with which type of anemia?
Question 30
Which of the following mechanisms in blood clotting is affected in patients with Hemophilia?
Question 31
Mrs. Cruz is very anxious about her upcoming bone marrow aspiration. To help allay her anxiety, you need to
describe the procedure to her. How is bone marrow aspiration BEST described?
Question 32
A child was diagnosed to have G6PD Deficiency. The nurse knows that this patient does not have the capacity
to synthesize which substance essential for metabolic processes in the red blood cells?
Question 33
Which of the following statements is correct regarding x-linked inherited diseases like Hemophilia and G6PD
Question 34
Which of the following is not a Bleeding Precaution?
Question 35
Which serum potassium result does not require immediate nursing intervention?
Question 36
When teaching a client with hypokalemia, the nurse should encourage the patient to increase consumption of
which foods?
Question 37
A nurse is taking the blood pressure of a client with hypocalcemia and the patient exhibited carpo-pedal
spasm after the cuff was inflated. The nurse will document this manifestation as which of the following?
Question 38
Which electrolyte would the nurse identify as the major electrolyte responsible for determining the
concentration of extracellular fluid?
Question 39
A patient has a serum potassium level of 6.2 mEq/L. The nurse would expect which medication to be
Question 40
In planning care for a client receiving furosemide and digoxin, which serum electrolyte level would be most
important to monitor?
Question 41
Which of the following is a major electrolyte outside the cells?
Question 42
To maintain fluid balance and regulation of blood pressure in the body, one of the regulatory mechanisms is
the activation of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System. The nurse understands that aldosterone release
from the adrenal glands will have which of the following effects?
Question 43
A nurse is assessing a patient with Diabetes Insipidus. Which of the following findings is most consistent with
Diabetes Insipidus?
Question 44
Which of the following IV solutions is most preferred when treating burns, diarrhea and acute blood loss?
Question 45
Which of the following in NOT a manifestation of Fluid Volume Excess?
Question 46
In patients with Fluid Volume Excess, which of the following is a corrective mechanism of the body to help
restore fluid balance?
Question 47
Which of the following electrolyte imbalances is most likely to occur in patients with Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Question 48
Finding a prolonged QT interval or “Torsades de Pointes” is most consistent with which electrolyte imbalance?
Question 49
A patient has a serum magnesium level of 1.1 mEq/L. Which of the following manifestations would you expect
to assess in this patient?
Question 50
A patient with a potassium level of 2.5 mEq/L will exhibit which of the following symptoms?
Question 51
Another important nursing intervention for patients receiving acetylcysteine would include:
Question 52
A patient with gouty arthritis is encouraged by the nurse to increase fluid intake for which main purpose?
Question 53
Which of the following diet will contribute to the development of gouty arthritis?
Question 54
Which of the following manifestations is associated with Osteoarthritis?
Question 55
The nurse is providing health education to a patient diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Which of the
following statements by the client indicates a correct understanding of disease process?
Question 56
A patient asks the nurse “What is the difference between Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis?” Which of
the following would be a correct response of the nurse?
Question 57
Which statement by an adult with osteoarthritis indicates to the nurse that she understands her therapeutic
Question 58
In assessing a client with osteomyelitis, the nurse would expect to find which of the following?
Question 59
A patient with fractured left femur manifested dyspnea and tachypnea with scattered crackles in his lung
fields. He is coughing up large amounts of thick white sputum. The nurse would suspect which of these
Question 60
Which of the following medication is given via intra-articular injection for treatment of Gouty Arthritis?
Question 61
During bone remodeling, which of the following will happen if the osteoclastic activity is greater than
osteoblastic activity?
Question 62
The nurse is conducting a health screening clinic for osteoporosis. The nurse determines that which client
seen in the clinic would be at the greatest risk of developing this disorder?
Question 63
What is the most appropriate intervention that the nurse can do to prevent muscle atrophy of the distal
extremity to a client with fracture of the radius three days after surgery?
Question 64
The nurse is caring for a client who develops compartment syndrome from a severely fractured arm. The
client asks the nurse how this can happen. The nurse's response should be based on which of the following
mechanisms of the condition?
Question 65
A 10 year old male patient with short leg cast was discharged and his mother was instructed how to perform
cast care and neurovascular checks at home. She calls the Emergency Department 6 hours later and states
that her son’s pain has increased and especially when the leg is elevated and that the pain is unrelieved by the
prescribed analgesics. Which of the following is the most appropriate advice of the nurse?
Question 66
To decrease the risk of Compartment Syndrome in a patient with a fractured radius in a short arm cast, the
patient should be instructed to do which of the following?
Question 67
Which of the following findings would alert the nurse to notify the physician of the serious complication for a
client with a cast on his left leg?
Question 68
A 72 year old patient sustained a fracture of the right hip due to a fall at home. The surgery is delayed until
she can be medically stabilized and was placed on Buck’s Traction. The nurse would prioritize which nursing
diagnosis when caring for this patient?
Question 69
Mr. Wayne is a 60 year old bank teller with a 3 year history of hypertension. Recently, he has complained of
dyspnea & a 10 lbs. weight gain. After seeing his physician, a diagnosis of congestive heart failure (CHF) is
made and Mr. Wayne is started on diuretic therapy. Diuretic therapy primarily helps control blood pressure
through which of the following mechanisms?
Question 70
Antihypertensive agents are given to decrease blood pressure. Which of these factors lead to increased blood
Question 71
A 70 year-old woman with Severe Macular Degeneration is admitted to the hospital the day before the
scheduled surgery. The nurse’s preoperative goals for her would include which of the following?
Question 72
The nurse enters a woman’s room to administer 10 mg Valium PO, the ordered pre-OP medication for her
hysterectomy. During the conversation, the client tells the nurse that she and her husband are planning to
have another child in the coming year. The best action of the nurse is which of the following?
Question 73
An adult is scheduled to undergo an exploratory laparotomy in 1 hour. The nurse just received the order to
administer his preoperative medication. What assessment is essential for the nurse before administering his
Question 74
Which of these statements would be appropriate for a nurse to give to a client who is scheduled to have
surgery in 15 minutes?
Question 75
An adult who has Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is scheduled for surgery and the physician
has recommended an epidural anesthetic. The nurse knows that general anesthesia was not recommended for
this client because of which reason?
Question 76
An adult client has Acute Leukemia and is scheduled for a Hickman Catheter insertion under local anesthesia.
What is the major advantage to the client for having regional anesthesia?
Question 77
An adult male is in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) following a hemicolectomy. Which time schedule is
most appropriate for assessing the vital signs of the client?
Question 78
At 10:00pm, the nurse notes that an adult male who returned from the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) at
2:00pm has not voided. The client has an out of bed order but has not been up yet. What is the best action of
the nurse?
Question 79
An adult received droperidol and fentanyl (Innovar) during surgery. In planning post operative care, the nurse
will need to monitor which of the following during the immediate post-op period?
Question 80
An adult client is 4 hours post-op abdominal hysterectomy. She has an IV at 125 ml per hour, an indwelling
catheter that has drained 100ml since surgery and her pain is “3 out of 10”. Which would be the priority
nursing diagnosis?